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European Economy - Economic Papers 2008 - 2015

From Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), European Commission
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200: Issues in corporate governance Downloads
Christoph Walkner
199: Innovations, technological specialisation and economic growth in the EU Downloads
Andre Jungmittag
198: Reviewing adjustment dynamics in EMU: from overheating to overcooling Downloads
Servaas Deroose, Sven Langedijk and Werner Roeger
197: Indicators of unemployment and low-wage traps (marginal effective tax rates on labour) Downloads
Giuseppe Carone, Aino Salomäki, Herwig Immervoll and Dominique Paturot
196: Population ageing and public finance targets Downloads
Heikki Oksanen
195: Can fiscal consolidations be expansionary in the EU? Ex-post evidence and ex-ante analysis Downloads
Gabriele Giudice, Alessandro Turrini and Jan in 't Veld
194: Fiscal rules, inertia and discretionary fiscal policy Downloads
Martin Larch and Matteo Salto
193: Remain in or withdraw from the labour market? A comparative study on incentives Downloads
Aino Salomäki
192: The impact of the implementation of the Single Market Programme on productive efficiency and on mark-ups in the European Union manufacturing industry Downloads
Jacques-Bernard Sauner-Leroy
191: Exchange rates are a matter of common concern: policies in the run-up to the euro? Downloads
Zenon Kontolemis
190: European education production functions: what makes a difference for student achievement in Europe? Downloads
Ludger Wößmann
189: External assumptions, the international environment and the track record of the Commission Forecast Downloads
Filip Keereman
188: Wage formation and European integration Downloads
Torben M. Andersen
187: What is the impact of tax and welfare reforms on fiscal stabilisers? A simple model and an application to EMU Downloads
Marco Buti and Paul Van den Noord
185: Foreign ownership and corporate income taxation: an empirical evaluation Downloads
Harry Huizinga and Gaëtan Nicodème
184: Assessment of GDP forecast uncertainty Downloads
Staffan Lindén
183: How much has labour taxation contributed to European structural unemployment? Downloads
Christophe Planas, Werner Roeger and Alessandro Rossi
182: Economic and financial market consequences of ageing populations Downloads
Kieran Mc Morrow and Werner Röger
181: Structural features of economic integration in an enlarged Europe: patterns of catching-up and industrial specialisation Downloads
Michael Landesmann
180: Revisiting the Stability and Growth Pact: grand design or internal adjustment? Downloads
Marco Buti, Sylvester Eijffinger and Daniele Franco
179: Financial Market Integration, Corporate Financing and Economic Growth Downloads
Mariassunta Giannetti, Luigi Guiso, Tullio Jappelli, Mario Padula and Marco Pagano
178: Some selected simulation experiments with the European Commission's QUEST model Downloads
Werner Röger and Jan in 't Veld
177: Fiscal policy in Europe: how effective are automatic stabilisers? Downloads
Anne Brunila, Marco Buti and Jan in 't Veld
176: Production function approach to calculating potential growth and output gaps - estimates for the EU Member States and the US Downloads
Cécile Denis, Kieran Mc Morrow and Werner Röger
175: Sector and size effects on effective corporate taxation Downloads
Gaëtan Nicodème
174: Pension reform: key issues illustrated with an actuarial model Downloads
Heikki Oksanen
173: Latin America's integration processes in the light of the EU's experience with EMU Downloads
Heliodoro Temprano Arroyo
172: The effects of fuel price changes on the transport sector and its emissions - simulations with TREMOVE Downloads
Jacques Delsalle
171: Report on EU financial integration Downloads
170: Germany's growth performance in the 1990's Downloads
Dg Ecfin
169: Non-Ricardian fiscal policies in an open monetary union Downloads
Javier Andrés, Fernando Ballabriga and Javier Valles
168: The development of quantitative empirical analysis in macroeconomics Downloads
Fernando Ballabriga
167: Annual report on structural reforms 2002 Downloads
Economic Policy Committee
166: Has EMU shifted policy? Downloads
F. Ballabriga and C. Martinez-Mongay
165: EMU and the euro - the first 10 years. Challenges to the sustainability and price stability of the euro area - what does history tell us? Downloads
Lars Jonung
164: Deposit insurance and international bank deposits Downloads
Harry Huizinga and Gaëtan Nicodème
163: Cross-border clearing and settlement arrangements in the European Union Downloads
The Giovannini Group
162: EU pension reform - An overview of the debate and an empirical assessment of the main policy reform options Downloads
K. Mc Morrow and W. Röger
161: Policy responses to regional unemployment:Lessons from Germany, Spain and Italy Downloads
S. Davies and M. Hallet
160: Reforms in tax-benefit systems in order to increase emplyoment incentives in the EU Downloads
Giuseppe Carone and A. Salomäki
159: A return to the convertibility principle? Monetary and fiscal regimes in historical perspective. The internal evidence Downloads
Michael Bordo and Lars Jonung
158: Finance and economic growth - a review of theory and the available evidence Downloads
Michael Thiel
157: EMU and asymetries in the monetary policy transmission Downloads
Massimo Suardi
156: Report on financial crisis management Downloads
155: Comparison between the financial structure of SMES and that of large enterprises (LES) using the BACH database Downloads
Dorothée Rivaud-Danset, Emmanuelle Dubocage and Robert Salais
154: An indicator-based short-term forecast for quarterly GDP in the euro area Downloads
Peter Grasmann and Filip Keereman
153: Computing effective corporate tax rates: comparisons and results Downloads
Gaëtan Nicodème
152: Are international deposits tax-driven? Downloads
Harry Huizinga and Gaëtan Nicodème
151: Evaluation and development of confidence indicators based on harmonised business and consumer surveys (Study contracted to IFO, Munich) Downloads
G. Goldrian, J.D. Lindbauer, Gernot Nerb and B. Ulrich
150: Potential Output: Measurement Methods, "New" Economy Influences and Scenarios for 2001-2010 - A comparison of the EU-15 and the US Downloads
Kieran Mc Morrow and Werner Roeger
Page updated 2024-12-26
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