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Explore the Class Profile for EMBA Students

Post a Job for MBA Students or Booth Alumni

Chicago Booth gives you access to the world’s top MBA talent. Our complimentary job posting service is available year-round through GTS. Companies can post open positions to this database, which can only be viewed by Booth students and alumni.
Get Started Today

Interview EMBA Students and Alumni

Are you interested in recruiting Booth Alumni or EMBA students? Contact our Employer Relations team to discuss your organization's needs.

Host an EMBA Recruiting Event

Promote your brand and get to know EMBA students. Recruiting events give you the chance to introduce your company to top business talent. Reach out to your relationship manager or contact our Employer Relations team to discuss options.

Review Student and Alumni Resumes

Connect with MBA students and alumni by searching our resume databases or reviewing the resumes of PhD candidates. We maintain three databases:

  • Full-Time MBA students seeking internships.
  • Full-Time MBA, Evening MBA, and Weekend MBA students seeking full-time roles through campus recruiting.
  • Alumni and students in Booth's part-time MBA programs (Evening MBA, Weekend MBA, and Executive MBA).

All databases are searchable and include candidates from around the world, in every function and industry. To request access to our resume databases, log in to GTS. Requests are generally approved within one business day, and access is free of charge.

We also offer a resume referral service. Email us your request along with a brief job description or essential candidate criteria.  We will search our resume database for students and/or alumni and provide you with resumes of candidates tailored to your company and position.
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