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Argonning birikmalari

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Argonning birikmalari- argon elementini o'z ichiga olgan kimyoviy birikmalar, argon atomining inertligi tufayli kamdan-kam uchraydi. Shu bilan birga, argon birikmalari inert gaz matritsasi izolyatsiyasida, sovuq gazlar va plazmalarda aniqlangan va argonni o'z ichiga olgan molekulyar ionlar yaratilgan va kosmosda ham aniqlangan.

1 ) ArH + [1]

2 ) ArN2O+

3 ) ArHCO +

4 ) ArCO+2

5 ) ArBeO

bularning kelib chiqishiga sabab tashqi qavatdagi elektron hisobiga hosil bo'lgan yani oxirgi elektronini berish va olish jaroyini natijasida yangi birikmalar vujudga kelgan.

Ushbu reaksiyalar davomida Ar ning birikmalari olinadi.

a Ar + H + H → ArH + + H [2].

b ArH + + e - → ArH* → Ar + H [2].

c Ar + N+</br> N → ArN+</br> ArN photodissociation → Ar + + N 2 .[3].

d.O 2 + hv → O+</br> O + e - ; O+</br> O + e - → 2O*; O* + Ar → ArO* [4].

e ArH + + CO → ArHCO + [5].

  1. Berman, Michael; Kaldor, Uzi; Shmulovich, J.; Yatsiv, S. (December 1981). „Rydberg states and the observed spectrum of ArH“. Chemical Physics. 63-jild, № 1–2. 165–173-bet. Bibcode:1981CP.....63..165B. doi:10.1016/0301-0104(81)80318-7.
  2. 2,0 2,1 Schilke, P.; Neufeld, D. A.; Müller, H. S. P.; Comito, C.; Bergin, E. A.; Lis, D. C.; Gerin, M.; Black, J. H.; Wolfire, M. (4 June 2014). „Ubiquitous argonium (ArH+) in the diffuse interstellar medium: A molecular tracer of almost purely atomic gas“. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 566-jild. A29-bet. arXiv:1403.7902. Bibcode:2014A&A...566A..29S. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201423727.
  3. Theis, Riley A.; Fortenberry, Ryan C. (March 2016). „Potential interstellar noble gas molecules: ArOH+ and NeOH+ rovibrational analysis from quantum chemical quartic force fields“. Molecular Astrophysics. 2-jild. 18–24-bet. Bibcode:2016MolAs...2...18T. doi:10.1016/j.molap.2015.12.001.
  4. Laarmann, T.; Wabnitz, H.; von Haeften, K.; Möller, T. (2008). „Photochemical processes in doped argon-neon core-shell clusters: The effect of cage size on the dissociation of molecular oxygen“ (PDF). The Journal of Chemical Physics. 128-jild, № 1. 014502-bet. Bibcode:2008JChPh.128a4502L. doi:10.1063/1.2815798. PMID 18190199.
  5. Seki, Kouji; Sumiyoshi, Yoshihiro; Endo, Yasuki (2002). „Pure rotational spectra of the Andoza:Chem and the Andoza:Chem ionic complexes“. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 117-jild, № 21. 9750-bet. Bibcode:2002JChPh.117.9750S. doi:10.1063/1.1518025.