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Rubin, Rik

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Rik Rubin
inglizcha: Rick Rubin
Umumiy maʼlumot
Tavalludi Frederik Jey Rubin
Frederick Jay Rubin
1963-yil 10-mart
Fuqaroligi AQSH
Kasbi Musiqiy Prodyusser
Leybl "Def Jam Recordings", "Columbia Records", "American Recordings", "Warner Bros. Records"
Janr Nyu-metal,hip-hop
Faoliyat yillari 1980-hozirgacha

Rik Rubin (inglizcha: Rick Rubin ; haqiqiy ismi – Frederik Jey Rubin, Frederick Jay Rubin ; 1963 yil 10 mart, Long-Aylend, Nyu-York) – amerikalik musiqiy prodyuser va aranjirovkachi, MTV tomonidan „20 yil ichidagi eng nufuzli prodyusser“ [1] deb tan olingan; "Time" jurnali tomonidan dunyodagi eng nufuzli yuz kishidan biri sifatida tan olingan [2] . Shuningdek, Columbia Records kompaniyasining sobiq prezidenti [3] . Gremmi mukofotini bir necha bor qoʻlga kiritgan [4] .

Rubin "American Recordings" [5] ga, shuningdek Rassell Simmons bilan birga "Def Jam Recordings" leybliga asos solgan. Beastie Boys, LL Cool J, Public Enemy va Run DMC, Rubin bilan hip-hop musiqasini tanitishga va rivojlantirishga katta hissa qoʻshdi [6]. U uzoq vaqt davomida birinchi oq-xip-xop jamoasi "Beastie Boys"ning ortida prodyusser sifatida ishlagan. Oʻsha vaqt uchun juda oʻziga xos yondashuvni qabul qilib, u hip-hopni hard rock bilan kesib oʻtishga harakat qildi. Aynan u hip-hop-guru "Run DMC"ni Aerosmit rokerlari bilan birga „Walk This Way“ singlini yozish uchun olib keldi, bu 1986 yilda ikkala jamoa va ular ifodalagan musiqiy yoʻnalishlar uchun katta tijorat yutugʻiga aylandi.

Bundan tashqari, Rik Linkin Park, System of a Down, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Slipknot bilan hamkorlik qilib, juda mashhur boʻlgan yangi nyu-metal janrini yaratuvchilardan biri edi. Bu janr juda moslashuvchan boʻlib chiqdi. Kelajakda Rik ushbu janr bilan tez-tez hamkorlik qildi.

1990-yillarda Rubin, baʼzi albomlarini ishlab chiqargan "Red Hot Chili Peppers" bilan ishlash orqali nihoyat „rok hip-hop“ haqidagi tasavvurini toʻliq amalga oshira oldi. Hip-hop muxlislari orasida rok musiqasini ommalashtirish uchun koʻp ishlarni amalga oshirib, u mamlakat afsonasi Jonni Kesh bilan hamkorlik qildi va "Amerika" seriyalarida oʻzining akustik albomlarini ishlab chiqardi. 2006 yilda u Dixie Chicks ayollar guruhining albomini chiqardi, u barcha asosiy nominatsiyalarda „Grammy“ mukofotiga sazovor boʻldi („yil albomi“, „yil rekordi“, „yil qoʻshigʻi“).

2006 yilda Rik Rubin U2 bilan keyingi yil chiqishi rejalashtirilgan albom ustida ishladi. Ammo 2 ta singl chiqqandan keyin ular hamkorlikni toʻxtatdilar. 2009 yilgi "No Line on the Horizon" albomida Rik Rubin boshchiligidagi sessiyalardan hech qanday manba ishlatilmadi [7] .

Bundan tashqari, 2007 yilda Rubin Linkin Park guruhi bilan Minutes to Midnight albomida ishlagan. Guruh u bilan ishlashdan shunchalik zavqlanganki, ular birgalikda yana bir albom – 2010 yilda chiqarilgan Thousand Suns va 2012 yilda chiqarilgan "Living Things" albomini yozishdi.

2007 yil fevral oyida "Columbia Records" Rubinni vitse-prezident sifatida ish taklif qilgani va unga koʻp million dollarlik toʻlov taklif qilgani haqida xabarlar paydo boʻldi.

2013 yilda MTV VMA partiyasida reper Eminem "The Marshall Mathers LP 2" nomli 8-studiya albomini eʼlon qildi;Rik Rubin ham, Dr. Dredan tashqari Eminemning ijrochi prodyuseri aylandi. 2017 yilda u yana keyingi 9-albom – "Revival"ning ham muallifi boʻldi.

Dastlabki yillar

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Rubin Nyu-Yorkda tugʻilgan va Lido Beachda oʻsgan. Uning otasi Maykl (Mikki) poyabzal ulgurji savdosi bilan shugʻullangan, onasi Linda esa uy bekasi edi. Long-Bich oʻrta maktabida oʻqiyotganida u maktabning badiiy rahbari Stiv Friman bilan doʻstlashdi, u unga gitara boʻyicha bir nechta darslar berdi, qoʻshiq yozishda yordam berdi va „The Pricks“ deb nomlangan pank guruhini yaratishga yordam berdi. Ularning shon-shuhrat sari eng katta qadami ikkita qoʻshiq va qichqirayotgan tomoshabinlar bilan janjaldan soʻng "CBGB" sahnasidan tashlandi. Bu dushman odamlar guruhning doʻstlari boʻlib, voqea ularga shon-shuhrat keltirishi uchun qarama-qarshilik qoʻzgʻashga buyurilgan. Anekdot shaklida bu voqea musiqa jurnalisti Zane Lou bilan suhbatda tasdiqlangan. Otasi Nyu-Yorkda hech qanday vakolatga ega boʻlmaganiga qaramay, Rikning otasi bu „harakatni“ tinchlantirish uchun Nyu-Yorkning Nassau okrugidan Manxettenga Lido Beachda hushyor boʻlib kelgan [8] .

Ishlab chiqilgan albomlar roʻyxati

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YIl Ijrochi Albom
1980 yillar
1981 The Pricks The Pricks
1982 Hose Mobo (singl)
1983 Hose Hose
1984 T La Rock & Jazzy Jay Itʼs Yours
LL Cool J I Need a Beat
1985 Beastie Boys Rock Hard
LL Cool J Radio
Run-D. M.C. King of Rock
Jazzy Jay Def Jam/Cold Chillinʼ In The Spot
Jimmy Spicer This Is It / Beat The Clock
Hollis Crew Itʼs The Beat
1986 Beastie Boys Licensed to Ill
Run-D. M.C. Raising Hell
Slayer Reign in Blood
Original Concept Can You Feel It?
1987 Public Enemy Yo! Bum Rush the Show
The Cult Electric
Run-D. M.C. Christmas in Hollis
Various Less Than Zero Soundtrack
LL Cool J Jack The Ripper
1988 Public Enemy It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
Danzig Danzig
Original Concept Straight from the Basement of Kooley High!
Run-D. M.C. Tougher Than Leather
Slayer South of Heaven
1989 Masters of Reality Masters of Reality
Andrew Dice Clay Dice
Wolfsbane Live Fast, Die Fast
1990 yillar
1990 The Black Crowes Shake Your Money Maker
Andrew Dice Clay The Day the Laughter Died
Geto Boys The Geto Boys
Trouble Trouble
Danzig Danzig II: Lucifuge
Slayer Seasons in the Abyss
Wolfsbane All Hell's Breaking Loose Down at Little Kathy Wilson's Place
Andrew Dice Clay Dice Rules
1991 Dan Baird Love Songs for the Hearing Impaired
The Four Horsemen Nobody Said It Was Easy
Trouble Manic Frustration
Slayer Decade of Aggression
Red Hot Chili Peppers Blood Sugar Sex Magik
1992 Sir Mix-a-Lot Mack Daddy
Trouble Manic Frustration
Danzig Danzig III: How the Gods Kill
Red Devils King King
Andrew Dice Clay 40 Too Long
Red Hot Chili Peppers What Hits!?
1993 Flipper American Grafishy
Danzig Thrall: Demonsweatlive
Mik Djagger Wandering Spirit
Raging Slab Dynamite Monster Boogie Concert
The Cult The Witch (CD, Single)
Messiah 21st Century Jesus
Joan Jett and the Blackhearts Flashback
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Greatest Hits
Andrew Dice Clay The Day the Laughter Died, Part II
Digital Orgasm Do It
Barkmarket Gimmick
Various Last Action Hero: Music From The Original Motion Picture
1994 Danzig Danzig 4
Djonni Kesh American Recordings
Slayer Divine Intervention
Tom Petti Wildflowers
Sir Mix-a-Lot Chief Boot Knocka
Andrew Dice Clay Dice Live at Madison Square Garden
Deconstruction Deconstruction
Milk Never Dated
Lords of Acid Voodoo-U
Red Hot Chili Peppers Live Rare Remix Box
Red Hot Chili Peppers The Plasma Shaft
1995 Red Hot Chili Peppers One Hot Minute
AC/DC Ballbreaker
God Lives Underwater God Lives Underwater
God Lives Underwater Empty
Nine Inch Nails Further Down the Spiral
Jazz Lee Alston Jazz Lee Alston
1996 Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Sheʼs the One
Sir Mix-a-Lot Return of the Bumpasaurus
Djonni Kesh Unchained
Slayer Undisputed Attitude
Donovan Sutras
LL Cool J All World: Greatest Hits
Barkmarket L. Ron
Raging Slab Sing Monkey Sing
Kwest tha Madd Ladd This Is My First Album
1997 System of a Down Demo Tape 3
Various Private Parts: The Album
1998 The Smashing Pumpkins Let Me Give the World to You
Melanie C Northern Star
Djonni Kesh i Villi Nelson VH1 Storytellers
Slayer Diabolus in Musica
System of a Down System of a Down
Yujniy park Chef Aid: The South Park Album
Lucinda Williams Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
Sheril Krou The Globe Sessions
1999 Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication
Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers Echo
V/A Loud Rocks
Kula Shaker Peasants, Pigs & Astronauts
Melani Si Northern Star
Mr. Hankey Poo Mr. Hankey The Christmas Poo
Various Mr. Hankey’s Christmas Classics
2000 yillar
2000 Djonni Kesh American III: Solitary Man
Paloalto Paloalto
Rage Against the Machine Renegades
Eagle-Eye Cherry Living in the Present Future
2001 Sol Uilyams Amethyst Rock Star
American Head Charge The War of Art
Krishna Das Breath of the Heart
Nusrat Fatex Ali Xan The Final Studio Recordings
System of a Down Toxicity
Meysi Grey The Id
Slayer God Hates Us All
2002 Djonni Kesh American IV: The Man Comes Around
Red Hot Chili Peppers By the Way
Audioslave Audioslave
System of a Down Steal This Album!
Aerosmith O, Yeah! Ultimate Aerosmith Hits
Raxat Fatex Ali Xan Rahat
2003 The Jayhawks Rainy Day Music
To My Surprise To My Surprise
Limp Bizkit Results May Vary
Djonni Kesh Unearthed
Krishna Das Door of Faith
The Mars Volta De-Loused in the Comatorium
Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros Streetcore
Jay-Z The Black album
Rage Against the Machine Live at the Grand Olympic Auditorium
Paloalto Heroes and Villains
Red Hot Chili Peppers Greatest Hits
Paloalto Heroes and Villains
Manmade God Manmade God
2004 Slipknot Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses
The (International) Noise Conspiracy Armed Love
Lil' Jon and the East Side Boyz Crunk Juice
Djonni Kesh My Mother's Hymn Book
T. H. White More Than Before (keys)
2005 Weezer Make Believe
Audioslave Out of Exile
System of a Down Mezmerize
System of a Down Hypnotize
Nil Daymond 12 Songs
Shakira Fijación Oral Vol. 1
Shakira Oral Fixation Vol. 2
Limp Bizkit Greatest Hitz
2006 Slayer Christ Illusion
Red Hot Chili Peppers Stadium Arcadium
Dixie Chicks Taking the Long Way
Djonni Kesh American V: A Hundred Highways
Djastin Timberleyk FutureSex/LoveSounds
U2 U218 Singles
God Dethroned The Toxic Touch
2007 Vanessa Karlton Heroes and Thieves
Luna Halo Luna Halo
Kane Uest, Nas, KRS-One Better Than I've Ever Been
Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight
Den Uilson Free Life
Poison Poison'd!
Gossip Live from Liverpool
Kane Uest, Nas, KRS-One, Rakim Classic (Better Than I've Ever Been)
Coheed and Cambria Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume Two: No World for Tomorrow
2008 The (International) Noise Conspiracy The Cross of My Calling
Weezer Weezer
Nil Daymond Home Before Dark
Ours Dancing for the Death of an Imaginary Enemy
Djeykob Dilan Seeing Things
Metallica Death Magnetic
2009 Pete Yorn Back & Fourth
Gossip Music for Men
The Avett Brothers I and Love and You
Brendi Karlayl Give Up the Ghost
Slayer World Painted Blood
2010 yillar
2010 Djonni Kesh American VI: Ainʼt No Grave
Gogol Bordello Trans-Continental Hustle
Linkin Park A Thousand Suns
Kid Rok Born Free
Djosh Groban Illuminations
2011 Adel 21
Red Hot Chili Peppers I’m with You
Metallica Beyond Magnetic
Linkin Park A Thousand Suns+
2012 ZZ Top La Futura
Linkin Park Living Things
The Avett Brothers The Carpenter
Lana Del Rey Paradise
Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Covers EP
2013 Linkin Park Living Things +
Black Sabbath 13
Kanye West Yeezus
Eminem MMLP2
Djeyk Bagg Shangri La
Lady Gaga Artpop
Linkin Park Recharged
The Avett Brothers Magpie and the Dandelion
Red Hot Chili Peppers I'm Beside You
2014 Ed Shiran X
Djennifer Nettlz That Girl
Angus & Julia Stone Angus & Julia Stone
Demen Rays My Favourite Faded Fantasy
Linkin Park & Alec Puro Mall
Wu-Tang Clan A Better Tomorrow
Yusuf Tell 'Em I'm Gone
2016 Kane Uest The Life of Pablo
Various Star Wars Headspace
Djeyms Bleyk The Colour in Anything
The Avett Brothers True Sadness
2017 Eminem Revival
2018 Ruen Brothers All My Shades Of Blue
The Smashing Pumpkins Shiny and Oh So Bright, Vol. 1 / LP: No Past. No Future. No Sun.
2020 yillar
2021 Imagine Dragons Mercury – Act 1
2022 Red Hot Chili Peppers Unlimited Love
2022 Red Hot Chili Peppers Return of the Dream Canteen


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  1. „MTVNews.com: What’s Up With That Bearded Guy In The '99 Problems' Video?“. 2015-yil 18-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2007-yil 16-aprel.
  2. „Rick Rubin — The 2007 TIME 100 — TIME“. 2016-yil 22-aprelda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2016-yil 9-may.
  3. „Rick Rubin — Film Actor, Music Producer, Guitarist — Biography.com“. 2016-yil 9-mayda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2016-yil 9-may.
  4. „Rick Rubin | GRAMMY.com“. 2016-yil 4-iyunda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2016-yil 9-may.
  5. „Exclusive: Rick Rubin Brings American Recordings to Universal“. 2016-yil 9-aprelda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2016-yil 9-may.
  6. „Rick Rubin | Biography & History | AllMusic“. 2016-yil 30-mayda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2016-yil 9-may.
  7. Danny Eccleston. „U2 Album Still Not Finished“ (en). Bauer (2008-yil 28-noyabr). 2012-yil 21-fevralda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2009-yil 23-fevral.
  8. „12 Reasons Why Rick Rubin’s An Almighty Badass | NME.COM“. 2016-yil 7-mayda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2016-yil 9-may.


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