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103 packages found
A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps
- nobis
- react-hooks
- dignissimos
- ullam
- qui
- typescript
- neque
- context
- corporis
- est
- metamask
- walletconnect
- quibusdam
- distinctio
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Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 45%. Popularity: 2%.
Simple and complete Solid testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 48%. Popularity: 0%.
Resample audio in node or browser using a webassembly port of libsamplerate.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 48%. Popularity: 0%.
Multicoin address validator for Bitcoin and other Altcoins.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 45%. Popularity: 2%.
Grunt plugin for A JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit for ES6+.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 45%. Popularity: 2%.
A base for building web3 components
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 45%. Popularity: 2%.
Xray Javascript Client is a javascript library, which wraps some of the REST APIs exposed by JFrog Xray.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 48%. Popularity: 0%.
Javascript library for fetching trusted token pricing data from Redstone data ecosystem
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 48%. Popularity: 0%.
0-dependancy TS async cross-platform utility to find path of executable
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 48%. Popularity: 0%.
Add a style and an image to your QR code Vue3
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 48%. Popularity: 0%.
crypto address validator for Bitcoin, Ethereum, XDC and other Altcoins.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 45%. Popularity: 2%.
Solana Javascript API
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 48%. Popularity: 0%.
Vue 3 Responsive & Dynamic Grid / Dashboard layout with drag, drop and resizable actions.
- grid
- dynamic grid
- grid-layout
- consequatur
- voluptatem
- resize
- perferendis
- drop
- drag and drop
- responsive
- vero
- es6
- fuga
- dignissimos
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Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 48%. Popularity: 0%.
express caching middlware
- expeditious
- express-expeditious
- repellendus
- connect
- redis
- in
- http-cache
- http-caching
- dignissimos
- aut
- cacher
- middleware
- typescript
- ts
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 48%. Popularity: 0%.
Symbolic computing and numeric evaluations for JavaScript and Node.js
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 48%. Popularity: 0%.
Tiny JavaScript marshalling library with zero dependencies. It's like Python's pickle but for JavaScript. Marshalling is like serialization, but you get the object identity (typeof, instanceof, methods) back on the other end. Supports circular references
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 48%. Popularity: 0%.
Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 48%. Popularity: 0%.
React Tabulator component
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 48%. Popularity: 0%.
Generate fake values.
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 48%. Popularity: 0%.
Add a style and an image to your QR code Vue3
Maintenance: 33%. Quality: 48%. Popularity: 0%.