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Explore NEH Funding Opportunities

NEH offers dozens of funding opportunities to support research, education, preservation, capacity building, and public programming in the humanities. Find and apply for NEH grant programs here

Latest News at NEH

NEH Funding by the Numbers
  • Over $6.4 billion in funding since 1965

  • 70,000+ projects in all 50 states and U.S. jurisdictions

  • 9,000+ books including 20 Pulitzer Prize-winning books

  • 500+ film and radio programs including 6 Oscar nominees and 30 Peabody award and 27 Emmy award winners

About NEH

NEH is the nation's largest public funder of the humanities, which include history, philosophy, literature, language, ethics, law, archaeology, political theory, comparative religion, anthropology, sociology, and media and cultural studies. Explore NEH's national impact

interior Strong


interior of the strong museum