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Help:Toolforge/Jobs framework

From Wikitech

Every non-trivial task performed in Toolforge (like executing a script or running a bot) should be dispatched to a job scheduling backend (in this case, Kubernetes), which ensures that the job is run in a suitable place with sufficient resources.

The basic principle of running jobs is fairly straightforward:

  • You create a job from a submission server (usually login.toolforge.org)
  • Kubernetes finds a suitable execution node to run the job on, and starts it there once resources are available
  • As it runs, your job will send output and errors to files until the job completes or is aborted.

Jobs can be scheduled synchronously or asynchronously, continuously, or simply executed once.

Jobs should be run from a Tool Accounts.

Creating jobs

Information about job creation using the toolforge jobs run command.

Creating one-off jobs

One-off jobs (or normal jobs) are workloads that will be scheduled by Toolforge Kubernetes and run until finished. They will run once, and are expected to finish at some point.

Select a runtime image, a command in your tool home directory and then use toolforge jobs run to create the job, example using job name myjob:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run myjob --command ./mycommand.sh --image somelang1.23

The --command option supports input arguments, using quotes, example:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run myjob --command "./mycommand.sh --witharguments" --image somelang1.23

You can instruct the command line to wait and don't return until the job is finished with the --wait option. By default the timeout is 10 minutes, but a custom number of seconds can be specified instead:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run myjob --command ./mycommand.sh --image somelang1.23 --wait
tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run nothing --command "sleep 600" --image somelang1.23 --wait 630

Creating scheduled jobs (cron jobs)

To schedule a recurrent job (also known as cron jobs), use the --schedule WHEN option when creating it:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run mycronjob --command ./daily.sh --image somelang1.23 --schedule "@daily"

The schedule argument uses cron syntax (see also cron on Wikipedia).

Please use the @hourly, @daily, @weekly, @monthly, @yearly macros if possible. Those make it possible to spread the cluster load evenly through the time period which makes maintaining the cluster much easier.

You can force a rerun of a scheduled job with:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs restart mycron

Creating continuous jobs

Continuous jobs are programs that are never meant to end. If they end (for example, because of an error) the Toolforge Kubernetes system will restart them.

To create a continuous job, use the --continuous option:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run myalwaysrunningjob --command ./myendlesscommand.sh --image somelang1.23 --continuous

About the executable

In all job types (one-off, continuous, cronjob) the --command parameter should meet the following conditions:

  • it should refer to an executable file.
  • mind the path, the command working directory is the tools home directory, so --command mycommand.sh will likely fail (it references $PATH), and --command ./mycommand.sh is likely what you mean.
  • arguments are optional but if present then better use quotes, example: --command "./mycommand.sh --arg1 x --arg2 y".

Failing to meet any of these conditions will lead to errors either before launching the job, or shortly after the job is processed by the backend.

About the job name

The job name is a unique string identifier. The string should meet these criteria:

  • between 1 and 52 characters long.
  • any combination of numbers, lower-case letters and the . (dot) and - (dash) characters.
  • no spaces, no underscores, no special symbols.

Failing to meet any of these conditions will lead to errors either before launching the job, or shortly after the job is processed by the backend.

Choosing the execution runtime

In Toolforge Kubernetes you can use any image you built with the build service (preferred) or you can use one of the pre-defined container images.

To view which execution runtimes are available, run the toolforge jobs images command (note that if you are using the build service, you'll have to have built your image already for it to show up).


tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs images
Short name    Container image URL
------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
bookworm      docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-bookworm-sssd:latest
bullseye      docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-bullseye-sssd:latest
jdk17         docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-jdk17-sssd-base:latest
mariadb       docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-mariadb-sssd-base:latest
mono6.8       docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-mono68-sssd-base:latest
node16        docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-node16-sssd-base:latest
node18        docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-node18-sssd-base:latest
perl5.32      docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-perl532-sssd-base:latest
perl5.36      docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-perl536-sssd-base:latest
php7.4        docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-php74-sssd-base:latest
php8.2        docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-php82-sssd-base:latest
python3.9     docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-python39-sssd-base:latest
python3.11    docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-python311-sssd-base:latest
ruby2.1       docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-ruby21-sssd-base:latest
ruby2.7       docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-ruby27-sssd-base:latest
ruby3.1       docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-ruby31-sssd-base:latest
tcl8.6        docker-registry.tools.wmflabs.org/toolforge-tcl86-sssd-base:latest

In addition, there are several deprecated images that are available for older tools that rely on them but should not be used for new use cases.

NOTE: if your tool uses python, you may want to use a virtualenv, see Help:Toolforge/Python#Jobs.

Retry policy

You can specify the retry policy for failed jobs.

The default policy is to not try to restart failed jobs. But you can choose for them to be retried up to five times before given up by the scheduling engine.

Use the --retry N option. Example:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run myjob --command ./myjob.sh --image somelang1.23 --retry 2

Note that the retry policy will be ignored for continuous jobs, given they are always restarted in case of failure.

Using envvars for configuration

You can use envvars to pass secrets and other configuration variables to your jobs.

Loading jobs from a YAML file

You can define a list of jobs in a YAML file and load them all at once using the toolforge jobs load command, example:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs load jobs.yaml

NOTE: loading jobs from a file will flush jobs with the same name if their definition varies.

You can use the --job <name> option to load only one job as defined in the YAML file. Example:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs load jobs.yaml --job "everyminute"

Example YAML file:

# https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Jobs_framework
# a cronjob
- name: hourly
  command: ./myothercommand.sh -v
  image: bullseye
  no-filelog: true
  schedule: "@hourly"
  emails: onfailure
# a continuous job
- name: endlessjob
  image: python3.11
  command: python3 dumps-daemon.py --endless
  continuous: true
  emails: all
# wait for this one-off job before loading the next
- name: myjob
  image: bullseye
  command: ./mycommand.sh --argument1
  wait: true
  emails: onfinish
# another one-off job after the previous one finished running
- name: anotherjob
  image: bullseye
  command: ./mycommand.sh --argument1
  emails: none
# this job sets custom stdout/stderr log files
- name: normal-job-with-custom-logs
  image: bullseye
  command: ./mycommand.sh --argument1
  filelog-stdout: logs/stdout.log
  filelog-stderr: logs/stderr.log
# this job sets a custom retry policy
- name: normal-job-with-custom-retry-policy
  image: bullseye
  command: ./mycommand.sh --argument1
  retry: 2
 # this job requests a higher memory limit
- name: normal-job-with-higher-memory-limit
  image: bullseye
  command: ./mycommand.sh --argument1
  mem: 500Mi
  # this continuous job runs a healthcheck script
- name: job-with-healthcheck-script
  image: bullseye
  command: ./some-command.sh
  continuous: true
  health-check-script: ./some-healthcheck-script.sh
  # this continuous job has multiple replicas configured
- name: job-with-3-replicas
  image: bullseye
  command: ./some-command.sh
  continuous: true
  replicas: 3

You can do the opposite operation, and get all the defined jobs in YAML format, perhaps for a later load. Examples:

tools.mytool@tools-bastion-12:~$ toolforge jobs dump
- command: ./some-script.sh
  continuous: true
  image: bookworm
  name: test
- command: ./some-script.sh
  continuous: true
  image: bookworm
  mem: 1G
  name: test2

tools.mytool@tools-bastion-12:~$ toolforge jobs dump --to-file myjobs.yaml
tools.mytool@tools-bastion-12:~$ toolforge jobs load myjobs.yaml

Configuring health-checks for jobs

Sometimes your continuous jobs can get stuck on the code level but still appear to be running when you run toolforge jobs list. Configuring health-check can help ensure that toolforge can detect issues like this and restart your continuous job.

To configure a health-check, specify --health-check-script argument, the value of which should either be an inline string or an executable file. example:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run continuous-job-with-health-check --command ./myendlesscommand.sh --image somelang1.23 --continuous --health-check-script "cat /etc/os-release"
tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run continuous-job-with-health-check --command ./myendlesscommand.sh --image somelang1.23 --continuous --health-check-script ./health-check.sh
You can only configure a health-check for a continuous job.
Do not forget to make the health-check script executable (chmod u+x health-check.sh) before creating your job with health-check configured.

In order to properly work with health-checks, your tool/job code needs to be aware of this health check.

A common example:

  • The tool main code loop includes some code to create a control file. For example /tmp/myjob-alive
  • You configure the health-check to verify the existence of this file, and to delete it if present. For example: --health-check-script "test -e /tmp/myjob-alive && rm /tmp/myjob-alive"
  • Because the control file was deleted by the health check, if the job is alive it should create the file again in the next loop iteration. If it is not created, the health check will fail, indicating the job is not healthy, and Toolforge will therefore restart the job.

Checks happen in two different phases: startup and liveness. The startup checks happen when the job is first launched. During this phase the health-check script will be called once each second. If it fails 120 times in a row then the job will be restarted. One success will end the startup phase.

The liveness checks happen every 10 seconds. If the health-check script fails 3 times in a row the job will be restarted.

Configuring internal domain names for your jobs

To run a job that expects to receive requests from other jobs (say a backend job that expects requests from a frontend job), you need to configure the internal domain name of the job. This way the jobs making the request won't need to know and keep track of the internal IP address of the target job. This is necessary because the internal IP address of jobs are ephemeral.

To configure the internal domain name, you only need to specify the target port like this --port . once that is done, your job new job will now be reachable on https://<jobname>:<port>


tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run backend-continuous-job --command ./server.sh --image somelang1.23 --continuous --port 8080

The above job will now be reachable from other jobs using https://backend-continuous-job:8080

Note that you can only configure internal domain names for continuous jobs, but you can make a call to the domain name from any job type.
The internal domain name always defaults to the name of the job and there is currently no way to customize the name.

Running a continuous job with multiple replicas

Toolforge jobs framework by default creates 1 instance of a job. Sometimes there's a need to run multiple instances of the exact same thing, for example for multiple runner processes.

To create a multi-replica job, you can use the --replicas option:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run backend-continuous-job --command ./server.sh --image somelang1.23 --continuous --replicas 2
Note that there is no limit to the number of replicas you can specify, but running too many replicas can exceed the resource quota assigned to each job/tool by default. If this happens the job may fail to run, with out of quota error message displayed.

Listing your existing jobs

You can get information about the jobs created for your tool using toolforge jobs list, example:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs list
Job name:       Job type:          Status:
--------------  -----------------  ---------------------------
myscheduledjob  schedule: @hourly  Last schedule time: 2021-06-30T10:26:00Z
alwaysrunning   continuous         Running
myjob           normal             Completed

Listing even more information at once is possible using --output long:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs list --output long
Job name:       Command:                 Job type:          Image:    File log:    Output log:    Error log:    Emails:    Resources:    Retry:    Status:
--------------  -----------------------  -----------------  --------  -----------  -------------  ------------  ---------  ------------  --------  ---------
myscheduledjob  ./read-dumps.sh          schedule: @hourly  bullseye  no           /dev/null      /dev/null     none       default       no        Running
alwaysrunning   ./myendlesscommand.sh    continuous         bullseye  yes          test2.out      test2.err     none       default       no        Running
myjob           ./mycommand.sh --debug   normal             bullseye  yes          logs/mylog     logs/mylog    onfinish   default       2         Completed
NOTE: normal jobs will be deleted from this listing shortly after being completed (even if they finish with some error).

You can also get the list of defined jobs in YAML format, using the dump operation. Examples:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-10:~$ toolforge jobs list
Job name:    Job type:    Status:
-----------  -----------  ---------
myjob        continuous   Running
myjob2       continuous   Running

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-10:~$ toolforge jobs dump
- command: ./some-script.sh
  continuous: true
  image: bookworm
  name: myhob
- command: ./some-script.sh
  continuous: true
  image: bookworm
  mem: 1G
  name: myjob2

You can then save this dump YAML output to a file by either redirecting the output, or selecting the file directly with the -f or --to-file options. All the next examples are equivalent:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-10:~$ toolforge jobs dump > jobs.yaml
tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-10:~$ toolforge jobs dump -f jobs.yaml
tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-10:~$ toolforge jobs dump --to-file jobs.yaml

You can use this YAML dump file later in a load operation.

Deleting your jobs

You can delete your jobs in two ways:

  • manually delete each job, identified by name, using the toolforge jobs delete command.
  • delete all defined jobs at once, using the toolforge jobs flush command.

Showing information about your job

You can get information about a defined job using the toolforge jobs show command, example:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs show myscheduledjob
| Job name:    | myscheduledjob                                                |
| Command:     | ./read-dumps.sh myargument                                    |
| Job type:    | schedule: * * * * *                                           |
| Image:       | bullseye                                                      |
| File log:    | yes                                                           |
| Output log:  | /data/project/tool-name/myscheduledjob.out                    |
| Error log:   | /data/project/tool-name/mysheduledjob.err.                    |
| Emails:      | none                                                          |
| Resources:   | mem: 10Mi, cpu: 100                                           |
| Replicas:    | 1                                                             |
| Mounts:      | all                                                           |
| Retry:       | no                                                            |
| Health check:| none                                                          |
| Status:      | Last schedule time: 2021-06-30T10:26:00Z                      |
| Hints:       | Last run at 2021-06-30T10:26:08Z. Pod in 'Pending' phase.     |
|              | State 'waiting' for reason 'ContainerCreating'.               |

This should include information about the job status and some hints (in case of failure, etc).

Restarting your jobs

You can restart cronjobs or continuous jobs.

Use toolforge jobs restart <jobname>. Example:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs restart myjob

You can use this functionality to reset internal state of stuck jobs or jobs in failed state. The internal behavior is similar to removing the job and defining it again.

Trying to restart a non-existent job will do nothing.

Job logs

There are currently two possibilities for collecting logs from jobs:

  • Internal logs, where the log output can be accessed with the toolforge jobs logs command while a job is running and for a short period after the job has finished.
  • File logs, where stdout and stderr will be redirected to files in the tool home directory.
    File logs are enabled by default for tools that use a pre-built container image, but disabled by default for jobs using build service images (including the prebuilt Pywikibot image).

File logging

Jobs log stdout/stderr to files in your tool home directory.

For a job myjob, you will find:

  • a myjob.out file, containing stdout generated by your job.
  • a myjob.err file, containing stderr generated by your job.


tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run myjob --command ./mycommand.sh --image bullseye
tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ ls myjob*
myjob.out myjob.err

Subsequent same-name job runs will append to the same files.

Log generation can be disabled with the --no-filelog parameter when creating a new job, for example:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run myjob --command ./mycommand.sh --image bullseye --no-filelog

Custom log files

You can control where you store your logs. This allows for things like:

  • using a custom directory
  • merging stdout/stderr logs together into a single file
  • ignoring one of the two log streams

To do that, make use of the following options when running a new job:

  • (for stdout) -o path/to/file.log or --filelog-stdout path/to/file.log
  • (for stderr) -e path/to/file.log or --filelog-stderr path/to/file.log

Example, running a job that merges both log streams into a single log file:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run myjob --command ./mycommand.sh --image bullseye --filelog-stdout myjob.log --filelog-stderr myjob.log

Example, running a job that uses the default `jobname`.out but ignores stderr:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run myjob --command ./mycommand.sh --image bullseye --filelog-stderr /dev/null

Example, running a job that log both streams separately in a custom directory:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run myjob --command ./mycommand.sh --image bullseye --filelog-stdout mylogs/myjob.out.log --filelog-stderr mylogs/myjob.err.log

Custom directories should be created by hand previous to the job run. Selecting an invalid directory here will likely result in the job failing with exit code 2.

Pruning log files

Users should take care of log files growing too large.

The mariadb image includes the logrotate program which can be used to control the sizes of log files using the Toolforge jobs framework.

Single job logs

If you have a continuous job, you will want to use copytruncate mode for log rotation. To set it up, create a configuration file logrotate-myjob.conf similar to this:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ nano logrotate-myjob.conf
    rotate 6

This configuration will rotate your log files daily, and keep 6 days of old logs in addition to the log for the current day. The dateext option renames rotated log files by appending a date to their filenames, allowing for better organization and differentiation of log files based on the date of rotation.

Then you can start automatic log rotation with:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run logrotate-myjob --command 'logrotate -v $TOOL_DATA_DIR/logrotate-myjob.conf --state $TOOL_DATA_DIR/logrotate-myjob.state' --image mariadb --schedule "@daily"
All logfiles at once

For rotating all your logs, you can use globs like:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ cat logrotate-all.conf 
"./*.err" "./*.out" {
    rotate 6
tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run logrotate-all --command 'logrotate -v $TOOL_DATA_DIR/logrotate-all.conf --state $TOOL_DATA_DIR/logrotate-all.state' --image mariadb --schedule "@daily"

Providing more modern approaches and facilities for logs management, metrics, etc. is in the current roadmap for the WMCS team. See Phabricator T127367 for example.

Internal log storage

If a job has file logs disabled (it uses a build service image or --no-filelog), the Toolforge Kubernetes infrastructure will internally store the output for any currently running jobs. This means that logs are deleted once a job finishes executing (for one-off and scheduled jobs) or restarts. To view these logs, use the toolforge jobs logs:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs logs myjob

This command also takes some flags:

  • -f to follow logs in real-time
  • -l [number] to only see a specific number of newest log lines

It is intended that these logs will eventually be stored in a more persistent storage system.

Job quotas

Each tool account has a limited quota available. The same quota is used for jobs and other things potentially running on Kubernetes, like webservices.

To check your quota, run:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs quota
Running jobs                                    Used  Limit
--------------------------------------------  ------  -------
Total running jobs at once (Kubernetes pods)       0  10
Running one-off and cron jobs                      0  15
CPU                                                0  2
Memory                                             0  8Gi

Per-job limits    Limit
----------------  -------
CPU               1
Memory            4Gi

Job definitions                             Used    Limit
----------------------------------------  ------  -------
Cron jobs                                      0       50
Continuous jobs (including web services)       0        3

As of this writing, new jobs get 512Mi memory and 0.5 CPU by default.

You can run jobs with additional CPU and memory using the --mem MEM and --cpu CPU parameters, example:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run myjob --command "./heavycommand.sh" --image bullseye --mem 1Gi --cpu 2

Requesting more memory or CPU will fail if the tool quota is exceeded.

You can find details on the underlying kubernetes quotas here.

Quota increases

It is possible to request a quota increase if you can demonstrate your tool's need for more resources than the default namespace quota allows. Instructions and a template link for creating a quota request can be found at Toolforge (Quota requests) in Phabricator.

Please read all the instructions there before submitting your request.

Note for Toolforge admins: there are docs on how to do quota upgrades.

Job email notifications

You can select to receive email notifications from your job activity, by using the --emails EMAILS option when creating a job.

The available choices are:

  • none, don't get any email notification. The default behavior.
  • onfailure, receive email notifications in case of a failure event.
  • onfinish, receive email notifications in case of the job finishing (both successfully and on failure).
  • all, receive all possible notifications.


tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run myjob --command ./mycommand.sh --image bullseye --emails onfinish

The email will be sent to tools.mytool@toolforge.org, which is an email alias that by default redirects to all tool maintainers associated with that particular tool account.

Help command

List all available jobs-framework commands using the toolforge jobs -h command:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs -h
usage: toolforge jobs [-h] {images,run,show,logs,list,delete,flush,load,restart,quota,dump} ...

Toolforge Jobs Framework, command line interface

positional arguments:
                        possible operations (pass -h to know usage of each)
    images              list information on available container image types for Toolforge jobs
    run                 run a new job of your own in Toolforge
    show                show details of a job of your own in Toolforge
    logs                show output from a running job
    list                list all running jobs of your own in Toolforge
    delete              delete a running job of your own in Toolforge
    flush               delete all running jobs of your own in Toolforge
    load                flush all jobs and load a YAML file with job definitions and run them
    restart             restarts a running job
    quota               display quota information
    dump                dump all defined jobs in YAML format, suitable for a later `load` operation

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

List all available run command arguments using the toolforge jobs run -h command:

tools.mytool@tools-sgebastion-11:~$ toolforge jobs run -h
usage: toolforge jobs run [-h] --command COMMAND --image IMAGE [--no-filelog | --filelog] [-o FILELOG_STDOUT] [-e FILELOG_STDERR] [--retry {0,1,2,3,4,5}] [--mem MEM] [--cpu CPU]
                          [--emails {none,all,onfinish,onfailure}] [--mount {all,none}] [--schedule SCHEDULE | --continuous | --wait [WAIT]] [--health-check-script HEALTH_CHECK_SCRIPT] [-p PORT]
                          [--replicas REPLICAS]

positional arguments:
  name                  new job name

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --command COMMAND     full path of command to run in this job
  --image IMAGE         image shortname (check them with `images`)
  --no-filelog          disable redirecting job output to files in the home directory
  --filelog             explicitly enable file logs on jobs using a build service created image
  -o FILELOG_STDOUT, --filelog-stdout FILELOG_STDOUT
                        location to store stdout logs for this job
  -e FILELOG_STDERR, --filelog-stderr FILELOG_STDERR
                        location to store stderr logs for this job
  --retry {0,1,2,3,4,5}
                        specify the retry policy of failed jobs.
  --mem MEM             specify additional memory limit required for this job
  --cpu CPU             specify additional CPU limit required for this job
  --emails {none,all,onfinish,onfailure}
                        specify if the system should email notifications about this job. (default: 'none')
  --mount {all,none}    specify which shared storage (NFS) directories to mount to this job. (default: 'none' on build service images, 'all' otherwise)
  --schedule SCHEDULE   run a job with a cron-like schedule (example '1 * * * *')
  --continuous          run a continuous job
  --wait [WAIT]         wait for job one-off job to complete, optionally specify a value to override default timeout of 600s
  --health-check-script HEALTH_CHECK_SCRIPT
                        specify a health check command to run on the job if any.
  -p PORT, --port PORT  specify the port to expose for this job. only valid for continuous jobs
  --replicas REPLICAS   specify the number of job replicas to be used. only valid for continuous jobs

Grid Engine migration

Main article: News/Toolforge Grid Engine deprecation

This section contains specific documentation for Grid Engine users that are trying to migrate their jobs to Kubernetes.

The following tools have been built by the Toolforge admin team to help others see job status:

Communication and support

Support and administration of the WMCS resources is provided by the Wikimedia Foundation Cloud Services team and Wikimedia movement volunteers. Please reach out with questions and join the conversation:

Discuss and receive general support
Stay aware of critical changes and plans
Track work tasks and report bugs

Use a subproject of the #Cloud-Services Phabricator project to track confirmed bug reports and feature requests about the Cloud Services infrastructure itself

Read stories and WMCS blog posts

Read the Cloud Services Blog (for the broader Wikimedia movement, see the Wikimedia Technical Blog)

See also