Tiny LRU cache for Client or Server
Promises/A+ micro library
Tiny stack for browser or server
abaaso is a modern, lightweight Enterprise class RESTful JavaScript application framework.
Tiny monad for Client or Server
Precision timer for nanosecond differences
Simplify encoding & decoding CSV
Mnemonic word list
Mnemonic password generator
Sorts an Array of Objects with SQL ORDER BY clause syntax
Channel queue with Promises
Tiny Object proxy for Client or Server
Array micro library focused on speed
Tiny graph data structure for Client or Server
Binary Search Tree for browser or server
URL hash DOM router
Lightweight data store library, with a utility belt
JavaScript library to generate a human readable String describing the file size
Elastic web server framework with easy virtual hosts
Tenso is an HTTP REST API framework
Password generator microservice
Lazy properties for Objects
Tiny tuple for Client or Server
Haro is a modern immutable DataStore
Webhook server for inbound & outbound events