Wikidata:WikiProject Maps

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Map properties


Historical maps

  • A page listing possible properties for maps. This page contains a proposal for properties of maps. It is based on the work done for the Template:Map in Wikimedia Commons, but accommodated to Wikidata. It also copies property proposals from all related initiatives, such as publications and artworks.

Maps on Wikidata


See subpage for a listing of maps in Wikidata currently.

Map types


The table lists the current Wikidata items that are subclass of (P279) map (Q4006). Help make the structure consistent! The structure can also be visualized with the Wikidata Generic Tree tool.

This list is automatically generated by ListeriaBot, a bot by Magnus Manske. Please don't edit this table manually.

For comparison, subpages /external/aat and /external/lcgft give entries from the Art & Architecture Thesaurus (Q611299) and Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms (Q47537953) respectively, listed under "Cartographic Materials" there, linked to items where they have been matched via Property:P1014 and P4953.

The entries in the tables below are sorted by (inception (P571)). Click the headers of the table to change the sort order.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item (COUNT(DISTINCT(?ex)) AS ?count) WHERE { ?item (wdt:P279)* wd:Q4006 . OPTIONAL{?ex wdt:P31 ?item} } GROUP BY ?item ORDER BY DESC(?count)
image Article description instance of subclass of count
map visual representation of a concept space; symbolic depiction emphasizing relationships between elements of some space, such as objects, regions, or themes type of map cartographic work
cartographic material
two-dimensional visual artwork
cartographic product
Global Map digital map 0
globe scale model of a celestial body physical model
pictorial map map that uses pictures to represent features; for panoramic map use Q21936815 type of map map
visual artwork
geological map special-purpose map made to show geological features type of map thematic map 7350
topographic map medium to large scale map that shows a precise map of the terrain type of map map 559
choropleth map thematic map in which areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to the measurement of some statistical variable, using geographic boundaries type of map map visualization
thematic map
portolan chart nautical charts, first made in the 13th century type of map nautical chart
transportation map
mappa mundi medieval European map of the world type of map world map
antique map
derived map map which is not a primary source, having been derived from other maps type of map map 0
armillary sphere model of objects in the sky astronomical instrument
city map large-scale thematic map of a city type of map thematic map 47
raised-relief map three-dimensional object representing a real terrain type of map relief map 3
cartogram map in which different parts are represented differently based on the value of a thematic mapping variable, e. g. by color, dots or area map
thematic map
hatched map mode of representing relief on a map type of map relief map 0
plan cartography concept map
cartographic material
cartographic work
animated map type of map with showing animation type of map map 0
antique map map produced at some time in the past, which no longer serves the purpose for which it was made, often because the information it contains is outdated, but which may be of artistic or historic interest type of map map 31
historical map map displaying a past event or other historical situation; map that reflects historical phenomena and events and illustration of interdependence and social developments of the past and geographical factors type of map thematic map 16
topological map type of simplified diagram in cartography and geology type of map map 0
antihomomorphism homomorphism reversing the order of something map
virtual globe 3D software model or representation of the Earth or another world type of map globe
digital map
3D map
mini-map small map that is displayed in a video game as part of its HUD type of map
video game feature
in-game map
graphical user interface element
minor map
digital elevation model 3D model of land elevation and features; for specific DSM or DTM use specific wikidata IDs topographic map
digital map
geospatial dataset
world map a single map of the entire surface of the Earth type of map map 39
nautical chart topographic map of a maritime area and adjacent coastal regions type of map thematic map
navigation map
water map
Automatisierte Liegenschaftskarte administrative category of digital cadastral map produced by the German government map cadastral map 1
Bestandsplan plan 0
cadastral map scale map showing the divisions of a piece of land type of map thematic map 4
star chart map of the night sky type of map map 6
weather map table of weather elements type of map thematic map 2
tactile map map for the blind type of map
cartographic product
tactile graphic
raised-relief map
thematic map
soil map map showing diversity of soil types and/or properties thematic map 1
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission research effort to generate a digital topographic database of Earth space mission
space instrument
digital elevation model 0
political world map type of map type of map world map
political map
T and O map type of medieval world map type of map mappa mundi
antique map
heat map statistical graphic of data in a 2D matrix represented as colors type of map map
statistical graphics
cartogram map in which geographic space is distorted based on the value of a thematic mapping variable thematic map 0
Die Gute Wanderkarte serial hiking map 0
Ptolemy's world map 2nd century Greco-Roman map of the world world map
antique map
Ptolemaic map 0
treasure map map to find treasure type of map fantasy map 0
Magnetic field maps of the world contour map
thematic map
planisphere class of star chart star chart 0
classroom map large-format map for display on the wall of a school-room type of map
cartographic product
graphic training aid
wall map
school map
outline map map without labeling, just lines type of map map 0
water map map showing features of a body of water thematic map 0
fire alarm tracking map a map used by emergency services to locate the origin of a fire alarm in a public building type of map emergency map 0
rail track diagram map
Radiofax analogue mode for transmitting monochrome images weather map 0
celestial globe type of star chart where the map is arranged on a globe type of map star chart
geological cross section diagram of a 2D or 3D cross section through geological structures cross section
geological map
cross section
Alpine Club map detailed maps of Alpine regions for mountaineers serial hiking map 0
figure-ground diagram map type map
general map type of map with a general view on the map content type of map topographic map
overview map
staff map topographic military map type of map Topographic military map 0
thematic map map specifically designed to show a particular theme connected with a specific geographic area type of map map
map visualization
basic map map which is used as a backdrop for additional geographic data type of map topographic map 3
minor map type of map which is mostly a small map next to the main map type of map locator map 0
bounded entity map map showing a single geographic entity such as an island or an administrative area with adjacent areas either eliminated or shown in less detail type of map map 1
International Map of the World incomplete and former project to map the world uniformly map series world map
international map
Isodemografische Karte cartogram
thematic map
itinerarium ancient Roman road map in the form of a listing of cities, villages (vici) and other stops, with the intervening distances literary genre reference work
topological map
political map map showing the administrative divisions of a place type of map thematic map 5
coastal chart nautical chart 0
hiking map type of map type of map map
thematic map
hex map map subdivided into a hexagonal tiling, small regular hexagons of identical size type of map map 0
situation map type of map for a specific area visualizing situations in an incident or military event type of map thematic map 0
transit map map or schematic diagram of fixed routes of bus, passenger rail and ferry networks topological map
transportation map
aeronautical chart type of map designed to assist in navigation of aircraft, much as nautical charts do for watercraft, or a roadmap for drivers type of map transportation map
topographic map
bonnekaart staff map 0
orienteering map map used in orienteering topographic map 0
Orbis terrarum term coined in Roman antiquity term world map 0
electronic navigational chart digital Map nautical chart 0
Hovmöller diagram commonly used way of plotting meteorological data to highlight the role of waves diagram weather map 0
physical map map representing the physical nature of the earth's surface type of map map 1
Radwanderkarte thematic map 0
frame map map showing the entire area within a defined frame of reference type of map map 0
archeologische waardenkaart map 0
Admiralty chart brand of nautical chart nautical chart 0
Schätzungskarte geological map 0
road map map that primarily displays roads and transport links rather than natural geographical information type of map thematic map
transportation map
specialty map theme map or unusually detailed general map map 0
Marshall Islands stick chart Micronesian navigational aid type of map nautical chart 3
middle latitude map map 0
manuscript map map created in handwriting, for handdrawn maps use Q122395769 hand map
lunar map map representing the Moon map 3
paskaart nautical chart 0
archeologische waarden- en verwachtingskaart map 0
bodemgeschiktheidskaart map 0
reversed map distorted, mirrored or rotated map type of map map 0
sketch map type of hand drawn map for disputes at court type of map hand drawn map 1
Dieppe maps series of 16th-century world maps made in Dieppe, Seine-Maritime topographic map 0
mental mapping a person's point of view perception of an idea map 0
early world maps list of early depictions of the world type of map world map
antique map
digital terrain model digital elevation modell focussing on earthern terrain without vegetation and human made structures model digital elevation model 1
Beatus map cartographic work of the European Early Middle Ages illuminated manuscript mappa mundi 0
bathymetric chart map visually representing the submerged terrain type of map topographic map 0
Carte Michelin road map 0
communal map type of map map 0
relief map topographic map depicting the three-dimensional shape of the earth's surface (its relief) in a two-dimensional representation type of map topographic map 11
phytogeographic map map of plant species type of map map 2
vegetation map map showing distribution of plants in a geographical area thematic map 0
noise map cartographical representation of the sound intensity thematic map 0
Green Map locally created environmentally themed maps with a universal symbol set and map-making resources from the non-profit Green Map System environmental map 0
dot distribution map type of map map visualization
plan-relief small--scale model of a city or a citadel relief map
scale model
cultural artifact
map of the Paris metro transit map 0
kartodiagram diagram
vaarkaart map 0
topo graphical representation of a climbing route illustration
soundmap map 0
Stellarium three-dimensional map of the stars map
3D modeling
paleogeological map geological map 0
gene map spatial arrangement of genes on a chromosome map 0
digital map computer-based map electronic map 57
bicycle map map genre with focus on bicycles type of map thematic map
transportation map
multivariate map thematic map visualizing multiple variables thematic map 0
Biological Valuation Map ecological inventory type of map map 0
En-route chart in aeronautics aeronautical chart 0
fantasy map visual representation of an imaginary or fictional geography or concept type of map map 0
cultuurhistorische waardenkaart map 0
hazard map map that highlights areas that are affected by or vulnerable to a particular hazard type of map thematic map 1
index map overview map which relates geographical regions to sheets of a more detailed map map 3
Japanese maps History and style of cartography in Japan map 0
land use capability map map displaying the potential uses of a unit of land. type of map land use map 0
locator map simple map used in cartography to show the location of a particular geographic area within its larger and presumably more familiar context;can be used on its own or as an inset or addition to a larger map type of map map 0
Mongolian manuscript maps manuscript map 0
orthophotomap type of map with an orthophoto type of map map 0
paleomap map of continents and mountain ranges in the past based on plate reconstructions map 0
random map a map generated randomly by the computer term map 0
rich picture map 0
sectional chart Type of aeronautical map in the United States aeronautical chart 0
stereotaxic atlas survey of the brain's structure brain atlas 0
straight-line diagram diagram of a road where the road is shown as a straight line topological map 0
Surname map Map showing UK distribution of surnames map 0
Tithe maps map 0
World aeronautical chart aeronautical chart used for navigation by pilots aeronautical chart 0
3D map type of map in 3D type of map map 0
yachting chart A nautical chart specially designed for yachting nautical chart 1
Fastighetskartan map 0
swedish staff map subclass of staff map from Sweden map staff map 0
Old maps of Stockholm map 0
Nybyggnadskarta thematic map 0
Primärkarta map 0
Registerkarta map 0
Taiwanese presidential election map map 0
公図 map 0
城絵図 map 1
forest basemap basic map 0
Shōhō Kuniezu map series Kuniezu 0
江戸幕府の地図事業 Japanese maps 0
shōen ezu Japanese maps
antique map
Gyōki-zu type of map map of Japan 1
dōchū-zu type of map
art genre
illustrated map
road map
upper air weather map weather map 0
dlaždicová mapa digital map 0
asutuskartta thematic map 0
water sports map specialty sporting map thematic map 0
forest age map vegetation map 0
tourist map large-scale map showing features of interest to visitors type of map map
thematic map
map of science visual representation of relationships between different fields of knowledge map 0
Network diagram transit map 0
archaeological map map and inventory of finding archaeological sites type of map
thematic map
synoptic chart weather map over a large area weather map 0
Indikationsskizzen cadastral map
Franciscan Cadastre
kiri-ezu map of a district of the former Japanese city of Edo type of map city map
antique map
Joint Operations Graphic topographic map topographic map 1:250000 Topographic military map
aeronautical chart
United States presidential election maps maps related to the election of presidents of the United States of America map 0
brain atlas neuroanatomical map of the brain of a human or other animal map 2
isoscape geologic map of isotope distribution geological map 0
estate map map commissioned by a landowner, typically including fields, parkland and buildings type of map thematic map
creative work
trail map map to aid navigation while using a trail type of map thematic map
transportation map
hiking map
Terminal area chart term in United States and Canada aviation aeronautical chart 0
Wikimedia route diagram Wikimedia template type road map
Wikimedia page outside the main knowledge tree
Wikimedia template
solar map thematic map 0
Isentropic analysis technique used to find the vertical and horizontal motion of airmasses during an adiabatic process above the planetary boundary layer meteorological concept weather map 0
SnowCard card to assess avalanche risk snow map 0
tiled web map map, displayed with adjoining small images web map
tiled map
Häradsekonomiska kartan map 0
gray–green orthographic projections maps collection of locator maps collection locator map 0
navigation map type of map (chart) for general navigation purposes to use for navigating type of map map 0
panoramic map nonphotographic representation of cities portrayed from above at an oblique angle type of map pictorial map
contour map map showing changes of elevation type of map map visualization
relief map
geographic floor mosaic pictorial map 1
terrestrial globe spherical model of the Earth, highlighting geographical locations on the map product category globe
world map
decorative object
地方海上分布予報 distribution map
Karte im Maßstab 1:1 fictional entity map 0
overview map generalised view of a geographic area type of map topographic map
digital terrain map type of map from digital terrain model type of map digital map
terrain map
hydrogeological map type of map in the field of hydrogeology type of map geological map 0
bird's-eye view map map of a location in bird's-eye view pictorial map
aerial view
interactive web map cartographic representation developed in computer environments type of map web map
interactive map
SVG locator maps of countries of African Union (blue scheme) SVG locator maps of countries of African Union (blue scheme) collection locator map 0
pocket globe type of terrestrial or celestial globe designed to be carried in a pocket as a quick reference globe 4
map edition state or edition of a printed map map
version, edition or translation
Paris illuminated route planner Active plan of the Paris Metro map of the Paris metro 0
plotting charts transportation maps, [maps by subject type], maps (documents), cartographic materials, graphic document genres, [document genres by form], document genres, information forms (objects), Information Forms (Hierarchy Name), Visual & Verbal Communication type of map chart
transportation map
linguistic map thematic map showing the geographical distribution of linguistic features and depicting regional linguistic distinctions, such as spatial dialect variation within a language ethnographic map 0
in-game map video game feature that allows the player to view a map or maps of the game world video game feature fictional object
business ecosystem map map of a business ecosystem economic map 1
ecosystem map map of an ecosystem type of map map 0
carte collaborative de Genève map
land use map visual representation of the use of a unit of land at a particular point in time type of map thematic map 1
mineral resource map type of thematic map showing general mineral resources; use Q124740548 for mineral deposit map type of map geological map
resource map
individual copy of a map a specific physical copy of a printed map printed matter
item of collection or exhibition
individual copy of a work
county map map which depicts a single county type of map map 35
flood-prone-area map map of areas subject to inundation during flood events geological map 0
Ptolemaic map regional or world map based on the work of Claudius Ptolemy type of map map 0
transportation map map designed to aid in navigation type of map map 1
seismicity map map showng earthquake faults and related geographical features type of map geological map 0
military map a map designed particularly for military use type of map map 3
Flurkarte type of cadastral map in German speaking countries cadastral map 0
Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland digital elevation model 0
map of Japan country map 4
Kuniezu series of Japanese provincial land maps type of map
map series
Japanese maps 0
snow map map 0
railway map type of map that depicts railway lines and systems type of map transit map 6
Digitální technická mapa map 0
mars globe globe 5
lunar globe scale model of Moon globe
lunar map
playground map map painted on a paved surface, often at a playground, to teach geography to children type of map outdoor playset
pavement map
pavement map map painted on a paved surface type of map map
street painting
map of Spain cartography of Spain country map 0
Map of Kyiv city map 0
carta geografica map 1
distribution map map that depicts distributions within areas type of map thematic map 0
climatological map type of map thematic map 0
high-definition map highly detailed map, used in self-driving vehicles map 0
Estimated Seismic Intensity Map seismic intensity map
Earthquake Information
strip map long, narrow map depicting the course of a road type of map map 0
physical map of the human genome chromossomal physical map physical genetic map
artificial physical object
regional map map of a geographical, cultural or statistical region genre map 0
parking map map showing parking spaces and parking lots associated with a place type of map map 0
bathymetric map topographic map of the bed of the ocean or other body of water type of map topographic map 1
cultural map map that depicts elements of cultures and traditions map thematic map 0
Real-time Risk Map severe weather terminology in Japan distribution map 0
shaded-relief map map indicating the shape of terrain using graded shadow effects type of map relief map 4
Biblical maps Maps from the Bible map 0
Modelo Digital del Terreno de España digital elevation model
data set
visitor map map intended for visitors to a place type of map map 0
Terravision computer program project virtual globe 0
Distribution Marine Forecast distribution map
grid map type of map map 0
illustrated map type of map with illustrations type of map map
洪水浸水想定区域図 hazard map 0
Community Safety Map map 0
seismic intensity map map-type depicting seismic intensity type of map distribution map 0
ethnographic map map of ethnic groups, languages or religions type of map thematic map 0
map of ethnic groups type of map that shows a precise map of ethnic groups type of map ethnographic map 0
Topographical map of Brazil map of Brazil map of Brazil
topographic map
map of Brazil map country map 0
Geological maps of France geological map 0
map of Estonia the map of Estonia country map 0
country map series of maps highlighting a country or a group of countries in the world type of map regional map 2
biogeographical map type of map map 0
children's map series of maps with visible features specifically designed and aimed for at children type of map map
pictorial map
economic map map that displays economic activities, use Q124740323 for resource map or Q124740318 for only energy map type of map thematic map 1
price map type of map economic map 0
dialect map linguistic map showing the geographical variants of a language or linguistic family type of map linguistic map 0
isoglosses map type of map dialect map 0
school map type of map map 0
salinity map type of map nautical chart 0
land map type of map map 0
flora and fauna map map that displays a variety of species relating to flora and fauna type of map thematic map 0
hydrographic map main stream and river map type of map map 0
gravity anomaly map type of map type of map map 0
fire insurance map map showing individual buildings and their construction materials, along with street widths, water supplies, and other features, used for calculating fire risk type of map economic map 0
quarry map type of map map 0
map viewer map 2
web map type of digital map type of map
digital map 26
map of OpenStreetMap type of map type of map map 1
static map opposite type of interactive map type of map map 0
COVID map map about COVID-19 type of map pandemic map 0
pandemic map map about pandemic events type of map map 0
OpenStreetMap style class of base maps of visualizations of the OSM database type of map OSM raster tile provider
map of OpenStreetMap
Mapbox style Map style category for maps where the copyright is MapBox and Openstreetmap web map style OpenStreetMap style 4
Handcrafted map type of map map 0
hand drawn map type of map which was not digital mapped type of map hand map 4
Genroku Kuniezu map series Kuniezu 0
Keichō Kuniezu map series Kuniezu 0
Tenpō Kuniezu map series Kuniezu 0
campground map map of the campgrounds in a place type of map thematic map 0
ArcGIS StoryMap product by ESRI creating a story map ESRI product Story Map 3
Story Map specific digital map telling a story web map 0
raster map map using raster data type of map digital map
raster data
vectorized map type of a digital map, which was digitized through vectorization of a scanned map; use Q124749325 for only scanned maps type of map electronic map 1
Land use and land cover map combines land use and land cover map type of map thematic map 0
digital surface model digital elevation modell focussing on earth surface digital elevation model 0
synthetic digital terrain model subclass of DTM digital terrain model 0
bathymetric digital terrain model subclass of DTM digital terrain model 0
zone map Map with the five climate zones of Isidore of Seville type of map visualization
antique map
wall map type of map cartographic product map 3
tile wall map subclass of wall map cartographic product wall map 0
haptic map type of map type of map map 0
audio-tactile map type of tactile map type of map tactile map 0
audio-haptic map type of haptic map type of map haptic map 0
folded map format of map type of map map 0
mobile map type of digital map type of map digital map 0
digital geological map geological map in digital format type of map geological map
digital map
colored map type of map (with color) type of map map 0
black & white map type of map with no color, just black & white type of map map 0
photographed map map which was digitized through a camera, like from a handheld mobile device type of map
vectorized map 0
analog map map which is not electronic type of map map 0
electronic map type of map which is not analog map 0
hand map general type of map created by hand type of map analog map 0
wooden map type of map made from wood type of map analog map 1
printed map map which was printed by printer type of map analog map
printed matter
geomorphological map type of map in the field of geomorphology type of map map 0
glaciological map type of map in the field of glaciology type of map map 0
hydrological map type of map in the field of hydrology type of map map 0
geoecological map type of map in the field of geoecology type of map map 0
members map type of map showing members type of map map 2
hydrochemical map type of map in the field of hydrochemistry type of map map 0
crowdsourced map type of map showing results from crowdsourcing type of map web map 2
topographic orthophotomap type of map with an orthophoto and topographic map type of map orthophotomap
topographic map
collaborative map type of map through collaborative mapping in citizen science type of map map 1
Mapbox 3D style subclass for a mapbox style with path of a 3D map web map style Mapbox style 0
Mapbox 2D style First version of the typical mapbox style web map style Mapbox style 0
international map type of map which is like a world map but should not show all countries type of map world map 0
physical world map type of world map showing physical features type of map world map
physical map
station map type of map showing a station like a train station type of map map 0
major map main map if there is a minor map like a locator map on the map print type of map map 0
mission map type of map for missions type of map map 0
missionary map type of map for missionary actions type of map map 3
engraved map type of map through engraving type of map hand map 5
planetary map type of map type of map map 5
City map relief type of map relief visualizing a part or the full city type of map map relief
city map
terrain map type of map for visualizing terrain generally type of map map 0
interactive map cartographic representation developed in computer environments; use Q41346237 for interactive web map because it is used in the web and interactive map could also be used without internet type of map map 1
energy map type of map about different energy type of map economic map 0
resource map type of map that displays natural resources; use Q124740318 for energy map and Q112394427 for the general economic map type of map economic map 0
mineral deposit map subclass of mineral resource map showing the location of mineral deposites type of map mineral resource map 0
metallic mineral deposit map subclass of mineral deposit map for metallic mineral resources type of map mineral deposit map 0
job map type of map to visualize jobs or job offers on a interactive web map type of map interactive web map 1
Symbol Map type of map with focus on symbols type of map map 0
Leaflet OSM map OSM based interactive web map used with Leaflet JS type of map interactive web map 3
emergency map type of map with focus on emergency cases type of map thematic map 1
emergency card little card to have access or descriptions in emergency situations type of map map 0
crisis map type of map with a focus on crisis or disaster type of map map 0
rescue map type of map visualizing rescue information on a geographical map type of map map 0
coverage map type of map with a focus on coverage information type of map map 0
Mapbox Satellite hybrid tile service by Mapbox with commercial / open satellite imagery data and OSM on top Mapbox style
satellite style
Mapbox style 0
Mapbox v1 style type of mapbox style through API Version v1 web map style
Leaflet OSM map
Mapbox 2D style 0
scanned map digital scan of a printed map type of map digital object
digital map
topographic map 1:25000 map with the scale 1:25000 topographic map 3
SVG map Type of map with the format SVG type of map digital map 0
topographic map 1:50000 map with the scale 1:50000 topographic map 4
topographic map 1:100000 map with the scale 1:100000 topographic map 2
topographic map 1:250000 map with the scale 1:250000 topographic map 4
radar image map type of map from radar type of map map 0
topographic map 1:200000 map with the scale 1:200000 topographic map 1
digital topographic map type of topographic map in digital format type of map topographic map
digital map
national map type of map or map series with the focus being a nationial product type of map
cartographic product
map series
OpenStreetMap based web map web map based on OpenStreetMap type of map map of OpenStreetMap
web map
natural environmental map type of map through natural environmental mapping type of map map 0
environmental map type of map about the environment of something type of map map 2
tiled map Type of map which has parts of a map build on a tile type of map map 0
Career map type of map published by one organization to show the internal job opportunities in this organization type of map job map 2
external job map type of map published through a web map to visualize external job offers type of map job map 1
Underground Map type of transit map with focus on underground type of map transit map 1
plotting charts type of map for navigation type of map chart
seismic-hazard map type of hazard map with focus on seismic hazard type of map hazard map 0
bus route map type of transportation map with focus on autobus type of map transportation map 0
aviation map type of map with focus on topics in aviation type of map map 0
airport map type of map to visualize airports type of map aviation map 0
airport diagram type of airport map visualized as a diagram type of map airport map
airport plan type of airport map for general visualization type of map airport map
aircraft noise map type of noise ma with focus on noises by aircrafts type of map noise map 0
airport master plan type of airport map for the purpose of planning type of map airport map
infrastructure master plan
3D map relief type of relief visualizing a map in 3D type of map map relief
3D map
Joint Operations Graphic (ground) JOG with suffix G topographic map 1:250000
map edition
Joint Operations Graphic 0
Joint Operations Graphic (air) JOG with suffix Air topographic map 1:250000
map edition
Joint Operations Graphic 0
Combined Joint Operations Graphic (combined) JOG combined Ground and Air topographic map 1:250000
map edition
Joint Operations Graphic 0
topographic map 1:1000000 map with the scale one million topographic map 1
building map type of map with focus on building structures type of map map 1
supplemental map type of map which was given extra to a publication like an atlas, book or magazine type of map map 1
field map type of map, which was created in the field outside type of map hand drawn map 1
Cоntouring of mineral deposits delineation of mineral deposits mining mining
geological map
circumpolar map map including a pole type of map map 0
bestemmingsplan plan 0
disputed map type of map which shows a dispute of one or multiple countries type of map map 0
river map type of map water map 0
wind map type of map map 0
parchment map type of map map 0
planetenkaart type of map star chart 0
live map type of web map for live incidents type of map web map 1
vector map map using vector data type of map digital map
vector data
Topographic military map Type of map with focus on topographic map data by the military type of map topographic map
military map
campus map type of map with focus on a university campus type of map thematic map 0
ArcGIS web map type of web map by ESRI through ArcGIS Online type of map web map 1
network map type of map with focus on visualizing networks of a specific topic type of map map 1
genetic map special type of gene map with the order of gene loci is recorded on a genetic map gene map 1
physical genetic map type of gene map with exact distances between genes measured in base pairs gene map 0
Data:Artist Quamrul Hassan GeoShape map 0
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