Submit a paper to ITcon

The paper should be prepared in Microsoft Word according to the formatting instructions below. Only following these simple guidelines can guarantee the authors that their submissions will be processed as quickly as possible.

If you don't have an account yet: please register yourself as author (and/or reviewer) and submit your paper here. Due to a high volume of incoming papers, submissions are temporarily closed. We will reopen for new submissions in 2025. Thank you for your understanding!

ITcon Peer Review Process

All articles are subject to a single blind review process by at least two reviewers. The review period is usually between 4 and 8 weeks depending on when the article is submitted in the publication process, and when the reviewers are available. Reports from reviewers are anonymised and returned to authors for appropriate action. Articles are also subject to editorial review before the peer review process. It is not uncommon for a member of our editorial team to recommend changes to a submission prior to peer review, especially when submissions do not comply with the Author Guidelines.

ITcon copyright policy

From the beginning of 2009 ITcon has adopted a more explicit copyright policy by using the Creative Commons licence CC-BY for all its full text articles. Creative Commons is a standard license widely used for open content material on the web (music, pictures, films, articles, computer code) which at the same time protects the rights of the author, in particular concerning proper attribution, as it allows free reuse within bounds specified by the particular CC license chosen, thus in our case ensuring the widest possible dissemination of our research results.

We don’t require authors to sign any specific written copyright transfer or licensing agreement with ITcon, but assume that authors submitting manuscripts to ITcon agree to use the Creative Common license.

ITcon formatting guide for authors