User:Wd-Ryan/Basic actions

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These actions are potentially missing more specific parent classes. The goal is to have only very basic actions appear in this query.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". } { SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE { { ?item p:P279 ?statement0. ?statement0 (ps:P279) wd:Q1914636. } UNION { ?item p:P279 ?statement1. ?statement1 (ps:P279) wd:Q4026292. } UNION { ?item p:P279 ?statement2. ?statement2 (ps:P279) wd:Q451967. } } } }

Item ID Description
Abfertigung Q108554349 action and transportation, part of Beförderungsvertrag and contract of carriage
Abjuration Q321794 legal term
Aceite Q9576262 action, part of law
Action ordinaire Q108921042 Intentional human activity
Action sur le mannequin en cire du monarque espagnol Juan Carlos Q33788754 Intentional human activity in France, part of terrorism in France in point in time and point in time
Actions during the 2019–2020 Hong Kong protests Q67935275 Activity and 2019–2020 Hong Kong protests
Actuation Q105826331 action
Adventurous Training Q124341716 Training that develops resilience and leadership skills through a range of outdoor activities
Ai ai gasa Q3607029 Couple under umbrella
Aktivität Q60982943 Activity and psychology
Anti-Russian rebellions Q47657138 anti-imperialist and anti-colonial actions against the Russian state and Russians as bearers of the imperial colonial Russification policy of the Russian state.
Appell Q114095579 action
Arbeit (Volkswirtschaftslehre) Q627034 factor of production and activity
Banner raised Q10887554 action and Eight Banners in Qing dynasty
Beach nudity Q31897408 Activity and bath
Bening (baby carrier) Q65213510 Activity and tradition in Indonesia
Berufsverkehr Q21044665 transport and activity
Buang jung Q97374080 Automatic description is not available
Bummeln Q56293008 walking, intentional human activity, and concept
Catholic missions Q5053294 missionary work of the Catholic Church
Central Intelligence Agency activities Q106434272 Activity and Central Intelligence Agency
Challa Q61293275 Ritual practice of Aymara origin
Christian ministry Q1729207 activity carried out by Christians to express or spread their faith
Civic service Q3480085 voluntary commitment in France
Combined Cadet Force Q731977 United Kingdom youth organisation aligned to the British Armed Forces
Countermeasure Q123516842 action taken to offset another one
DRM circumvention Q110498604 various methods employed to avoid access restrictions placed on software
Denominação Q105766459 action
Documentaire Informatie Voorziening Q2460623 Activity
Ease (sail) Q1411662 action
Ecphonesis Q2349219 phrase recited in a church service
Einziehung (BBankG) Q1310300 action about banknote
Elaboração Q105826335 act of developing something in great detail
Embracery Q5370152 attempt to corrupt a juror
Execução (Direito) Q105766462 action
Exercicio profissional Q105766532 the act of practicing a profession
Falling on a grenade Q5432397 Act of deliberate self-sacrifice
Festhalten Q13430473 Longing for something, someone, for example holding on to words, traditions, old patterns
Forthtelling Q2681871 Activity
Förrättning Q10501438 Activity
Genzverletzung Q101242309 action, part of abuse
He loves me... he loves me not Q3049063 Intentional human activity, game, and counting-out game
Hudhud Q1960172 Activity and tradition
IFO Q11976642 recreactional activity after school
Inscribe Q105766522 act of writing; to inscribe someone or something into a registry
Jagdsabotage Q130680855 Intentional human activity
Job Q15821094 Activity and Gelegenheitsjob
Konditionalitätsmechanismus Q111109971 Activity, part of budget of the European Union
Kusen Q1785437 zen practise
La Flota de Cerremos Guantánamo Q5646401 Intentional human activity
Lyme Disease Awareness Day Q96691061 awareness day for Lyme disease
Military Aid to the Civil Authorities Q6851959 deployment of the armed forces of the United Kingdom in support of the civilian authorities
Muixeranga Q619696 collective name given to the performance of ancient street dances and human pyramids or castells in Valencia region, Spain
Museum Night Q2741213 Flanders and the Netherlands
Northern delivery Q2225879 annual delivery to northern Russia
Pasanaku Q61222260 Activity and collaborative finance
Pejling Q12331233 Activity and umbrella term
Pink-slime journalism Q109561781 practice in news media
ROPO Q3415282 practice of researching merchandise online, then buying it in a physical retail venue
Rechtspraxis Q105543943 Activity and statutory interpretation about legal order
Rutucha Q20015642 Activity and ritual in Bolivia / Peru
Rückbrandsicherung Q109681819 Activity, equipment, fire protection, and heating technology
Setzung Q25392398 action and philosophy
Slicing Q488148 image slicing for web design and interface design
Sokanî Q7057055 Part of Dankutan
Strand Q113463316 broad areas/sections in a curriculum to be studied
System appreciation Q7663700 Activity
Therblig Q1505671 Basic motions in ergonomics; unit of analysis in time-and-motion studies, representing one of the basic elements or actions involved in manual work
Trim (sail) Q545401 action
Underwater work Q60788452 work done underwater during diving operationsu
VIN cloning Q2107085 action
Ver­da­tung Q129730433 Concept: record the data of a person or object (in the computer)
Vorsortieren Q110460716 action
Wagner Group activities in Libya Q117286566 Russian paramilitary group operations
Wagner Group activities in Syria Q116799515 Russian paramilitary group operations
Wagner Group activities in Ukraine Q116967477 Russian paramilitary group operations
Wagner Group activities in the Central African Republic Q117290115 Russian paramilitary group operations
Webmention Q75029993 a notification about a relationship between two Web documents
Witwenschütteln Q1619080 Intentional human activity and journalism
Zugriff Q228487 German term: an operational police action
Zur Kenntnisnahme Q230309 Term from the German administration: an authority has been informed of an operation
aandammen Q4782764 Activity
aansluiting Q15868358 geodesy
abandon de poste Q23680510 Intentional human activity
abolition Q322732 legal term
access operation Q118982677 basic type of computer operation of reading or writing a specific resource or location
accommodation outside parental care Q1455167 placement of a child outside of its own family
accusation Q19357312 act of accusing or charging another with a crime or transgression
acquisition Q3604747 gaining posession of something, for example the acquisition of a company
act in matters of state Q10855578 action in Japan
acting as Q124461248 playing a role in an event (different from acting in an artistic performance)
actio Q343482 Latin term and concept in Roman Law
actio in factum Q19258357 action
actio libera in causa Q343529 Law principle
action item Q57894677 management term regarding a documented event, task, activity, or action that needs to take place
actionism Q113411605 Action-orientated doing
active motion Q29374366 type of motion; self-propelled, powered
activity diagram Q423262 diagram that models activity and process flows
activity in Ethiopia Q68716980 action occurring within Ethiopia
activity in India Q68823273 action occurring in India
activity in Indonesia Q68819735 action occurring within Indonesia
activity in South Korea Q68817357 action occurring in South Korea
activity of Japan Self-Defense Forces Q16482420 Activity and military activity in Japan
activity of anatomical entity Q96482377 Activity
adhésion Q116233924 action and enrollment
administrative measure Q11861238 Activity
advocacy Q2509280 activity by an individual or group which aims to influence decisions within systems and institutions
aerial demonstration Q107024697 activity involving display of skills, technologies, items, organization, etc. by means of flight
aeromancy Q381534 divination conducted by interpreting atmospheric conditions
after-school activity Q494330 type of educational activity
afterplay Q1400288 set of emotionally and physically intimate acts between two or more people meant to finish sexual intercourse
afzinken Q42120812 Activity
aggression Q191797 overt, often harmful, social interaction with the intention of inflicting damage or unpleasantness
agitation Q3680680 Intentional human activity
agricultural activity Q25450409 activity, function, or process that is part of agriculture
agronomic practice Q104255513 activity related to soil management and crop production
aiming Q9185719 process of pointing a projectile weapon so as to strike the intended target
aircraft operation Q44302963 activity conducted by or with use of an aircraft
ajustage Q2828879 Activity
alcohol intoxication estimation Q85990312 practice
alerteren Q2137525 action
amateurism Q1636090 doing something out of free will, e.g. as a hobby, typically occasionally and not on a professional basis
ancient Near Eastern seals and sealing practices Q20312916 activity of using seals for making impressions in ancient Near East
ancient sealing practices Q125246029 Sealing practice and activity
antagonism Q1874779 action of any microbes that suppresses the activity of a plant pathogen
anti-corrosion treatment Q13405532 treatment to decrease the corrosion rate of a material, typically a metal or an alloy
apology Q18425994 expression of regret or remorse
appraisal Q1663833 considerations and findings as to how far an object, person or an idea matches the values that can be linked to it
arborglyph Q2044812 carvings on living trees
arranging Q36993249 act of arranging items in some orderly way
art of painting Q11629 practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface
artificial selection Q995745 process by which humans use animal and plant breeding to selectively develop particular phenotypic traits
artistic activity Q16519399 activity undertaken in the creation of art
assignment Q29182544 any act of associating items in one class with items in another class, using any or no criteria
assist Q116589378 activity of a team player who indirectly helped the team to achieve a goal, a point or another success specific to the sport; statistic in various sports
attack Q1174599 action to injure another organism
attack Q2869890 technical movement in martial sports
attempt Q12897867 action whose success is not guaranteed
attestatie Q2161449 Activity
authorial decision Q106580797 decision made by an author or team of authors about a work
automation Q184199 technology use of various control systems by which a process or procedure is performed with minimal human assistance
autonowashing Q101016288 practice of misrepresenting the level of human supervision required by an autonomous product
aventure Q13425292 risky and dubious affair, undertaken in the hope of an occasional success
awakening Q20821954 temporal concept
babywearing Q6825696 practice of wearing or carrying a baby in a sling or in another form of carrier
band reunion Q108308625 reestablishing of a musical group
bath Q327651 washing of the body with a liquid
berglopen Q13438825 hiking and activity
betting Q65496063 form of game and/or economic activity
bibliographic activity Q115161690 Activity
bieden Q13439303 Activity
bioactive compound use Q124542283 use of bioactive compounds (like drugs) by humans
biodefense Q4914739 measures to ensure or restore biosecurity
biological imaging Q4914995 monitoring of biological processes via various imaging techniques
bird feeding Q756092 human activity of feeding wild birds
bird ringing Q319436 attachment of tag to a wild bird to enable individual identification
blacklisting Q111658718 action of a group or authority
body modification Q890057 deliberate altering of the human anatomy for non-medical reasons
book repairing Q100231171 Activity
bookbinding Q240471 process of physically assembling a book
boundary change Q28953942 modification in the border or boundary of an administrative, electoral or political entity
breeding Q65360845 production of offspring by selective mating or hybridization in animals or plants
bunkering Q1009603 storage of petroleum products in tanks; the more specialized usage refers to the practice and business of refueling ships
burial Q106562186 process of depositing material underground or covering it with earth
burring Q123974862 the activity of covering something with soil
business activity Q19862406 economic activity done by a businessperson
cannibalization Q17113173 practice of removing parts for repairing a similar machine
capturing Q123819225 process of generating digital counterparts for real-world objects or representing existing artifacts digitally
carrying on the head Q5046830 method for carrying a burden
casting lots Q65898021 act of making a random selection, often during lottery
categoriale inkomensverdeling Q2326630 action
categorie-hopping Q4666474 Activity and motorcycling
causing motion Q124728792 agent causes a theme to move from a source to a goal along a path
ceremony Q2627975 event of ritual significance, performed on a special occasion
charity action Q130348975 action and charity
chase Q101574237 activity where one party tries to catch the other, esp. as subject in art and literature
child grooming Q1147070 act of befriending and connecting with a child with the objective of sexual abuse
childproofing Q5098002 the act of making an environment or object safer for children
chipping Q128696998 action of removing fragments from a larger object
churchwarden Q3290825 lay honorary officers of a parish or district church who manage the secular affairs of parish or district churches, particularly those relating to the building and other property
circus arts Q713197 ensemble of performative disciplines practiced in the circus domain
citing Q18089080 documenting the source or authority for a statement
civil service Q11771944 branch of governmental service or employees of a government agency
cleaning Q10658984 practice in forestry
cleaning Q12773274 activity that purifies people, animals, objects or environments of unwanted particles or materials
cleansing flight Q1110225 part of bee behaviour
climate change mitigation Q898653 actions to limit climate change in order to reduce the risks of global warming
closing Q115655908 act of changing the state of something from open to closed
closing of sea channels Q120204734 Man-made coastal barriers against tides
closure Q100064047 act of ending something
club activity Q15281035 Activity and extracurricular activity
coercion Q325980 practice of forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner by use of threats or force
coercive measures Q10706874 measures applied by an authority that restrict a person's freedoms and rights
coffee preparation Q19903001 methods of preparing the coffee drink by the brewing process
cognitive planning Q7201355 thought process
collaboration Q1145523 working together
collecting Q75973603 to cash a credit from someone
combat Q650711 purposeful violent conflict
combat operations Q45112918 Activity
comeback Q1113939 return of a person of public interest (artist, politician) after a long-term hiatus
comment out Q18891537 action and program comment
community service Q2043121 non-paying job for the benefit of community
commuting Q48442 periodically recurring travel between one's place of residence and place of work, or study
competition Q23807345 term referring either to competition in nature or between contestants
compliance Q105476441 following with a certain norm or passing a test
computational statistics Q5157340 interface between statistics and computer science
computer programming Q80006 the process of designing and building an executable computer program to accomplish a specific computing result or to perform a specific task
computing Q179310 human activity related to the processing of information by use of mechanical devices
concept clarification Q115857492 process of clarification of a concept
concocting Q128798969 act of concocting a concoction. Essentially putting things together in a often innovative and creative way.
confectionery Q18646422 art of making confections
configuring Q65920874 activity of changing a system to suit a particular function
conquest Q24233595 act or instance of overcoming an obstacle
conservation Q217102 care of tangible cultural heritage
constructing Q329637 activity, by means of which a technical product is made
contamination control Q5164919 activities aiming to control the existence, growth and proliferation of contamination
contempt of Congress Q5165041 act of obstructing the work of the United States Congress or one of its committees
content moderation Q111732553 enforcement of content moderation policy
continuation Q23090331 act or state of continuing or being continued
control Q29017603 supervision or complete authority over something; ability to fully direct the operation of a device, system, or process
controlled digital lending Q61937323 library practice of circulating digitized works, instead of print versions
cooling down Q430439 gradual decrease in physical exercise
coordination Q1783823 actions that ease collaboration between humans or groups of humans
core business Q1473480 Main activity of an organization
coring Q10841774 obtaining of samples from borehole
corporate action Q1728583 event initiated by a public company that changes its securities
corpse dismemberment Q42269551 disjoining the limbs or other parts of a corpse, often in association with criminal acts
counting coup Q1137311 tradition of winning prestige against an enemy
covering a base Q5179254 role of an infielder or pitcher standing next to a base to receive a fielded ball and attempt to get a runner out
criminal hunt Q125506175 Activity and search
criminal investigation Q1964968 process that attempts to determine the facts of a crime and circumstances
cross processing Q172866 procedure of deliberately processing photographic film
cross-dressing Q431604 practice of dressing and acting in a style or manner traditionally associated with a specific sex, usually the opposite sex, for performance purposes
crossplay Q1039968 type of cosplay
cruising Q444310 social activity that primarily consists of driving a car
cultural-educational activity Q115156529 Activity
cykeloprydning Q119093348 Activity
daily routine Q865637 sociological concept
dance Q25543541 activity of taking part in a dance
dappan Q5356255 a samurai escaping from his feudal domain (country, territory, etc.), becoming independent, and becoming a ronin (masterless samurai)
data acquisition Q1172399 sum of methods of simultaneous or sequential time measurement and counting for measurable or quantifiable data and groups of contiguous data
data collection Q4929239 process of gathering and measuring information
data custodianship Q115641716 administration and protection of data-related resources and processes
data ingestion Q123784673 importing data files into a single storage medium
data sharing Q5227350 practice of making data available to others
dating Q654810 process of interacting and meeting other people on the prospect of establishing a romantic relationship
debasement Q5247833 formal term for removal of a knighthood or other honour
debut Q1181693 first public appearance in a given role or capacity
decanteren Q2673645 action
declassification Q5249498 publication of formerly secret information
decluttering Q25344555 using organizing principles to design process and organize spaces
decompression stop Q2446244 diving
deconstruction Q3536388 selective dismantlement of building components
decorating Q91791919 process of embellishing architecture, furniture, or other objects
decoupling Q5249642 prevention of undesired coupling between subsystems
deference Q396568 condition of submitting to the espoused, legitimate influence of one's superior or superiors
deflationary measures Q4282916 action
degustation Q1932115 careful, appreciative tasting of various foods
deletion Q5253647 term for removing a record from a label's catalog
deliberate lower case Q108741918 Lowercase, intentional human activity, and writing style
democratic instrument Q114972288 type of action related to democracy
demonstration Q1395149 teaching or promotional method
depicting Q115491052 act of creating a depiction
deposit Q5260774 making a cash deposit in a financial institution
desavoueren Q2588779 action
design Q82604 creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object or a system; process of creation; act of creativity and innovation
design Q1519454 creative process
detection Q5720030 action of accessing information without specific cooperation from or synchronization with the sender
dewatering Q2076369 removal of water from solid material or soil
dieting Q118713038 the process of going on a diet
diplomatic recognition Q1058726 unilateral political act whereby a state acknowledges an act or status of another state or government
disappearance Q3030513 action of disappearing or vanishing
discarding Q110458569 getting rid of something no longer wanted
discovery Q12772819 act of detecting something new
discrimination Q115667577 act of making distinctions (not necessarily prejudicial)
dishonest act Q24894148 action
displaying Q115203785 act of displaying or showing something
disruption Q2956685 event which interferes with an ongoing process
disseminating Q123819226 making something accessible to fellow researchers or the broader public through diverse and more or less formal means
don’t ask, don’t tell Q120000281 type of intentional human activity
double tracking Q5300113 audio recording technique in which a performer sings or plays along with their own prerecorded performance, usually to produce a stronger or "bigger" sound than can be obtained with a single voice or instrument
dousing Q2714298 Physiotherapy and activity
downgrading Q116763059 reducing access restrictions to a lower security classification
dream interpretation Q867634 the process of assigning meaning to dreams
dressing Q13128864 the act of putting on clothes
dressmaking Q28873655 making of women's clothes
dribbling Q1215228 maneuvering of a ball by a single player, avoiding defenders' attempts to intercept the ball
drinking Q876776 ingesting water or other liquids into the body through the mouth
dubbing Q187657 post-production process used in filmmaking and video production
dumpster diving Q1110145 searching refuse bins for edible food &/or useful items
dust control Q117381870 Activity
eLending Q115132528 the practice of lending an born-digital ebook to a borrower for a limited period of time
eating Q213449 ingestion of food to provide for all organisms their nutritional or medicinal needs
ecological recovery Q60469219 Activity
economic activity Q8187769 human activity involving the transfer of goods or services
edit Q65668588 individual change made to a document
editing Q194105 process of revising, correcting, and preparing for publication some material, performed by an editor(s)
editing Q397239 process of making a version of a work (usually book)
editorial decision Q100701259 decision made by an editor or editorial board about a work
educational activity Q61788126 human activity conducted with the purpose of educating people
effect Q111931734 exercising influence over an entity
election monitoring Q933054 observation of an election by one or more independent parties
electronic invoicing Q10481245 form of electronic billing
elimination Q2442305 math
embankment Q131325304 the activity of creating a dike, like around a polder
emergency response Q11858035 an action to give assistance provided by emergency services, teams, or individuals
emigrant Q4989857 person who has left his/her home country, often for political reasons
emulation Q12310028 process of closely mimicking the behavior of another system (e.g. computing)
endorsement Q265871 statement extolling the virtue of a product, service, position, or person's qualifications
energy conservation measure Q5377030 any type of project conducted, or technology implemented, to reduce the consumption of energy in a building
enforcement Q4202277 process of ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, rules, standards, or social norms
enriching Q123750937 activity of annotating, editing, or cleaning information to an object of enquiry, by making its origin, nature, structure, meaning, or elements explicit
enrollment Q102252225 process of a person joining a group
enterprise activity Q3629329 any strategical, tatcital or operational activity done by an enterprise
entertainment Q173799 activity that holds attention or gives pleasure
entrance Q83745292 motion from outside to inside of a location
escape Q50388354 break free from confinement or control
esfuerzo Q16516920 Activity
everyday practice Q37594750 practice
everyday resistance Q21663924 Intentional human activity, part of nonviolent resistance
eviction Q1893186 removal of a tenant from rental property by the landlord
exchange program Q59100300 program that provides for exchange of students or teachers between institutions
exercise Q29051769 performance of activities in order to develop or maintain readiness or competence in various forms of endeavors
exit Q83745285 motion from inside to outside of a location
exposing Q47169504 unauthorized distribution of intimate images accompanied by personal data via social media in order to disgrace the depicted person in her or his social environment
expression of concern Q56478588 activity
expropriation Q86757 seizure of private property without full compensation under government authority
extra-vehicular activity Q182020 activity done by an astronaut outside a spacecraft
extracurricular activity Q1341006 activity performed by students outside regular education
extradition Q210603 the surrender of an alleged criminal usually under the provisions of a treaty or statute by one authority (such as a state) to another having jurisdiction to try the charge
fantasy flight Q5434344 charity flights operated by a host airline for locally disadvantaged and terminally ill children to fly to a fictitious destination
farriery Q49170354 art and activity of producing horseshoes and shoeing horses
faux pas Q1398885 socially awkward or tactless act
feeding Q17550579 providing food to humans or fodder to animals
fertilizing Q13438506 Activity
fertilizing with burned lime Q66551645 Activity and fertilizing
fielding Q58390 action of fielders in collecting the ball after it is struck by the batsman, in such a way either to limit the number of runs that the batsman scores or to get the batsman out by catching the ball in flight or running the batsman out
finding Q37112258 event of locating or identifying something
fire safety Q2997557 precautionary measures to prevent or reduce the likelihood and destruction of a fire
firing Q2252038 process of firing a projectile
flat hunting Q107383058 activity of looking for a flat
flight Q206021 process by which an object moves, through an atmosphere or beyond it
flight Q1430466 response to distress by fleeing
flirting Q208704 social behavior that suggests interest in a deeper relationship with the other person
followership Q8564242 subordinate role
food and drink preparation Q16920758 manipulation of edible ingredients
foreplay Q5139011 set of emotionally and physically intimate acts meant to create sexual arousal and desire for sexual activity
forest assessment Q9355314 Activity, part of forest inventory
forest inventory Q1423188 systematic collection of information about a forested area for assessment or analysis
formalizing Q115492965 act of describing something in a strict form (often using a formal language or formal system), creating a formalization
formatting Q115676482 computer operation using a format string to produce another string
fuel injection Q308881 aspect of an internal combustion engine
function Q1168263 action or task that an object, person, or system is able to perform
ganbaru Q3248861 Japanese word
gargling Q1555174 bubbling a liquid in one's mouth
gathering Q2991771 collecting wild food resources (by humans)
gathering Q108634029 act of bringing items together
gaze Q14467155 awareness and perception of others
gesture Q56579231 Action or message intended to express something indirectly
getting Q12913541 to get something or someone, to receive something or someone
ghost singing Q111291276 practice used in the film industry for the singing scenes where a professional singer dubs the starring actor behind-the-scenes, thus giving the illusion that the starring actor sings itself
gift giving Q3035707 bestowing of tangible or intangible benefits, voluntarily and usually without expectation of anything in return
gift wrapping Q1516291 act of enclosing a gift in an enveloping material
giving Q16509017 transfer of possession; granting, conveying, presenting, offering
glass art technique Q106830708 craft, technique or style of making visual artworks using glass
global action Q115794355 action that affects all Wikimedia projects
good use Q105837165 to make good use of something
good works Q4714976 in Christianity, actions or deeds
grabbing Q112827867 the action of taking something in one's hand
graduating a university Q122943346 the act of graduating from a university
grand kowtow Q3274994 Intentional human activity and rite
graphic arts Q911059 Various forms of visual artistic expression, typically two-dimensional graphics, in particular drawing and printmaking
graphics Q1027879 visual presentation on some surface
guarding Q115298947 type of action by an agent to protect something or someone
guided tour Q1029698 a tour of any type of destination led by a guide
hacking Q2144405 solving of technical work that requires deep understanding, especially of a computer system
handicrafter Q11479517 profession
handling Q116446192 act of touching, controlling, managing or using a physical object
harassment Q3240539 wide range of behaviours of an offensive nature, commonly understood as behavior that demeans, humiliates or intimidates a person, and it is characteristically identified by its unlikelihood in terms of social and moral reasonableness
head dousing Q122942838 the activity of puring water over one's head
health care activity Q121770268 type of activity relating to healthcare
heilsfeit Q2216145 action
hiding Q30301727 process of preventing observation of something
historical reenactment Q657069 activity where people recreate aspects of a historical event
home construction Q5888958 process of constructing a home
homecoming Q112627403 act or event of returning home
honey hunting Q2961380 The extraction of honey from wild bees
horse shoeing Q1633999 Activity, animal husbandry method, and agricultural activity, part of farriery
housecleaning Q4411775 removal of dirt and grime; act of making clean
human activity Q61788060 activity initiated by a human, intentionally or unintentionally
human communication Q1066689 how humans communicate
human flesh search engine Q1346601 Chinese term for a form of Internet vigilantism
human service Q66120935 service by human, potentially assisted by machines
humanitarian activity Q107280686 human activity involving assistance to others and improvement of conditions for humanity
humiliation Q1136859 abasement of pride
hunt sabotage Q17028003 interference with hunting by animal rights activists
hunting Q36963 searching, pursuing, and catching wild animals
hydrocarbon exploration Q3241434 search for hydrocarbons
hypotheek oversluiten Q57699583 action
ice and snow activities Q56147424 Activity
impersonation Q2146099 taking on an identity that is not one's own
implementation Q245962 realization of an application, or execution of a plan, idea, model, design, specification, standard, algorithm, or policy
improvisation Q214961 process of devising a solution to a requirement in an ad hoc fashion
inclusion Q124461375 action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure
indexing Q11977025 action in information science of building an index (supplementary data structure holding denormalized data) to accelerate subsequent accesses
indirection Q1171224 referencing an entity indirectly
individual and political action against climate change Q4381750 actions against climate change
industrial sector Q8148 economic sector characterized by large scale automated manufacturing as in industrialization
inflationary measures Q2277601 action
initiative Q1663557 first move in a chain of action aimed at achieving a goal
inleunen Q2100855 Activity
insertion Q69990763 putting one physical object inside another
insourcing Q1664608 the cessation by a company of contracting a business function and the commencement of performing it internally
inspection Q1137655 an examination or investigation; the right to see and duplicate documents, enter land, or make other such examinations for the purpose of gathering evidence
installation Q836862 process of making a computer program ready for execution
insulation Q28942342 act of insulating (electricity, heat, sound), state of being insulated; detachment from other objects by insulator
intellectual activity Q105606485 human activity comprising of mental actions
interactivity Q839721 interaction between two or more arbitrary quantities, things or persons
interdenominationalism Q21014217 activities that extend over several religious denominations (for deeper relationships, see ecumenicism at Q156112)
internship Q6500754 period of work experience, usually at the start of one's career, often prior to completion of schooling
intervention Q9383871 type of medical activity used to diagnose, prevent and treat the patient
interviewee Q55534929 one who is interviewed
intransitive activity Q119227330 Activity
invention Q14208553 unique or novel device, method, composition or process
involuntary action Q6061399 action
issuing Q115667614 act of delivering by authority
jettison Q28457449 discarding of fuel, munitions, or other objects by an aircraft or other vehicle
job hunting Q629194 the act of looking for employment
job-hopping Q1908849 Activity
jogging Q816261 form of trotting or running at a slow or leisurely pace
journalism Q11030 investigation and reporting of events, issues and trends to a broad audience
jurisdictional arbitrage Q6315223 Practice of taking advantage of discrepancies between legal jurisdictions
keepalive Q1737743 message sent by one device to another to check that the link between the two is operating, or to prevent the link from being broken
keeping Q117797839 to cause something to stay or remain
killing Q844482 act of killing a living being
kindergarten hunting Q24898676 search for kindergartens for one's children
klapning Q12322060 activity at sea where material is release from the bottom of a ship
knocking Q118603781 strike something to produce noise and attract someone's attention
konání Q116177912 Activity
koorzang Q113360774 activity of singing in a choir
labeling Q3214320 process in which various signs are applied to an object for identification purposes
land improvement Q5207064 process to improve land conditions
lastenverlichting Q13748319 Activity
leadership Q484275 ability or activity of an individual or organization to guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations
learning activity Q98034006 action through which a person learns
legal action Q2135540 intentional human action
lekenpraatje Q2252321 Activity and term
lesson Q379833 section of learning or teaching into which a wider learning content is divided
letter delivery Q915073 the delivery of a letter by the respective authorized carriers to the recipient
lifting Q115728332 activity increasing the elevation of an object held by the agent (e.g. animal, human, robot, etc.)
limitation Q105766481 act of establishing a limitation, restriction or boundary
linguistic prescription Q1321978 attempt to lay down norms defining preferred or "correct" use of language
lip synching Q740552 practice used in the music industry consisting in moving the lips silently in synchronization with a pre-recorded audio track, thus giving the illusion of singing or speaking live
litkup Q11761950 type of legal act in old Poland
live-line working Q627058 electrical equipment maintenance
livelihood Q6658164 set of activities essential to everyday life
loading Q69466762 lifting a load up or putting it into something for transport
logeren Q2331293 Activity
logged activity Q107343533 recorded behavior
logical and mimological actions Q27979846 sociological terms coined by Vilfredo Pareto
looking Q56274009 act of intentionally focusing visual perception on someone or something
love language Q117214556 way that romantic partners express and experience love
lowering Q115728340 activity reducing the elevation of an object held by the agent (e.g. animal, human, robot, etc.)
luchten Q2222128 Activity
lying Q2268776 human position in which the body is more or less horizontal and supported along its length by the surface underneath
machine activity Q121770282 activity carried out by machines
maintenance Q1043452 involves functional checks, cleaning, servicing, repairing or replacing of necessary devices, equipment, machinery, building infrastructure, and supporting utilities in industrial, business, and residential installations
make-up technique Q119133090 various techniques of make-up
managed retreat Q6746652 purposeful, coordinated movement of people and buildings away from risks, often in response to a variety of hazards such as flood, wildfire, or drought
mandate Q845436 authority granted by a constituency to act as its representative
manual activity Q10576697 activity making predominant use of the hands
mapping Q11736611 type of mapping with geoscientific data in the field; for map making use Q1734603
mapping Q124446056 in biology or medicine and not geographically or geospatial
marking Q41090768 action of the verb to mark (put a mark upon; to indicate in some way, to make recognizable by a mark, etc.)
marksmanship Q114047886 Activity
marktgedrag Q2855136 Activity and economic concept
mass production Q215768 high-volume production of standardized products
matchmaking Q620113 process of matching two or more people together, usually for the purpose of marriage
media sharing Q1528139 Intentional human activity
medical restraint Q459499 form of general physical restraint used for medical purposes
member check Q6814202 returning data or results to participants to check for accuracy
memorialization Q6815577 process of preserving memories of people or events
merchandising Q740777 any practice which contributes to the sale of products to a retail consumer
military activity Q68482296 human activity by or related to military forces
military affairs Q1791716 collective term for everything that concerns the military: legal regulations, training of soldiers, etc.
military decision Q11552339 Decision making for the commander (Japanese armed forces)
military operation Q15835236 use of the armed forces as a means of executive power
military order Q355813 binding instruction given by a senior rank to a junior rank in a military context
mise en place et le retrait des clôtures électriques Q56222004 Activity
mise en scène Q2607241 visual and design aspects of a theatre production
mixology Q25376956 the art of mixing alcoholic drinks, including the creation and adaptation of recipes
model building Q917912 hobby of building physical models
model-making Q3318173 creation of prototypes of clothing
modification Q109243379 activity that creates, alters or otherwise changes an object in some particular characteristic without changing it into something else
moment of silence Q1068056 period of silent contemplation, prayer, reflection, or meditation at a gathering, often as a gesture of respect in mourning
monitoring and evaluation Q18390984 continuous assessment and examination concerning the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and impact of activities in light of specified objectives
mortgage brokerage Q49181688 activity to broker mortgage loans on behalf of individuals or businesses
motion Q2124131 formal step to introduce a matter for consideration by a group;it is a common concept in the procedure of trade unions, students' unions, corporations, and other deliberative assemblies
motion Q6666023 locomotor activity
motorcycle touring Q9035390 format of tourism
motorcycling Q608003 riding a motorcycle
motorism Q113976560 lifestyle and activity
mounting Q15784401 act of getting on a mount
move Q683403 action selected by a player in a game
movement activity Q115135887 Activity and motion
moving Q115095261 act of moving something from somewhere to somewhere
multi-licensing Q1367082 practice of distributing content (e.g. software) under terms that give the recipient a choice of licenses
music composing Q11895763 action or process of creating or writing of music; art of creating music
music making Q110958572 activity that results in intentionally structured sound
musiceren Q2485955 Activity and musical concept
myndighetsutövning Q119245206 Activity and public authority
name and shame Q2592071 form of dishonoring or disgracing a group or person
name blending Q24085184 practice of creating a new name by blending two existing names
nature management measures Q4463071 action, part of nature management
natuurcompensatie Q13878846 action
navigation Q102066 process of monitoring and directing the movement of a person, craft or vehicle from one place to another
negation Q23090506 change or action with an opposite effect to a previous action
negligent homicide Q641449 homicide caused by the negligence of another
negotiation Q202875 dialogue between two or more people or parties intended to reach a beneficial outcome
nephelomancy Q3874226 art and practice of divining the past, the present and the future with the aid of observation of clouds (shapes, colors, directions toward they move, positions in the sky)
neutering Q3482590 removal of an animal's reproductive organ
new product development Q1395034 complete process of bringing a new product to market
news embargo Q1065052 term
non-apology apology Q7048837 statement in the form of an apology that does not express remorse
norm Q1087786 rules, guidelines, etc. by a recognized organization
notarization Q3691010 act of a notary or public official to certify the correctness of a fact in their official capacity
noxal surrender Q7067295 surrender of a dependent person instead of paying for that person's wrong
numbering Q63430970 process of placing numerals on a series of items
obstructionism Q483418 practice of deliberately delaying or preventing a process or change, especially in politics
occupational activity Q121770261 activity carried out as part of an occupation or job
official act Q481182 act in the exercise of public office
official appointment Q52112831 Event where a British MP is appointed to another Crown office, thus losing their seat in the House of Commons. Use "resignation" for Chiltern Hundreds etc (Qualifier for P39 items.)
offshore Q2562824 hydrocarbons
omgaan Q1815720 action and Law of the Netherlands in Netherlands
omission Q110240047 non-inclusion of a part or set member that is typically included or whose inclusion would be expected
on-the-fly change Q533093 change to a system while the process that the change affects is ongoing
ontpolderen Q2117460 Activity
opdrijven Q2667125 Activity
opening Q115654648 act of changing the state of something from closed to open
opening act Q495327 entertainment act that performs at a concert before the featured act
opening of an Olympic games Q116504980 declaration that an Olympic games has begun
opspuiten Q56379542 Activity
optimization Q24476018 process of finding a "best" choice for achieving same goal
ostracism Q252802 legal category and action
ostraha Q12043031 Activity
outreach Q11640 activity of providing services to populations who might not otherwise have access to those services
outsourcing Q61515 contracting out of an internal business process to a third-party organization
overcoming Q40139189 series of actions that result in the successful handling of a situation
overcreditering Q104866852 action and economic concept
painting Q3374341 The application of paint to a surface primarily for protection or to apply a general color.
paper folding Q2050700 Method, activity, and folding
paramilitarism Q113585502 militarism, activity, and paramilitary organization
participating Q123663219 to take part in an activity with others
participation (in decisions) Q1773152 inclusion of individuals and organizations in decision-making and opinion-forming processes
passive aggression Q108800174 action
passivity Q55311692 being subjected to an action without producing a reaction
pastvinářství Q112686124 Activity
paternalism Q58434 action limiting a person’s or group’s liberty or autonomy intended to promote their own good
patrol Q11379765 operational independent, professionally watching and patrolling of an assigned scope by security forces
payment processing Q4382277 financial activity
pedestrian transport Q3859736 transport by walking
peer review Q215028 process of collecting evaluations of a product or activity by one or more people of similar competence to the creator or actor
performance Q35140 public presentation of a performing arts work, a play, concert, or other form of entertainment
perspective-taking Q18387795 the act of perceiving a situation or understanding a concept from an alternative point of view
phone banking Q30141361 political campaign strategy to collect voter data and get out the vote
phone cloning Q4224066 copying of identity from one cellular device to another
photographing Q10498329 act of creating a photograph
photography Q11633 art, science, and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation
photowalking Q7187943 communal activity of camera enthusiasts
physiological activity Q39899287 type of activity
pick and place Q14098999 action
plain speech Q102111981 speech practices among Quakers and Anabaptists intended to promote honesty and simplicity
planned process Q104637332 process that takes place with human or agentic involvement or planning
planning Q309100 process of determining the activities required to achieve a desired goal
plating Q568673 arranging food on a plate for serving
playback Q115114207 act of playing back something that has previously been recorded
playing Q1150958 range of voluntary, intrinsically motivated activities done for recreational pleasure and enjoyment
playing of media Q124458359 playing of recorded or streaming media on a device
plucking Q7205222 process of removing hair via individual removal
poaching Q34577 illegal hunting and capturing of wild animals
podcast Q20899 type of digital broadcasting method
podorythmie Q3393118 traditional French Canadian method of tapping one's feet during musical performances
poleren Q2404428 action
police operation Q1707496 police action in the field service
political activity Q12142141 activity aimed at changing regulations about how society should be
political patronage Q265939 support that one organization or individual bestows to another
politics Q7163 activities associated with group decisions
popularisation Q2104295 process of making something popular or understandable to the general public
posing Q16670786 posture and activity
post-production Q648877 part of filmmaking, video production and photography process
pow wow Q254279 social gathering held by many different Native American communities
practice Q10354783 manifesting theory into physical action
practice Q115673998 procedure (good or bad) usually performed
preference falsification Q56296899 stating a preference not truly held
preparation Q19833559 activity of achieving readiness for some event or activity
presentation Q604733 process of presenting a topic to an audience
preservation Q830393 set of activities aimed at prolonging the life of a record or object in the fields of museum, library and archive
preservation Q1479406 maintenance of objects as closely as possible to their original condition
presidential directive Q48976586 instruction or declaration issued by the President of the United States
prestation Q1248914 kind of payment
prestressing Q2489812 action
prevention Q1717246 causing an event or condition, that would otherwise occur, not to occur
preventive action Q2823701 change implemented to address a weakness in a management system as a precaution
prioritization Q11888847 activity that arranges items or activities in order of importance or time-sensitivity relative to each other
process Q10843872 set of interrelated tasks that transform inputs into outputs, where the tasks may be carried out by people, nature or machines using various resources
procreation Q1899900 creation of life
profiteering Q3561101 act of making a profit by methods considered unethical
progress Q107724490 move forward
promulgation Q446780 act of formally proclaiming or declaring a new statutory or administrative law after its enactment
proskynesis Q676790 Expression of respect for the gods and people; among the Persians
prostitution Q36633 engaging in sexual relations in exchange for payment
protest Q273120 expression of objection
provocation Q257931 action resulting in negative reactions such as condemnation or counteractions
prutsen Q27895254 Activity
préarchivage Q3408799 Intentional human activity, in the field of archival science
psychological activity Q39899436 type of activity
public health intervention Q1814351 any effort or policy designed to improve public health
public health measure Q88708584 action to increase the public health
public speaking Q18342738 process and act of speaking or giving a lecture to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain a listening audience
publishing Q3972943 process of production and dissemination of literature, music, or information
punishment Q186361 imposition of an undesirable or unpleasant outcome
punishment Q113594218 process of imposing a punishment
racial profiling Q1850662 suspecting, targeting or discriminating against someone due to ethnicity, religion, or nationality, rather than on individual suspicion or evidence
railway operation Q5853441 activities associated with the operation of railways
reaction Q31983622 action or statement in response to a stimulus or other event
reactivation Q112188950 restoration of an object that has already been taken out of service to its original function
reading Q199657 cognitive process of decoding symbols to derive meaning; a form of language processing
reading Q3385001 action performed by computers to acquire data from a source and place it into working memory for processing
realisation Q113057030 Implementation, execution
receiving Q115088817 act of receiving something from someone
reconstruction Q123585930 creation of detailed descriptions or models of past events or entities that are not directly observable, based on limited information
recreation Q184872 human activity of leisure (discretionary time)
recruitment Q899277 process of attracting, selecting and appointing candidates to a job or other organization
redistribution of property Q4350217 mass transfer of ownership from one owners to another
refutation Q11794592 Indication of an incorrect consequence of a sentence
regifting Q4118225 act of taking a gift that has been received and giving it to somebody else
registration Q2399307 activity of recording data on an entity, often for legal purposes, or data that has been so recorded
regular Q114167765 set rules about an activity
rehabilitation Q2142602 penological process to make a person again a functional part of society
religious activity Q118471175 individual or group action that expresses or supports religious belief
remaster Q1971087 process, activity; changing the quality of the sound or of the image, or both, of previously created recordings, either audiophonic, cinematic, or videographic
remediation Q14255687 process by which new media is constantly remediating its predecessors
remedy by the state after human rights violations Q80123578 positive action taken by a state in reaction of human rights violations
renunciation Q7313594 act of renouncing something one previously enjoyed or endorsed
repair Q2144962 activity to fix any broken or inoperable equipment
repetition Q16686611 single cycle of lifting and lowering a weight in strength training
repudiation Q3456503 act by which a husband renounces his wife in certain cultures and religions
research Q42240 systematic study undertaken to increase knowledge
reservation Q2145615 arrangement made in advance to secure a place, time, or service
reservation Q108403935 type of action
reshoring Q926277 action
residency Q2359691 act of establishing or maintaining a residence in a given place; presence in a specific jurisdiction
resistance (political activity) Q111680419 actions of resisting, opposing, or withstanding someone or something
restraint and seclusion Q75218294 controversial practices of pinning down people or locking them in rooms, most often used on people with disabilities
retconning Q111949588 practice of altering previously established facts in the continuity of a fictional work
retribution Q112073391 punishing or rewarding reaction
return Q115481238 return to any starting point
revelation Q192906 revealing or disclosure of religious truth
reverse engineering Q269608 process by which a man-made object is deconstructed to reveal its designs, architecture, code or to extract knowledge from the object
riding circuit Q7332963 practice of travelling between court locations
rijping Q42154526 Activity
rubbing Q96644756 intentional motion of an object against another object
runaway Q1056267 minor or a person under an arbitrary age, who has left the home of the parent or legal guardian without permission
sacrifice Q64534006 act of giving something away for the possibility of gaining something else, or avoiding a greater loss
safety check Q10153260 inspection of product quality, contraband, etc.
sample size determination Q2564360 act of choosing the number of observations to include in a statistical sample
sampling Q7410159 collection of matter for medical purposes
sashiage Q11479845 action, part of matsuri
satyagraha Q194279 form of nonviolent resistance practised during British colonial rule in India
saving Q319622 liquidity preference
scandalize Q2556769 action
scapegoating Q2912143 practice of singling out any party for unmerited negative treatment or blame as a scapegoat
schuldvermenging Q2385127 Activity
scientific activity Q119459661 activity leading to the understanding of the physical or material world
sealing practice Q61636221 activity of using seals for making impressions
search for missing person Q125506159 Activity and search
securing Q38118608 act of making an area, person, building or other object safe
security Q2526135 freedom from, or resilience against, potential harm caused by hostile forces, circumstances or disturbances
seeing Q25374341 the event of perceiving something using eyesight
seeking Q96754350 activity aimed at finding something
self-cutting Q118849417 harming one's own body by cutting oneself intentionally and voluntarily
self-fulfillment Q7448098 realizing of one's deepest desires and capacities
self-help Q702275 an agent's implementation of their rights without resorting to legal writ or consultation of higher authority
self-injury Q622527 intentional injury to one's own body without the intention to kill oneself
self-punitiveness Q124380759 Intentional human activity
selling out Q3309433 expression for the compromising of a person's integrity in exchange for personal gain
semi-automation Q65064798 repetitive process or procedure that is performed by the combined activities of a human and a machine
sensory processing Q241849 organization of sensory information from a person's body and the external world
service entry Q29933828 act of placing in active service
sharing Q459221 joint use of a resource or space
shiko Q109364591 Activity
shipping Q1937808 desire by fans for fictional characters (or more rarely, real people) to be in a romantic or sexual relationship
shoe tossing Q375823 cultural practice
shoulder look Q2251562 view of a driver over his/her shoulder to check oncoming traffic in the blind spot
showrooming Q3482595 practice of examining merchandise in a physical retail venue, and then buying it online, often at a lower price
shunting Q1429051 sorting railway vehicles into complete trains (or the reverse)
sightseeing Q1542314 touristic watching of tourist attractions
sign song Q85860240 Activity, performance, and performing arts genre
signeri Q10667652 type of magical practice
silent activities Q107120602 activities without talking
silvicultural practice Q116865911 Forest operations implemented during the life of a forest to alter competition, composition, and growth
sin Q60227 transgression against religious commandments or precepts
singback Q10668278 any live singing or performance followed by a pre-recorded backing track
singing Q27939 act of producing musical sounds with the voice
sjorren Q2517026 Activity
skinning Q780654 skin removal
sledding Q3266340 gliding sport
sleep onset Q7539762 transition from wakefulness into sleep
slide Q1141258 in baseball, action of a runner who drops his body to the ground and slides along the ground to reach base
smashing Q12892490 violent action that breaks an object
soaking Q10672816 prayer method
social action Q769620 act which takes into account the actions and reactions of (other) individuals or agents
social action Q60963421 means by wich a society acts upon itself to preserve its cohesion
software cracking Q1138423 modification of software, often to use it for free
sorting Q2303697 action of arranging objects into order
spiritual practice Q2270606 activities regularly performed to induce religious experiences or cultivate spiritual development
sponsorship Q10346136 being a sponsor, aid or support provided by a sponsor in exchange for advertising
spoorverdubbeling Q2628466 action
starting a family Q130746549 Creation and intentional human activity
staying Q122146711 to remain in a place
step Q110240153 individual, often atomic, element of a task or procedure
sterilization Q1563203 economic action taken by a central bank
sterrijden Q1996609 Activity
stewardship Q1543547 planning and management of resources and processes
stimulation Q4114622 providing something that rouses the recipient to activity
stolen base Q1195130 in baseball, when a runner advances one or more bases before the ball has been batted
storage Q2534289 act of storing materials, goods or data in a storage
storing Q123819222 process of creating digital replicas of items under investigation, research findings, software, services, or any form of media, ensuring their long-term accessibility through archiving, even if they are not necessarily made public
stoten Q1822406 action
stravování Q113996610 Activity
strekproef Q2793117 action
strengthening Q2252411 act of making a structure stronger or more robust
stripping Q66290580 separation of two materials adhering to each other
stroken Q2065728 Activity
structuring Q105826330 the act of stating the structure of something, such as an organization
studies Q9347372 scientific learning and research in higher education
study Q1782301 examining written materials for the purpose of learning
submissive gift of honor Q131090911 gift in the BDSM scene that pursue the purpose of remaining in the present memory of his master (BDSM).
subtractie van chemische interferentie en spectrale achtergrond Q2155247 Activity
succession Q99632598 act or process of following in order or sequence
summiter Q104071967 Person who has climbed a mountain peak
sun bathing Q47125651 the activity of sitting or lying in the sun to make the skin darker
supervision Q1175042 act or instance of directing, managing, or oversight
survival Q104482419 act of being still alive after a threatening or dangerous situation
sustainable fishery Q1485804 fishing practices intended not to cause the fish population to decline over time
swan song Q1509918 final effort before the end
swinging Q114965387 act of playing using a swing
symbolic act Q124751998 intentional act which communicates to observer(s) or participant(s) beyond any language or facial expressions involved
synchronization Q1058791 coordination of events to operate a system in unison
table setting Q113976606 Activity
tailing Q47436102 act of secretly or discreetly tracking or following someone
tank plinking Q7683506 term used in the Gulf War, but discouraged by the military, of destroying a target with an overly capable weapon
task Q759676 activity that is planned to be or should be accomplished
tax collecting Q2449024 collecting a tax from someone
tax noncompliance Q15279749 range of legal and illegal activities that reduce tax paid
taxonomic act Q100385038 formal creation of, or change to, the name of a taxon
tearing Q2219270 act of breaking apart a material by force, without the aid of a cutting tool
technical activity Q119822504 intentional human activity involving the use of technology
technoscience Q592230 human application of technology and modern scientific methods
teeth cleaning Q17084824 part of oral hygiene
tegenhangen Q3279519 Activity
television programming Q13821074 practice of organizing television programs in to a schedule
test run Q11631356 preliminary run of a planned process or event to validate the procedure
testing Q20180812 according to DIN 1319, the extent to which a test object meets a requirement
testspecificatie Q2274171 Activity
textile process Q7708485 process or technique for working with textile materials
textual reuse Q105575002 method of writing
theorizing Q123783453 method which aims to relate a number of elements or ideas into a coherent system based on some general principles and capable of explaining relevant phenomena or observations that can be tested
throwing Q12898216 launching of a ballistic projectile by hand
time sink Q7805432 activity that consumes a significant amount of time
timing Q21013308 doing something at a certain time
to live Q2468572 live (in a certain place)
toleration Q183225 practice of allowing or permitting a thing, person, or idea of which one disapproves
toll collection Q66736036 Collection of fees payable to use a road or passage
tornado hunting Q129491904 Activity, amateurism, and tornado
torture Q132781 intentional infliction of physical or mental suffering upon a person or an animal
touch Q877674 physical contact involving one or more sentient agents (for contact between non-sentient objects, use Q38183514)
track maintenance Q12111866 method or steps that maintain, clean up, or repair a railway and lengthens its lifespan
tracking Q106518118 the general notion of following something or someone using specialized methods and with particular goals
traditional activity Q1982569 human activity based on and in furtherance of tradition
train surfing Q1354582 riding on the exteriors of rail vehicles
training and development Q348960 involves improving the effectiveness of organizations and the individuals and teams within them
transcendentale reductie Q4601838 action, philosophical concept, and phenomenology
transferring modes of transport Q122943014 the action of changing from one means of transport to another
translating activity Q115160303 the activities of making a translation
transport Q7590 human-directed movement of things or people between locations
transposition Q78082099 action in which the positions of pairs of items are switched with one another
travel Q61509 movement of people between geographical locations
trip Q778483 travel to some destination
trying Q124615583 participation of an evaluator in an experience in order to gauge its quality
tuning Q2369195 action
type fixation Q122422292 fixation of taxonomic type (cf. ICZN 67.4)
type of attempt Q130583203 Wikimedia metaclass for an attempt on something
type of crime Q130583773 Wikimedia metaclass for crime activities
typesetting Q837721 composition of text by means of types
typing Q3215756 process of writing or inputting text by pressing keys on a typewriter, keyboard, cell phone, or a calculator
underfunding Q124252665 lack of funding
unicycling Q114717799 riding a unicycle (transportation, sport, exercise, recreation...)
uninstallation Q1183329 process of removing installed software from a computer
union busting Q3456341 efforts to prevent or hinder unionization among workers
unloading Q12889429 discharge a load, a freight or other goods from a transport vehicle or similar
unsubscribe Q104036461 act of unsubscribing
upbringing Q2353731 type of education
use Q1724915 use of a resource to perform a task
value-rational action Q2400724 action
verlaten plaats na verkeersongeval Q65116202 action
verpleegkundige handeling Q14513654 action
vervening Q18435281 process and activity
verwijzing Q2667988 action
verzeiling Q2245477 action
veto Q65474590 instance of the veto power being invoked
violation of law Q1456832 action against the law, subject to punishment
violence Q124490 use of physical force or power for coercion or as punishment
violent action Q115431212 type of action
visual art activity Q115161743 Activity
vlaggen Q2306566 action
voice acting Q22920017 act of doubling a character in an animated moving picture or to voice-over
voicing Q104854178 achieving the required tonal quality from each pipe of a pipe organ
voluntarism Q7940935 any action based on non-coercion
voluntary action Q4374347 conscious action implemented act free will
voluntary service Q1454904 institutionalized form of volunteering with limited time for a non-profit cause
waiting Q16944487 delaying action until an expected event
waking up Q6095039 transition from sleep state to waking state
walk Q25443024 move upright by the means of legs
walking Q6537379 one of the main gaits of locomotion among legged animals, typically slower than running and other gaits; characterized by a 'vaulting' movement of the body over the legs, frequently described as an inverted pendulum
wallpaper hanging Q2619486 primary activity
waste of resources Q2518023 excessive consumption or inefficient use of resources
watching Q19055855 action of observing something over time
water throwing Q125102101 Activity
water transport Q155930 transportation on water surface (sea, lake, river, ...) or through water entity, using watercrafts
weapon countermeasures Q1032176 action and function
web surfing Q12404958 access of resources across the web
wedgie Q2526158 forcibly pulling a person's underpants
weekend carpenter Q24887070 Activity
weight cutting Q7979865 practice of fast weight loss prior to a sporting competition
weighting Q856577 statistical practice of placing varying importance on different inputs
whistleblowing Q112983147 making public alleged dishonest or illegal activities
whitelisting Q105022805 practice of allowing people or entities, generally
widening Q112233843 process of making an item wider
wildlife conservation Q766328 practice of protecting wild plant and animal species and their habitats
wilfing Q2652680 action
window shopping Q55637790 activity: consumer browses through a store's merchandise as a form of leisure or external search behaviour without a current intent to buy
winnowing Q961751 method of separating grain from chaff
wisselligging Q2788868 Activity
witchcraft Q259745 belief in possibility of or attempts to trigger supernatural processes not possible per natural laws; alleged or fictional practice of magical skills and abilities
writing Q60527758 action performed by computers to place data into a device lower in the memory hierarchy
wrongdoing Q896677 opposite of right
youth ministry Q8059317 spiritual growth program for youth
zichtwerk Q2801638 Activity
zoemen Q2278580 action
Činidba Q12645973 action and legal concept in Croatia, part of law of obligations
електричний контакт Q25444007 action
здабываньне Q12039615 acquisition of a legal right (e.g. ownership of property) by a person
реновация монет Q16691883 Activity
шөғөл Q105766823 Activity and activity
教科外活動 Q17240224 Activity, part of curriculum guideline in Japan
異議申立て Q11578846 action


Item ID Description
artisanal milling Q113313526 manually milled flour often from locally grown grains
parade des berlots Q116733165 element of intangible heritage
traditional lament Q116505162 traditional song in Quebec, Canada

∑ 860 items.

End of automatically generated list.