Flutter Fundamentals
10 Lessons
Understand the core foundations of Flutter, including packages, assets, the Widgets and Widget Tree. Learn how to structure your Flutter projects and understand the crucial pubspec.yaml configuration.
UI Fundamentals
8 Lessons
Deep dive into Flutter's essential UI building blocks including Simple Widgets, Container, and Layout Widgets. Learn form handling, widget selection strategies, theming fundamentals, and understanding layout constraints.
X Clone
8 Lessons
Build a UI clone of X (formerly Twitter) to practice fundamental Flutter widgets and layouts. Focus on implementing common UI patterns to create a familiar social media interface.
Advanced UI
6 Lessons
Master advanced Flutter UI concepts including Platform-Based Widgets, MediaQuery, LayoutBuilder, Slivers, and responsive design theory. Learn to implement platform-specific adaptations and create responsive layouts that work across all screen sizes.
5 Lessons
Understand Flutter navigation fundamentals. Learn to implement basic and named routes, pass data between screens, and understand navigation patterns for building structured app flows. Learn which package to use and not to use.
State Management
8 Lessons
Master Flutter state management using ValueNotifier and learn industry best practices for state handling. Implement reactive programming patterns, efficient data flow architectures, and learn when to use different state management solutions.
10 Lessons
Implement production-grade MVVM architecture in Flutter applications. Learn dependency injection, service locators, repository patterns, and how to structure large-scale Flutter applications for testability and maintainability.
MVVM Todo App
20 Lessons
Build a full-featured Todo application implementing MVVM architecture. Learn practical implementation of dependency injection, service patterns, and state management in a real-world context.
11 Lessons
Learn how to write unit tests, widget tests, integration tests, and golden tests for your Flutter applications. Master testing principles, mocks, fakes, and code coverage to ensure your apps are reliable and maintainable.
Testing Your Application
Coming Soon
Write comprehensive tests for the todo application. Cover unit testing, widget testing, and integration testing to ensure your application works as expected.
Backend & Error Handling
Coming Soon
Learn the underlying principles of backend integration with proper error handling. Including how to handle network requests, implement retry mechanisms, and create a seamless user experience even when things go wrong.
Backend Integration & Error Handling
Coming Soon
Build a project that integrates with a backend and handles errors gracefully. Learn how to connect your frontend to APIs and handle errors gracefully.