<nowiki>Processo del lavoro; juridiction du travail; Mahkamah buruh; Arbeitsgericht; tribunal do trabalho; labour court; трудово съдилище; Darbo teismas; 労働裁判所; arbeidsrett; arbeidsrett; arbeitsgericht; औद्योगिक न्यायालय; 노동법원; labor court; labora tribunalo; tribunal laboral; tribunal laboral; judiciary body which rules on labor or employment-related matters; Gericht erster Instanz für Streitigkeiten zwischen Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer; 노동 또는 고용관계에 관한 사항을 전문적으로 다루는 사법기구; tribunal del trabajo; corte laboral; corte del trabajo; tribunal de lo laboral; corte de lo laboral; juzgado de lo laboral; tribunaux du travail; tribunal trabalhista; Justiça do Trabalho; Justiça Trabalhista; labour court; industrial tribunal; employment tribunal; conseil de prud'hommes; labour tribunal; ArbG</nowiki>
This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total.