I'm LucaBiondi, i was born in Italy in 1974 and this is my Wikidata page. I'm active on it.wikipedia since august 2008
Property Proposed
[edit]On wikidata i proposed:
Work on subclass of (P279)
[edit]Manually inserting subclass of (P279) on some items and where not exist insert also properties: instance of (P31) and manufacturer (P176)
- Q725321 (Opel Corsa A) ---( subclass of (P279) )---> Q376916 (Opel Corsa)
- Q1142757 (Opel Corsa B) ---( subclass of (P279) )---> Q376916 (Opel Corsa)
- Q2623139 (Opel Corsa C) ---( subclass of (P279) )---> Q376916 (Opel Corsa)
- Q840279 (Opel Corsa D) ---( subclass of (P279) )---> Q376916 (Opel Corsa)
So using WikidataQuery:[176:40966]_and_claim[279:376916] i'll obtain items above...
Already done:
- Q376916 (Opel Corsa)
- Q622959 (Opel Kadett)
- Q177675 (Opel Ascona)
- Q1069474 (Opel Rekord)
- Q964775 (Opel Senator)
- Q735069 (Opel Omega)
- Q1350 (Opel Astra)
- Q246644 (Opel Vectra)
- Q1130093 (Opel Meriva)
- Q466506 (Opel Calibra)
- Q671495 (Opel Zafira)
Start and end production date using significant event (P793)
[edit]Adding significant event (P793) to Opel Kadett (Q622959) ( models A,B,C,D,E )
Example: Opel Kadett E (Q2025180) have significant event (P793) equal to production (Q739302)
- start time (P580) equal to "agosto 1984"
- end time (P582) equal to "maggio 1993"
Already done:
- Opel Kadett (Q622959) ( models A,B,C,D,E )
- Opel Kadett (Q3882856) ( original 1936 model )
Work on residence (P551) and P794 (P794)
[edit]Starting from items in it:Categoria:Italiani_emigrati_negli_Stati_Uniti_d'America i'm trying to add residence (P551) and P794 (P794) to wikidata.
Example on Q5041458 (Carlo Barsotti):
- Q13375 (Pisa)
- → start time (P580) 1850
- → end time (P582) 1872
- Q13375 (Pisa)
- Q60 (New York)
- → start time (P580) 1872
- → end time (P582) 1927
- → P794 (P794) Q187668 (Emigrazione)
- Q60 (New York)
- A Little improvement with claim[107:215627] AND tree[38][150][17,19] AND claim[551:30] i obtain all people where place of birth (P19) or country (P17) is in italy and have a residence in United States.
- Another little improvement with claim[107:215627] AND tree[38][150][17,19] AND tree[30][150][17,551] i obtain all people where place of birth (P19) or country (P17) is in italy and residence is in United States
Parts of the human body (Q23852) using tree and part of (P361)
[edit]- Using: tree[23852][361][361]
My first 4 projects
[edit]home computer (Q473708) (term)
[edit]- Goal: starting from it:Categoria:Home_computer adding property to wikidata
- Query: -
- Properties:
- P107 (P107) = term (Q1969448)
- subclass of (P279) = < item > ( example home computer (Q473708))
- manufacturer (P176) = < item >
- operating system (P306) = < item >
- CPU (P880) = < item >
- significant event (P793) = presentation (Q604733)
- → P540 (P540) = < luogo >
- → point in time (P585) = < data >
- significant event (P793) = production (Q739302)
- → start time (P580) = < data >
- → end time (P582) = < data >
- Status: Work in progress
Opel (Q40966) motor car (Q1420)(term)
[edit]- Goal: Starting from list of items in wikidata that contain the string "opel", verify and catalog these item. Add manufacturer (P176) equal to Opel (Q40966) to all Opel car's, engine's.
- Query: claim[176:40966]
- Properties:
- P107 (P107) = term (Q1969448)
- subclass of (P279) = < item > ( example motor car (Q1420))
- manufacturer (P176) = < item >
- significant event (P793) = presentation (Q604733)
- → P766 (P766) = < luogo >
- → point in time (P585) = < data >
- significant event (P793) = production (Q739302)
- → start time (P580) = < data >
- → end time (P582) = < data >
- follows (P155) = < item >
- followed by (P156) = < item >
- Status: Work in progress ( done: subclass of (P279), manufacturer (P176))
- Show data in table format:
Parts of the human body (Q23852) (term)
[edit]- Goal: List parts of the human body (Q23852) using tree and part of (P361)
- Query: tree[23852][361][361]
- Properties::
- P107 (P107) = term (Q1969448)
- part of (P361) = < part >
- Status: Work in progress, display item using a tree not a list
Example using Tree (with part of (P361)) and Subclasses tree starting from finger (Q620207):
⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
Emigrati (person) from Italy (Q38) to United States of America (Q30)
[edit]- Goal: Starting from items in it:Categoria:Italiani_emigrati_negli_Stati_Uniti_d'America and adding residence (P551) and P794 (P794) to wikidata obtain a list of people born in Italy (Q38) that resides (residence (P551)) in United States of America (Q30). Completed with date on which a person has migrated
- Query: claim[107:215627] AND tree[38][150][17,19] AND tree[30][150][17,551] (***)[19:(tree[38][][131,17])]_AND_claim[551:(tree[30][][131,17])]
- Properties to set in wikidata to complete items:
- P107 (P107) = person (Q215627)
- place of birth (P19) = < luogo > ( *** search thru tree contains the administrative territorial entity (P150) = Italy (Q38) )
- residence (P551) = < luogo > ( *** search thru tree contains the administrative territorial entity (P150)= United States of America (Q30) )
- → start time (P580) = < data >
- → end time (P582) = < data >
- → P794 (P794) = emigration (Q187668) (Emigrazione)
- Status: Work in progress
My first project with Quarry
[edit]SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription WHERE { ?item wdt:P279 wd:Q8066. ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q11173. }
- subclass of (P279) of amino acid (Q8066) (Req.)
- instance of (P31) of chemical compound (Q11173) (Req.)
- chemical formula (P274) (Opz.)
Stazioni ferroviarie
[edit]Descrizione: stazione ferroviaria <P17>
- instance of (P31) of railway station (Q55488) (Req.)
- country (P17) of <nazione> (Req.)
- coordinate location (P625) (Opz.)
- number of platform tracks (P1103) (Opz.)
- connecting line (P81) (Opz.)
[edit]Descrizione: battaglia della <P361>
- instance of (P31) of conflict (Q180684) (Req.)
- part of (P361) (Opz.)
- point in time (P585) (Opz.)