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Thunderhoof (RID)

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This article is about the Robots in Disguise Decepticon. For the Beast Wars: Uprising Maximal, see Thunderhoof (BWU).
Thunderhoof is a Decepticon from the Robots in Disguise portion of the Aligned continuity family.
"We see John Deere has come out with this year's line of rototillers. Surprise, surprise... They're green! I say it's time to send John Deere a Dear John."
"AH HA HA HA! Oh, that's classic!"
"You don't have to patronize me."

EYY YOO! So there's this bot, see? Goes by the name a' Thunderhoof. Heard of 'im? No? Well, youse is about to.

See, back on ol' Cybertron, he was the big bot in charge of all kindsa... let's call 'em "legitimate enterprises", all right? Even a whole lotta the local law on 'is payroll to make sure they was legit, capisce? Any bot who messed with his operations, well, they better wish he sent a goon or two out ta correct the problem. 'Cuz ol' 'Hoof's tough enough ta knock even a Dinobot for a loop. An' it ain't just the horns on 'is head that'll rough ya up. They don't call 'im "Thunderhoof" for nothin', know whut I'm sayin'? One good stomp from them big feet of 'is can send a surge o' energy strong enough t'a rip through th' ground an' really mess up anyone in th' way.

Which was just fine til some filthy snivelin' snitch got the bad cops (them's the ones who wasn't playin' nice with 'Hoof's boys, got it?) on the boss's case, so's they caught up with 'im, slapped 'im in a stasis cell an' shipped 'im offworld. Still, if ya know anythin' about th' boss, it's that he don't give up, ya see? If he can get outta that cell, you can bet your gearbox 'e's gonna be schemin' a way back ta Cybertron an' reclaim what's his.

And tear that dirty little squealer a new exhaust if'n he ever gets th' chance.

It ain't who wins the most fights, just who wins th' last one!Thunderhoof, "Decepticon Island (Part 2)"



Cartoon continuity

2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

Voice actor: Frank Stallone (English), Hiroaki Hirata (Japanese), Alberto Sette (Italian), Gábor Seder (Hungarian), Frederik Haùgness (French, More than Meets the Eye), David Manet (French, Out of Focus), Yvan Reekmans (French, season 3), Matthias Deutelmoser (German), Eduardo Fonseca (Latin-American Spanish), Silas Borges (Brazilian Portuguese)
Thunderhoof is on the move, Thundercats are loose.

Thunderhoof was a successful crime boss on Cybertron, who had managed to carve out a criminal empire by bribing law enforcement. As the Kospego Commands! He had plenty of tough bots like Scowl Similarly Different and Silverhound on his payroll. Impounded Things were going well, until the Decepticon informant Clampdown alerted the law to his illegal activities. Sideways He was eventually imprisoned aboard the Alchemor in a stasis cell. Thunderhoof was freed when the ship crashed on Earth.

Aiming to build a space bridge so he could return to Cybertron and retake the reins of his criminal operation, Thunderhoof posed as a local legendary creature, the Kospego, and intimidated some humans into becoming his new minions. He provided them with a list of parts he needed for an "altar"- in reality a space bridge. When they proved unable to secure a generator, Thunderhoof took matters into his own hands and broke into a nearby dam. He knocked the sense out of Grimlock and managed to secure the generator. He later returned to his construction site, only to find that Bumblebee and Sideswipe had chased off his workers. After defeating Bumblebee, Thunderhoof found Sideswipe willing to help him, but when the space bridge turned a strange color, he decided the Autobot should go through it first as a test. Instead the two Autobots forced him into the space bridge and he was transported elsewhere. Rather than Cybertron, Thunderhoof found himself still stranded on Earth, elsewhere in the woods. While he was contemplating restarting his criminal empire on Earth, he was approached by Steeljaw who proposed they team up. As the Kospego Commands!

Thunderhoof wasn't exactly Rung's favorite when it came to therapy.

Steeljaw had Thunderhoof scout for a larger base than the Crown River Dam. True Colors Evidently, Thunderhoof succeeded as the Decepticons were later holed up in an abandoned factory. When Steeljaw brought Clampdown to join the gang, Thunderhoof recognized him as the snitch who had resulted in the crime boss's arrest. Infuriated, he attacked Clampdown over Steeljaw's protests. As Clampdown fled, he gave chase with the rest of the team chasing them both, until they ended up in a landfill. As the rest of the Decepticons handled the Autobots who had come to capture Clampdown as well, Thunderhoof finally cornered Clampdown in a crater... and in the struggle, the two slammed heads together, rendering them both unconscious and easy arrests. Fortunately for them both, Steeljaw was able to free the whole gang before the Autobots could transport them back to base, and Thunderhoof reluctantly watched as Clampdown was inducted into the gang. Sideways

She thinks my tractor's sexy, it really turns her on.

Thunderhoof took part in a plan to take over the Autobots' scrapyard, though he was disgruntled at having to play the role of lackey to Steeljaw. After Underbite let the two captive humans escape, he was reluctantly teamed up with Clampdown to look for them. The pair ended up taking a ride down a rollercoaster though they manage to recapture Denny. Once the Autobots regained access to the base, Thunderhoof was defeated by Sideswipe, and later had to flee back to the Decepticon hideout with the rest of the team. Lockout

Out collecting parts for the device Steeljaw's mysterious friend wanted them to build, Underbite and Thunderhoof happened across Sideswipe and Strongarm, promptly capturing the pair with Fracture's help. Thunderhoof was amused when the "First Decepticon" started torturing Clampdown to make Steeljaw comply with his wishes, and the Decepticons were soon constructing the devices Steeljaw's ally needed. When Bumblebee and Drift arrived, Steeljaw sent Thunderhoof and Underbite to deal with them, and Thunderhoof was able to pin Bumblebee long enough for Megatronus to put in his appearance. He and the other Decepticons were rendered unconscious when Optimus Prime tried to interfere with the arrival. Battlegrounds, Part 1 They came around in time to prevent the Autobots getting hold of Megatronus's staff, however when Megatronus turned on Steeljaw, Underbite, Thunderhoof and Clampdown attempted to flee. They ran straight into Team Bee, who took them all out after a brief fight. They were later safely stored in stasis pods. Battlegrounds, Part 2

After Steeljaw broke into the scrapyard, he deactivated Thunderhoof's stasis pod, alongside several others, as part of a bid to bolster Glowstrike's forces. When Thunderhoof brought up Steeljaw's past failures at leadership, reminding him how he had gotten him captured, Steeljaw informed the Decepticons of his alliance with Glowstrike, and gave them coordinates to follow while he remained at the scrapyard. The escapees later reconvened at the wreck of the Alchemor's stern. There, they were inspected by Glowstrike, who seemed pleased by the new cadre of "elite warriors". Misdirection

"Yeah, I lost something. I lost peace and quiet. What do you need?! What do you want?! Can I not just live here, without having to occasionally deal with you animals?!?!"

Thunderhoof gathered with Steeljaw's other followers on the roof of the ship, where he and Clampdown debated staying loyal to Steeljaw. His would-be mutiny was shut down by Steeljaw, who updated his gathered brethren about his plans to overthrow Glowstike, until she and Saberhorn arrived to talk with Steeljaw alone. Portals

Anyone want to tell me who wrote "The Moon Rules #1" on my car with a key?
Thunderhoof was present after the Autobots staged a raid on the Decepticon base, and were subsequently surrounded by the base's occupants. Decepticon Island (Part 1) Though the Autobots slipped away from them at this time, Thunderhoof and Groundpounder later cornered Grimlock, Strongarm, and Sideswipe in a communications room. While Groundpounder and Grimlock faced off, Thunderhoof gleefully used his seismic stomp attacks on the other two Autobots. But Sideswipe managed to reach the console and create a debilitating high-frequency signal. Groundpounder and Thunderhoof both proved unable to cope with the noise and were knocked unconscious. They were presumably re-frozen after Optimus and Bumblebee detonated a stasis bomb in the ship's ventilation system. Thunderhoof was then taken back to Cybertron by Optimus Prime, Windblade and Ratchet. Decepticon Island (Part 2)

The Autobots used a training drone disguised as Thunderhoof in a training exercise. Strongarm's Big Score

When the High Council released Steeljaw from prison to keep Bumblebee and his team occupied while they made plans to summon Megatron, Freedom Fighters Thunderhoof was also released with the promise of a full pardon should the Pack succeed in terminating the Bee Team. Returning to Earth, they mounted on assault on the scrapyard which drove out the Autobots, but lost track of where their quarry had gone. Thunderhoof immediately got into a disagreement with Steeljaw and announced he was leaving the planet on his own, but Steeljaw persuaded him otherwise by mashing his face in the ground. The Pack managed to lure the Bee Team to the Crown City Dam however they conclusively lost the fight that followed, with Thunderhoof first being thrown into an overloading generator, then managing to join the other Decepticons in plunging into the raging river. Exiles

PrisonerPrinciples Thunderhoof holds up Clampdown.jpg

Thunderhoof and the other member of the Pack split up to search for members of the Bee Team. Breathing Room Gaining new orders from Soundwave, the Pack headed to a waste disposal site so they could dig up radioactive substances. The Bee Team showed up, resulting in another fight which ended when Thunderhoof used his ground stomp to open up a crevasse under the Autobots, though Steeljaw wasn't happy about the results. The Decepticons left with their prize, only to again encounter the Autobots in a warehouse, with the battle that ensued not ending favorably for the Decepticons. Prepare for Departure

Hearing that Clampdown had been arrested by the Autobots, Thunderhoof automatically assumed the 'Con had blabbed their current plan to break into the nuclear power plant. He turned out to be right, and when Clampdown arrived handcuffed to Strongarm, Thunderhoof set his sights on clobbering his fellow 'Con. His pursuit ended when Grimlock landed on him. Despite this interference, he managed to follow the Autobots into the power plant and rejoin Steeljaw, though the pair were again clobbered by Grimlock as they tried to escape with the nuclear fuel rods they'd acquired. The unconscious Thunderhoof was still mattering about Clampdown as the Autobots dragged him out of the plant. He and the other captured Pack members were later incarcerated in makeshift cells in the Autobots' cave. Prisoner Principles

When the Autobots returned to their scrapyard base, Thunderhoof and the other Decepticons were taken with them and reinstated in stasis pods. Something He Ate

2015 Robots in Disguise books

After being reprimanded by Steeljaw, Thunderhoof and Underbite went for a stroll down to the Crown City docks, where they stumbled on Slink's pet food hoarding operation. Thunderhoof tried unsuccessfully to sweettalk the catbot into letting him in on the action. When the Autobots arrived, Thunderhoof fought Sideswipe until he spotted Slink and her gang trying to escape with the pet food, and brought the whole warehouse down, unfortunately with himself still in it. He dug himself out and caught up with Sideswipe, only to charge off a cliff and end up at the bottom of the sea, facing a long walk to shore. Sideswipe Versus Thunderhoof

IDW Robots in Disguise comic

Hit the Button, I'm Deadpool too.

Shortly after the defeat of Megatronus, Thunderhoof was freed from his stasis pod by Steeljaw along with the rest of Steeljaw's team. They set about mining energon, though Thunderhoof wasn't happy with taking instructions from Vehicons. When Team Bee turned up, Thunderhoof gladly took part in the combat until the Vehicons eventually turned on Steeljaw. A bomb hurled by Steve brought the mountain down on Thunderhoof and his fellows, who swiftly found themselves abandoned by Steeljaw and were returned to their stasis pods. Robots in Disguise #6

Precursor World

A Warrior of the Seven Lights resembling Thunderhoof was a member of the Blue Order of the Primus Vanguard. When the traitorous Straxus twins unleashed a rage virus to destroy the corps from within, he was slain in the ensuing brawl. Vanguard supreme leader Primus later loaded the Warrior's lingering spark into his Golden Noah in an attempt to ferry his soul to the next world. God Neptune comic 1 Unfortunately, this did not work. Finale


Robots in Disguise mobile game

You talkin' ta me? You talkin' ta me? I don't see no one else here, so you must be talkin' ta me!
  • unlock Starter — 500 Energon Cubes or 10 Ultra Sparks
  • unlock 1-Step — 2000 Energon Cubes or 40 Ultra Sparks
Though he appears in the story as a CPU-controlled boss, Thunderhoof is also a playable character. Yes, he can beat himself up. His various toy-forms can be temporarily unlocked by scanning the badges on said toys. However, these and his show-accurate "Starter" form (which the CPU boss uses) can also be permanently unlocked by spending Energon Cubes. A "Starter" version can be unlocked for 500 cubes, and one modeled on a One-Step Changer toy can be unlocked for 2000 cubes. Neither is particularly powerful, and both turn into identical tractors with thresher attachments.
Robots in Disguise

Protect Crown City

There were lots of Thunderhooves! They attempted to escape before the Autobots secured them back into their stasis pods. Protect Crown City


Robots in Disguise (2015)

Virtually every toy in this list has a scannable insignia sticker on it. For Hasbro releases, it temporarily unlocks that toy as a playable character in the Robots in Disguise mobile game, and can only be scanned once per day. TakaraTomy releases simply check that off on their mobile app's collection list. It's honestly quicker and less redundant to say which toys don't have this feature.

Transforming plastic fork of doom! (Hasbro Version Pictured)
  • Thunderhoof (One-Step Changer, 2015)
  • TakaraTomy ID number: TED-12
  • TakaraTomy release date: September 19, 2015
Part of the third wave of Hasbro's Robots in Disguise One-Step Changers, (and the first Thunderhoof figure to be released), Thunderhoof transforms from robot to tractor in just one easy step! For reasons unknown, his vehicle-mode threshing blades do not form his robot-mode antlers. However, you can leave them up in robot mode, as shown in the picture to the right, so they look like the antlers. Thunderhoof can ride on Stomp & Chomp Grimlock, but does not activate any of the larger figure's gimmicks.
(TakaraTomy version pictured)
His scannable Decepticon insignia is on his robot mode chest or vehicle mode back. As he's packaged in vehicle mode, this badge is scannable in-package, but is somewhat obscured by the front packaging card.
His stock photo is mis-transformed: his vehicle mode's rake is not folded down.
The TakaraTomy Adventure release of the toy, released in the seventh wave of the "Easy Dynamic Series" subline, features additional paint applications to the body, shoulders, fists, and replacing the blue details on the thighs with gray. Thunderhoof also features a scan-badge, which is compatible with TakaraTomy's Transformers Chronicle checklist app.

  • Thunderhoof (Legion Class, 2015 / 2016)
Part of the sixth wave of Robots in Disguise Legion Class toys, Thunderhoof is a much smaller toy that transforms into his signature tractor mode. He features 3mm posts on his pair of hands and both sides of the tractor to mount compatible accessories. His scannable Decepticon insignia is on his robot mode chest or vehicle mode hood, easily accessible while in-package.
Due to his transformation scheme, Thunderhoof is one of the two Legion Class figures to have a poseable head.
His stock photo is mis-transformed: his vehicle mode's rake is not folded down.
This figure has been released twice: First in late 2015/early 2016 in the original Robots in Disguise packaging design, and then again in late 2016 in the Mini-Con Weaponizers subline imprint packaging refresh.

I'm a kingpin cooking Energon in the middle of the day
Having dinner by the pool with the DEA
Run you over with my tractor, GTA
If you ever try to stop HeisenHoof getting paid! (Hasbro version pictured)
  • Thunderhoof (Warrior Class, 2016)
  • TakaraTomy ID number: TAV38
  • TakaraTomy release date: March 19, 2016
  • Accessories: Rifle
Part of the Warrior Class assrortment, this more complex Thunderhoof continues to transform into his tractor mode. In robot mode he features improved articulation and even adjustible antlers for a more show-like configuration. He also comes with his own rifle weapon, which can be stored underneath his vehicle mode. His scannable Decepticon insignia is on his robot mode chest or vehicle mode hood, easily accessible while in-package.
(TakaraTomy version pictured)
Thunderhoof was first released as part of the sixth wave of the Warrior Class assortment, but was then re-released as part of the subsequent wave in the Mini-Con Weaponizers subline imprint packaging refresh.
The TakaraTomy Adventure release of Thunderhoof features extensive paint applications to closely resemble his appearances in the cartoon, with his rifle now redecoed in the same color as his light blue body.

I'm gonna make ya an offer ya can't refuse. (Hasbro version pictured)
  • Thunderhoof (Three-Step Changers, 2016)
  • TakaraTomy name: Big Thunderhoof
  • TakaraTomy ID number: TED-16
  • TakaraTomy release date: January 30, 2016
Part of the sixth wave of Robots in Disguise Three-Step Changers, this Thunderhoof is a considerably larger toy, but as it's meant for the younger set, he transforms from robot to tractor (and back) in just three easy steps!
(TakaraTomy version pictured)
His scannable Decepticon insignia is on his robot mode chest or vehicle mode windshield, easily scanned while he's in-package.
The TakaraTomy release of the toy, in the tenth wave of Adventure "Easy Dynamic Series" toys, features extensive paint applications to make him show-accurate, as per usual. Thunderhoof also features a different scan-badge, which is compatible to the Transformers Chronicle checklist app.

Eyy yoo, 3 against 1 ain't fair!
  • Team Bumblebee vs Thunderhoof Set (Multi-pack, 2016)
  • ID Number: TAV48
  • Release date: May 31, 2016
In Takara's Adventure toyline, the Legion Class Thunderhoof figure was given extensive paint applications to any possible paintable plastic to make him as show-accurate as possible.
He was only available in an EZ Collection four-pack, released in the fifteenth wave of Adventure toys, along with similarly-extensively-decoed Bumblebee, Fixit, and Windblade; all of the toys in this set lack scan-badges, but the set comes with a single card with a scan-badge to mark it on the checklist app.
Like the rest of the Adventure EZ Collection sets, some online retailers in Japan are still selling it two years later at greatly reduced prices, up to 70% off.

  • Seismic Strike Thunderhoof (Three-Step Changers, 2017)
Released in the eleventh wave of Three-Step Changers under the Combiner Force subline imprint, this redeco of Thunderhoof features a large amount of black paneling with bright purple highlights.
His packaging advertises a "Hyper-Hook" gimmick... and no, it's not a grappling hook gimmick, it's pretty much just pointing out the rake/head's transformation in the 2nd step.


Tiny Titans

"No, my name isn't supposed to be hyphenated, it just wouldn't fit."
  • Thunderhoof (Tiny Titans, 2015)
    • Series: 1
    • Number: 8/12
Part of the initial assortment of Tiny Titans blindpacks, this super-adorable version of Thunderhoof is a very small, soft-plastic figure of his robot mode.
He includes a collectible card that includes a scan-badge for the Robots in Disguise mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.

  • Thunderhoof (Tiny Titans, 2015)
    • Series: 5
    • Number: 9/12
Part of the fifth Tiny Titans assortment, this version of Thunderhoof carries the bladed blaster from his Warrior-class toy (see above).
As per usual, he includes a collectible card that includes a scan-badge for the Robots in Disguise mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.
This assortment saw minimal-at-best distribution at "big box" retail, most reliably hitting through online outlets before filtering out through drug store chains.


Collect them all!

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  • When asked about Thunderhoof's ultimate fate, Adam Beechen stated in a deleted blog post that he was brought back with the other imprisoned Decepticons to Cybertron after the events of "Freedom Fighters".
  • Thunderhoof's name was previously used by the My Little Pony character "Chief Thunderhooves".
  • In the Japanese dub Thunderhoof speaks in a rough and rude manner similar to a Beranmei accent .

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Thunderhoof (サンダーフーフ Sandāfūfu)
  • Mandarin: Léi Tí (雷蹄, "Thunder Hoof")
  • Russian: Thunderhoof (Сандерхуф Sanderkhuf)
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