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call out







  • 音頻 (澳洲)(檔案)



call out (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 calls out,現在分詞 calling out,一般過去時及過去分詞 called out)

  1. (及物俗語) 具體說明詳細敘述
    They call out 304 stainless steel in the drawing, but the part was made from aluminum.
    他们在图纸中标注了 304 不锈钢,但该零件是由铝制成的。
  2. (及物俗語) 召集召喚命令投入服務
    The Governor called out the National Guard.
    • 1984, Nena, 99 Red Balloons (lyrics written by Kevin McAlea)
      Ninety-nine Decision Street
      Ninety-nine ministers meet
      To worry, worry, super scurry
      Call the troops out in a hurry
  3. (不及物及物) 呼叫
    • 1971, Carole King, “You’ve Got A Friend”, Tapestry, Ode Records
      You just call out my name / And you know wherever I am / I'll come running to see you again.
  4. (及物俗語口語) 指責批評
    近義詞:denouncepoint outcharge
    He was very insulting. Finally Jack called him out and shut him up.
    She called them out on their lies.
    • 2022年1月26日, Paul Stephen, “Network News: Government's IRP claims condemned as "dishonest"”, 出自 RAIL, 期 949,頁號 7:
      He added: "We've always had spin, especially from Government. But this is not spin. This is dishonesty and so it's our rail media's urgent responsibility to call it out because non-specialist journalists across the country will report this and gradually these untruths will be accepted.
  5. (不及物新澤西紐約州康涅狄格)工作場所請假
    近義詞:call in sick
    • 2012, Earliecia J. Ebron, Regress
      I had to call out from work. [] I barely ate yesterday. The only thing that stayed in my stomach was soup and crackers.
      我要請病假了。 [] 我昨天都沒怎麼吃,留在胃裡的只有湯和一點餅乾。
    • 2015, Brasford Love, My Life: The Journey to Here:
      I had to call out from work a few Saturdays to Dj at kid's party because they would normally start somewhere around 4:00 p.m.
      我要幾個週六的,因為我要去孩子的派對當 DJ,他們一般是下午4點就開始。
    • 2015, Pearley Rufus-Lusan, The Baby Boomer Nurse
      On this particular day, I felt ill, mostly from exhaustion, and had to call out from work. This callout caused a stir and a display of animosity.


  • OneLook 在线词典 上有关 call out 的释义



call out (複數 call outs)

  1. callout的另一種寫法

