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Manage child views in a Backbone.View
Async computed properties for Vue
A Zustand middleware to create computed states.
A function to create a derived Zustand store from stores
Convert a HTML element's computed CSS to inline CSS.
tansu is a lightweight, push-based framework-agnostic state management library. It borrows the ideas and APIs originally designed and implemented by Svelte stores and extends them with computed and batch.
- signals
- signal
- agnostic
- reactive
- store
- state
- model
- interop
- observable
- computed
- derived
- readable
- writable
- svelte
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Define a computed by returning a Promise
Create zustand stores with the leverage of powerful features inspired by Vue.js component's state management.
Computed state middleware for Zustand
Make $refs reactive so they can be used in computed properties and watchers
unist utility to index property values or computed keys to nodes
An Ember.js computed property macro for grouping objects by a given property.
Framework-agnostic observables and computed properties similar to Knockout and Vue, built on RxJS
- observable
- observer
- subscription
- subscriber
- reactive
- functional
- rxjs
- knockout
- knockout.js
- vue.js
- vue
- computed
- observablearray
- decorators
A plugin to declare deep computed dependencies with ability to watch recursively for changes
A vue-class-component decorator for vue-async-computed
A plugin to declaratively handle observation in your custom element or custom attribute
Lightweight mobx-like observable values, computed values and side-effects
Some awesome description
uele reactive frontend library
- observable
- createeffect
- useeffect
- state
- computed
- ref
- atom
- computeds
- memo
- derivation
- behavior
- effect
- signal
- watch
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Vue Component Plugin for asynchronous data and computed properties.
- vue
- asyncComputed
- async computed
- asyncData
- async data
- component
- component data
- component computed
- plugin
- components
- async
- asynchronous
- data
- computed
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