Extended Data Fig. 5: eIF1 preferentially associates with the ribosome during mitosis. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 5: eIF1 preferentially associates with the ribosome during mitosis.

From: Nuclear release of eIF1 restricts start-codon selection during mitosis

Extended Data Fig. 5

a, Heatmap showing successful fractionation of ribosomes and quantitative nature of mass spectrometry from interphase cells. Top cluster represents 40S subunits while bottom represents 60S subunits. Plotted is the average Z-score of 2 biological replicates. b, Biological replicates from interphase (left) and mitotic (right) 40S fraction TMT mass spectrometry experiments. c, Rank-ordered relative fold-change in the abundance of translation initiation factors and ribosomal proteins in free, 60S, and 80S ribosome fractions. Each point represents the average fold change between 2 biological replicates and the shading is the standard error of the mean. Interestingly eIF5B and eIF5A are also regulators of start-codon selection, with eIF5B acting directly and eIF5A indirectly40,41,54,55. d, Western blot analysis of eIF1 and eIF5 protein expression in interphase, cycling mitotic, and mitotically arrested HeLa cells.

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