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It was gathered together by John Burnett, David Vincent and David Mayall whilst compiling their three volumes annotated bibliography, "The Autobiography of the Working Class" (Harvester Press, 1984-1989), which is available in the Special Collections room: HD8388.B88. This book includes descriptions of unpublished autobiographies and indicates their locations. Excerpts from some of the autobiographies have been published in "Destiny obscure: autobiographies of childhood, education, and family from the1820s to the 1920s", edited by John Burnett (Routledge 1994 and A. Lane, 1982).

The authors "sought to identify not only the large numbers of printed works scattered in various local history libraries and record offices, but also extant private memoirs, many of which remain hidden in family attics, known only to the author and a handful of relatives" (Introduction to vol.1, p. xxix). The criteria for inclusion were: the writers were working class for at least part of their lives; they wrote in English; and they lived for some time in England, Scotland or Wales between 1790 and 1945.

To consult material in the Burnett Archive, please see Access to Special Collections. You should specify the author, title and volume number of each autobiography that you wish to consult. A complete list of the holdings with their volume numbers is available in the Index to the Burnett Archive of Working Class Autobiographies.

Material in the Burnett Archive is available for reference use only; it cannot be borrowed or supplied on interlibrary loan. The usual copyright regulations for unpublished materials apply: single photocopies for private study. If you wish to make more extensive use of particular items, you will need to obtain permission from the present copyright owners.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 50 of 67
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1987My Village at WaunarlwyddHolborow, L
1973Extract from letter written on 14th Feb 1973Hogwood, HA
1987From Tyne to Tone: a journeyHeslop, H
1987Had I But KnownHenderson, K
1978Down memory laneHarwood, CG
1980Memoirs of a BricklayerHansford, CL
1987Memories of Baptist End, Netherington, Dudley, in the period 1895-1918Hampton, N
1987UntitledGregory, G
1987Those Happy Highways: An AutobiographyHannan, D. R.
1984Autobiographical letters, 1978-1984Harris, HJ
1987My boyhood at the turn of the centuryGoss, F
1938Autobiographical notesGoring, J
1979Going where the work isGordon, I
1961UntitledGoodwin, A
1968Resume of the life, business and social activities of Mr Samuel GoldsteinGoldstein, S
1964Ellen Gill's DiaryGill, E
1980UntitledGibson, J
1978UntitledGarrett, K
1951MemoriesFrisby, M
1976Look after the little onesFowler, H
1910UntitledForsdick, S
1987UntitledFord, A
1987AsphalteFoley, S
1984UntitledFarndon, R
1951My life in and out of printEvett, P
1830Coals and rails: the autobiography of Anthony ErringtonErrington, A
1987UntitledEntwistle, N
1958Starting from VictoriaEllisdon, LW
1976An octogenarian's personal life storyElliott, WG
1970UntitledElliott, WJE
1970The lean yearsEdmonds, J
1987A bygone ageDowner, R
1987UntitledDay, N
1983Reminiscences of Aldrington Church of England School, HoveDavies, M
1987UntitledDale, E
1978UntitledCutts, M
1987UntitledCumberlidge, JB
1978White knob rowCox, R
1952A backward glance on MerseysideCowper, A
1987Living in the laneCourt, J
1977Seventh childCooter, FA
1972My first strike - 1909Collis, AM
1978UntitledClarke, M
1970Their small cornerClark, EM
1961The memoirs of Alice Maud ChaseChase, AM
1871The diary of John CastleCastle, J
1987A. Driver became A. BussBuss, PL
1914A country life that has vanished: reminiscencesBurr, LE
1982Memoirs of Henrietta BurkinBurkin, H
1984Nuts in May: memories of care-free daysBrighton, VD
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 50 of 67