A CLI for curating and listing imports CSS module file paths according to import module hierarchy
published version 1.1.8, 4 years agoA timed map javascript data structure ideal for app level caching and memoization.
published version 1.3.3, 2 years agoHassle free args-to-params mapper: resolves route path params to convert a route into a valid URI
published version 1.1.2, 2 years agoMemoizes all results to new HOC calls and returns them on subsequent calls.
published version 1.0.0, 2 years agoObservable react context - Update-friendly context. Prevents automatic total component tree tear-down and re-rendering during context updates.
published version 5.0.2, 6 months agoGet property - gets an object containing value and search feedback info matching a property path. Recognizes negative array indexing.
published version 1.1.2, 10 months agoauto-bst - Self balancing binary search tree.
published version 1.0.6, a year agoUniversal Storage - A permanent storage based on domain cookie with a local-storage fallback.
published version 0.0.997, 9 months agoLong Count - intervals and timeout capable of handling superbly long wait times surviving device sleep and wake cycles.
published version 1.0.1, 6 months agoAuto Immutable - self enforcing immutable data structure
published version 1.0.2, 6 months agoClone Total - Regular clonedeep including all instances implementing the `clone` and the `cloneNode` methods.
published version 1.0.1, 6 months agoData Distillery - Returns an object constructed using slices of an exisitng object.
published version 0.0.3, 7 months agoPath Dotize - Converts object path tokens or string into a single dot separated object path string.
published version 0.0.2, 7 months ago