Category:Asin Road (Tubao segment)

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Asin–Nangalisan–San Pascual Road Anduyan Bridge costs P280 million K0 248+680.45 it has 12 spans at 30 meters PSCG Bridge Prestressed Concrete (PSC) Girder Superstructure Bridge with a total length of 360.00 lineal meter consists of 2 lanes carriageway and sidewalks on each side with reinforced concrete railings, 150 meters both Approach A & B with a 6.1 meters width Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) carriageway and a shoulder at the Anduyan-Rizal-San Pascual-Nangalisan-Asin Road Aringay-Tubao Alternate Road Asin-Nangalisan-San Pascual-La Union Boundary Road

Media in category "Asin Road (Tubao segment)"

The following 162 files are in this category, out of 162 total.