Gerrit/personal sandbox
Gerrit allows the creation of "personal sandboxes" where users can stash code that they're working on in a personal branch that doesn't require admin intervention for pushes. These personal sandboxes are not intended to replace standard Gerrit/Git branches where multiple people can collaborate on code.
The branches are named in the format "sandbox/$username/*" so I could make a sandbox called "sandbox/demon/weekend-hacking" and push that to Gerrit without requiring review or anyone to make the branch first. Quick example:
$ cd mediawiki/core
$ git checkout -b sandbox/demon/foo-bar
When you're ready to push:
$ git push --set-upstream origin foo-bar:sandbox/demon/foo-bar
(The --set-upstream is only necessary the first time you push.)
Please note the sandbox will be public.
[edit]If open changesets are included in the sandbox branch, Gerrit may decide to mark these as merged into the sandbox branch (e.g. gerrit:39527) even though this is far from likely to be what was intended. In general, it would be best to not include open changesets in a sandbox branch, at least without amending to remove the Change-Id pseudo-header and change the commit hash, unless this is really what you intend to do.