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1.0.4 • Public • Published

Angular Hijri Gregorian Calendar(Datepicker)

Build Dependencies License

  • Most accurate Hijri, Gregorian caleandar(datepicker) on NPM store with 100% accuracy percentage.
  • Robust and tested code angular hijri/gregorian calendar/datepicker component for Angular 10 - 16, 17+ projects.
  • Ionic 3 - 4, 5, 6 + is supported, can be used in iOS and Android.
  • Zero dependents package.


Angular hijri gregorian with Zero dependents that supports coversion between Gregorian and Hijri calendars.



The Umm al-Qura calendar is the lunar Hijri calendar officially adopted by Saudi Arabia for administrative purposes. It was originated from Umm al-Qura newspaper, the official newspaper of government of Saudi Arabia. The newspaper is published weekly and its first issue was on Friday, 15 Jumada al-Ula 1343 AH (12 December 1924 CE). However, the calendar has been printed and distributed separately by the Saudi government since 1346 AH (1927 CE).

The calendar is widely used in Saudi Arabia, especially by the public sector. Official documents, political letters, health care records, and education certificates, are just examples of many other documents that are dated by the Hijri calendar.

However, the Gregorian calendar is the calendar used in most of the world, and it has been implemented as the default calendar in nearly every computer and database.


Online demo can be found:


Github Pages

Star it to inspire us to build the best component!


  • Can be used as a calendar or a datepicker.
  • RTL and LTR support
  • Easy to switch between Gregorian and Hijri calendars.
  • Ability to specify the default calendar type either Gregorian or Hijri.
  • Converting dates when changing type of calendar.
  • Ability to specify min and max value for Gregorian and Hijri.
  • Ability to make it required or readonly.
  • Very easy to customize.
  • Can select Multiple dates.
  • Event listeners for all datepicker events.
  • Can customize future and past years number.
  • Responsive desing for web and mobile.

Supported platforms

Angular 10 - 16, 17 +
Ionic 3 - 4, 5, 6 +
Mobile browsers and WebViews on: Android and iOS
Desktop browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge v.79 +
Other browsers: Edge v.41 - 44 (without code hidden feature)


$ npm install angular-hijri-gregorian-datepicker


Import HijriGregorianDatepickerModule in your app module or page module:

import { HijriGregorianDatepickerModule } from 'angular-hijri-gregorian-datepicker';

  imports: [
    // ...
    [todaysDateText]="'Today\'s Date'"
    [ummAlQuraDateText]="'التاريخ الهجرى'"
    [futureValidationMessageEn]="'Selected date cannot be in the future!'"
    'التاريخ المحدد لا يمكن ان يكون في المستقبل!'

Inside your component.ts:

  // this called every time when user confirms a selected date
    onSubmitEvent(code: string) {

    // this called only every time the use selects a date
    onChangeEvent(code: string) {

    // this called every time the month value channges
    onMonthChangeEvent(code: string) {

    // this called every time the year value channges
    onYearChangeEvent(code: string) {


Property Type Default Description
canChangeMode boolean true When true the user can toggle calendar modes, if false the user has only one calendar mode
todaysDateSection boolean true When true the section with current today date will be shown, if false it will be hidden
futureValidation boolean true When true the user cannot choose any future dates, if false user can select future dates
disableYearPicker boolean false When true the user cannot select different years, if false year select will be enabled
disableMonthPicker boolean false When true the user cannot select different months, if false month select will be enabled
disableDayPicker boolean false When true the user cannot select days, if false days select will be enabled
multiple boolean false When true the user can select multiple days, if false only one date can be selected
isRequired boolean true When true the confirm button will be disabled until user selects a date, if false the button will be enabled
showConfirmButton boolean true When true the confirm button will be displayed, if false it will be hidden
markToday boolean true When true today date will be marked(bordered), if false it will not be marked
mode string greg Calendar mode, either ummAlQura or greg
dir string ltr Layout direction, either ltr or rtl
locale string en The language of the calendar layout, either ar or en
submitTextButton string Confirm Confirm button text value
todaysDateText string Todays\'s Date Today's date text in todaysDateSection
ummAlQuraDateText string التاريخ الهجرى Text next to checkbox to toggle date todaysDateSection
yearSelectLabel string Year Label of the year select option
monthSelectLabel string Month Label of the month select option
futureValidationMessageEn string Selected date cannot be in the future! English future validation message if futureValidation is set to true
futureValidationMessageAr string التاريخ المحدد لا يمكن ان يكون في المستقبل! Arabic future validation message if futureValidation is set to true
pastYearsLimit number 90 indicates for the past years number you want to allow user to select from
futureYearsLimit number 0 indicates for the future years number you want to allow user to select from
styles object {} Styles for the calendar look and feel


Property Type Default Description
backgroundColor string #E3F6F5 Background of the calendar
primaryColor string #272343 Color of the today's date, year and month texts
secondaryColor string #272343 Background of submit button and selected days in calendar
todaysDateBgColor string #272343 Background of "today's date" date section
todaysDateTextColor string #fff Color of "today's date" date section text
confirmBtnTextColor string #fff Color of "Confirm" button text
disabledDayColor string #C0C0C0 Disabled days text color
dayNameColor string #0d7f91 Day names text color
dayColor string #000 Enabled days text color
fontFamily string Default-Regular Font family of the font used globally and pre defined within project


Output Description
onSubmit Will be called every time when a user submits a selected date
onDaySelect Will be called every time when a user selects new date
onMonthChange Will be called every time the month value changes
onYearChange Will be called every time the year value changes

Helper Functions

import { HijriGregorianDatepickerService } from 'angular-hijri-gregorian-datepicker';

  constructor(private calendarService: HijriGregorianDatepickerService) {

Output Description
convertDate Converts dates from Gregorian to Umm Al Qura and vice versa
checkPastOrFuture Checks date whether it's future or past date('Future', 'Past', 'Today')
formatDate Converts date from human-readable string representation(ex. Mon Sep 05 2023 15:30:45 GMT+0200) to seperated "/" string(ex. 05/09/2023)
parseDate The opposite of formateDate function
getGregorianMonthData Generates an array of objects of Gregorian month passed to it
getUmAlQurraMonthData Generates an array of objects of Umm Al Qura month passed to it


Contributions are more than welcome!


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2022 Muhammad Hanafi

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npm i angular-hijri-gregorian-datepicker

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