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The JavaScript Robotics and Hardware Programming Framework. Use with: Arduino (all models), Electric Imp, Beagle Bone, Intel Galileo & Edison, Linino One, Pinoccio, pcDuino3, Raspberry Pi, Particle/Spark Core & Photon, Tessel 2, TI Launchpad and more!
- 0A02
- 0A21
- 16x2 LCD
- 20x4 LCD
- 2D120X
- 2Y0A02
- 2Y0A21
- 74HC595
- ADXL335
- ADXL345
- ALS-PT19
- arduino
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High performance GPIO/i2c/PWM/SPI module for Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Banana Pi
- allwinner
- bananapi
- banana pi
- bcm2835
- gpio
- gpiomem
- i2c
- mmap
- orangepi
- orange pi
- pi
- pwm
- raspberry
- raspberrypi
- View more fork of rwaldron/johnny-five: The JavaScript Robotics and Hardware Programming Framework. Use with: Arduino (all models), Electric Imp, Beagle Bone, Intel Galileo & Edison, Linino One, Pinoccio, pcDuino3, Raspberry Pi, Particle/Spark Core & Photo
- 0A02
- 0A21
- 16x2 LCD
- 20x4 LCD
- 2D120X
- 2Y0A02
- 2Y0A21
- 74HC595
- ADXL335
- ADXL345
- ALS-PT19
- arduino
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Thin command-line interface for Raspberry Pi low level configuration.
Native nodejs bindings for [libgpiod][libgpiod]
pure js implementation of pigpio
PCA9685 I2C 16-channel PWM/servo driver module
Homebridge plugin for Raspberry Pi
Measure the temperature of a Raspberry Pi.
(raspberry-pi *only*) native bindings to control a strip of WS281x-LEDs with node.js
prepare node_modules for production, convert symlinks, remove clutter
Bindings to wiringPi
control led matrix with nodejs on raspberry pi. Nodejs binding of
Bindings to WiringPi-Node
Software SPI implementation to use any Raspberry Pi pins as a SPI interface
Meshblu IoT network and API
array-gpio-es is low-level javascript library for Raspberry Pi using direct register control.
(raspberry-pi *only*) native bindings to control a strip of WS281x-LEDs with node.js
A Firmata-compatible Raspberry Pi I/O API
Reads the machine's serial number