132 documents matched the search for C4 in JEL-codes.
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Statistical assessment – as a part of security assessment applied to a block cipher, Ioana Roxana Dragomir and Marilena Lazar,
in Romanian Statistical Review
Keywords: key schedule, statistical testing, cryptographic components, randomness, tests, cryptographic primitive
Mathematical Genesis of the Spatio-Temporal Covariance Functions, Gema Fernández-Avilés, José-María Montero and J Mateu,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Spatial anisotropy, bernstein and complete monotone functions, spatio-temporal geostatistics, positive definite functions, space-time modeling, spatio-temporal data
An Alternative Identification of the Economic Shocks in SVAR Models, Hassan Ghassan, Mohammed Souissi and Mohammed Kbiri Alaoui,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: SVAR, Economic Shocks, Nonlinearity, Viability, Trajectories, Differential Inclusion.
Financial development and economic growth: evidence from West Africa, Zaka Ratsimalahelo and Mamadou Barry,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Finance; growth; Granger causality; monetary union; ECOWAS; Geweke decomposition test. 1
Review of median stable distributions and Schröder’s equation, Gib Bassett,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Median stable distributions; Schröder’s functional equation;
A proposed method to estimate dynamic panel models when either N or T or both are not large, Carolina Carbajal-De-Nova,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Hedge fund portfolio selection with modified expected shortfall, Kris Boudt, Brian Peterson and Peter Carl,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: portfolio optimization, modified expected shortfall, non-normal returns
Peer Groups and Bias Detection in Least Squares Regression, Eric Blankmeyer,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: peer groups, least-squares bias, spatial autoregression
Revisiting the sustainability of current account deficit: SPSM using the panel KSS Test with a Fourier Function, Chih-kai Chang and Tsangyao Chang,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Current Account Balance, Fourier function, OECD Countries, Panel KSS Test, Sequential Panel Selection Method, Stationarity
Medición de la eficiencia técnica mediante el método de la frontera estocástica: El caso del sector manufacturero italiano, Gabriela Schmidt and Paulina Campión,
in Estudios Economicos
Keywords: eficiencia técnica, manufacturas, diversidad estructural
A note on the SG(m) test, Lopez Fernando A, Mariano Matilla-García, Jesus Mur, Antonio Páez and Manuel Ruiz Marin,
in Journal of Geographical Systems
Keywords: SG(m) test, Spatial dependence, Nonparametric tests, Symbolic dynamics, Entropy, Bootstrap
Using different null hypotheses to test for seasonal unit roots in economic time series, Antonio Aguirre and Andreu Sansó,
in Económica
Using different null hypotheses to test for seasonal unit roots in economic time series, Antonio Aguirre and Andreu Sansó,
in Económica
Meta-Analysis and Partial Correlation Coefficients: A Matter of Weights, Sanghyun Hong and W. Reed,
from University of Canterbury, Department of Economics and Finance
Keywords: Partial correlation coefficients, Meta-analysis, Bias, Mean square errors
Un Sistema de Indicadores Líderes del Nivel de Actividad para la Economía Peruana, Javier Escobal and Javier Torres,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: Producto bruto interno, Indicadores económicos, Gross domestic product, Economic indicators, Peru
Extending citer analysis to journal impact evaluation, Kun Lu, Isola Ajiferuke and Dietmar Wolfram,
in Scientometrics
Keywords: Journal citer analysis, Citation analysis, Journal impact factor, Journal citation concentration index
Scholarly publishing in social sciences and humanities, associated probabilities of belonging and its spectrum: a quantitative approach for the Spanish case, Jorge Mañana-Rodríguez and Elea Giménez-Toledo,
in Scientometrics
Keywords: Social sciences, Humanities, Quality indicators, Logistic regression, Classification of knowledge
Canonical Factorization and World Representation of Wide-Sense Stationary Series Under Sampling, Luigi Ermini,
from University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Economics
Keywords: sampling, canonical factorization, Wold representation
Bayesian Factor Selection in Dynamic Term Structure Models, Márcio Laurini,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Term Structure Models, Model Selection, MCMC, Nelson-Siegel
Causality between Trade Openness and Energy Consumption: What Causes What in High, Middle and Low Income countries, Muhammad Shahbaz, Samia Nasreen, Chong Hui Ling and Rashid Sbia,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Trade, Energy, Causality
Coal Consumption, Industrial Production and CO2 Emissions in China and India, Muhammad Shahbaz, Sahbi Farhani and Ilhan Ozturk,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Coal consumption, Industrial production, CO2 emissions, China, India
Natural Gas Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus: The Role of Exports, Capital and Labor in France, Muhammad Shahbaz, Sahbi Farhani and Mohammad Mafizur Rahman,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Exports, Gas Consumption, Growth, France
Estimation and Inference about Tail Features with Tail Censored Data, Yulong Wang and Zhijie Xiao,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: Extreme Value theory, power law, extreme quantile, tail index
Documentation for Microsimulation Models: A Review of TRIM2, MATH, and HITSM, Kevin Hollenbeck,
from W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Keywords: microsimulation models
Results and problems of five years of incomes policy: an initial quantitative evaluation, Silvia Fabiani, Alberto Locarno, Gianpaolo Oneto and Paolo Sestito,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: income policy
Internal Labor Markets, Jobs and Promotions in France, P. Lemistre,
from LIRHE - Universite des sciences sociales Toulouse
An Analysis on the Characteristics of Recent Business Cycles (in Korean), Sang-Ho Nam,
in Economic Analysis (Quarterly)
Keywords: Business cycle, growth cycle, growth rate cycle, Wilcoxon's test, spectral analysis
Testing between Different Types of Switching Regression Models, Frieder Knuepling and Jason Allen,
in Journal of Economics and Econometrics
Keywords: Regime switching model, econometric test, Markov switching threshold, single variable models.
Indirect estimation of linear models with ordinal regressors: A Monte Carlo study and some empirical illustrations, Martin Kukuk,
from University of Tübingen, School of Business and Economics
Keywords: Microeconometrics, Exogenous Variables with Ordinal Scale, Latent Variables, Indirect Estimation
Learning from multiple analogies: an Information Theoretic framework for predicting criminal recidivism, Avinash Bhati,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: information theory; criminal recidivism; predictive modeling; multiple analogies
Economic Forecasts Based on Econometric Models Using EViews 5, Tomescu-Dumitrescu Cornelia,
in Annals - Economy Series
Keywords: economic phenomena, econometric model, forecasts, EViews program
Detecting changes in persistence in linear time series, Steven Cook,
in Economics Bulletin
Wavelet Estimation of Time Series Regression with Long Memory Processes, Haibin Wu,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Discrete Wavelet Transform
Comment on "Financial Stylized Facts and the Taylor-Effect in Stochastic Volatility Models" by H. Veiga, Helena Veiga,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Asymmetry, Kurtosis, Taylor-Effect
A Short Note on the Nowcasting and the Forecasting of Euro-area GDP Using Non-Parametric Techniques, Dominique Guégan and Patrick Rakotomarolahy,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Multivariate k-Nearest Neighbor, Radial Basis Functions, Non-Parametric Forecasts, Economic indicators, GDP, Euro area.
Does a student's preference for a teacher's instructional style matter? An analysis of an economic approach, Tin-chun Lin,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Attendance; Instructional style; Grade performance; Economic behavior
The "spurious regression problem" in the classical regression model framework, Gueorgui Kolev,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: spurious regression, classical regression model, generalised least squares, autocorrelation corrections
Computationally efficient approximation for the double bootstrap mean bias correction, Rachida Ouysse,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Bias correction, bootstrap, double bootstrap, instrumental variable estimation, Monte Carlo simulation.
Measuring stock market volatility in oecd economy, Khaled Guesmi, Irfan Akbar Kazi and Farhan Akbar,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Dynamic Conditional Correlations, Markov Regime Switching, conditional Volatility
A Note on the Moments of the Skew-Normal Distribution, Markus Haas,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Moments, skewness, skew-normal distribution
A new estimator of the Box-Cox transformation model using moment conditions, Kazumitsu Nawata,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Box-Cox transformation, consistent estimator, moment condition
On the implicit uniform BIC prior, Richard Startz,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Bayesian Information Criterion, BIC, priors
Partial efficient estimation of SUR models, Hailong Qian and Heather Bednarek,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: SUR models, OLS, GLS, FGLS, GMM, Moment conditions, Partial redundancy of moment conditions
Robust estimation based on the third-moment restriction of the error terms for the Box-Cox transformation model: An estimator consistent under heteroscedasticity, Kazumitsu Nawata,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Box-Cox transformation, heteroscedasticity, robust estimator, moment restriction
Power Attrition of Asymmetric Tail Comovement Test, Kaihua Deng,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Asymmetric tail comovement, Markov-switching, Nuisance parameters, Power attrition
Regularization parameter selection via cross-validation in the presence of dependent regressors: a simulation study, Yoshimasa Uematsu and Shinya Tanaka,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Regularization parameter selection, Cross-validation, Forecasting, Penalized Regression, High-dimensional time series model
A note on the absolute moments of the bivariate normal distribution, Markus Haas,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: multivariate GARCH, moments, multivariate normal distribution
An INAR(1) model with Poisson-Lindley innovations, Tito LÃvio, Naushad Khan, Marcelo Bourguignon and Hassan Bakouch,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Binomial thinning operator, Estimation, INAR(1) process, Poisson-Lindley distribution
Identifying finite mixture models in the presence of moment-generating function: application in medical care using a zero-inflated binomial model, Hiroaki Masuhara,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Finite mixtures, identifiability, zero-inflated
A note on Gini Principal Component Analysis, Téa Ouraga,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Gini, PCA, Robutsness
Monitoring parameter change for time series models with conditional heteroscedasticity, Jaewon Huh, Haejune Oh and Sangyeol Lee,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: GARCH-type models; AGARCH models; Monitoring a parameter change; CUSUM method based on score functions;
Testing a linear dynamic panel data model against nonlinear alternatives, Yoon-Jin Lee,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Conditional heteroskedasticity,; Degenerate U-statistics; Dynamic panel data model; Generalized spectral derivative; Joint limit asymptotics; Linearity; Martingale; Specification testing;
Catastrophe Reinsurance Pricing -Modification of Dynamic Asset-Liability Management, Han-Bin Kang, Hsuling Chang and Tsangyao Chang,
in Journal for Economic Forecasting
Keywords: catastrophe reinsurance, catastrophe bonds, asset-liability management, Monte-Carlo simulation
A generic model for spouse’s pensions with a view towards the calculation of liabilities, Alexander Sokol,
in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Keywords: Life insurance; Liability; Cashflow; Marked point process; Longevity;
A note on Covariate Balancing Propensity Score and Instrument-like variables, Adeola Oyenubi,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Causal inference, Instrumental variables, Observational studies, Propensity score matching
Quantile regression estimation for discretely observed SDE models with compound Poisson jumps, Jungsik Noh, Seung Y. Lee and Sangyeol Lee,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Quantile regression estimator; Jump diffusion process; Compound Poisson jumps; Discretely observed sample; Consistency;
Derivation of theory by means of factor analysis or Tom Swift and his electric factor analysis machine, J. Armstrong,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: factor analysis, statistics
Some New Semiparametric Panel Stochastic Frontier Models, Gholamreza Hajargasht,
from Econometric Society
Keywords: semiparametric, True Random Effect, Stochastic Frontier, Bayesian, P-Spline
Political environment and attraction of foreign direct investment: an institutionalist approach, Eduardo Henrique de Borba and Ana Paula Menezes Pereira,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Institutions, Political environment, Politics, Foreign direct investment, FDI, Instrumental variables
Long Memory and FIGARCH Models for Daily and High Frequency Commodity Prices, Richard T. Baillie, Young-Wook Han, Robert J. Myers and Jeongseok Song,
from Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance
Keywords: Commodity returns, Futures markets, Long memory, FIGARCH
Date-stamping the Tadawul bubble through the SADF and GSADF econometric approaches, Pedro Antonio Martin-Cervantes and Salvador Cruz-Rambaud,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Tadawul Bubble, SADF test, GSADF test, Islamic Banking and Finance
On the stability of recursive least squares in the Gauss-Markov model, Evens Salies,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Recursive Least Squares, Gauss-Markov model.
Local influence analysis of stochastic frontier estimation: A case-weights perturbation approach, Shuaihe Zhuo,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Local influence; Case-weights perturbation; Stochastic Frontier;
Hermite regression analysis of multi-modal count data, David Giles,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Count data, multi-modal data, over-dispersion, financial crises
Testing between Different Types of Switching Regression Models, Frieder Knuepling,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Markov Switching Threshold
Central regions and dependency, Karl Mosler,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Dependence order, generalized correlation, lift zonoid volume, data depth, trimmed regions
Data Envelopment Analysis To Measure Technical Efficiency In The Algerian Companies, Kamel Bouadam and Faycal Chiad,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: data envelopment analysis, linear programming, technical efficiency, input, output, agro-alimentary
A new approach to causality in the frequency domain, Mehmet Dalkır,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: aggregation theory
F versus t tests for unit roots: a comment, Paulo Rodrigues and Andrew Tremayne,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: asymptotically invariant tests
Two-part models are robust to endogenous selection, David Drukker,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Two-part model; Endogeneity; Counter-factual inference endogenous treatment effect;
Investigating Predictors of Inflation in Nigeria: BMA and WALS Techniques, Mohammed M Tumala, Olusanya E Olubusoye, Baba N Yaaba, Olaoluwa Yaya and Olawale B Akanbi,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Bayesian estimation; BMA; Frequentist approach; Inflation rate
Extreme values dependence of risk in Latin American markets, Marcelo Righi and Paulo Sergio Ceretta,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Risk, Extreme values, copulas, Transmission, Emerging markets
Testing multiple inequality hypotheses: A smoothed indicator approach, Le-Yu Chen and Jerzy Szroeter,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Test; Multiple inequalities; One-sided hypothesis; Composite null; Binding constraints; Asymptotic exactness; Covariance singularity; Indicator smoothing;
Specification Testing for Multivariate Time Series Volatility Models, Yoon-Jin Lee and Yongmiao Hong,
from Econometric Society
Keywords: Generalized spectral derivative, Kernel, Multivariate generalized spectrum, Multivariate GARCH models, Nonlinear volatility dynamics, Robustness, Specification testing, Stochastic Volatility Model, Time-varying higher order moments of unknown form.
Detecting Misspecifications in Autoregressive Conditional Duration Models, Yongmiao Hong and Yoon-Jin Lee,
from Center for Applied Economics and Policy Research, Department of Economics, Indiana University Bloomington
Keywords: Autoregressive Conditional Duration; Dispersion Clustering; Finite Sample Correction; Generalized Spectral Derivative; Nonlinear Time Series; Parameter Estimation Uncertainty; Wooldridge's Device
A residual-based bootstrap test for panel cointegration, Francesca Di Iorio and Stefano Fachin,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Panel Cointegration, Stationary Bootstrap, Commmon Factors.
A note on testing instrument validity for the identification of LATE, Lukas Laffers and Giovanni Mellace,
in Empirical Economics
Keywords: Testing IV validity, Local average treatment effect, Moment inequalities, Bounds
On the Variance Covariance Matrix of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator of a Discrete Mixture, Gauthier Lanot,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Discrete Mixtures; EM Algorithm, Variance Covariance Matrix; Observed Information
Zvi Griliches' Contribution to the Theory of Human Capital, Reuben Gronau,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
What is a relevant control?: An algorithmic proposal, Fernando Delbianco and Fernando Tohmé,
from Asociación Argentina de Economía Política
Zvi Griliches' Contribution to the Theory of Human Capital, Reuben Gronau,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Testing multiple inequality hypotheses: a smoothed indicator approach, Le-Yu Chen and Jerzy Szroeter,
from Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Keywords: Test, Multiple inequalities, One-sided hypothesis, Composite null, Binding constraints, Asymptotic exactness, Covariance singularity, Indicator smoothing
Imalat Sanayi, Madencilik ve Tasocakçiligi ve Enerji Gaz ve Su Sektörlerine Ait ISIC Revize 2-Revize 3 Veri Siniflandirma Sistemlerine Iliskin dönüsüm oranlarinin Hesaplanmasi, Ensar Yesilyurt,
from Ege University, Department of Economics
Keywords: ISIC, Revise 2, Revise 3, Transformation ratio, Manufacturing Industry, Mining Industry, Energy, Gas and Water, Revize-2, Revize-3, Dönüþüm oraný, Ýmalat Sanayi, Madencilik ve Taþocakçýlýðý, Enerji, Gaz ve Su
Reasonable Sample Sizes for Convergence to Normality, Carsten Schröder and Shlomo Yitzhaki,
from DIW Berlin, The German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)
Keywords: central limit theorem, Gini’s mean difference composition
The Origins of Logistic Regression, Jan Cramer,
from Tinbergen Institute
Keywords: Logistic Regression; History
A Test for Correlation between Signal and Noise within the Errors in Variables Model, Ramses Abul Naga,
from Université de Lausanne, Faculté des HEC, Département d’économie
Keywords: errors in variables; correlated measurement error; consistent adjusted least squares; Hausman tests
Are critical slowing down indicators useful to detect financial crises?, Hayette Gatfaoui, Isabelle Nagot and Philippe de Peretti,
from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne
Keywords: Critical slowing down; Complex dynamical system; Global financial crisis; Phase transition
Reproductive behaviour in Pakistan: insights from the population, labour force, and migration survey 1979-80, Zeba A. Sathar and Irfan Mohammad,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Pakistan; Fertility; Survey; Multivariate Analysis; Model
A Simple Analytic Approximation Approach for Estimating the True Random Effects and True Fixed Effects Stochastic Frontier Models, Peng-Hsuan Ke and Wen-Jen Tsay,
from Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Keywords: True random effects, true fixed effects, panel stochastic frontier model
Functionals of order statistics and their multivariate concomitants with application to semiparametric estimation by nearest neighbours, Ba Chu, Kim Huynh and David Jacho-Chávez,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Order statistics, multivariate concomitant, k-nearest neighbour, semiparametric estimation, consumer surplus.
A Comparative Analysis of Unemployment in Canada and the United States, David Card and W. Craig Riddell,
from Princeton University, Department of Economics, Industrial Relations Section.
Keywords: unemployment insurance, labor supply, unemployment insurance, comparative studies, Canada
Deposit Insurance Scheme (DIS) and a Comparison of Features of the DIS Concerning Likelihood of Banking Crises, K. Md. Anichul Hoque,
from Department of Economics
in Ekonomski pregled
Keywords: wine tourism; wine festival; experience quality; festival visitors; festival visitor satisfaction
in Applied Econometrics and International Development
Keywords: Human capital, health, multinomial logit, discrete choice model.
Compensating the Poor out of Traditional Healing in Cameroon: A Nested Logit Analysis, D.B. Kamgnia,
in International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies
Keywords: Health care providers, indirect demand, compensation, poverty, spline function, nested Logit model
Identifying Influential Factors in Credit Behavior of Real Applicants of Facilities (in Persian), Khashayar Moghaddam, Ali Arshadi and Kianoosh Rezayee,
in Journal of Monetary and Banking Research (فصلنامه پژوهشهای پولی-بانکی)
Principal Component Analysis of Students Academic Performance, F. B. K. Twenefour, E. N. N. Nortey and E. M. Baah,
in International Journal of Business and Social Research
Keywords: Academic performance, principal component analysis, relative score index (RSI).
Principal Component Analysis of Students Academic Performance, F. B. K. Twenefour, E. N. N. Nortey and E. M. Baah,
in International Journal of Business and Social Research
Keywords: Academic performance, principal component analysis, relative score index (RSI).
Using a Rolling Vector Error Correction Model to Model Static and Dynamic Causal Relations between Electricity Spot Price and Related Fundamental Factors: The Case of Greek Electricity Market, George P. Papaioannou, Christos Dikaiakos, Akylas Stratigakos, Anargyros Dramountanis and Antonio T. Alexandridis,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: Vector Error Correction, Electricity Markets, Fuel Markets
Uso del diseño de experimentos para la innovación empresarial || Use of experiments design for business innovation, Mercedes Delgado Fernández,
in Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa = Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration
Keywords: diseño de experimentos, análisis de varianza, diagrama causa-efecto, innovación empresarial, design of experiments, analysis of variance, cause-effect diagram, business innovation.