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Tanith Lee

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Tanith Lee imzo beryapti (2011)

Tanith Lee (nikohdan soʻng; Tanith Lee Kaiine, 1947-yil 19-sentabrda Londonda tugʻilgan; † 24-may, 2015-yil, East Sussex) — britaniyalik ilmiy fantastika va fentezi muallifi .

Maktabni tugatgandan soʻng, u bir nechta ishlarda ishladi va bir yil davomida sanʼat maktabida oʻqidi, toki u oʻzini kasbini yozishda topdi. 1968-yilda u atigi 90 soʻzdan iborat birinchi qisqa hikoyasini nashr etdi. Uning yoshi kattalar uchun "The Dragon Hoard" romani 1971-yilda nashr etilgan, ammo uning muvaffaqiyati 1975-yilda "The Birthgrave" bilan sodir boʻldi, u oʻsha yili eng yaxshi roman uchun Nebula Awardiga nomzod boʻldi. U bu roman uchun Britaniya nashriyotini topa olmadi; Roman nihoyat amerikalik DAW nashriyoti tomonidan nashr etilgan.

1976-yildan beri Tanith Lee oʻzini faqat yozishga bagʻishladi. U asosan fentezi romanlar yozgan, lekin ikkita ajoyib va keng eʼtirof etilgan ilmiy-fantastik romanlarini nashr etgan : „Donʼt Bite the Sun“ (1976) va "Drinking Sapphire Wine" (1977).

Germaniyada uning fentezi hikoyalari litsenziyasiz Call of the Warlock rolli oʻyinida fon dunyosi uchun ishlatilgan.

U 1992-yildan beri Jon Kaiine bilan turmush qurgan va Brighton yaqinida yashagan va u yerda 2015-yil 24-mayda 67 yoshida koʻkrak bezi saratoni asoratlari tufayli vafot etgan[1].

  • 1980-yil: Death’s Master uchun British Fantasy Award
  • 1983-yil: Eng yaxshi qisqa hikoya sifatida The Gorgon uchun World Fantasy Award
  • 1984-yil: Eng yaxshi qisqa hikoya sifatida Elle est Trois (La Mort) uchun World Fantasy Award
  • 1986-yil: Eng yaxshi fentezi roman sifatida Volxavaar uchun Gilgamé Award (ispancha tarjimada)
  • 1987-yil: Eng yaxshi fentezi roman sifatida „Nightʼs Master“ uchun Gilgamé Award (ispancha tarjimada)
  • 2013-yil: Life Achievement uchun World Fantasy Award
  • 2022-yil: Asteroid uning sharafiga nomlangan: (391947) Tanithlee

Sikllar birinchi qism chop etilgan yilga qarab tartiblangan.

  • The Birthgrave (1975)
  • Vazkor, Son of Vazkor (1978)
  • Quest for the White Witch (1978)
Four-Bee Sikli
  • Donʼt Bite the Sun (1976)
  • Drinking Sapphire Wine (1977)
Wars of Vis
  • The Storm Lord (1976)
  • Anackire (1983)
  • The White Serpent (1988)
Castle of Dark
  • 1 The Castle of Dark (1978)
  • 2 Prince on a White Horse (1982)
  • Dark Castle, White Horse (1986, Omnibus 1+2)
Tales of the Flat Earth
  • 1 Nightʼs Master (1978)
  • 2 Death’s Master (1979)
  • 3 Delusionʼs Master (1981)
  • 4 Delirium’s Mistress (1986)
  • 5 Nightʼs Sorceries (1987, toʻplam)
Blood Stone
  • Kill the Dead (1980)
  • Sabella or the Bloodstone (1980)
The Secret Books of Paradys
  • The Book of the Dead / Paradys (1986)Oʻliklar kitobi / Paradys (1986)
  • The Book of the Damned (1988)
  • The Book of the Beast (1988)
  • The Book of the Mad (1993)
  • Black Unicorn (1991)
  • Gold Unicorn (1994)
  • Red Unicorn (1997)
  • Black Unicorn / Gold Unicorn / Red Unicorn (1991)
Blood Opera
  • Dark Dance (1992)
  • Personal Darkness (1993)
  • Darkness, I — Third in the Blood (1994)
  • Faces Under Water (1998)
  • Saint Fire (1999)
  • A Bed of Earth (2002)
  • Venus Preserved (2003)
  • Laws of the Wolf Tower (1998)
  • Wolf Star (2000)
  • Queen of the Wolves (2001)
  • Wolf Wing (2002)
  • Cast a Bright Shadow (2004)
  • Here in Cold Hell (20
  • No Flame but Mine (2007
S. I.L. V.E. R.
  • The Silver Metal Lover (1981)
  • Metallic Love (2004)
  • Piratica: Being a Daring Tale of a Singular Girl’s Adventures upon the High Seas (2004)
  • Piratica II: Return to Parrot Island (2006)
  • Piratica III: The Family Sea (2007)

Yagona romanlar

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
  • Betrothed (1968)
  • The Dragon Hoard (1971, yoshlar kitobi)
  • Animal Castle (1972)
  • Companions on the Road (1975)
  • East of Midnight (1977, yoshlar kitobi)
  • The Winter Players (1976)
  • Volkhavaar (1977)
  • Electric Forest (1979)
  • Shon the Taken (1979, yoshlar kitobi)
  • Day by Night (1980)
  • Lycanthia — The Children of Wolves (1981)
  • Sung in Shadows (1983)
  • Tamastara — The Indian Nights (1984)
  • The Beautiful Biting Machine (1984)
  • Days of grass (1985)
  • Madame Two Swords (1988)
  • A Heroine of the World (1989)
  • The Blood of Roses (1990)
  • The Blood of Roses (1990)
  • Voyage of the Basset: Islands in the Sky (1990)
  • Into Gold (1991)
  • Heart-Beast (1992)
  • Louisa the Poisoner (1992)
  • Elephantasm (1993)
  • Eva Fairdeath (1994)
  • Raining Cats and Dogs (1995)
  • Vivia (1995)
  • When the Lights Go Out (1995)
  • The Gods Are Thirsty (1996)
  • White as Snow (2000)
  • Mortal Suns (2003)
  • 34 (2004, Esther Garber nomida)
  • Death of the Day (2004)
  • L’Amber (2006)
  • Wolf Star Rise (2006)
  • Princess Hynchatti: And Some Other Surprises (1972)
  • Champions of the Road (1979)
  • Unsilent Night (1981)
  • Cyrion (1982)
  • Red as Blood / Tales from the Sisters Grimmer (1983)
  • The Gorgon and Other Beastly Tales (1985)
  • Dreams of Dark and Light (1986)
  • Women as Demons (1989)
  • Forests of the Night (1989)
  • Donʼt Bet on the Prince (1989, Angela Carter va Jack Zipes bilan)
  • Nightshades: Thirteen Journeys Into Shadow (1993)
  • Fatal Woman ((2004, toʻplam, Esther Garber nomida)
  • Sages And Swords: Heroic Fantasy Anthology (2006, Eugie Foster, Ed McFadden va Vera Nazarian bilan)
  • Hans Joachim Alpers, Werner Fuchs, Ronald M. Hahn: Reclams Science-fiction-Führer. Reclam, Stuttgart 1982, ISBN 3-15-010312-6, p. 250 f.
  • Hans Joachim Alpers, Werner Fuchs, Ronald M. Hahn, Wolfgang Jeschke: Science Fiction Literatur Lexikoni. Heyne, München 1991, ISBN 3-453-02453-2, p. 650.
  • Cathy Chauvette: Lee, Tanith. In: Noelle Watson, Paul E. Schellinger: Twentieth-Century Science-Fiction Writers. St. James Press, Chicago 1991, ISBN 1-55862-111-3, p. 473 f.
  • John Clute: Li, Tanit. In: John Clute, Peter Nicholls: The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction . 3. Nashr (onlayn nashr), 2018-yil 21-fevraldagi versiyasi.
  • Don D’Ammassa: Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Facts On File, New York 2005, ISBN 0-8160-5924-1, p. 223 f.
  • Joan Gordon: Lee, Tanith. In: James Gunn: The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Viking, New York u. a. 1988, ISBN 0-670-81041-X, p. 268 f.
  1. Sam Roberts: Tanith Lee, Fantasy and Horror Novelist, Dies at 67. In: The New York Times vom 1. Juni 2015 (englisch, abgerufen am 2. Juni 2015).