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webscrape is a convenience module that grabs stuff over HTTP and provides automatic parsing into JSON or a convenient jQuery selector to allow you to quickly manipulate the result. In addition, it also supports an endpoint to download files into your filesystem, either with the same name remotely, or to a specified folder / filename.

webscrape is Promise/A+ based via bluebird, and as a result also works well with ES7's async/await syntax.


This module uses default exports. In ES6, you would do

import Scraper from 'webscrape';

const scraper = Scraper();

However in ES5, you would do

var webscrape = require('webscrape');
var scraper = webscrape.default();


webscrape uses a standard syntax for all invocations. Currently it supports the 2 basic HTTP methods, GET and POST, and are invoked via

  • scraper.get(url, options)
  • scraper.post(url, options)

In addition, there is also

  • scraper.download(url, options)

All invocations return A+ Promises. This works well with async/await in ES7.

  1. The first argument url is always the URL you want to scrape
  2. The second argument is an object that contains additional options regarding the HTTP request you want to make.
    • For .get, { headers, query } is supported
    • For .post, { headers, query, body } is supported.
    • For .download, { headers, query, filename, post } is supported.

e.g. scraper.get("http://www.google.com/search", { query: { q: 'pineapples' } });


  • headers should be a simple JavaScript object representing the HTTP headers you want to send.
  • query is also a JavaScript object of the query params you want to send.
  • body is a JavaScript object of the FORM params you want to POST (multipart is not currently supported)
  • filename is a string - the path of where you want the file you are downloading to be saved as, otherwise the original name is used.
  • post - this is a special parameter available for download only. It changes the method to POST and should be an object which contains the POST body.


Apart from the download API, the response will be a "result" object with one or more additional properties

  • It will always have a .body property representing the entirety of the response body, along with .headers
  • If the response is of type application/json, then there will be a .json property which is essentially the parsed JSON object.
  • If the response is of type text/html, there will be a .$ which, via the cheerio library, provides jQuery-like selector functionality.

examples (ES6/2015):

import Scraper from 'webscrape';

const scraper = Scraper();

async function main() {
    const result = await scraper.get('https://www.google.com');
    console.log(result.body); // dumps the raw HTML
    console.log(result.$('title').text()); // returns "Google"

    const query = {
        'address': '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA',
        'sensor': 'false'
    const result2 = await scraper.get('http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json', { query })
    console.log(result2.json); // gets JSON information about the Google's Headquarters

async function execute() {
	try {
		await main();
	} catch (e) {
		console.error(e.stack || e);


Please refer to test.js for more ES6 examples.

P.S. This replaces the older qscraper library with a more efficient API. This module is currently for Node only, it is not a universal or client-side module.



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