Jeremy nails it with his choice quote from Why Would I Buy This Useless, Evil Thing?:
I resent AI. Not AI itself–that’s just code, despite what tech guys with flashlights under their chins tell you. I resent the imposition, the idea that since LLMs exist, it follows that they should exist in every facet in my life.
And while Jeremy’s assertion that you can skip the review is true, the rest of the piece is worth a read for other gems like this:
…the difference is the Playdate is a fun, charming, intentionally simple little console that you play for five minutes whenever you remember you own it, and the rabbit is a cretinous imposition that I don’t ever want to hear about again after this blog.
People went batshit for this thing (I say “people,” but let’s be honest… 9,999 of the 10,000 preorders were more than likely tech bros and not real, everyday people), but personally, I just don’t get the attraction of having a hallucinating robot middleman interacting with services on my behalf.