European Economy - Economic Papers 2008 - 2015
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- 552: Structural unemployment vs. NAWRU: implications for the assessment of the cyclical position and the fiscal stance
- Julia Lendvai, Matteo Salto and Anna Thum-Thysen
- 551: When ‘Secular Stagnation’ meets Piketty’s capitalism in the 21st century. Growth and inequality trends in Europe reconsidered
- Karl Pichelmann
- 550: The stabilising properties of a European Banking Union in case of financial shocks in the Euro Area
- Fritz Breuss, Werner Roeger and Jan in 't Veld
- 549: Efficiency estimates of health care systems
- João Medeiros and Christoph Schwierz
- 548: Banking Stress Scenarios for Public Debt Projections
- Peter Benczur, Katia Berti, Jessica Cariboni, Francesca Erica Di Girolamo, Sven Langedijk, Andrea Pagano and Marco Petracco Giudici
- 547: Estimation of service sector mark-ups determined by structural reform indicators
- Anna Thum-Thysen and Erik Canton
- 546: Income insurance: a theoretical exercise with empirical application for the euro area
- Nicolas Carnot, Phil Evans, Serena Fatica and Gilles Mourre
- 545: The fiscal effects of work-related tax expenditures in Europe
- Salvador Barrios, Serena Fatica, Diego Martínez and Gilles Mourre
- 544: Precarious and less well-paid? Wage differences between permanent and fixed-term contracts across the EU countries
- António Dias da Silva and Alessandro Turrini
- 543: The discretionary fiscal effort: an assessment of fiscal policy and its output effect
- Nicolas Carnot and Francisco de Castro Fernández
- 542: Fiscal Devaluation: Efficiency and Equity
- Matthias Burgert and Werner Roeger
- 541: The potential growth impact of structural reforms in the EU. A benchmarking exercise
- Janos Varga and Jan in 't Veld
- 540: Identifying Booms and Busts in House Prices under Heterogeneous Expectations
- Wilko Bolt, Maria Demertzis, Cees Diks, Cars Hommes and Marco van der Leij
- 539: Labour mobility and labour market adjustment in the EU
- Alfonso Arpaia, Áron Kiss, Balazs Palvolgyi and Alessandro Turrini
- 538: The role of survey data in nowcasting euro area GDP growth
- Alessandro Girardi, Andreas Reuter and Christian Gayer
- 537: Structural reforms at the zero bound
- Lukas Vogel
- 536: Adjusting the budget balance for the business cycle: the EU methodology
- Gilles Mourre, Caterina Astarita and Savina Princen
- 535: The Production Function Methodology for Calculating Potential Growth Rates & Output Gaps
- Karel Havik, Kieran Mc Morrow, Fabrice Orlandi, Christophe Planas, Rafal Raciborski, Werner Roeger, Alessandro Rossi, Anna Thum-Thysen and Valerie Vandermeulen
- 534: Electricity Tariff Deficit: Temporary or Permanent problem in the EU?
- Asa Johannesson Linden, Fotios Kalantzis, Emmanuelle Maincent and Jerzy Pienkowski
- 533: The Economic Impact of Professional Services Liberalisation
- Erik Canton, Daria Ciriaci and Irune Solera
- 532: Business Dynamics and Red Tape Barriers
- Daria Ciriaci
- 531: Economic Impact of Late Payments
- William Connell
- 530: The Economic Impact of Civil Justice Reforms
- Dimitri Lorenzani and Federico Lucidi
- 529: The Economic Impact of Digital Structural Reforms
- Dimitri Lorenzani and Janos Varga
- 528: Quality in Exports
- Hylke Vandenbussche
- 527: Is unemployment structural or cyclical? Main features of job matching in the EU after the crisis
- Alfonso Arpaia, Áron Kiss and Alessandro Turrini
- 526: Evaluating Fiscal Policy: A Rule of Thumb
- Nicolas Carnot
- 525: Public Spending Reviews: design, conduct, implementation
- Caroline Vandierendonck
- 524: Future Directions for the Irish Economy. Conference Proceedings
- Graham Stull
- 523: The use of tax expenditures in times of fiscal consolidation
- Lovise Bauger
- 522: A Decade of Labour Market Reforms in the EU: Insights from the LABREF database
- Alessandro Turrini, Gabor Koltay, Fabiana Pierini, Clarisse Goffard and Áron Kiss
- 521: Liberalised Capital Accounts and Volatility of Capital Flows and Foreign Exchange Rates
- Bogdan Bogdanov
- 520: The "imbalanced balance" and its unravelling: current accounts and bilateral financial flows in the euro area
- Alexandr Hobza and Stefan Zeugner
- 519: International Capital Flows and the Boom-Bust Cycle in Spain
- Jan in 't Veld, Robert Kollmann, Beatrice Pataracchia, Marco Ratto and Werner Roeger
- 518: The Puzzle of the Missing Greek Exports
- Uwe Boewer, Vasiliki Michou and Christoph Ungerer
- 517: Coordination arrangements across government sub-sectors in EU Member States
- Georges Tournemire
- 516: What drives the German current account? And how does it affect other EU member states?
- Robert Kollmann, Marco Ratto, Werner Roeger, Jan in 't Veld and Lukas Vogel
- 515: Rental Market Regulation in the European Union
- Carlos Cuerpo, Peter Pontuch and Sona Kalantaryan
- 514: Hard work, and More: How to successfully conduct adjustment with official assistance
- Martin Larch, Kristin Magnusson Bernard and Balint Tatar
- 513: Consolidation on the revenue side and growth-friendly tax structures: an indicator based approach
- Florian Wöhlbier, Caterina Astarita and Gilles Mourre
- 512: Assessing the economic and budgetary impact of linking retirement ages and pension benefits to increases in longevity
- Alexander Schwan and Etienne Sail
- 511: Growth Effects of Structural Reforms in Southern Europe: The case of Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal
- Janos Varga, Werner Roeger and Jan in 't Veld
- 510: EU governance and EU funds - testing the effectiveness of EU funds in a sound macroeconomic framework
- Mariana Tomova, András Rezessy, Artur Lenkowski and Emmanuelle Maincent
- 509: The flow of credit in the UK economy and the availability of financing to the corporate sector
- Daniel Monteiro
- 508: The gap between public and private wages: new evidence for the EU
- Francisco de Castro Fernández, Matteo Salto and Hugo Steiner
- 507: Estimating the drivers and projecting long-term public health expenditure in the European Union: Baumol's "cost disease" revisited
- João Medeiros and Christoph Schwierz
- 506: Fiscal consolidations and spillovers in the Euro area periphery and core
- Jan in 't Veld
- 505: Endogenous housing risk in an estimated DSGE model of the Euro Area
- Beatrice Pataracchia, Rafal Raciborski, Marco Ratto and Werner Roeger
- 504: Effects of fiscal consolidation envisaged in the 2013 Stability and Convergence Programmes on public debt dynamics in EU Member States
- Katia Berti, Francisco de Castro Fernández and Matteo Salto
- 503: Do corporate taxes distort capital allocation? Cross-country evidence from industry-level data
- Serena Fatica
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