This npm package allows you to export individual nodes from your web application or website into a separate XHTML document in the form in which you see them on your page.
- Saves element with final computed styles (as a "snapshot") or injects styles taken from the source document as they were declared, allowing the exported element to be more "flexible".
- Has the ability to embed the fonts of the original document. Markup, styles, fonts, images - all in one document.
- Allows you to customize the styles of the document, body and exported element in the final document.
- Easy customization of document title and favicon.
- Allows you to filter the items that will be exported.
- ES6 types and importing.
Given the above, it may be used to save part of a page as a document for later distribution.
Package installation:
npm install dom-node-export
Including in your code (Typescript):
import { exportNode } from 'dom-node-export';
Using (Typescript):
const faviconUrl = ''
function downloadFile(dataUrl: string, title: string) {
const anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = dataUrl; = title;
async function saveToFile(element: HtmlElement) {
const dataUrl = await exportNode(node, {
docFaviconUrl: faviconUrl,
docTitle: 'Exported element',
styles: {
body: {
padding: '2rem'
filter: node => !node.classList?.contains('hidden'),
if (dataUrl != null) {
this.downloadFile(dataUrl, 'Document')
async function main() {
const elements = document.getElementsByClassName('doc')
if (elements.length > 0) {
await saveToFile(elements[0])