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域名註冊局Top Level Design英语Top Level Design

.wiki是一個頂級域名。它在ICANN通用頂級域計劃中被提名,並於2014年5月26日供公眾使用。Top Level Design英语Top Level Design是該域名的域名註冊局


2012年6月,Top Level Design向ICANN提交.wiki頂級域名的建議書[1]。2013年11月7日,ICANN和Top Level Design達成「註冊協定」,正式認可該公司為.wiki的註冊局[2]。Following the acquisition, Ray King, CEO of TLD, stated many people "from within [the domain] industry tell me that .wiki is their dark horse for a successful [g]TLD," because ".wiki" describes the site format. "So, when I go to craftbeer.wiki, I can expect a vibrant site with passionate folks discussing all things relevant to brewing beer. This is not the case with craftbeer.com or craftbeer.guru, where you could be accessing a storefront, a blog, a brewery tourguide or any number of things."[3]

In January 2014, .wiki was named one of the "Top 10 gTLDs to Watch in 2014" by ClickZ for having the "potential to provide great secure, shared workspaces for companies large and small".[4] The application was delegated to the DNS root zone on February 19, 2014.[5] By mid-March, TLD had signed agreements with more than 120 domain name registrars to retail .wiki names.[6] It was announced in May that the Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit organization mostly known for hosting Wikipedia, would use "w.wiki" as a URL shortener.[7] The Foundation also endorsed TLD's proposal to ICANN's Registry Services Evaluation Process to unblock 179 two-letter strings representing language codes (all two-character strings are blocked under ICANN's standard Registry Agreement).[8][9][10]

.wiki domain registrations were available to only trademark holders until May 5; they became available to the general public on May 26, 2014.[11][12] According to Domain Name Wire, more than 3,000 .wiki domains were registered on the first day of general availability.[10]

As part of the gTLD's launch, TLD and YouGov released a report which concluded that nearly half of consumers in the United Kingdom and the United States have "little to no opportunity" to collaborate with their favorite brands online, and prefer brands that make online collaboration available to them.[12] An additional fifteen percent of U.K. consumers wished they could collaborate with their favorite brands on future products.[13] Finally, the report said nearly a quarter of U.K. and U.S. consumers want companies to solicit their ideas for future products and would contribute to a branded wiki "if they could make a difference to an organisation, brand, service or community they feel passionately about".[12][14] King acknowledged his interest in promoting collaboration between companies and consumers, given the collaborative nature of wikis and TLD's acquisition of the .wiki gTLD.[14] He said of the study's findings:

Consumers and businesses alike have long recognised the power and potential that the internet has to improve the products and services businesses offer, creating a better two-way dialogue between customers and their favourite brands... In reality, this research shows that most consumers feel that the opportunity to collaborate with most companies they love still doesn’t yet exist.[12][13]

In July 2015, .wiki was included in a list of the "Top 20 Best New gTLDs Based on Quality", based on data gathered from more than 20,000 developed websites on new gTLD domains, as part of Globe Runner's New gTLD SEO Power Rankings Index.[15]



  1. ^ New Generic Top-Level Domains: Application ID: 1-1086-78534. ICANN. [October 21, 2014]. 
  2. ^ .wiki Registry Agreement. ICANN. 2013-11-07 [October 3, 2014]. 
  3. ^ Levine, Barry. Google Enters Domain Market. CMSWire. 2014-07-10 [October 3, 2014]. 
  4. ^ Wolfe, Jennifer. Top 10 gTLDs to Watch in 2014. ClickZ. [October 6, 2014]. 
  5. ^ Delegated Strings. ICANN. [October 21, 2014]. 
  6. ^ Berkens, Michael. Apple, Weather Channel, Ericsson, Hallmark, Chanel: Brands Are Getting Their .Wiki. The Domains. 2014-03-11 [October 6, 2014]. 
  7. ^ Murphy, Kevin. Wikipedia to get single-letter .wiki domain. DomainIncite. 2014-05-05 [October 6, 2014]. 
  8. ^ ICANN Registry Request Service: 2 Character Domains for .wiki (PDF). ICANN. 2014 [October 6, 2014]. 
  9. ^ Allemann, Andrew. 3 new domain registries ask ICANN for two character domain names. Domain Name Wire. 2014-04-29 [October 6, 2014]. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Allemann, Andrew. Let’s collaborate on .wiki: A look at who registered .wiki domains. Domain Name Wire. 2014-05-28 [October 6, 2014]. 
  11. ^ Merriam, Andrew. Guest Post: An Insider’s Guide to .Wiki Landrush. The Domains. 2014-05-03 [October 3, 2014].  Note: Posted by Michael Berkens.
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Haggerty, Angela. Half of UK and US consumers feel they have 'little to no opportunity' to collaborate with brands online, YouGov study shows. The Drum. 2014-05-07 [October 3, 2014]. 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Jenkins, Huw. Half of British consumers feel they can’t interact with favourite brands online. dotRising. 2014-05-09 [October 3, 2014]. 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Mehta, Stephanie N. A report say Wal-Mart isn't very "collaborative." Is that so bad?. Fortune (Time Inc.). 2014-05-13 [October 3, 2014]. ISSN 0015-8259. 
  15. ^ Berkins, Michael. Bill Hartzer Releases "Top 20 Best New gTLDs Based on Quality". The Domains. 2015-07-16 [July 16, 2015]. 


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