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40 packages found
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Parse a function into an object using espree, acorn or babylon parsers. Extensible through Smart Plugins
- args
- arguments
- async
- async-await
- asyncawait
- await
- babel
- developer-experience
- development
- dx
- fn
- func
- function
- generators
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Extensible parser for git commit messages following Conventional Commits Specification
- commit message parser
- commit messages
- commit-message
- commit-parser
- commits
- commits-parser
- conventional
- conventional-commits
- conventionalcommits
- developer-experience
- development
- dx
- hela
- parse commit message
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Get all possible javascript (npm/yarn/pnpm) global or local, binaries or packages paths, e.g. node_modules and node_modules/.bin. Also works for those using NVM or such
- bin
- bin-paths
- binaries
- developer-experience
- development
- dx
- global
- global-modules
- hela
- javascript
- local
- local-modules
- module
- module-paths
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Prettier plugin for clean and meaningful formatting of package.json files
- tunnckocorehq
- tunnckocore-oss
- hela
- development
- developer-experience
- dx
- prettier
- prettier-plugin
- package-json
- sort-package
- sort-package-json
- prettier-plugin-pkgjson
- prettier-plugin-packagejson
Prevent committing lockfiles
- git
- git-hooks
- hooks
- pre-commit
- npm
- yarn
- developer-experience
- workflow
- commit
- cli
- cli-app
- lockfile
- package-lock
- yarn.lock
Best and fastest file globbing solution for Node.js - can use **any** glob library like `glob`, `globby` or `fast-glob`! Streaming, Promise and Hook APIs, with built in caching layer using `cacache`. Makes you Instant Fast™.
- cacache
- cache
- cache-layer
- caching
- developer-experience
- development
- dx
- fast-glob
- glob
- globbing
- hela
- tiny-glob
- tunnckocore-oss
- tunnckocorehq
A wrapper package of `@hela/core` and `@hela/cli`.
- tunnckocorehq
- tunnckocore-oss
- hela
- development
- developer-experience
- dx
- monorepos
- tooling
- software development
- jest
- jest system
- build system
- monorepo tools
- multirepo
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Return positive value if (any of the) passed value(s) exists in array, or optionally an index
- arr
- arr-includes
- arr-utils
- array
- array-utils
- array-values
- checks
- developer-experience
- development
- dx
- exists
- hela
- in-array
- includes
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Jest runner for API documentation generation from code comments, supports TypeScript. Very stable and reliable, based on `parse-comments` package
- comments
- developer-experience
- development
- docs
- documentation
- dx
- hela
- jsdoc
- parse-comments
- tsc
- tsdoc
- tunnckocore-oss
- tunnckocorehq
- typescript
Generate Github / npm shorthand from list of arguments or object
Powerful and flexible signature for `gitclone` - defaults, checks, validating, etc
- args
- arguments
- check
- checks
- clone
- create
- default
- defaults
- developer-experience
- development
- dx
- flexible
- git
- gitclone
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Babel preset with optimizations in mind, modern output
- tunnckocorehq
- tunnckocore-oss
- hela
- development
- developer-experience
- dx
- babel-preset
- babel
- babel-optimize
- optimisation
- optimizer
- optimizations
Find and load configuration. Config resolver/loader, similar to cosmiconfig
- configs
- config
- config-loader
- configuration
- developer-experience
- development
- dx
- hela
- loader
- package-json
- preset-loader
- presets
- rc
- rcconfig
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Create and manage scripts to document and automate your codebase - supports multiple programming languages.
- bcx
- bluecodex
- script-orchestration
- multi-language
- developer-experience
- developer-tools
- documentation-as-code
- generator
- scaffolding
- make
- build
- yeoman
- plop
Simple command line interface for the `git clone` command, using [gitclone][] package
ElaSpark-UI - A sleek, responsive, and customizable modal library for React. Effortlessly create stunning modal windows with rich animations, full responsiveness, and easy integration. Perfect for enhancing user experience with elegant UI design in any Re
- react
- modal
- button
- ui
- library
- component
- react-component
- react-library
- react-ui
- modal-window
- popup
- dialog
- overlay
- react-popup
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An NPM module that displays Github Action progress in the terminal and aims to improve your development experience by printing status in realtime.
Powerful, simple and fast software development and management system. Support for monorepos and non-monorepo setups. Supports multiple fixed and/or multiple independent-versioned projects in one repo.
- tunnckocorehq
- tunnckocore-oss
- hela
- development
- developer-experience
- dx
- monorepos
- tooling
- software development
- jest
- jest system
- build system
- monorepo tools
- multirepo
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Jest runner for Rollup, plays very very nicely in monorepo scenarios
- build
- bundle
- bundling
- developer-experience
- development
- dx
- hela
- jest
- jest-runner
- rollup
- rollup-config
- tunnckocore-oss
- tunnckocorehq
Get package.json metadata for npm module from JSDelivr or fallback to Unpkg, because the npm registry is slow and ugly
- tunnckocorehq
- tunnckocore-oss
- hela
- development
- developer-experience
- dx
- package-json
- pkg-json
- package
- json
- get-package-json
- get-pkg
- metadata
- pkg metadata
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