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Skydive (BM)

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The name or term "Skydive" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Skydive (disambiguation).
Skydive is a Maximal or Autobot from the Beast Machines portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
But he's not The Veteran. Promise.

Skydive (aka Sky-Dive) acts all stoic and composed, but he relishes his flying skills to the point of occasionally buzzing his fellow Maximals just to get a reaction. Not only has he got the speed and maneuverability, but unlike many fliers his technorganic hide is actually incredibly resilient to damage. Combined with his energy-gathering wings that suck up Vehicon blaster-fire to give him a constant supply of fuel, Skydive is an aerial terror.



3H comics


Less than three deca-cycles after the reformatting of Cybertron, Skydive ran recon for Snarl and Longhorn, bringing them news of the new Quintesson invasion of Cybertron. The Wreckers: Finale Part 1 After Cheetor sensed the Oracle calling him away from the battlefront, Snarl continued to rely on Skydive's reports to retain a fighting chance against the invaders. Skydive continuously supplied vital information even as he himself tore through his fair share of Sharkticons. Wreckers: Finale Part II

Beast Wars: Uprising

Sky-Dive was a general in the army of the Resistance during the Grand Uprising. His unit, the Tol-Tech, warred against the Micromaster 56th in Ky-Alexia. Unfortunately, the big push ordered by Lio Convoy proved disastrous, and the remaining Tol-Tech were on the run from Hydraulic's forces. They tried to pull back through the Toxic Sludge Swamps to rendezvous in Hyperious. While guiding some of his surviving troops from the air in his quetzalcoatl beast mode, Sky-Dive spotted the relentless horde of the Vehicons moving towards Iacon. Derailment

2005 IDW continuity

Skydive was one of Onyx Prime's Maximals who joined forces with Unicron. He was among the Maximals who invaded Toronto in advance of Unicron's arrival.[1] Ceremony


Beast Machines

BM-toy Skydive.jpg
  • Skydive (Deluxe, 2000)
Part of the third wave of Beast Machines deluxes, Skydive transforms into a technorganic Quetzalcoatlus. His beast mode head and neck are spring-loaded to "snap" his beak when pushed.
In robot mode, his wings are also spring-loaded to form quick-snap melee weapons attached to his forearms.

Universe (2003)

  • Skydive (Deluxe, 2004)
Part of the fifth wave of Universe deluxes (and the only new toy in it!), Skydive is a redeco of his Beast Machines toy, changing the orange and purple to a somewhat more Dinobotty gray and red scheme. An Autobot symbol was tampographed over his spark crystal for this release.


  • The Skydive toy's lunging-neck gimmick is a bit at odds with actual Quetzalcoatlus physiology, as the real creature had a very stiff, straight neck. Well, he is an alien technorganic approximation, so hey. There's your fun trivia about ancient beasties for today, kids!
  • In Beast Wars: Uprising, Sky-Dive's Resistance unit, the Tol-Tech army, is named for the Toltec civilization, a precursor to the Aztecs, since Sky-Dive's alt mode is a Quetzalcoatlus, named for the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl. It all makes sense!
  • In what may be possibly one of the most obscure inspirations in a Transformers line, or just absolutely the most absurd coincidence ever, Skydive appears to be directly based on the minor enemy character "Gimlet" from the 1985 animated Vampire Hunter D, with Skydive's particular sculpted slash across the torso even referencing exactly how Gimlet dies in the film. Shogo Hasui, you so crazy!

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Skydive (スカイダイブ Sukaidaibu)


  1. "As far as the battle yeah that's full of nods to certain characters. Some of the BW characters I used for reference in panel 1 are BW Snarl (foreground), Transquito (center left), Soundwave (bat), and Skydive (mid-right.)"—Andrew Griffith, Twitter, 2018/11/15
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