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The Alliance

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The name or term "Alliance" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Alliance (disambiguation).
Transformers: Cyberverse ep 48
Cyberverse - The Alliance - The Bomb.jpg
You have no chance to survive make your time.
"The Alliance"
Season 3
No. in season 12
Production company Allspark Animation
Airdate February 19, 2020 (UK)
April 12, 2020 (USA)
Writer Dan Salgarolo
Director Ehud Landsberg
Animation studio Boulder Media Studio
Yt icon rgb.png Watch this episode on YouTube

In a last-ditch effort, the Autobots and Decepticons work together to try and save their universe.



In the Quintesson tower, the Judge reams the Scientist for putting the new Judge at risk, requiring them to get involved. The Scientist reassures his superior that everything is fine. Even without the sparks of the captive Cybertronians, the new Judge is growing stronger every day, as it is feeding off the energy of the AllSpark.

In the Resistance base, Hot Rod and Soundwave relay this same information to Optimus Prime and Megatron, the former vowing they'll join together to stop the Quintessons. Unfortunately, feelings among the two armies are less than convivial, and Megatron states that he couldn't care less about any of what's going on before storming out. Hot Rod tries getting the attention of both factions, to no luck. Soundwave has more success blasting them with a burst of sound. The two declare their plan of an all-out assault on the Quintesson tower by Autobots and Decepticons, a plan that isn't met with a rosy reception, what with the bad blood on both sides. Hot Rod questions how they're going to get both sides to work together. Soundwave's answer is simple: they make them.

Inside Iaconus's training facility, Autobots and Decepticons are paired off into groups of four and sent into the training simulator. Time passes, as 'bots and 'cons fight both the Prosecutor-inspired drones and each other, but soon enough the teams manage to overcome their differences and start working together. As Grimlock and Alpha Strike plead for another go around in the simulator, Windblade approaches Hot Rod and Soundwave, asking when it'll be her turn. But they have something else in mind for her, or more accurately, someone: Iaconus.

Hot Rod and Soundwave lead Windblade to the slumbering War Titan, noting they need his power to fight the Quintessons, but have had no luck waking him. As Windblade notes, this is because neither of them are a Cityspeaker. Stepping forward, she tries using her power to speak to the slumbering giant, but the process proves painful and Windblade is forcibly ejected. Maccadam makes his presence known, telling Windblade that Iaconus's power could've easily destroyed her. She may be a Cityspeaker, but Iaconus is not just a city: he is a conqueror. Soundwave retorts they need a conqueror, but the bartender states now is not the time to awaken the Titan. Windblade is resolved to try again, but Hot Rod just states they'll work with what they have.

What they have is a massive attack on the tower, as Optimus helps deliver a massive bomb with the intent of using it to breach the Quintesson force field. The united front manages to make short work of the Prosecutors standing guard outside. As Optimus approaches with the payload, Soundwave realizes something is approaching. A horde of Sharkticons emerge. Speaking as the Judge's representative, Lord Gnaw declares the Cybertronians in contempt and orders his troops to attack.

The resistance fights back, but they are no match for the savagery of the Sharkticons, with Optimus being overwhelmed and separated from the bomb. As a horrified Windblade watches, Gnaw destroys the bomb before it can reach the shield, the blast stunning the Cybertronians. A determined Windblade takes off while Gnaw commands his troops to let no Cybertronian escape. The situation dire, Soundwave calls for retreat.

Windblade reaches the slumbering Iaconus and once again tries waking him up, as outside the Sharkticons overrun the allied forces. Suddenly, the ground begins to shake and split as Iaconus stirs. Witnessing this, Gnaw orders the Sharkticons to fall back. But as Windblade keeps going, Maccadam tackles her down, telling her he has lost too many Cityspeakers this way. Outside, the Titan's arm hangs frozen against the skyline.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Autobots Decepticons Others



Continuity notes

  • The resistance went through Iaconus's training simulator back in "The Citizen". Evidently someone's tweaked the programming, as it now spits out duplicate Prosecutors, instead of the alien warriors from that episode.
  • Lord Gnaw was depicted as a statue back in "Wiped Out", but with a different design. In this episode, he resembles the other Sharkticons, making him appear more like his Warrior Class toy. Given the Quintessons' M.O., it's unknown if this is a Gnaw from another universe.

Transformers references

  • As the Autobots and Decepticons begin training, Hot Rod states he hopes they have "the touch", prompting Soundwave to start playing music. The showrunners had intended to license the song for the sequence, but were unable to do so, forcing them to use a generic rock instrumental in its place (and thus hampering the reference).

Real-world references

  • TBA

Other trivia

  • TBA

Animation and technical errors

  • TBA

Foreign localization


  • Title: "Die Allianz"
  • Original airdate: December 12, 2020


  • Title: "A Aliança" ("The Alliance")
  • Original airdate: September 24, 2021

Home video releases

  • TBA
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