20. dæg Hreðmonðes : Sundorrīcesdæg on Tunisie (1956)
Gelicnes in 1880s bysen þǣre bē Uncle Tom's Cabin
235 – Maximinus Thrax fang to rīce on Romƿarum , se forma þāra cempƿīces caserena þā fōn þæt rīce forþǣm þe hie hæfde diht ofer þǣm here.
1600 – Fīf radboran þæs Polena and Sƿēona Cyning se ƿæs Sigismund III Vasa ƿæron beheafod ǣƿunge , and sƿylc dǣd endod Sigismundes cynedōm.
1815 – Æfter ðe he hæfde of ƿræcce on Elban abyrsted, cƿōm Napoleon Casere on Paris , and þæn begannon his "Hund Dagena " rīce.
1852 – Bōc be Harriet Beecher Stoƿe , Americanisc ƿritere, be naman Uncle Tom's Cabin ƿæs ǣrrste sƿutoled, profoundly affecting attitudes toward African Americans and slavery in the United States .
2006 – Cyclone Larry made landfeall in Fearrnorþ Cƿēnalande , eventually causing ælmæst AU$ 1 billion in eallicum ƿene and adiglede over 80 in ælce hund on Australie banana cropp.