Wikidata:WikiProject every politician/European Union/data/Parliament/Current Members

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Member Group District Start Time sex or gender date of birth
Mika Aaltola European People's Party Group Finland 2024-07-16 male 1969-05-02
Magdalena Adamowicz European People's Party Group Poland 2024-07-16 female 1973-04-10
Gabriel Mato Adrover European People's Party Group Spain 2024-07-16 male 1961-04-29
Giorgos Aftias European People's Party Group Greece 2024-07-16 male 1956-07-25
Oihane Agirregoitia Renew Europe Spain 2024-07-16 female 1980-04-18
Peter Agius European People's Party Group Malta 2024-07-16 male 1979
Juan Fernando López Aguilar Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2024-07-16 male 1961-06-10
Abir Al-Sahlani Renew Europe Sweden 2024-07-16 female 1976-05-18
Galato Alexandraki European Conservatives and Reformists Greece 2024-07-16 female 1948-12-11
Grégory Allione Renew Europe France 2024-07-16 male 1971-07-25
Nacho Sánchez Amor Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2024-07-16 male 1960-05-15
Nikos Anadiotis Non-Inscrits Greece 2024-07-16 male 1983-02-10
Christine Anderson Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Germany 2024-07-16 female 1968-07-29
Li Andersson The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Finland 2024-07-16 female 1987-05-13
Rasmus Andresen The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2024-07-16 male 1986-02-20
Barry Andrews Renew Europe Dublin 2024-07-16 male 1967-05-16
Vytenis Andriukaitis Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Lithuania 2024-07-16 male 1951-08-09
Mathilde Androuët Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 female 1984-07-03
Marc Angel Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Luxembourg constituency of the European Parliament 2024-07-16 male 1963-03-12
Gerolf Annemans Patriots for Europe Dutch-speaking electoral college 2024-07-16 male 1958-11-08
Lucia Annunziata Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Southern Italy 2024-07-16 female 1950-08-08
Andrus Ansip Renew Europe Estonia 2019-07-02 male 1956-10-01
Giuseppe Antoci The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Italian Islands 2024-07-16 male 1968-01-10
Marie Arena Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats French-speaking electoral college 2019-07-02
female 1966-12-17
Pascal Arimont European People's Party Group German-speaking electoral college 2019-07-02
male 1974-09-25
Sakis Arnaoutoglou Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Greece 2024-07-16 male 1971-12-13
Marie-Christine Arnautu Europe of Nations and Freedom Île-de-France 2015-06-15 female 1952-10-19
Anja Arndt Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Germany 2024-07-16 female 1966-01-10
Kostas Arvanitis The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Greece 2024-07-16 male 1964-06-09
Bartosz Arłukowicz European People's Party Group Poland 2024-07-16 male 1971-12-30
Francisco Assis Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Portugal 2024-07-16 male 1965-01-08
Daniel Attard Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Malta 2024-07-16 male 1992
Manon Aubry The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL France 2024-07-16 female 1989-12-22
Margrete Auken The Greens–European Free Alliance Denmark 2019-07-02
female 1945-01-06
René Aust Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1987-04-24
Petras Auštrevičius Renew Europe Lithuania 2024-07-16 male 1963-05-16
Adrian-George Axinia European Conservatives and Reformists Romania 2024-07-16 male 1977-10-18
Malik Azmani Renew Europe Netherlands 2019-07-02
male 1976-01-20
Thomas Bajada Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Malta 2024-07-16 male 1994
Guillaume Balas Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Île-de-France 2018-02-20 male 1972-08-30
Jeannette Baljeu Renew Europe Netherlands 2024-07-16 female 1967-08-07
Marek Balt Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Poland 2019-07-02 male 1973-04-08
Jordan Bardella Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 male 1995-09-13
Katarina Barley Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany 2019-07-02
female 1968-11-19
Dan Barna Renew Europe Romania 2024-07-16 male 1975-07-10
Pernando Barrena The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Spain 2024-07-16 male 1965-11-01
Pietro Bartolo Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Italy 2019-07-02 male 1956-02-10
Stephen Nikola Bartulica European Conservatives and Reformists Croatia 2024-07-16 male 1970-05
Nikola Bartůšek Patriots for Europe Czech Republic 2024-07-16 female 1985-05-11
Alessandra Basso Identity and Democracy Italy 2019-07-02 female 1967-03-14
Arno Bausemer Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1982-12-02
José Ramón Bauzá Renew Europe Spain 2019-07-02 male 1970-11-16
Christophe Bay Patriots for Europe France 2024-09-27 male 1962-09-06
Nicolas Bay European Conservatives and Reformists France 2024-07-16 male 1977-12-21
Gunnar Beck Identity and Democracy Germany 2019-07-02 male 1965-05-01
Aurélia Beigneux Identity and Democracy France 2019-07-02 female 1980-06-02
Wouter Beke European People's Party Group Dutch-speaking electoral college 2024-07-16 male 1974-08-09
Fredis Beleris European People's Party Group Greece 2024-07-16 male 1972-08-09
Marek Belka Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Poland 2019-07-02 male 1952-01-09
François-Xavier Bellamy European People's Party Group France 2019-07-02
male 1985-10-11
Dragoș Benea Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Romania 2024-07-16 male 1975-12-18
Brando Benifei Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats North-West Italy 2024-07-16 male 1986-01-01
Isabel Benjumea European People's Party Group Spain 2019-07-02
female 1982-09-05
Hildegard Bentele European People's Party Group Germany 2024-07-16
female 1976-05-22
Tom Berendsen European People's Party Group Netherlands 2019-07-02
male 1983-04-11
Brigitte van den Berg Renew Europe Netherlands 2024-07-16 female 1989-03-22
Lars Patrick Berg Identity and Democracy Germany 2019-07-02 male 1966-01-22
Sibylle Berg Non-Inscrits Germany 2024-07-16 non-binary 1962-06-02
Stefan Berger European People's Party Group Germany 2019-07-02
male 1969-09-15
Erik Bergkvist Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Sweden 2019-07-02 male 1965-05-01
Sergio Berlato European Conservatives and Reformists North-East Italy 2024-07-16 male 1959-07-27
Alexander Bernhuber European People's Party Group Austria 2024-07-16 male 1992-05-18
Pervenche Berès Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Île-de-France 2014-07-01 female 1957-03-10
Monika Beňová Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats
Slovakia 2019-07-02
female 1968-08-15
Robert Biedroń Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Poland 2019-07-02
male 1976-04-13
Adam Bielan European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2024-07-16 male 1974-09-12
Stéphane Bijoux Renew Europe France 2019-07-02 male 1970-10-08
Dominique Bilde Europe of Nations and Freedom
Identity and Democracy
East France
female 1953-08-01
Vladimír Bilčík European People's Party Group Slovakia 2019-07-02 male 1975-05-27
Gabriele Bischoff Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany 2024-07-16
female 1961-01-04
Malin Björk The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Sweden 2019-07-02
female 1972-05-22
Luboš Blaha Non-Inscrits Slovakia 2024-07-16 male 1979-12-07
Iban García del Blanco Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2019-07-02 male 1977-02-08
Hynek Blaško Identity and Democracy Czech Republic 2019-07-02 male 1955-07-15
Vilija Blinkevičiūtė Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Lithuania 2024-07-16 female 1960-03-03
Rachel Blom Patriots for Europe Netherlands 2024-07-16 female 1987-10-07
Michael Bloss The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02
male 1986-11-06
Tobiasz Bocheński European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2024-07-16 male 1987-12-15
Damian Boeselager The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02
male 1988-03-08
Rareș Bogdan European People's Party Group Romania 2024-07-16 male 1974-09-17
Franc Bogovič European People's Party Group Slovenia 2019-07-02
male 1963-02-02
Stefano Bonaccini Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats North-East Italy 2024-07-16 male 1967-01-01
Anna Bonfrisco Identity and Democracy Central Italy 2019-07-02 female 1962-10-12
Michał Boni European People's Party Group Warsaw 2014-07-01 male 1954-06-10
Barbara Bonte Patriots for Europe Dutch-speaking electoral college 2024-07-16 female 1983-05-13
Paolo Borchia Patriots for Europe North-East Italy 2024-07-16 male 1980-05-27
David Borrelli Non-Inscrits North-East Italy 2018-02-13 male 1971-04-28
Zsuzsanna Borvendég Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Hungary 2024-07-16 female 1974-11-04
Biljana Borzan Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Croatia 2024-07-16 female 1971-11-29
Gordan Bosanac The Greens–European Free Alliance Croatia 2024-07-16 male 1973-08-18
Stine Bosse Renew Europe Denmark 2024-07-16 female 1960-12-21
Marc Botenga The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL French-speaking electoral college 2019-07-02
male 1980-12-29
Geert Bourgeois European Conservatives and Reformists Dutch-speaking electoral college 2019-07-02 male 1951-07-06
Marie-Christine Boutonnet Europe of Nations and Freedom Île-de-France 2015-06-15 female 1949-02-10
Gilles Boyer Renew Europe France 2019-07-02
male 1971-07-04
Lynn Boylan The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Dublin 2014-07-01
female 1976-11-29
Irmhild Boßdorf Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Germany 2024-07-16 female 1967-01-14
Victor Boștinaru Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Romania 2014-07-01 male 1952-05-17
Helmut Brandstätter Renew Europe Austria 2024-07-16 male 1955-04-24
Marie-Luce Brasier-Clain Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 female 1959-10-19
Grzegorz Braun Non-Inscrits Poland 2024-07-16 male 1967-03-11
Karolin Braunsberger-Reinhold European People's Party Group Germany 2021-10-14 female 1986-11-03
Krzysztof Brejza European People's Party Group Poland 2024-01-03
male 1983-05-16
Kathleen Van Brempt Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Dutch-speaking electoral college 2024-07-16 female 1969-11-18
Patrick Breyer The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02 male 1977
Milan Brglez Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Slovenia 2019-07-02 male 1967-09-01
Saskia Bricmont The Greens–European Free Alliance French-speaking electoral college 2024-07-16 female 1985-03-16
Steeve Briois Europe of Nations and Freedom North-West France 2015-06-15 male 1972-11-28
Nikolina Brnjac European People's Party Group Croatia 2024-07-16 female 1978-07-11
Joachim Brudziński European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02
male 1968-02-04
Anouk van Brug Renew Europe Netherlands 2024-07-16 female 1992-09-14
Annika Bruna Identity and Democracy France 2019-07-02 female 1956-11-26
Sylvie Brunet Renew Europe France 2019-07-02 female 1959-03-12
Anna Bryłka Non-Inscrits Poland 2024-07-16 female 1990-09-01
Markus Buchheit Identity and Democracy
Europe of Sovereign Nations Group
Germany 2019-07-02
male 1983-08-11
Tomasz Buczek Non-Inscrits Poland 2024-07-16 male 1986-04-24
Daniel Buda European People's Party Group Romania 2024-07-16 male 1970-01-11
Waldemar Buda European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2024-07-16 male 1982-09-21
Borys Budka European People's Party Group Poland 2024-07-16 male 1978-03-11
Sebastião Bugalho European People's Party Group Portugal 2024-07-16 male 1995-11-15
Udo Bullmann Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany 2019-07-02
male 1956-06-08
Delara Burkhardt Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany 2024-07-16 female 1992-11-03
Martin Buschmann Non-Inscrits Germany 2020-01-28 male 1970-04-17
Andrzej Buła European People's Party Group Poland 2024-07-16 male 1965-08-28
Petr Bystron Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1972-11-30
Jaroslav Bžoch Patriots for Europe Czech Republic 2024-07-16 male 1983-11-30
Paulo do Nascimento Cabral European People's Party Group Portugal 2024-07-16 male 1981-08-20
Isabelle Le Callennec European People's Party Group France 2024-07-16 female 1966-10-14
Mélissa Camara The Greens–European Free Alliance France 2024-07-16 female 1991-11-27
Elena Nevado del Campo European People's Party Group Spain 2024-07-16 female 1967-01-26
Marco Campomenosi Identity and Democracy Italy 2019-07-02 male 1975-09-02
Pascal Canfin Renew Europe France 2019-07-02
male 1974-08-22
Nicola Caputo Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Southern Italy 2014-07-01 male 1966-03-04
Nina Carberry European People's Party Group Midlands–North-West 2024-07-16 female 1984-07-21
Margarita de la Pisa Carrión European Conservatives and Reformists
Patriots for Europe
Spain 2020-02-01
female 1975-09-19
Damien Carême The Greens–European Free Alliance
The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
France 2019-07-02
male 1960-11-16
David Casa European People's Party Group Malta 2019-07-02
male 1968-11-16
Massimo Casanova Identity and Democracy Italy 2019-07-02 male 1970-08-31
Nicolás González Casares Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2019-07-02
male 1972-07-20
Daniel Caspary European People's Party Group list of results of European elections in Germany
male 1976-04-04
Benoît Cassart Renew Europe French-speaking electoral college 2024-07-16 male 1970
Fabio Massimo Castaldo Non-Inscrits Central Italy 2019-07-02 male 1985-09-18
Laurent Castillo European People's Party Group France 2024-07-16 male 1962
Pilar del Castillo European People's Party Group Spain 2019-07-02
female 1952-07-31
Michalis Catzipantela European People's Party Group Cyprus 2024-07-16 male 1974-06-20
Anna Cavazzini The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02
female 1982-12-12
Stefano Cavedagna European Conservatives and Reformists North-East Italy 2024-07-16 male 1989-12-09
Susanna Ceccardi Identity and Democracy
Patriots for Europe
Central Italy 2019-07-02
female 1987-03-19
José Cepeda Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2024-07-16 male 1968-07-19
Laura Ballarín Cereza Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2024-07-16
female 1984-07-19
Lorenzo Cesa European People's Party Group Southern Italy 2014-07-01 male 1951-08-16
Estelle Ceulemans Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats French-speaking electoral college 2024-07-16 female 1970-02-12
Catherine Chabaud Renew Europe France 2019-07-02 female 1962-11-29
Patricia Chagnon Identity and Democracy France 2022-07-29 female 1963-11-20
Mohammed Chahim Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Netherlands 2019-07-02
male 1985-04-18
Leïla Chaibi The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL France 2019-07-02
female 1982-10-05
Dita Charanzová Renew Europe Czech Republic 2019-07-02 female 1975-04-30
Olivier Chastel Renew Europe French-speaking electoral college 2019-07-02
male 1964-11-22
Nessa Childers Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Dublin 2014-07-01 female 1956-10-09
Caterina Chinnici Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats
European People's Party Group
Italian Islands
female 1954-11-05
Asger Christensen Renew Europe Denmark 2019-07-02
male 1958-01-08
Kostas Chrysogonos The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Greece 2014-07-01 male 1961-06-27
Carlo Ciccioli European Conservatives and Reformists Central Italy 2024-07-16 male 1952-11-19
Salvatore Cicu European People's Party Group Italian Islands 2014-07-01 male 1957-09-03
Ilana Cicurel Renew Europe France 2020-02-01 female 1972-02-08
Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Poland 2019-07-02 male 1950-09-13
Angelo Ciocca Europe of Nations and Freedom
Identity and Democracy
North-West Italy
male 1975-06-28
Alessandro Ciriani European Conservatives and Reformists North-East Italy 2024-07-16 male 1970-08-02
Anna Maria Cisint Patriots for Europe North-East Italy 2024-07-16 female 1963-10-07
Per Clausen The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Denmark 2024-07-16 male 1955-02-20
Christophe Clergeau Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats South-West France
male 1968-09-01
Deirdre Clune European People's Party Group South 2020-02-01 female 1959-06-01
David Coburn Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Scotland 2014-07-01 male 1959-02-11
Sergio Cofferati Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats North-West Italy 2014-07-01 male 1948-01-30
Nathalie Colin-Oesterlé European People's Party Group France 2019-07-02 female 1965-05-05
Gilbert Collard Identity and Democracy France 2019-07-02 male 1948-02-03
Lara Comi European People's Party Group North-West Italy
female 1983-02-18
Antoni Comín Non-Inscrits Spain 2019-07-02 male 1971-03-07
David Cormand The Greens–European Free Alliance France 2019-07-02
male 1974-11-30
Annalisa Corrado Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats North-East Italy 2024-07-16 female 1973-09-08
Ignazio Corrao Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy
Italian Islands
male 1984-01-14
Vivien Costanzo Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany 2024-07-16 female 1990
Beatrice Covassi Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Italy 2022-12-06 female 1968-12-01
Barry Cowen Renew Europe Midlands–North-West 2024-07-16 male 1967-08-28
Andrea Cozzolino Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Southern Italy
male 1962-08-03
Viola von Cramon-Taubadel The Greens–European Free Alliance list of results of European elections in Germany 2019-07-02 female 1970-03-23
Tobias Cremer Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany 2024-07-16 male 1992-06-30
Carmen Crespo European People's Party Group Spain 2024-07-16 female 1966-12-08
Miguel Urbán Crespo The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Spain 2019-07-02 male 1980-03-26
Giovanni Crosetto European Conservatives and Reformists North-West Italy 2024-07-16 male 1990-08-12
Brian Crowley European Conservatives and Reformists South 2014-07-01 male 1964-03-04
Idoia Mendia Cueva Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2024-07-16 female 1965-10-27
Ciarán Cuffe The Greens–European Free Alliance Dublin 2019-07-02 male 1963-04-03
Paulo Cunha European People's Party Group Portugal 2024-07-16 male 1971-08-22
Ryszard Czarnecki European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 male 1963-01-25
Gheorghe Cârciu Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Romania 2024-07-16 male 1973-04-14
Rosa D'Amato Non-Inscrits
Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy
Southern Italy
female 1969-03-30
Henrik Dahl European People's Party Group Denmark 2024-07-16 male 1960-02-20
Clare Daly The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Dublin 2019-07-02 female 1968-04-11
Johan Danielsson Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Sweden 2024-07-16 male 1982-06-30
Arnaud Danjean European People's Party Group France 2019-07-02 male 1971-02-11
Nicola Danti Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Central Italy 2019-09-05 male 1966-09-06
Michel Dantin European People's Party Group South-East France 2014-07-01 male 1960-01-15
Maria Angela Danzì Non-Inscrits North-West Italy 2022-11-02 female 1957-07-05
Marie Dauchy Identity and Democracy
Patriots for Europe
France 2022-07-29
female 1987-02-05
Ivan David Identity and Democracy
Europe of Sovereign Nations Group
Czech Republic 2019-07-02
male 1952-09-24
Antonio Decaro Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Southern Italy 2024-07-16 male 1970-07-17
Jérémy Decerle Renew Europe France 2019-07-02 male 1984-07-01
Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield The Greens–European Free Alliance France 2019-07-02 female 1977-03-08
Karima Delli The Greens–European Free Alliance France
North-West France
female 1979-03-04
Valérie Deloge Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 female 1966-05-09
Özlem Demirel The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Germany 2019-07-02
female 1984-03-10
Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02 female 1976-06-05
Tamás Deutsch Patriots for Europe Hungary 2024-07-16 male 1966-07-27
Valérie Devaux Renew Europe France 2024-07-16 female 1964-06-19
Domènec Ruiz Devesa Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2019-07-02 male 1978-03-03
Adnan Dibrani Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Sweden 2024-07-16 male 1985-02-12
Geoffroy Didier European People's Party Group Île-de-France
male 1976-04-12
Ton Diepeveen Patriots for Europe Netherlands 2024-07-16 male 1957-08-27
Elisabeth Dieringer-Granza Patriots for Europe Austria 2024-07-16 female 1974-05-12
Kris Van Dijck European Conservatives and Reformists Dutch-speaking electoral college 2024-07-16 male 1963-10-02
Mélanie Disdier Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 female 1974-01-27
Martina Dlabajová Renew Europe Czech Republic 2019-07-02 female 1976-07-26
Klára Dobrev Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Hungary 2024-07-16 female 1972-02-02
Regina Doherty European People's Party Group Dublin 2024-07-16 female 1971-01-26
Christian Doleschal European People's Party Group Germany 2019-07-02
male 1988-04-27
Francesca Donato Identity and Democracy Italy 2019-07-02 female 1969-08-25
Elena Donazzan European Conservatives and Reformists North-East Italy 2024-07-16 female 1972-06-22
Caroline Nagtegaal-van Doorn Renew Europe
Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Netherlands 2019-07-02
female 1980-06-01
Herbert Dorfmann European People's Party Group North-East Italy 2024-07-16 male 1969-03-04
Ondřej Dostál Non-Inscrits Czech Republic 2024-07-16 male 1979-01-25
Klára Dostálová Patriots for Europe Czech Republic 2024-07-16 female 1971-03-13
Siegbert Droese Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1969-06-07
Jarosław Duda European People's Party Group Poland 2019-07-02 male 1964-04-29
Pascal Durand The Greens–European Free Alliance
Renew Europe
male 1960-10-03
Michał Dworczyk European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2024-07-16 male 1975-07-22
Angel Dzhambazki European Conservatives and Reformists Bulgaria 2019-07-02 male 1979-03-21
Dóra Dávid European People's Party Group Hungary 2024-07-16 female 1985-03-14
Vasile Dîncu Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Romania 2024-07-16 male 1961-11-25
Csaba Dömötör Patriots for Europe Hungary 2024-09-22 male 1982-09-13
Lena Düpont European People's Party Group Germany 2019-07-02
female 1986-04-30
Pablo Arias Echeverría European People's Party Group Spain 2019-07-02
male 1970-06-30
Matthias Ecke Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany 2022-10-03
male 1983-04-12
Christian Ehler European People's Party Group list of results of European elections in Germany
male 1963-08-17
Marieke Ehlers Patriots for Europe Netherlands 2024-07-16 female 1988
Bas Eickhout The Greens–European Free Alliance Netherlands 2019-07-02
male 1976-10-08
Cyrus Engerer Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Malta 2020-11-05 male 1981-09-28
Linnéa Engström The Greens–European Free Alliance Sweden 2014-10-08 female 1981-04-02
Sofie Eriksson Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Sweden 2024-07-16 female 1992-12-13
Dick Erixon European Conservatives and Reformists Sweden 2024-07-16 male 1962-07-16
Cornelia Ernst The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL list of results of European elections in Germany 2019-07-02
female 1956-11-30
Engin Eroglu Renew Europe Germany 2019-07-02
male 1982-02-12
Rosa Estaràs European People's Party Group Spain 2019-07-02
female 1965-10-21
Sebastian Everding The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Germany 2024-07-16 male 1983
Alma Ezcurra European People's Party Group Spain 2024-07-16 female 1986-12-11
Marco Falcone European People's Party Group Italian Islands 2024-07-16 male 1971
Gheorghe Falcă European People's Party Group Romania 2024-07-16 male 1967-01-22
Laurence Farreng Renew Europe France 2019-07-02
female 1966-09-06
Jan Farský European People's Party Group Czech Republic 2024-07-16 male 1979-07-11
Fredrick Federley Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Sweden 2014-07-01 male 1978-05-06
Markus Ferber European People's Party Group list of results of European elections in Germany
male 1965-01-15
Viktoria Ferenc Patriots for Europe Hungary 2024-07-16 female 1984
Javier López Fernández Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2019-07-02
male 1985-11-11
Jonás Fernández Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2019-07-02
male 1979-01-08
Giuseppe Ferrandino Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Italy 2019-07-02 male 1963-03-21
Jordi Solé Ferrando The Greens–European Free Alliance Spain 2020-07-23 male 1976-10-26
Laura Ferrara Non-Inscrits
Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy
Southern Italy
female 1983-09-11
Nicolaus Fest Identity and Democracy Germany 2019-07-02 male 1962-07-01
Carlo Fidanza European Conservatives and Reformists Italy
North-West Italy
male 1976-09-21
João Cotrim de Figueiredo Renew Europe Portugal 2024-01-01 male 1961-06-24
Ray Finch Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy South East England 2014-07-01 male 1963-06-02
Pietro Fiocchi European Conservatives and Reformists Italy
North-West Italy
male 1964-05-22
Gabriela Firea Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Romania 2024-07-16 female 1972-07-13
Ruth Firmenich Non-Inscrits Germany 2024-07-16 female 1964
Claire Fita Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats France 2024-07-16 female 1976-12-31
Frances Fitzgerald European People's Party Group Dublin 2019-07-02 female 1950-08-01
Christofer Fjellner European People's Party Group Sweden 2014-07-01 male 1976-12-13
Luke 'Ming' Flanagan The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Midlands–North-West 2019-07-02
male 1972-01-22
Valter Flego Renew Europe Croatia 2019-07-02 male 1972-08-15
Anna Fotyga European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 female 1957-01-12
Lámbros Foundoúlis Non-Inscrits Greece 2014-07-01 male 1961-01-23
Loukas Fourlas European People's Party Group Cyprus 2019-07-02
male 1969-08-21
Emma Fourreau The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL France 2024-07-16 female 1999-10-01
Emmanouíl Fragkos European Conservatives and Reformists Greece 2024-07-16 male 1993-06-27
Tomasz Frankowski European People's Party Group Poland 2019-07-02 male 1974-08-16
Cindy Franssen European People's Party Group Dutch-speaking electoral college 2019-07-02 female 1976-01-30
Romeo Franz The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02
male 1966-10-28
Daniel Freund The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02
male 1984-10-14
Anne-Sophie Frigout Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 female 1991-04-11
Heléne Fritzon Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Sweden 2019-07-02
female 1960-09-29
Tomasz Froelich Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1988-10-15
Jorge Martín Frías Patriots for Europe Spain 2024-07-16 male 1980
Niels Fuglsang Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Denmark 2019-07-02
male 1985-06-29
Kathleen Funchion The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL South 2024-07-16 female 1981-04-22
Angéline Furet Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 female 1981-07-24
Mario Furore Non-Inscrits
The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
Southern Italy
male 1988-12-25
Michael Gahler European People's Party Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1960-04-22
Estrella Galán The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Spain 2024-07-16 female 1971
Alberico Gambino European Conservatives and Reformists Southern Italy 2024-07-16 male 1967-12-07
Gianna Gancia Identity and Democracy Italy 2019-07-02 female 1972-12-31
Clara Aguilera García Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2019-07-02 female 1964-01-03
Iratxe García Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2019-07-02
female 1974-10-07
María Esther Herranz García European People's Party Group Spain 2024-07-16 female 1969-07-03
Jean-Paul Garraud Identity and Democracy
Patriots for Europe
France 2019-07-02
male 1956-02-27
Kamila Gasiuk-Pihowicz European People's Party Group Poland 2024-07-16 female 1983-05-08
Matteo Gazzini Identity and Democracy North-East Italy 2022-11-02 male 1985-07-09
Geadis Geadi European Conservatives and Reformists Cyprus 2024-07-16 male 1984-09-01
Hanna Gedin The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Sweden 2024-07-16 female 1978-03-11
Alexandra Geese The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02
female 1968-07-01
Jens Geier Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats list of results of European elections in Germany
male 1961-06-22
Thomas Geisel Non-Inscrits Germany 2024-07-16 male 1963-10-26
Chiara Maria Gemma Non-Inscrits
European Conservatives and Reformists
Southern Italy
female 1968-09-20
Giorgos Georgiou The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Cyprus 2019-07-02
male 1963-04-09
Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Renew Europe
Netherlands 2014-07-01
male 1967-06-28
Jean-Marc Germain Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats France 2024-07-16 male 1966-06-12
Gabriella Gerzsenyi European People's Party Group Hungary 2024-07-16 female 1977
Niels Geuking European People's Party Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1992-11-17
Paola Ghidoni Identity and Democracy North-East Italy 2022-11-02 female 1963-07-08
Dino Giarrusso Non-Inscrits Italy 2019-07-02 male 1974-09-11
Jens Gieseke European People's Party Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1971-05-18
Alicia Homs Ginel Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2024-07-16 female 1993-10-15
Diana Riba Giner The Greens–European Free Alliance Spain 2019-07-02
female 1975-02-21
Juan Carlos Girauta Patriots for Europe Spain 2024-07-16 male 1961-03-12
Julie Girling European Conservatives and Reformists South West England 2014-07-01 female 1956-12-21
Sunčana Glavak European People's Party Group Croatia 2019-12-01
female 1968-12-09
Raphaël Glucksmann Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats France 2019-07-02
male 1979-10-15
Andreas Glück Renew Europe Germany 2024-07-16 male 1975-03-08
Sylvie Goddyn Europe of Nations and Freedom North-West France 2015-06-15 female 1964-06-24
Charles Goerens Renew Europe Luxembourg constituency of the European Parliament 2019-07-02
male 1952-02-06
Christophe Gomart European People's Party Group France 2024-07-16 male 1960-06-20
Isilda Gomes Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Portugal 2024-07-16 female 1951-09-16
Mónica Silvana González Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2019-07-02 female 1976-02-12
Bruno Gonçalves Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Portugal 2024-07-16 male 1996-12-27
Sérgio Gonçalves Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Portugal 2024-07-16 male 1979-04-07
Giorgio Gori Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats North-West Italy 2024-07-16 male 1960-03-24
Małgorzata Gosiewska European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2024-07-16 female 1966-07-22
Dirk Gotink European People's Party Group Netherlands 2024-07-16 male 1982
Sandro Gozi Renew Europe France 2020-02-01
male 1968-03-25
Marcel de Graaff Identity and Democracy
Europe of Nations and Freedom
Netherlands 2019-07-02
male 1962-04-07
Valentino Grant Identity and Democracy Italy 2019-07-02 male 1964-04-21
Maria Grapini Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Romania 2024-07-16 female 1954-11-07
Petras Gražulis Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Lithuania 2024-07-16 male 1958-10-28
Markéta Gregorová The Greens–European Free Alliance Czech Republic 2024-07-16 female 1993-01-14
Branko Grims European People's Party Group Slovenia 2024-07-16 male 1962-08-26
Catherine Griset Identity and Democracy
Patriots for Europe
France 2019-07-02
female 1972-08-20
Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz European People's Party Group Poland 2024-10-10 female 1952-11-04
Bart Groothuis Renew Europe Netherlands 2020-02-01
male 1981-01-01
Françoise Grossetête European People's Party Group South-East France 2014-07-01 female 1946-05-17
Elisabeth Grossmann Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Austria 2024-07-16 female 1968-11-25
Christophe Grudler Renew Europe France 2019-07-02
male 1965-04-09
Claude Gruffat The Greens–European Free Alliance France 2020-02-01 male 1957-09-13
Andrzej Grzyb European People's Party Group Greater Poland 2014-07-01 male 1956-08-23
Elisabetta Gualmini Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Italy
North-East Italy
female 1968-05-17
Roberto Gualtieri Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Central Italy 2014-07-01 male 1966-07-19
Cristina Guarda The Greens–European Free Alliance North-East Italy 2024-07-16 female 1990-03-03
Bernard Guetta Renew Europe France 2019-07-02
male 1951-01-28
Maria Guzenina Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Finland 2024-07-16 female 1969-01-12
András Gyürk Patriots for Europe Hungary 2024-07-16 male 1972-12-02
Enikő Győri Patriots for Europe Hungary 2024-07-16 female 1968-07-17
Kinga Gál Patriots for Europe Hungary 2024-07-16 female 1970-09-06
Henrike Hahn The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02 female 1970-09-04
Svenja Hahn Renew Europe Germany 2024-07-16 female 1989-07-25
Roman Haider Patriots for Europe Austria 2024-07-16 male 1967-04-13
Róbert Hajšel Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Slovakia 2019-07-02 male 1967-03-28
Teuvo Hakkarainen Identity and Democracy Finland 2019-07-02 male 1960-04-12
Andrzej Halicki European People's Party Group Poland 2019-07-02
male 1961-11-26
Christophe Hansen European People's Party Group Luxembourg constituency of the European Parliament 2018-09-02
male 1982-02-21
Niels Flemming Hansen European People's Party Group Denmark 2024-07-16 male 1974-05-16
Rima Hassan The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL France 2024-07-16 female 1992-04-28
Gerald Hauser Patriots for Europe Austria 2024-07-16 male 1961-09-30
Heidi Hautala The Greens–European Free Alliance Finland 2014-07-01
female 1955-11-14
Mircea Hava European People's Party Group Romania 2024-07-16 male 1956-12-26
Valérie Hayer Renew Europe France 2019-07-02
female 1986-04-06
Brian Hayes European People's Party Group Dublin 2014-07-01 male 1969-08-23
Anja Hazekamp The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Netherlands 2024-07-16 female 1968-01-21
Hannes Heide Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Austria 2019-07-02
male 1966-10-17
Eero Heinäluoma Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Finland 2019-07-02
male 1955-07-04
Anna-Maja Henriksson Renew Europe Finland 2024-07-16 female 1964-01-07
Niclas Herbst European People's Party Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1973-02-28
Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02 female 1949-03-20
Krzysztof Hetman European People's Party Group Lublin
male 1974-06-27
Róża Maria Barbara Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein European People's Party Group Lesser Poland and Świętokrzyskie
female 1954-04-13
Monika Hohlmeier European People's Party Group list of results of European elections in Germany
female 1962-07-02
Martin Hojsík Renew Europe Slovakia 2019-07-02
male 1977-01-20
Pär Holmgren The Greens–European Free Alliance Sweden 2024-07-16
male 1964-10-24
Brice Hortefeux European People's Party Group Massif-central–Centre
male 1958-05-11
Ivo Hristov Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Bulgaria 2019-07-02 male 1970-10-08
Ian Hudghton The Greens–European Free Alliance Scotland 2014-07-01 male 1951-09-19
Jan Huitema Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Renew Europe
Netherlands 2014-07-01
male 1984-07-05
Sérgio Humberto European People's Party Group Portugal 2024-07-16 male 1975-11-07
Patrick Le Hyaric The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Île-de-France 2014-07-01 male 1957-02-04
Martin Häusling The Greens–European Free Alliance list of results of European elections in Germany
male 1961-03-26
György Hölvényi Patriots for Europe Hungary 2024-07-16 male 1962-06-13
Vicent Marzà i Ibàñez The Greens–European Free Alliance Spain 2024-07-16 male 1983-03-03
Ivars Ijabs Renew Europe Latvia 2019-07-02
male 1972-11-17
Céline Imart European People's Party Group France 2024-07-16 female 1982-08-24
Evin Incir Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Sweden 2019-07-02
female 1984-06-15
Paolo Inselvini European Conservatives and Reformists North-West Italy 2024-07-16 male 1994-10-05
Diana Iovanovici-Șoșoacă Non-Inscrits Romania 2024-07-16 female 1975-11-13
Cătălin Ivan Non-Inscrits Romania 2018-09-27 male 1978-12-23
Robert Iwaszkiewicz Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Lower Silesian and Opole 2014-07-01 male 1962-05-17
Liisa Jaakonsaari Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Finland 2014-07-01 female 1945-09-02
Peter Jahr European People's Party Group list of results of European elections in Germany 2019-07-02 male 1959-04-24
Stasys Jakeliūnas The Greens–European Free Alliance Lithuania 2019-07-02 male 1958-10-02
Patryk Jaki European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02
male 1985-05-11
Jean-François Jalkh Europe of Nations and Freedom
Identity and Democracy
East France
male 1957-05-23
Diane James Non-Inscrits South East England 2016-11-20 female 1959-11-20
France Jamet Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 female 1961-02-05
Adam Jarubas European People's Party Group Poland 2019-07-02
male 1974-12-17
Romana Jerković Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Croatia 2020-02-01
female 1964-11-28
Jaroslava Pokorná Jermanová Patriots for Europe Czech Republic 2024-07-16 female 1970-08-17
Marc Jongen Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1968-05-23
Virginie Joron Identity and Democracy
Patriots for Europe
France 2019-07-02
female 1973-12-11
Marc Joulaud European People's Party Group West France 2014-07-01 male 1967-09-03
Pierre Jouvet Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats France 2024-07-16 male 1986-10-06
Maravillas Abadía Jover European People's Party Group Spain 2024-07-16 female 1981-12-08
Irena Joveva Renew Europe Slovenia 2024-07-16
female 1989-02-26
Dariusz Joński European People's Party Group Poland 2024-07-16 male 1979-01-12
Rasa Juknevičienė European People's Party Group Lithuania 2019-07-02
female 1958-01-26
Nora Junco Non-Inscrits Spain 2024-07-16 female 1975-01-31
Alexander Jungbluth Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1987-02-07
Krzysztof Jurgiel European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 male 1953-11-18
Eugen Jurzyca European Conservatives and Reformists Slovakia 2019-07-02 male 1958-02-08
Hervé Juvin Identity and Democracy France 2019-07-02 male 1956-01-29
Philippe Juvin European People's Party Group Île-de-France 2014-07-01 male 1964-02-01
Taner Kabilov Renew Europe Bulgaria 2024-07-16 male 1987
François Kalfon Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats France 2024-07-16 male 1968-06-11
Jarosław Kalinowski European People's Party Group Masovian
male 1962-04-12
Erik Kaliňák Non-Inscrits Slovakia 2024-07-16 male 1991-09-09
Marina Kaljurand Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Estonia 2019-07-02
female 1962-09-06
Sandra Kalniete European People's Party Group Latvia 2019-07-02
female 1952-12-22
Mariusz Kamiński European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2024-07-16 male 1965-09-25
Petra Kammerevert Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats list of results of European elections in Germany 2019-07-02 female 1966-06-01
Radan Kanev European People's Party Group Bulgaria 2019-07-02
male 1975-09-30
Assita Kanko European Conservatives and Reformists Dutch-speaking electoral college 2019-07-02
female 1980-07-14
Rina Ronja Kari The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Denmark 2014-07-01 female 1985-02-15
Pierre Karleskind Renew Europe France 2019-07-02 male 1979-10-19
Karin Karlsbro Renew Europe Sweden 2019-07-02
female 1970-09-23
Rikke Karlsson Non-Inscrits Denmark 2018-02-21 female 1965-04-29
Karol Karski European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 male 1966-05-13
Fernand Kartheiser European Conservatives and Reformists Luxembourg constituency of the European Parliament 2024-07-16 male 1959-09-30
Ľubica Karvašová Renew Europe Slovakia 2024-07-16 female 1987-08-20
Elsi Katainen Renew Europe Finland 2019-07-02
female 1966-12-17
Manolis Kefalogiannis European People's Party Group Greece 2024-07-16 male 1959-05-25
Billy Kelleher Renew Europe South 2019-07-02
male 1968-01-20
Fabienne Keller Renew Europe France 2019-07-02
female 1959-10-20
Seán Kelly European People's Party Group South 2019-07-02
male 1952-04-26
Beata Kempa European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 female 1966-02-11
Rudi Kennes The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Dutch-speaking electoral college 2024-07-16 male 1959-07-22
Mary Khan-Hohloch Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Germany 2024-07-16 female 1994-06-25
Sophia Kircher European People's Party Group Austria 2024-07-16 female 1994-05-04
Izabela Kloc European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 female 1963-05-08
Sarah Knafo Europe of Sovereign Nations Group France 2024-07-16 female 1993-04-24
Ondřej Knotek Renew Europe
Patriots for Europe
Czech Republic 2019-07-02
male 1984-08-31
Michał Kobosko Renew Europe Poland 2024-07-16 male 1968-04-15
Łukasz Kohut Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats
European People's Party Group
Poland 2019-07-02
male 1982-09-10
Arba Kokalari European People's Party Group Sweden 2019-07-02
female 1986-11-27
Marcel Kolaja The Greens–European Free Alliance Czech Republic 2019-07-02 male 1980-06-29
Kinga Kollár European People's Party Group Hungary 2024-07-16 female 1978
Rihards Kols European Conservatives and Reformists Latvia 2024-07-16 male 1984-12-16
Ondřej Kolář European People's Party Group Czech Republic 2024-07-16 male 1984-03-13
Kateřina Konečná The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
Czech Republic 2019-07-02
female 1981-01-20
Ewa Kopacz European People's Party Group Poland 2019-07-02
female 1956-12-03
Joanna Kopcińska European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 female 1967-01-02
Konstantina Kouneva The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Greece 2014-07-01 female 1964-09-28
Elena Kountoura The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Greece 2024-07-16 female 1962-11-02
Andrey Kovatchev European People's Party Group Bulgaria 2014-07-01
male 1967-12-13
Ondřej Kovařík Renew Europe
Patriots for Europe
Czech Republic 2019-07-02
male 1980-08-21
Maximilian Krah Identity and Democracy
Germany 2019-07-02
male 1977-01-28
Zdzisław Krasnodębski European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 male 1953-04-11
Vilis Krištopans Patriots for Europe Latvia 2024-07-16 male 1954-06-13
Sebastian Kruis Patriots for Europe Netherlands 2024-07-16 male 1989-08-04
Elżbieta Kruk European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 female 1959-11-19
Ondřej Krutílek European Conservatives and Reformists Czech Republic 2024-07-16 male 1981-04-30
Andrius Kubilius European People's Party Group Lithuania 2019-07-02
male 1956-12-08
Tomáš Kubín Patriots for Europe Czech Republic 2024-08-01 male 1962-07-24
Alice Bah Kuhnke The Greens–European Free Alliance Sweden 2019-07-02
female 1971-12-21
Joachim Kuhs Identity and Democracy Germany 2019-07-02 male 1956-06-25
András Kulja European People's Party Group Hungary 2024-07-16 male 1989-09-17
Katri Kulmuni Renew Europe Finland 2024-07-16 female 1987-09-04
Kashetu Kyenge Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats North-East Italy 2014-07-01 female 1964-08-28
Merja Kyllönen The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Finland 2014-07-01
female 1977-01-25
Ilhan Kyuchuk Renew Europe Bulgaria 2019-07-02
male 1985-09-16
Stefan Köhler European People's Party Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1967-09-24
Moritz Körner Renew Europe Germany 2024-07-16 male 1990-08-03
Niyazi Kızılyürek The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Cyprus 2019-07-02 male 1959-12-07
Ingeborg ter Laak European People's Party Group Netherlands 2024-07-16 female 1973-02-18
Jean-Lin Lacapelle Identity and Democracy France 2020-02-01 male 1967-04-17
Sergey Lagodinsky The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02
male 1975-12-01
Eszter Lakos European People's Party Group Hungary 2024-07-16 female 1981-03-08
Aurore Lalucq Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats France 2019-07-02
female 1979-04-17
Philippe Lamberts The Greens–European Free Alliance French-speaking electoral college 2019-07-02 male 1963-03-14
Danilo Oscar Lancini Europe of Nations and Freedom
Identity and Democracy
North-East Italy
male 1965-10-15
Bernd Lange Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany 2024-07-16 male 1955-11-14
Esther de Lange European People's Party Group Netherlands 2014-07-01 female 1975-02-19
Katrin Langensiepen The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02
female 1979-10-10
Reinier van Lanschot The Greens–European Free Alliance Netherlands 2024-07-16 male 1989-09-07
Borja Giménez Larraz European People's Party Group Spain 2024-07-16 male 1983
Pierre Larrouturou Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats France 2019-07-02 male 1964-10-19
Afroditi Latinopoulou Patriots for Europe Greece 2024-07-16 female 1991-04-29
Murielle Laurent Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats France 2024-07-16 female 1977-09-21
Camilla Laureti Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Italy
Central Italy
female 1975-05-20
Guy Lavocat Renew Europe France 2024-01-12 male 1963-02-14
Jérôme Lavrilleux European People's Party Group North-West France 2014-07-01 male 1969-09-19
Rada Laykova Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Bulgaria 2024-07-16 female 1990
Iliya Lazarov European People's Party Group Bulgaria 2024-07-16 male 1965-09-19
Luis Lazarus Non-Inscrits Romania 2024-07-16 male 1967-03-12
Judita Laššáková Non-Inscrits Slovakia 2024-07-16 female 1977
Gilles Lebreton Identity and Democracy France 2019-07-02 male 1958-10-11
Jessika van Leeuwen European People's Party Group Netherlands 2024-07-16 female 1982
David Lega European People's Party Group Sweden 2019-07-02 male 1973-10-12
Fabrice Leggeri Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 male 1968-03-28
Ryszard Legutko European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 male 1949-12-24
Jeroen Lenaers European People's Party Group Netherlands 2024-07-16 male 1984-04-29
Julien Leonardelli Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 male 1987-07-14
Janusz Lewandowski European People's Party Group Pomeranian
male 1951-06-13
Miriam Lexmann European People's Party Group Slovakia 2020-02-01
female 1972-12-02
Bogusław Liberadzki Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Poland 2019-07-02 male 1948-09-12
Peter Liese European People's Party Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1965-05-20
Isabel Wiseler-Santos Lima European People's Party Group Luxembourg constituency of the European Parliament 2019-07-02
female 1961-12-29
Sylvia Limmer Identity and Democracy Germany 2019-07-02 female 1966-02-08
Norbert Lins European People's Party Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1977-12-22
Elena Lizzi Identity and Democracy Italy 2019-07-02 female 1967-10-30
Jaume Asens Llodrà The Greens–European Free Alliance Spain 2024-07-16 male 1972-03-29
Nathalie Loiseau Renew Europe France 2019-07-02
female 1964-06-01
Philippe Loiseau Europe of Nations and Freedom Massif-central–Centre 2015-06-15 male 1957-11-24
Reinhold Lopatka European People's Party Group Austria 2024-07-16 male 1960-01-27
Domenico Lucano The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Southern Italy 2024-07-16 male 1958-05-31
Karsten Lucke Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany 2022-01-11 male 1974-12-29
Peter Lundgren European Conservatives and Reformists Sweden 2019-07-02 male 1963-02-02
Giuseppe Lupo (politico) Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Italian Islands 2024-07-16 male 1966
Benoît Lutgen European People's Party Group French-speaking electoral college 2019-07-02 male 1970-03-10
András László Patriots for Europe Hungary 2024-07-16 male 1984-02-16
Adrián Vázquez Lázara Renew Europe
European People's Party Group
Spain 2020-02-01
male 1982-05-05
César Luena López Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2019-07-02
male 1980-10-29
Sandra Gómez López Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2024-07-16 female 1985-07-23
Isabella Lövin The Greens–European Free Alliance Sweden 2024-07-16 female 1963-02-03
Morten Løkkegaard Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Renew Europe
Denmark 2016-03-03
male 1964-12-20
Chris MacManus The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Midlands–North-West 2020-03-06 male 1970-03-13
Jaak Madison European Conservatives and Reformists Estonia 2024-07-16 male 1991-04-22
Cristina Maestre Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2024-07-16 female 1975-07-27
Lara Magoni European Conservatives and Reformists North-West Italy 2024-07-16 female 1969-01-29
Péter Magyar European People's Party Group Hungary 2024-07-16 male 1981-03-16
Marit Maij Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Netherlands 2024-07-16 female 1972-01-16
Aušra Maldeikienė European People's Party Group Lithuania 2019-07-02 female 1958-06-04
Curzio Maltese The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL North-West Italy 2014-07-01 male 1959-03-30
Marlena Maląg European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2024-07-16 female 1964-11-02
Filip De Man Identity and Democracy Dutch-speaking electoral college 2019-07-02 male 1955-11-11
Iulian Claudiu Manda Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Romania 2024-07-16 male 1975-12-20
Toine Manders European People's Party Group Netherlands 2019-07-02 male 1956-03-14
Lukas Mandl European People's Party Group Austria 2019-07-02
male 1979-07-12
Ioannis Maniatis Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Greece 2024-07-16 male 1956-10-11
Thomas Mann European People's Party Group list of results of European elections in Germany 2014-07-01 male 1946-01-28
Mario Mantovani European Conservatives and Reformists North-West Italy 2024-07-16 male 1950-07-28
Pierfrancesco Maran Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats North-West Italy 2024-07-16 male 1980-05-27
Jagna Marczułajtis European People's Party Group Poland 2024-07-16 female 1978-12-15
Thierry Mariani Identity and Democracy
Patriots for Europe
France 2019-07-02
male 1958-08-08
Marian-Jean Marinescu European People's Party Group Romania 2019-07-02 male 1952-08-11
Ignazio Marino The Greens–European Free Alliance Central Italy 2024-07-16 male 1955-03-10
Colm Markey European People's Party Group Midlands–North-West 2020-11-20 male 1972-01-03
Erik Marquardt The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02
male 1987-10-20
Édouard Martin Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats East France 2014-07-01 male 1963-06-15
Ana Martins Renew Europe Portugal 2024-07-16 female 1985-03-14
Catarina Martins The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Portugal 2024-01-01 female 1973-09-07
Fulvio Martusciello European People's Party Group Southern Italy
male 1968-05-25
Michał Marusik Europe of Nations and Freedom Poland 2015-06-15 male 1951-09-26
Marion Maréchal European Conservatives and Reformists France 2024-07-16 female 1989-12-10
Fabio De Masi Non-Inscrits Germany 2024-07-16 male 1980-03-07
Lydie Massard The Greens–European Free Alliance France 2023-09-24 female 1978-08-24
Barbara Matera European People's Party Group Southern Italy 2014-07-01 female 1981-12-09
Saraswati Matthieu The Greens–European Free Alliance Dutch-speaking electoral college 2020-10-08
female 1981-05-21
Emmanuel Maurel The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL North-West France
male 1973-05-10
Karine Gloanec Maurin Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Massif-central–Centre 2018-06-11 female 1958-01-11
Kostas Mavrides Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Cyprus 2024-07-16 male 1962-05-27
Radka Maxová Renew Europe Czech Republic 2019-07-02 female 1968-12-02
Eva Maydell European People's Party Group Bulgaria 2019-07-02
female 1986-01-26
Georg Mayer Identity and Democracy
Patriots for Europe
Austria 2019-07-02
male 1973-10-12
Beata Mazurek European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 female 1967-10-19
Milan Mazurek Non-Inscrits Slovakia 2024-07-16 male 1994-01-24
Liudas Mažylis European People's Party Group Lithuania 2019-07-02 male 1954-05-19
David McAllister European People's Party Group list of results of European elections in Germany
male 1971-01-12
Michael McNamara Renew Europe South 2024-07-16 male 1974-03-01
Nora Mebarek Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats France 2020-02-01
female 1972-07-22
Alexandra Mehnert European People's Party Group Germany 2024-07-16 female 1974-08-06
Karen Melchior Renew Europe Denmark 2019-07-02 female 1980-10-15
Eleonora Meleti European People's Party Group Greece 2024-07-16 female 1978-09-17
Memegegner European People's Party Group Germany 2019-07-02
male 1963-04-07
Ana Catarina Mendes Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Portugal 2024-07-16 female 1973-01-14
Salvatore De Meo European People's Party Group Central Italy 2020-02-01
male 1971-10-27
Verena Mertens European People's Party Group Germany 2024-07-16 female 1981-11-20
Marina Mesure The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL France 2022-07-29
female 1989-07-12
Tamás Meszerics The Greens–European Free Alliance Hungary 2014-07-01 male 1964-12-04
Roberta Metsola European People's Party Group Malta 2014-07-01
female 1979-01-18
Tilly Metz The Greens–European Free Alliance Luxembourg constituency of the European Parliament 2018-06-20
female 1967-05-26
Cynthia Ní Mhurchú Renew Europe South 2024-07-16 female 1966
Martina Michels The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Germany 2019-07-02 female 1955-12-01
Miroslav Mikolášik European People's Party Group Slovakia 2014-07-01 male 1952-09-11
Sven Mikser Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Estonia 2019-07-02
male 1973-11-08
Giuseppe Milazzo European People's Party Group
European Conservatives and Reformists
Italian Islands
male 1977-08-21
Matthijs van Miltenburg Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Netherlands 2014-07-01 male 1972-04-02
Éric Minardi Identity and Democracy France 2022-07-29 male 1956-03-18
Nikola Minchev Renew Europe Bulgaria 2024-07-16 male 1987-09-13
Silvia Modig The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Finland 2019-07-02 female 1976-07-08
Giulia Moi Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Italian Islands 2014-07-01 female 1971-05-24
Ionel-Sorin Moisă European People's Party Group Romania 2014-07-01 male 1976-01-07
Csaba Molnár Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Hungary 2024-07-16 male 1975-12-04
Francisco José Millán Mon European People's Party Group Spain 2019-07-02
male 1955-03-08
Bernard Monot Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Massif-central–Centre 2014-07-01 male 1962-07-03
Isabella De Monte Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats North-East Italy 2014-07-01 female 1971-06-23
Sophie Montel Non-Inscrits East France 2018-09-13 female 1969-11-22
Irene Montero The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Spain 2024-07-16 female 1988-02-13
Dolors Montserrat i Montserrat European People's Party Group Spain 2019-07-02
female 1973-09-18
Carolina Morace The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Central Italy 2024-07-16 female 1964-02-05
Nadine Morano European People's Party Group France
East France
female 1963-11-06
Letizia Moratti European People's Party Group North-West Italy 2024-07-16 female 1949-11-26
Alessandra Moretti Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Italy
North-East Italy
female 1973-06-24
Luigi Morgano Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats North-West Italy 2014-07-01 male 1951-03-15
Élisabeth Morin European People's Party Group West France 2014-07-01 female 1947-10-10
Marlene Mortler European People's Party Group Germany 2019-07-02 female 1955-10-16
Dan Motreanu European People's Party Group Romania 2024-07-16 male 1970-09-11
Andżelika Możdżanowska European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 female 1975-03-20
Arkadiusz Mularczyk European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2024-07-16 male 1971-02-04
Ciaran Mullooly Renew Europe Midlands–North-West 2024-07-16 male 1968-02-26
Siegfried Mureșan European People's Party Group Romania 2024-07-16 male 1981-09-20
Hana Jalloul Muro Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2024-07-16 female 1978-04-08
Renaud Muselier European People's Party Group South-East France 2014-07-01 male 1959-05-06
Alessandra Mussolini European People's Party Group Central Italy 2022-11-02 female 1962-12-30
Isabel García Muñoz Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2019-07-02 female 1977-03-03
Lina Gálvez Muñoz Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2024-07-16
female 1969-09-13
Ștefan Mușoiu Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Romania 2024-07-16 male 1975-06-16
Joëlle Mélin Europe of Nations and Freedom South-West France 2015-06-15 female 1950-03-26
Roxana Mînzatu Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Romania 2024-07-16 female 1980-04-01
Piotr Müller European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2024-07-16 male 1989-05-02
Ulrike Müller Renew Europe Germany 2019-07-02 female 1962-12-07
Jana Nagyová Patriots for Europe Czech Republic 2024-07-16 female 1970-09-26
Dario Nardella Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Central Italy 2024-07-16 male 1975-11-20
Javier Nart Renew Europe Spain 2019-07-02 male 1947-08-19
Victor Negrescu Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Romania 2024-07-16 male 1985-08-17
Matjaž Nemec Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Slovenia 2022-05-18
male 1980-04-10
Danuše Nerudová European People's Party Group Czech Republic 2024-07-16 female 1979-01-04
Denis Nesci European Conservatives and Reformists Italy
Southern Italy
male 1981-07-25
Hans Neuhoff Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1959-01-10
Hannah Neumann The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02
female 1984-04-03
Katarína Roth Neveďalová Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats
Slovakia 2022-12-30
female 1982-11-10
Dan Nica Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Romania 2024-07-16 male 1960-07-02
Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová European Conservatives and Reformists Slovakia 2019-07-02 female 1976-11-28
Norica Nicolai Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Romania 2014-07-01 female 1958-01-27
Angelika Niebler European People's Party Group Germany 2024-07-16 female 1963-02-18
Luděk Niedermayer European People's Party Group Czech Republic 2019-07-02
male 1966-03-13
Niklas Nienaß The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02 male 1992-04-14
Ville Niinistö The Greens–European Free Alliance Finland 2024-07-16
male 1976-07-30
Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos Non-Inscrits Greece 2024-07-16 male 1985-02-07
Aleksandar Nikolic Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 male 1986-10-04
Johan Nissinen European Conservatives and Reformists Sweden 2022-10-11 male 1989-05-17
Lambert van Nistelrooij European People's Party Group Netherlands 2014-07-01 male 1953-03-05
Maria Noichl Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany 2024-07-16 female 1967-01-09
Rasmus Nordqvist The Greens–European Free Alliance Denmark 2024-07-16 male 1975-07-18
Ljudmila Novak European People's Party Group Slovenia 2019-07-02 female 1959-08-01
Andrey Novakov European People's Party Group Bulgaria 2024-07-16 male 1988-07-07
Mirosława Nykiel European People's Party Group Poland 2024-07-16 female 1953-09-23
Grace O'Sullivan The Greens–European Free Alliance South 2019-07-02 female 1962-03-08
Daniel Obajtek European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2024-07-16 male 1976-01-02
Clara Ponsatí i Obiols Non-Inscrits Spain 2020-02-01 female 1957-03-19
Janina Ochojska European People's Party Group Poland 2019-07-02 female 1955-03-12
Jan-Christoph Oetjen Renew Europe list of results of European elections in Germany
male 1978-02-21
Maria Ohisalo The Greens–European Free Alliance Finland 2024-07-16 female 1985-03-08
Carina Ohlsson Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Sweden 2022-09-26 female 1957-06-14
Jan Olbrycht European People's Party Group Poland
male 1952-09-21
Juozas Olekas Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Lithuania 2019-07-02 male 1955-10-30
João Oliveira The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Portugal 2024-01-01 male 1979-07-09
Philippe Olivier Identity and Democracy
Patriots for Europe
France 2019-07-02
male 1961-08-30
Younous Omarjee The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL France
Overseas Territories of France
male 1969-09-30
Branislav Ondruš Non-Inscrits Slovakia 2024-07-16 male 1973-03-28
Leoluca Orlando The Greens–European Free Alliance Italian Islands 2024-07-16 male 1947-08-01
Max Orville Renew Europe France 2022-05-20 male 1962-06-19
Veronika Cifrová Ostrihoňová Renew Europe Slovakia 2024-07-16 female 1989-02-03
Johan Van Overtveldt European Conservatives and Reformists Dutch-speaking electoral college 2019-07-02
male 1955-08-24
Jacek Ozdoba European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2024-07-16 male 1991-09-22
Mireia Borrás Pabón Patriots for Europe Spain 2024-07-16 female 1986-10-14
Urmas Paet Renew Europe
Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Estonia 2019-07-02
male 1974-04-20
Maite Pagazaurtundúa Renew Europe Spain 2019-07-02 female 1965-02-11
Witold Pahl European People's Party Group Poland 2023-11-16 male 1961-12-07
Leire Pajín Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2024-07-16 female 1976-09-16
Rolandas Paksas Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Lithuania 2014-07-01 male 1956-06-10
Valentina Palmisano The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Southern Italy 2024-07-16 female 1983-01-24
María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Spain 2019-07-02 female 1970-03-09
Fidias Panayiotou Non-Inscrits Cyprus 2024-07-16 male 2000-04-10
Alessandro Panza Identity and Democracy Italy 2019-07-02 male 1982-05-15
Dimitris Papadakis Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Cyprus 2020-02-11 male 1966-08-22
Konstantinos Papadakis Non-Inscrits Greece 2014-07-01
male 1975-04-18
Níkos Papandréou Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Greece 2023-05-03
male 1956-09-29
Nikos Pappas The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Greece 2024-07-16 male 1990-07-11
Gilles Pargneaux Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats North-West France 2014-07-01 male 1957-03-24
Nicolás Pascual de la Parte European People's Party Group Spain 2024-07-16 male 1959
Aldo Patriciello European People's Party Group
Patriots for Europe
Southern Italy
male 1957-09-27
Jutta Paulus The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02
female 1967-05-09
Ana Miranda Paz The Greens–European Free Alliance Spain 2024-07-16 female 1971-05-02
Piernicola Pedicini Non-Inscrits
Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy
Southern Italy
male 1969-05-25
Ana Miguel Pedro European People's Party Group Portugal 2024-07-16 female 1988-10-07
Gaetano Pedullà The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL North-West Italy 2024-07-16 male 1967
Vincent Peillon Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats South-East France 2014-07-01 male 1960-07-07
Mauri Pekkarinen Renew Europe Finland 2019-07-02 male 1947-10-06
Mikuláš Peksa The Greens–European Free Alliance Czech Republic 2019-07-02 male 1986-06-18
Thomas Pellerin-Carlin Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats France 2024-07-16 male 1989-11-05
Anne-Sophie Pelletier The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL France 2019-07-02 female 1976-02-05
Guillaume Peltier European Conservatives and Reformists France 2024-07-16 male 1976-08-27
Tsvetelina Penkova Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Bulgaria 2019-07-02
female 1988-02-19
Gilles Pennelle Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 male 1962-07-20
Lídia Pereira European People's Party Group Portugal 2024-07-16 female 1991-07-26
Kira Marie Peter-Hansen The Greens–European Free Alliance Denmark 2024-07-16 female 1998-02-23
Lojze Peterle European People's Party Group Slovenia 2014-07-01 male 1948-06-29
Morten Helveg Petersen Renew Europe Denmark 2019-07-02 male 1966-09-14
Marijana Petir European People's Party Group Croatia 2018-01-25 female 1975-10-04
Hristo Petrov Renew Europe Bulgaria 2024-07-16 male 1979-12-19
Florian Philippot Non-Inscrits East France 2014-07-01 male 1981-10-24
Michele Picaro European Conservatives and Reformists Southern Italy 2024-07-16 male 1981
Giuseppina Picierno Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Italy
Southern Italy
female 1981-05-10
Tonino Picula Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Croatia 2024-07-16
male 1961-08-31
Markus Pieper European People's Party Group list of results of European elections in Germany 2019-07-02 male 1963-05-15
Pascale Piera Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 female 1967-02-23
Sabrina Pignedoli Non-Inscrits Italy 2019-07-02 female 1983-10-24
Pierre Pimpie Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 male 1971-09-10
Manu Pineda The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Spain 2019-07-02 male 1965-09-02
Gheorghe Piperea European Conservatives and Reformists Romania 2024-07-16 male 1970-03-01
Maxette Pirbakas Identity and Democracy France 2019-07-02 female 1975-04-14
Giuliano Pisapia Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Italy 2019-07-02 male 1949-05-20
Julia Pitera European People's Party Group Masovian 2014-07-01 female 1953-05-26
Marek Plura European People's Party Group Silesian 2014-07-01 male 1970-07-18
Daniele Polato European Conservatives and Reformists North-East Italy 2024-07-16 male 1975-06-04
Jessica Polfjärd European People's Party Group Sweden 2019-07-02
female 1971-05-27
Peter Pollák European People's Party Group Slovakia 2019-07-02 male 1973-04-20
Stanislav Polčák European People's Party Group Czech Republic 2019-07-02 male 1980-02-21
Maurice Ponga European People's Party Group Overseas Territories of France 2014-07-01 male 1947-06-05
Esteban González Pons European People's Party Group Spain 2024-07-16 male 1964-08-21
Virgil-Daniel Popescu European People's Party Group Romania 2024-07-16 male 1968-04-25
Eva-Maria Poptcheva Renew Europe Spain 2022-09-15 female 1979-10-17
Tomasz Poręba European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 male 1973-03-31
Jiří Pospíšil European People's Party Group Czech Republic 2019-07-02 male 1975-11-24
Erik Poulsen Renew Europe Denmark 2022-11-22 male 1967-06-16
Reinis Pozņaks European Conservatives and Reformists Latvia 2024-07-16 male 1984
Vladimir Prebilič The Greens–European Free Alliance Slovenia 2024-07-16 male 1974-05-21
Cristian Preda European People's Party Group Romania 2014-07-01 male 1966-10-26
Marcus Pretzell Europe of Nations and Freedom Germany 2016-05-01 male 1973-07-16
Giuseppina Princi European People's Party Group Southern Italy 2024-07-16 female 1972-09-27
Nicola Procaccini European Conservatives and Reformists Italy
Central Italy
male 1976-01-21
Sigrid Friis Proschowsky Renew Europe Denmark 2024-07-16 female 1994-10-20
Jacek Protas European People's Party Group Poland 2024-07-16 male 1964-01-15
Franck Proust European People's Party Group South-West France 2014-07-01 male 1963-05-02
Carles Puigdemont Non-Inscrits Spain 2019-07-02 male 1962-12-29
Alvise Pérez Non-Inscrits Spain 2024-07-16 male 1990-02-26
Jordi Cañas Pérez Renew Europe Spain 2019-07-02 male 1969-12-12
Susana Solís Pérez European People's Party Group Spain 2024-07-16 female 1971-12-21
Friedrich Pürner Non-Inscrits Germany 2024-07-16 male 1967
Raúl de la Hoz Quintano European People's Party Group Spain 2024-07-16 male 1972-11-30
Carola Rackete The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Germany 2024-07-16 female 1988-05-08
Miroslav Radačovský Non-Inscrits Slovakia 2019-07-02 male 1953-09-24
Emil Radev European People's Party Group Bulgaria 2019-07-02
male 1971-05-26
Dennis Radtke European People's Party Group Germany 2017-07-27
male 1979-04-29
Samira Rafaela Renew Europe Netherlands 2019-07-02 female 1989-02-11
Elżbieta Rafalska European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 female 1955-06-22
Emma Rafowicz Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats France 2024-07-16 female 1995-06-24
Jüri Ratas European People's Party Group Estonia 2024-07-16 male 1978-07-02
Ruggero Razza European Conservatives and Reformists Italian Islands 2024-07-16 male 1980-09-23
Gianantonio Da Re Identity and Democracy Italy 2019-07-02 male 1953-09-06
Laurențiu Rebega European Conservatives and Reformists Romania 2018-04-03 male 1976-02-20
Julie Rechagneux Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 female 1996-01-24
Evelyn Regner Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Austria 2014-07-01
female 1966-01-24
Julia Reid Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy South West England 2014-07-01 female 1952-07-16
Guido Reil Identity and Democracy Germany 2019-07-02 male 1970-01-19
Terry Reintke The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2024-07-16 female 1987-05-09
René Repasi Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany 2022-02-02
male 1979-11-08
Sabrina Repp Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany 2024-07-16 female 1999-02-01
Karlo Ressler European People's Party Group Croatia 2024-07-16
male 1989-12-26
Thijs Reuten Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Netherlands 2021-04-15
male 1974
Liadh Ní Riada The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL South 2014-07-01 female 1966-11-28
Matteo Ricci Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Central Italy 2024-07-16 male 1974-07-18
Chloé Ridel Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats France 2024-07-16 female 1991-11-25
Nela Riehl The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2024-07-16 female 1985
Frédérique Ries Renew Europe French-speaking electoral college 2019-07-02 female 1959-05-14
Antonio Maria Rinaldi Identity and Democracy Italy 2019-07-02 male 1955-02-27
Manuela Ripa The Greens–European Free Alliance
European People's Party Group
Germany 2020-07-16
female 1976
Dominique Riquet Renew Europe France 2019-07-02 male 1946-09-18
Michèle Rivasi The Greens–European Free Alliance South-East France 2014-07-01 female 1953-02-09
Jérôme Rivière Identity and Democracy France 2019-07-02 male 1964-07-08
Franco Roberti Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Italy 2019-07-02 male 1947-11-16
André Rodrigues Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Portugal 2024-07-16 male 1977-02-12
Soraya Rodríguez Renew Europe Spain 2019-07-02 female 1963-12-01
Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2019-07-02 female 1958-01-07
Jens Rohde Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Denmark 2014-07-01 male 1970-04-18
Fernando Navarrete Rojas European People's Party Group Spain 2024-07-16 male 1976
Claude Rolin European People's Party Group French-speaking electoral college 2014-07-01 male 1957-05-26
Rafał Romanowski European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2023-11-29 male 1978-02-15
Daniela Rondinelli Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats
Italy 2019-07-02 female 1967-08-19
Rob Rooken European Conservatives and Reformists Netherlands 2019-07-02 male 1969-10-05
Dorien Rookmaker European Conservatives and Reformists Netherlands 2021-12-08 female 1964-07-30
Rob Roos European Conservatives and Reformists Netherlands 2019-07-02 male 1966-08-02
Caroline Roose The Greens–European Free Alliance France 2019-07-02 female 1968-11-10
Bronis Ropė The Greens–European Free Alliance Lithuania 2019-07-02
male 1955-04-14
Maria Veronica Rossi Identity and Democracy Italy 2023-04-06 female 1988-09-22
André Rougé Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 male 1961-12-23
Virginie Rozière Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats South-West France 2014-07-01 female 1976-06-18
Eider Gardiazábal Rubial Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2019-07-02 female 1975-07-12
Thomas Rudner Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany 2023-07-03 male 1961-09-11
Bert-Jan Ruissen European Conservatives and Reformists Netherlands 2024-07-16
male 1972-03-22
Idoia Villanueva Ruiz The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Spain 2019-07-02 female 1980-07-17
Pirkko Ruohonen-Lerner European Conservatives and Reformists Finland 2023-04-12 female 1957-02-06
Sandro Ruotolo Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Southern Italy 2024-07-16 male 1955-07-09
Elio Di Rupo Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats French-speaking electoral college 2024-07-16 male 1951-07-18
Bogdan Rzońca European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02
male 1961-02-01
Aodhán Ó Ríordáin Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Dublin 2024-07-16 male 1976-07-22
Arash Saeidi The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL France 2024-07-16 male 1975-05-25
Laurence Sailliet European People's Party Group France 2023-09-24 female 1973-03-01
Alex Agius Saliba Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Malta 2019-07-02
male 1988-01-31
Massimiliano Salini European People's Party Group North-West Italy
male 1973-03-11
Ilaria Salis The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL North-West Italy 2024-07-16 female 1984-06-17
Aura Salla European People's Party Group Finland 2024-07-16 female 1984-06-13
Julien Sanchez Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 male 1983-10-19
Elena Sancho Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2024-07-16 female 1989
Anne Sander European People's Party Group East France
female 1973-10-01
Alfred Sant Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Malta 2019-07-02 male 1948-02-28
Jussi Saramo The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Finland 2024-07-16 male 1979-07-09
Silvia Sardone Patriots for Europe North-West Italy 2024-07-16 female 1982-12-25
Éric Sargiacomo Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats France 2024-07-16 male 1969-10-31
Jacek Saryusz-Wolski European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 male 1948-09-19
David Sassoli Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Central Italy 2014-07-01 male 1956-05-30
Mounir Satouri The Greens–European Free Alliance France 2019-07-02
male 1975-05-25
Paulius Saudargas European People's Party Group Lithuania 2024-07-16 male 1979-03-13
Tokia Saïfi European People's Party Group North-West France 2014-07-01 female 1959-07-11
Majdouline Sbaï The Greens–European Free Alliance France 2024-07-16 female 1977-09-10
Antonella Sberna European Conservatives and Reformists Central Italy 2024-07-16 female 1982-01-11
Marietje Schaake Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Netherlands 2014-07-01 female 1978-10-28
Jean-Luc Schaffhauser Europe of Nations and Freedom Île-de-France 2015-06-15 male 1955-12-17
Christel Schaldemose Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Denmark 2014-07-01
female 1967-08-04
Ernő Schaller-Baross Patriots for Europe Hungary 2024-07-16 male 1987-01-30
Oliver Schenk European People's Party Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1968-08-14
Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Poland 2024-07-16 female 1972-02-08
Andreas Schieder Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Austria 2019-07-02
male 1969-04-16
Lena Schilling The Greens–European Free Alliance Austria 2024-07-16 female 2001-01-08
Martin Schirdewan The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Germany 2017-11-08
male 1975-07-12
Christine Schneider European People's Party Group Germany 2019-07-02
female 1972-06-05
Helmut Scholz The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL list of results of European elections in Germany 2019-07-02 male 1954-06-21
Annie Schreijer-Pierik European People's Party Group Netherlands 2019-07-02
female 1953-02-17
Michael von der Schulenburg Non-Inscrits Germany 2024-07-16 male 1948
Joachim Schuster Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany 2019-07-02 male 1962-10-28
Andreas Schwab European People's Party Group list of results of European elections in Germany
male 1973-04-09
Giancarlo Scottà Europe of Nations and Freedom North-West Italy 2018-04-17 male 1953-04-11
Benedetta Scuderi The Greens–European Free Alliance North-West Italy 2024-07-16 female 1991-09-08
Ralf Seekatz European People's Party Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1972-11-10
Jasenko Selimović Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Sweden 2015-09-30 male 1968-04-17
Alexander Sell Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Germany 2024-07-16 male 1980-11-25
Marcos Ros Sempere Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2024-07-16 male 1974-03-24
Nico Semsrott The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2019-07-02 male 1986-03-11
Isabel Serra The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Spain 2024-07-16 female 1989-08-15
Jill Seymour Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy West Midlands 2014-07-01 female 1958-05-08
Günther Sidl Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Austria 2024-07-16
male 1975-03-19
Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz European People's Party Group Poland 2024-07-16 male 1961-07-29
Lukas Sieper Non-Inscrits Germany 2024-07-16 male 1997-03-22
Rosa María Serrano Sierra Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2024-07-16 female 1969-11-11
Hélder Sousa Silva European People's Party Group Portugal 2024-07-16 male 1965-07-21
Peter Simon Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats list of results of European elections in Germany 2014-07-01 male 1967-04-04
Sven Simon European People's Party Group Germany 2019-07-02
male 1978-10-09
Christine Singer Renew Europe Germany 2024-07-16 female 1965
Virginijus Sinkevičius The Greens–European Free Alliance Lithuania 2024-07-16 male 1990-11-04
Birgit Sippel Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats list of results of European elections in Germany
female 1960-01-29
Jonas Sjöstedt The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Sweden 2024-07-16 male 1964-12-25
Sara Skyttedal European People's Party Group Sweden 2019-07-02 female 1986-08-06
Massimiliano Smeriglio Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats
Central Italy 2019-07-02 male 1966-05-08
Sander Smit European People's Party Group Netherlands 2024-07-16 male 1987
Anthony Smith The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL France 2024-07-16 male 1975-04-03
Vincenzo Sofo Identity and Democracy Italy 2020-02-01 male 1986-12-18
Tomislav Sokol European People's Party Group Croatia 2024-07-16
male 1982-09-20
Diego Solier Non-Inscrits Spain 2024-07-16 male 1980
Liesbet Sommen European People's Party Group Dutch-speaking electoral college 2024-07-16 female 1984
Martin Sonneborn Non-Inscrits Germany 2024-07-16 male 1965-05-15
Malika Sorel Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 female 1962-08-07
Dobromir Sośnierz Non-Inscrits Silesian 2018-03-22 male 1976-10-18
Kim van Sparrentak The Greens–European Free Alliance Netherlands 2019-07-02
female 1989-10-16
Barbara Spinelli The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Central Italy 2014-07-01 female 1946-05-31
Sylwia Spurek The Greens–European Free Alliance Poland 2019-07-02 female 1976-01-29
Marco Squarta European Conservatives and Reformists Central Italy 2024-07-16 male 1979-06-04
Bart Staes The Greens–European Free Alliance Dutch-speaking electoral college 2014-07-01 male 1958-08-07
Raffaele Stancanelli European Conservatives and Reformists
Patriots for Europe
Italian Islands
male 1950-06-30
Sergei Stanishev Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Bulgaria 2014-07-01
male 1966-05-05
Mārtiņš Staķis The Greens–European Free Alliance Latvia 2024-07-16 male 1979-07-04
Petra Steger Patriots for Europe Austria 2024-07-16 female 1987-10-04
Davor Ivo Stier European People's Party Group Croatia 2024-07-16 male 1972-01-06
Kristoffer Hjort Storm European Conservatives and Reformists Denmark 2024-07-16 male 1989-01-26
Stanislav Stoyanov Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Bulgaria 2024-07-16 male 1981-04-05
Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann Renew Europe Germany 2024-07-16 female 1958-03-10
Cecilia Strada Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats North-West Italy 2024-07-16 female 1979-03-12
Joachim Streit Renew Europe Germany 2024-07-16 male 1965-06-04
Tineke Strik The Greens–European Free Alliance Netherlands 2019-07-02
female 1961-09-28
Anna Strolenberg The Greens–European Free Alliance Netherlands 2024-07-16 female 1996
Olaf Stuger Europe of Nations and Freedom Netherlands 2015-06-15 male 1969-05-03
Şerban-Dimitrie Sturdza European Conservatives and Reformists Romania 2024-07-16 male 1967-03-30
Sebastiaan Stöteler Patriots for Europe Netherlands 2024-07-16 male 1983-11-18
Anna Stürgkh Renew Europe Austria 2024-07-16 female 1994
Elefthérios Synadinós Non-Inscrits Greece 2014-07-01 male 1955-07-06
Marcin Sypniewski Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Poland 2024-07-16 male 1979
Tibor Szanyi Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Hungary 2014-07-01 male 1956-07-13
Michał Szczerba European People's Party Group Poland 2024-07-16 male 1977-12-14
Pál Szekeres Patriots for Europe Hungary 2024-07-16 male 1964-09-22
Beata Szydło European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2024-07-16
female 1963-04-15
Tiago Moreira de Sá Patriots for Europe Portugal 2024-07-16 male 1971-01-12
Javier Moreno Sánchez Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Spain 2024-07-16
male 1965-03-12
Daciana Sârbu Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Romania 2014-07-01 female 1977-01-15
Villy Søvndal The Greens–European Free Alliance Denmark 2024-07-16 male 1952-04-04
Dario Tamburrano Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy
The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
Central Italy 2014-07-01
male 1969-08-27
Paul Tang Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Netherlands 2019-07-02 male 1967-04-23
Marc Tarabella Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats French-speaking electoral college 2019-07-02 male 1963-03-11
Indrek Tarand The Greens–European Free Alliance Estonia 2014-07-01 male 1964-02-03
Dominik Tarczyński European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2020-02-01
male 1979-03-27
Annalisa Tardino Identity and Democracy Italy 2019-07-02 female 1979-04-30
Marco Tarquinio Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Central Italy 2024-07-16 male 1958-03-16
Zoltán Tarr European People's Party Group Hungary 2024-07-16 male 1972-02-12
Carla Tavares Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Portugal 2024-07-16 female 1970-08-15
Vera Tax Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Netherlands 2019-07-02 female 1972-02-08
Kai Tegethoff The Greens–European Free Alliance Germany 2024-07-16 male 1984
Marta Temido Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Portugal 2024-07-16 female 1974-03-02
Alice Teodorescu European People's Party Group Sweden 2024-07-16 female 1984-05-02
Georgiana Teodorescu European Conservatives and Reformists Romania 2024-07-16 female 1985-08-19
Cristian Terheș European Conservatives and Reformists Romania 2024-07-16 male 1978-12-04
Riho Terras European People's Party Group Estonia 2020-02-01
male 1967-04-17
Hermann Tertsch European Conservatives and Reformists
Patriots for Europe
Spain 2019-07-02
male 1958-04-09
François Thiollet The Greens–European Free Alliance France 2023-11-30 male 1975-10-21
Pierre-Romain Thionnet Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 male
Beatrice Rugland Timgren European Conservatives and Reformists Sweden 2024-07-16 female 1989-05-12
Irene Tinagli Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Italy
North-West Italy
female 1974-04-16
Bruno Tobback Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats French-speaking electoral college 2024-07-16 male 1969-08-22
Grzegorz Tobiszowski European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 male 1965-11-01
Tomas Tobé European People's Party Group Sweden 2019-07-02
male 1978-02-16
Patrizia Toia Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Italy 2019-07-02 female 1950-03-17
Rody Tolassy Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 male 1987-09
Ivica Tolić European People's Party Group Croatia 2016-10-24 male 1968-09-01
Irène Tolleret Renew Europe France 2019-07-02 female 1967-08-17
Eugen Tomac European People's Party Group
Renew Europe
Romania 2019-07-02
male 1981-06-27
Waldemar Tomaszewski European Conservatives and Reformists Lithuania 2019-07-02
male 1965-03-03
Zala Tomašič European People's Party Group Slovenia 2024-07-16 female 1995-09-29
Romana Tomc European People's Party Group Slovenia 2019-07-02
female 1965-11-02
Matej Tonin European People's Party Group Slovenia 2024-07-16 male 1983-07-30
Yana Toom Renew Europe Estonia 2019-07-02
female 1966-10-15
Raffaele Topo Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Southern Italy 2024-07-16 male 1965-03-02
Francesco Torselli European Conservatives and Reformists Central Italy 2024-07-16 male 1976-03-09
Nils Torvalds Renew Europe Finland 2019-07-02 male 1945-08-07
Flavio Tosi European People's Party Group North-East Italy 2024-07-16 male 1969-06-18
Marie Toussaint The Greens–European Free Alliance France 2019-07-02
female 1987-05-27
Isabella Tovaglieri Patriots for Europe
Identity and Democracy
North-West Italy
female 1987-06-25
Pekka Toveri European People's Party Group Finland 2024-07-16 male 1961-04-06
Evžen Tošenovský European Conservatives and Reformists Czech Republic 2019-07-02 male 1956-02-26
Pasquale Tridico The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Southern Italy 2024-07-16 male 1975-09-21
Laurence Trochu European Conservatives and Reformists France 2024-07-16 female 1973-07-04
Mylène Troszczynski Europe of Nations and Freedom North-West France 2015-06-15 female 1972-05-16
Dimitris Tsiodras European People's Party Group Greece 2024-07-16 male 1959-10-26
Dragoș Tudorache Renew Europe Romania 2019-07-02 male 1975-01-14
Mihai Tudose Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Romania 2024-07-16 male 1967-03-06
Filip Turek Patriots for Europe Czech Republic 2024-07-16 male 1985-10-15
Sebastian Tynkkynen European Conservatives and Reformists Finland 2024-07-16 male 1989-03-08
Stanisław Tyszka Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Poland 2024-07-16 male 1979-04-11
António Tânger Patriots for Europe Portugal 2024-07-16 male 1952-04-24
Claudiu Târziu European Conservatives and Reformists Romania 2024-07-16 male 1973-02-20
Milan Uhrík Non-Inscrits
Europe of Sovereign Nations Group
Slovakia 2019-07-02
male 1984-12-21
Kazimierz Ujazdowski Non-Inscrits Lower Silesian and Opole 2017-06-01 male 1964-07-28
Viktor Uspaskich Renew Europe Lithuania 2019-07-02 male 1959-07-24
Nils Ušakovs Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Latvia 2019-07-02
male 1976-06-08
Inese Vaidere European People's Party Group Latvia 2014-07-01
female 1952-09-03
Bodil Valero The Greens–European Free Alliance Sweden 2014-07-01 female 1958-05-14
Matthieu Valet Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 male 1986-01-04
Danilo Della Valle The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Southern Italy 2024-07-16 male 1983-02-01
Tom Vandendriessche Identity and Democracy
Patriots for Europe
Dutch-speaking electoral college 2019-07-02
male 1978-10-27
Tom Vandenkendelaere European People's Party Group Dutch-speaking electoral college 2021-01-26 male 1984-09-02
Roberto Vannacci Patriots for Europe North-West Italy 2024-07-16 male 1968-10-20
Alexandre Varaut Patriots for Europe France 2024-07-16 male 1966-01-18
Achille Variati Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Central Italy 2022-11-02 male 1953-01-19
Hilde Vautmans Renew Europe Dutch-speaking electoral college 2024-07-16 female 1972-05-02
Marie-Pierre Vedrenne Renew Europe France 2019-07-02
female 1982-12-13
Sophie in 't Veld Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Renew Europe
Netherlands 2014-07-01
female 1963-09-13
Francesco Ventola European Conservatives and Reformists Southern Italy 2024-07-16 male 1971-05-12
Marie-Christine Vergiat The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL South-East France 2014-07-01 female 1956-09-23
Sabine Verheyen European People's Party Group Germany 2024-07-16 female 1964-10-24
Guy Verhofstadt Renew Europe Dutch-speaking electoral college 2019-07-02 male 1953-04-11
Yvan Verougstraete Renew Europe French-speaking electoral college 2024-07-16 male 1975-10-05
Aurelijus Veryga European Conservatives and Reformists Lithuania 2024-07-16 male 1976-08-08
Marko Vešligaj Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Croatia 2024-09-05 male 1982-04-17
Giovanni La Via European People's Party Group Italian Islands 2014-07-01 male 1963-06-28
Annamária Vicsek Patriots for Europe Hungary 2024-07-16 female 1973-02-09
Catarina Vieira The Greens–European Free Alliance Netherlands 2024-07-16 female 1996-05-14
Marie-Pierre Vieu The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL South-West France 2014-07-01 female 1967-02-01
Kristian Vigenin Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Bulgaria 2024-07-16 male 1975-06-12
Harald Vilimsky Patriots for Europe Austria 2024-07-16 male 1966-07-22
Jorge Buxadé Villalba European Conservatives and Reformists
Patriots for Europe
Spain 2019-07-02
male 1975-06-16
Nikolaj Villumsen The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Denmark 2019-07-02 male 1983-02-28
Loránt-György Vincze European People's Party Group Romania 2024-07-16 male 1977-11-03
Marianne Vind Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Denmark 2019-07-02
female 1970-12-03
Henna Virkkunen European People's Party Group Finland 2019-07-02
female 1972-06-04
Anders Primdahl Vistisen Patriots for Europe Denmark 2024-07-16 male 1987-11-12
Petar Vitanov Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Bulgaria 2019-07-02 male 1982-04-18
Mariateresa Vivaldini European Conservatives and Reformists North-West Italy 2024-07-16 female 1967-11-22
Vlad Voiculescu Renew Europe Romania 2024-07-16 male 1983-09-06
Petŭr Volgin Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Bulgaria 2024-07-16 male 1969-09-28
Alexandr Vondra European Conservatives and Reformists Czech Republic 2019-07-02
male 1961-08-17
Eliza Vozemberg European People's Party Group Greece 2024-07-16 female 1956-09-14
Veronika Vrecionová European Conservatives and Reformists Czech Republic 2019-07-02
female 1965-09-08
Ivaylo Vulchev European Conservatives and Reformists Bulgaria 2024-07-16 male 1972-01-09
Lucia Vuolo Identity and Democracy Italy 2019-07-02 female 1963-02-15
Adina-Ioana Vălean European People's Party Group Romania 2024-07-16 female 1968-02-16
Thomas Waitz The Greens–European Free Alliance Austria 2020-02-01
male 1973-05-16
Mick Wallace The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL South 2019-07-02 male 1955-11-09
Raquel García Hermida-van der Walle Renew Europe Netherlands 2024-07-16 female 1983-05-28
Maria Walsh European People's Party Group Midlands–North-West 2019-07-02
female 1987-06-11
Marion Walsmann European People's Party Group list of results of European elections in Germany
female 1963-03-17
Jörgen Warborn European People's Party Group Sweden 2019-07-02
male 1969-01-23
Jan-Peter Warnke Non-Inscrits Germany 2024-07-16 male 1959
Witold Waszczykowski European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02 male 1957-05-05
Michał Wawrykiewicz European People's Party Group Poland 2024-07-16 male 1971-05-11
Jarosław Wałęsa European People's Party Group Pomeranian 2014-07-01 male 1976-09-13
Marta Wcisło European People's Party Group Poland 2024-07-16 female 1969-02-26
Manfred Weber European People's Party Group list of results of European elections in Germany
male 1972-07-14
Andrea Wechsler European People's Party Group Germany 2024-07-16 female 1977-06-19
Charlie Weimers European Conservatives and Reformists Sweden 2019-07-02
male 1982-11-12
Pernille Weiss European People's Party Group Denmark 2019-07-02 female 1968-03-12
Séverine Werbrouck Patriots for Europe France 2024-09-27 female 1970-10-31
Antonio López-Istúriz White European People's Party Group Spain 2019-07-02
male 1970-04-01
Rainer Wieland European People's Party Group list of results of European elections in Germany 2019-07-02 male 1957-02-19
Emma Wiesner Renew Europe Sweden 2024-07-16 female 1992-11-11
Michal Wiezik European People's Party Group
Renew Europe
Slovakia 2019-07-02
male 1979-06-14
Cecilia Wikström Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Sweden 2014-07-01 female 1965-10-17
Sophie Wilmès Renew Europe French-speaking electoral college 2024-07-16 female 1975-01-15
Iuliu Winkler European People's Party Group Romania 2024-07-16 male 1964-03-14
Angelika Winzig European People's Party Group Austria 2019-07-02
female 1963-05-09
Jadwiga Wiśniewska European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02
female 1963-07-02
Lara Wolters Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Netherlands 2019-07-04
female 1986-04-12
Steven Woolfe Non-Inscrits North West England 2016-10-24 male 1967-10-06
Tiemo Wölken Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Germany 2019-07-02
male 1985-12-05
Maciej Wąsik European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2024-07-16 male 1969-10-16
Lucia Yar Renew Europe Slovakia 2024-07-16 female 1987
Salima Yenbou The Greens–European Free Alliance France 2019-07-02 female 1971-03-14
Stéphanie Yon-Courtin Renew Europe France 2019-07-02
female 1974-03-28
Elena Yoncheva Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats
Renew Europe
Bulgaria 2019-07-02
female 1964-05-27
Alexander Yordanov European People's Party Group Bulgaria 2019-07-02 male 1952-02-13
Maria Zacharia Non-Inscrits Greece 2024-07-16 female 1977
Jan Zahradil European Conservatives and Reformists Czech Republic 2019-07-02 male 1963-03-20
Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik Europe of Sovereign Nations Group Poland 2024-07-16 female 1990-01-20
Anna Zalewska European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02
female 1965-07-06
Stefania Zambelli Identity and Democracy Italy 2019-07-02 female 1971-04-06
Alessandro Zan Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats North-East Italy 2024-07-16 male 1973-10-04
Marco Zanni Europe of Nations and Freedom
Identity and Democracy
North-West Italy
male 1986-07-11
Sotirios Zarianopoulos Non-Inscrits Greece 2014-07-01 male 1961-02-16
Javier Zarzalejos European People's Party Group Spain 2019-07-02
male 1960-06-06
Tomáš Zdechovský European People's Party Group Czech Republic 2024-07-16 male 1979-11-02
Bogdan Zdrojewski European People's Party Group Poland 2024-07-16 male 1957-05-18
Auke Zijlstra Europe of Nations and Freedom
Patriots for Europe
Netherlands 2015-09-01
male 1964-11-01
Bernhard Zimniok Identity and Democracy Germany 2019-07-02 male 1953-06-21
Nicola Zingaretti Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Central Italy 2024-07-16 male 1965-10-11
Gabriela Zoană Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Romania 2018-01-30 female 1979-06-15
Damiano Zoffoli Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats North-East Italy 2015-02-18 male 1960-07-17
Juan Ignacio Zoido European People's Party Group Spain 2019-07-02
male 1957-01-21
Željana Zovko European People's Party Group Croatia 2019-07-02
female 1970-03-25
Marco Zullo Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy
North-East Italy
male 1978-10-29
Milan Zver European People's Party Group Slovenia 2019-07-02
male 1962-05-25
Anna Záborská European People's Party Group Slovakia 2014-07-01 female 1948-06-07
Roberts Zīle European Conservatives and Reformists Latvia 2024-07-16 male 1958-06-20
Kosma Złotowski European Conservatives and Reformists Poland 2019-07-02
male 1964-01-14
Christine Revault d'Allonnes-Bonnefoy Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Île-de-France 2014-07-01 female 1971-11-10
Mireille d’Ornano Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy South-East France 2014-07-01 female 1951-06-29
nikolas farantouris The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL Greece 2024-07-16 male 1976
Ľudovít Ódor Renew Europe Slovakia 2024-07-16 male 1976-07-02
Elżbieta Łukacijewska European People's Party Group Poland
female 1966-11-25
Krzysztof Śmiszek Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Poland 2024-07-16 male 1979-08-25
Marjan Šarec Renew Europe Slovenia 2024-07-16 male 1977-12-02
Michaela Šojdrová European People's Party Group Czech Republic 2019-07-02 female 1963-10-28
Igor Šoltes The Greens–European Free Alliance Slovenia 2014-07-01 male 1964-08-22
Ivan Štefanec European People's Party Group Slovakia 2014-07-01
male 1961-09-30
Stanisław Żółtek Europe of Nations and Freedom Lesser Poland and Świętokrzyskie 2015-06-15 male 1956-05-07
Dainius Žalimas Renew Europe Lithuania 2024-07-16 male 1973-05-22
Nicolae Ștefănuță The Greens–European Free Alliance Romania 2024-07-16 male 1982-01-03

∑ 1085 items.

End of automatically generated list.