132 documents matched the search for C4 in JEL-codes.
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The Concept of Probability in the Work of Lord Keynes, Alberto Landro,
in Ensayos Económicos
Keywords: causality, economic models, Keynes, probability
On the New Notion of the Set-Expectation for a Random Set of Events, Oleg Yu. Vorobyev and Alexey O. Vorobyev,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: mean random set, metrics in set space, mean distance, Aumann expectation, Frechet expectation, Hausdorff metric, random finite set, mean set, set-median, set-expectation
Non-parametric Estimation of GARCH (2, 2) Volatility model: A new Algorithm, Lucius Cassim,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: GARCH (2,2), MARS, Algorithm, Parametric, Semi parametric, Nonparametric
Does democracy guarantee the resilience of African economies? Analysis based on a duration model, Siméon Koffi,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: duration model, resilience, growth spells
On Jarque–Bera normality and cusum parameter change tests for BCTT-GARCH models, Taewook Lee,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Parameter change; Cusum test; Jarque–Bera test; Normality test; Threshold GARCH model;
Consistent method of moments estimation of the true fixed effects model, Daniel Wikström,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Stochastic frontier; Fixed effects; Panel data; Method of moments;
Wild bootstrap Ljung–Box test for cross correlations of multivariate time series, Taewook Lee,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: CCC-GARCH; Cross correlation; Ljung–Box test; Multivariate time series; VAR; Wild bootstrap;
Het gebruik van een parametrische en een semi-parametrische schattingsmethode voor het binaire keuzemodel: Probit Maximum Likelihood versus Maximum Score, Marga Peeters,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Binary choice ; Maximum Likelihood ; Maximum Score ; bootstrapping ; parametric ; semi parametric ;
Visualization of Categorical Data Using Extracat Package in R, Brzezińska Justyna,
in Econometrics. Advances in Applied Data Analysis
Keywords: categorical data, cpcp plot, rmb plot, fluctile plot, R software
Revisiting the statistical specification of near-multicollinearity in the logistic regression model, Bebonchu Atems and Jason Bergtold,
in Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics
Keywords: logistic regression, model diagnostics, near-multicollinearity
Nonlinear error correction based cointegration test in panel data, Tolga Omay, Furkan Emirmahmutoglu and Zulal S. Denaux,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Nonlinear error correction model; Sieve bootstrap; Modified Wald test; Cross section dependency;
Functional generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity, Alexander Aue, Lajos Horvath and Daniel Pellatt,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Econometrics; Financial time series; Functional data; GARCH processes; Stationary solutions
A potential solution to problems in ordered choice models involving endogenous ordinal variables for self-reported questions, Hamid Hasan and Atiq Rehman,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Endogenous Ordinal variables, Simultaneous Equation System, Ordered Logit, Ordered Probit.
On the Variance Covariance Matrix of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator of a Discrete Mixture, Gauthier Lanot,
from Centre for Economic Research, Keele University
Keywords: Discrete Mixtures; EM Algorithm, Variance Covariance Matrix; Observed Information
The convenient calculation of some test statistics in models of discrete choice, Darryl Holden and Roger Perman,
from University of Strathclyde Business School, Department of Economics
Keywords: score test, information matrix, artificial regression
Semiiparametric Selection Models with Binary Outcomes, Roger Klein, Chan Shen and Francis Vella,
from Rutgers University, Department of Economics
Keywords: Semiparametric Binary Selection, Marginal Effects
Nota metodológica sobre las distintas fuentes de estadísticas de parados, Dirección de Estadística del Gobierno Vasco,
in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía
Keywords: Metodologia de la medición del paro, censo de población, estadísticas de paro registrado, encuesta de población activa, encuesta de población en relación con la actividad
Reseaux de neurones, lissage de la fonction d'actualisation et prevision des OAT demembrees: une etude empirique, S. Bolgot and J.-C. Meyfredi,
from Universite Aix-Marseille III
Technical, Economical and Environmental Assessments of the Solar Photovoltaic Technology in Southeast Sulawesi, a Developing Province in Eastern Indonesia, Aditya Rachman, Usman Rianse, Mustarum Musaruddin and Kurniati Ornam,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: Solar Energy, Economy, Technical
Selección del modelo de mejor estimación del Valor Razonable en un mercado emergente, Paula Beatriz Morales Bañuelos,
in Remef - Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas Nueva Época REMEF (The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance)
Keywords: Flujos de Efectivo Descontados, Opciones Reales como un Movimiento Browniano Geométrico, Opciones Reales como un Movimiento Browniano Aritmético, GARCH (1,1), Método de Winters
in Management Strategies Journal
Keywords: competition, banking sector, market power, market concentration, benchmarking analysis, trend analysis
Tweet-tales: moods of socio-economic crisis?, Grazia Biorci, Antonella Emina, Michelangelo Puliga, Lisa Sella and Gianna Vivaldo,
from IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
Keywords: Big data, social media, Twitter, hierarchical clustering, unemployment
Quelques bénéfices heuristiques d’une redéfinition du profit, Romain Kroës,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: profit: productivité: redondance du PIB: Keynes: Marx
Survival prediction based on compound covariate under cox proportional hazard models, Takeshi Emura, Yi-Hau Chen and Hsuan-Yu Chen,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Cox proportional hazard model, Prediction, Survival analysis
Addressing Endogeneity Using a Two-stage Copula Generated Regressor Approach, Fan Yang, Yi Qian and Hui Xie,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Le passage du fordisme au néolibéralisme au Canada, Jean-Guy Loranger and Gérard Boismenu,
in Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs
Keywords: changements structurels,coïntégration,macroéconomie,modèle dynamique,cointegration,dynamic model,macroeconomics,structural changes,cambios estructurales,co-integración,macroeconomía,modelo dinámico,
Strategic Stages in the Development of a Culturalreligious Services, Nicoleta Popescu (Sparchez),
in HOLISTICA Journal of Business and Public Administration
Keywords: strategy, sustainability, service, culture, religion
bKash vs. Bank-led Option: Factors Influencing Customer’s Preferences – Does it Warrant Voluntary-Insurance-Policy for Rapid-growth Digital-banking in Bangladesh-economy?, Akim M. Rahman,
in Journal of Banking and Financial Economics
Keywords: Bank-led digital, digital-transaction, bKash, Voluntary Insurance, digital-banking, percived risk-factor
A Monte Carlo Study for Swamy’s Estimate of Random Coefficient Panel Data Model, Amani Mousa, Ahmed H. Youssef and Mohamed Abonazel,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Random Coefficient Panel Data Model, Mixed RCPD Model, Panel Data, Monte Carlo Simulation, Pooling Cross Section and Time Series Data
The Audit of Accounting Information System Infrastructure, Mihalache D. Arsenie-Samoil,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: infrastructure, accounting information system (AIS), audit.
Security of the Accounting Information System Infrastructure, Mihalache D. Arsenie-Samoil,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: infrastructure, accounting information system, security, risk analysis
Does Agriculture Matter for Economic Growth of Uttar Pradesh (India)?, Waseem Khan and Saghir Ansari,
in Economy of region
Keywords: economic development, economic reform, time series analysis, cointegration, Uttar Pradesh, India, agriculture, transformation, Granger causality, macroeconomic policy