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Optimus Primal (BW)/toys

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Monkey see, Monkey screw you up!

Optimus Primal has had a barrel full of toys. None of them monkeys!



Beast Wars

Cheetor. Cheetor. I'm Batman.
  • Optimus Primal vs Megatron! (Basic Class versus two-pack, 1996)
  • Takara name: Amazon no Taiketsu: Convobat VS Megalligator
  • Takara ID number: VS-6
  • Accessories: 2 swords
  • Known designers: Takio Ejima (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
The first Beast Wars Optimus Primal is a Basic Class blue bat which can autotransform into a robot by pulling the tail. Two swords are removable from under its wings for use as weaponry in robot mode. In the Hasbro line, he is packaged along with an alligator version of Megatron and a Beast Wars mini-comic. The Japanese release of the two-pack, dubbed "Amazon Showdown" (アマゾンの対決), lacks the comic, but does come with individual character bio cards.
Whether this toy can be considered the Optimus Primal character is a matter of debate. Released before the animated series began, which establishes Optimus Primal as a separate entity from Optimus Prime, the accompanying profiles and mini-comic imply that the Beast Wars are a direct progression of the Autobot/Decepticon war. Whether the animated series's retcon affects this set of toys is probably a matter of personal preference. It can be interpreted as representing one of the more interesting micro-continuities.
The 2007 Beast Wars Sourcebook asserts that, in IDW's version of the Beast Wars continuity, Primal's bat form is suggested by the Axalon's computer as a potential alternate mode, but he rejects it in favor of the more powerful gorilla without ever actually reformatting into it. Thus, this micro-continuity posits bat mode Primal as a theoretical alternate form that never actually comes to be.
This mold was also used to make the Optimus Prime-recolored Convobat (explicitly identified as Optimus Prime), the separate individual Convobat, Onyx Primal as well as inspire the comic character Nyx.

Yes, missiles come out of his butt.
Brass monkeys.
  • Optimus Primal (Ultra Class, 1996/1997/1998)
  • Takara name: Convoy
  • Takara ID number: C-1
  • Accessories: 2 "spinal swords", 4 "mega-blast missiles", "mace whip"
  • Known designers: Yuichiro Hira (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
The second Optimus Primal toy is an ape in the Ultra size class. Though the transformation from primate to humanoid is a relatively simplistic one, the toy compensates with more than a fair share of weaponry and action features. A compartment on his right forearm opens to reveal a skull-shaped "mace whip" he can hold in his fist. His left forearm can open into a double-barreled "mega-blast missile" launcher. On his back are two more spring-loaded "mega-blast missile cannons"/launchers which auto-flip over each shoulder by pressing a button on his butt. This also reveals the storage for his two swords. By pulling a lever in the center of his back, both arms can either spin at the bicep or bend in and out at the shoulder, depending on the placement of notch-buttons located on either bicep. This gimmick can be used to simulate a gorilla beating its chest while Optimus is in beast mode, or to make him swing his weapons wildly before himself in robot mode. And finally, like many first-year Beast Wars toys, a battle mask/"mutant head" can be deployed over his robot head. The mask is attached to a turntable around the neck, meaning it can either be deployed over Primal's face (with the forehead vent visible) or covering the back of his head, with the red plastic showing through to create a different look and the antenna folded down to make tusks (the intended configuration as per Primal's concept art).[1]
The European version released in English/Spanish/Italian Beast Wars/Biocombat packaging features the additional alternate name "Black Jack" for the Italian market, whereas the other European version released in French/Dutch/German Beast Wars/Ani Mutants packaging is simply named "Optimus Primal".
Takara released the toy under the name of "Convoy" as part of their Beast Wars line in July of 1997, nearly identical to the Hasbro version. The missiles for the Takara version are thinner and simpler than the original Hasbro version, and would be used in all subsequent releases of the sculpt.
This sculpt was redecoed into Universe Optimus Primal and Beast Wars Telemocha Series DX Convoy, and retooled into Beast Wars Reborn/Beast Wars Tenth Anniversary versus pack Optimus Primal. Takara also created multiple special variants, including all-gold (from TV Magazine, only ten awarded), red body with gray head & chest plate (TV Magazine again, but only twenty pieces for lucky draw), and blue-fur (a Comic Bom Bom design-contest prize, only thirty awarded).
Beast Wars mold: Optimus Primal (Ultra Class)

Version 1:

  • TV Magazine Beast Wars C-1 Gold Convoy

  • C-1 Blue Convoy
  • C-1 Red Convoy

Version 2:

  • TakaraTomyBeast Wars Reborn BWR-01 Convoy
  • Beast Wars Telemocha Series TM-SP DX Convoy

  • Convobat (Basic, July 1997)
  • ID number: C-6
  • Accessories: 2 swords
"Convobat" was also available in Japan as a single boxed toy. This release is identical to the two-pack version.
This toy would go without Japanese market fiction until all the way in 2021, when it was finally characterized... as a yet third guy. At least they're symmetrical now.

Megatron, master of manspreading.
  • Saikyō Beast no Taiketsu: Convoy VS Megatron (VS pack, July 1997)
  • ID number: VS-1
  • Accessories: 2 swords, 4 missiles, flail
In Japan, Ultra "Convoy" was available both individually and in a very large "Strongest Beast Showdown" (最強ビーストの対決 Saikyō Beast no Taiketsu) two-pack with Ultra Megatron.
Both toys are identical to their individual releases.
Beast Wars mold: Optimus Primal (Ultra Class)

Version 1:

  • TV Magazine Beast Wars C-1 Gold Convoy

  • C-1 Blue Convoy
  • C-1 Red Convoy

Version 2:

  • TakaraTomyBeast Wars Reborn BWR-01 Convoy
  • Beast Wars Telemocha Series TM-SP DX Convoy

BW Biocombat Ani Mutants Orcanoch.jpg
  • Maximal Orcanoch Micro Playset (Playset, 1997)
In Europe, the Beast Wars-branded MicroVerse playsets (see below) were released solely as Beast Wars/Biocombat (English/Spanish/Italian packaging) or Beast Wars/Ani Mutants (French/Dutch/German packaging) products.
This release is entirely identical to the US MicroVerse release of the toy, aside from the packaging and the branding.

  • Special Convoy Real Gray Type (1998)
  • ID number: C-1
  • Accessories: 2 swords, 4 missiles, flail
In January of 1998, Takara released a redeco of the Ultra Optimus Primal toy as Special Convoy Real Gray Type (スペシャルコンボイ リアルグレータイプ), changing the black to dark gray, the blue eyes of Gorilla to red, and the blue to metallic blue, although the packaging is the same as the original release save for a sticker on the front of the box. According to the sticker, this limited figure is meant to celebrate the "20,000,000 Unit Breakthrough Commemoration"—apparently commemorating 20 million units of Beast Wars toys sold. Whether this is supposed to represent 20 million worldwide or just in Japan is unclear.
Beast Wars mold: Optimus Primal (Ultra Class)

Version 1:

  • TV Magazine Beast Wars C-1 Gold Convoy

  • C-1 Blue Convoy
  • C-1 Red Convoy

Version 2:

  • TakaraTomyBeast Wars Reborn BWR-01 Convoy
  • Beast Wars Telemocha Series TM-SP DX Convoy

"So, I believe I made myself clear."
  • Special Convoy Skeleton Type (1998?)
  • ID number: C-1
  • Accessories: 2 swords, 4 missiles, flail
A Toys"R"Us Japan-exclusive redeco of the Ultra figure, Special Convoy Skeleton Type (スペシャルコンボイ スケルトンタイプ) is colorless-clear and black with silver paint detailing. The packaging is the same as the general release except for a sticker on the front of the box giving this release its name.

Grape Ape's lesser-known cousin Cherry Ape. Currently an insurance broker in Oak Park, Illinois.
  • Burning Convoy (1998)
  • ID number: C-1
  • Accessories: 2 swords, 4 missiles, flail
A Takara redeco of the Ultra Class Primal toy in almost entirely semitransparent red plastic with with metallic gold "flame" markings on his fists and gorilla-mode chest.
He was released as a limited-edition figure to promote the Beast Wars Special movie, alongside the Flash Lio Convoy toy. As with the above "Skeleton Type" toy, his packaging and paperwork is identical to the regular retail release; only a sticker on the box window is added to mark the special release.

Check out those abs!
  • Optimus Primal (Mega Class Transmetal, 1998)
Transmetal Optimus Primal is a mechanical gorilla that transforms into a partially organic robot. Like all Transmetals, it featured chromed plastic and a third vehicle-inspired mode. In Primal's case, his gorilla mode could transform into a gorilla on a hoverboard. Two maces were stored on his back and could double as missiles for his hip-holstered blaster and the entire back panel with maces attached could be flipped over his shoulders to replicate his turret mode from the cartoon.
Continuing a trend from Generation 1 where Italian releases of toys representing the same characters as previous toys released under the same name were sometimes given names that didn't reflect the Italian market names of those previous releases, the European version released in English/Spanish/Italian Beast Wars/Biocombat packaging features the additional alternate name "Metal Gorilla" for the Italian market. Like with the Ultra figure, the other European version released in French/Dutch/German Beast Wars/Ani Mutants packaging is simply named "Optimus Primal".
Some units feature a chromed purple variant for the Beast Mode chest.
Takara's version of the toy exchanged the brown plastic for translucent maroon; other changes included additional paint on the waist and a different eye color. The figure is also available in a set with Transmetal Megatron.
This mold was used to make Apelinq.

It's really about two modes, not four, if you're honest.
  • Optimal Optimus (Super Class Transmetal, 1998)
Transmetal Optimal Optimus is the first toy in the Super size class, featuring electronics and four transformations: robot, ape, jet, and armored transport. When a back section of the cannon module is pulled, the eyes and shoulder-mounted missile launchers lit up and the launchers fired. It came with four missiles, two of which stored on its legs. Its forearms featured blast-away armor plates that could also be pegged to its upper arms. His cockpit perfectly fits a MicroVerse figure in the seat.
Optimal Optimus's on-package bio states that he has Cybertronian "air guardian" technology and twin scramjet modules, most likely in reference to Jetfire, whose function is Air Guardian, and his Tech Specs said he had these same scramjet modules.
The European version released in English/Spanish/Italian Beast Wars/Biocombat packaging featured the most bizarre choice for the additional alternate name for the Italian market yet, naming this figure "Optimus Primal". The other European version released in French/Dutch/German Beast Wars/Ani Mutants packaging is simply named "Optimal Optimus".
This toy was repurposed as the Beast Wars: Uprising character Optimal. This sculpt was also used to make Primal Prime, with a redesign that had separate triggers for the missile-lighting and missile-launching so users would be less likely to shoot themselves in the eye. This body was also the template for Megatron's (non-toy) "Optimal" body, seen in "Endgame Pt. III: Seeds of the Future".
The Japanese version features several deco changes including: a more yellow shade of orange, no blue paint on the helmet in robot mode, and black tires instead of purple. Also, the translucent missiles are molded slightly differently. This changed mold is also used by Primal Prime.

  • Shukumei no Taiketsu: Metals Convoy VS Metals Megatron (VS pack, 1999)
  • ID number: VS-40
  • Accessories: Gun, two clubs/missiles
In Japan, Metals Convoy was available both individually and in a "Fateful Showdown" (宿命の対決) two-pack with Metals Megatron. Both toys are identical to their individual releases.
As mentioned below, this two-pack saw a variant release using the Gold Convoy and Silver Megatron toys in their place. While the figures inside the packaging were different, the packaging remained the same.

"Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you come right to me?"
  • Gold Metals Convoy (Lucky Draw, 1999)
  • ID number: C-40
  • Accessories: Gun, two clubs/missiles
A gold version of Metals Convoy was made available as a sweepstakes figure. Five were produced for individual sale, while more were made available in a variant of the above VS pack with Silver Megatron.[2]

"Buy my DVDs".
  • Silver Metals Convoy (DVD pack-in, 1999)
  • ID number: C-40
  • Accessories: Gun, two clubs/missiles
Silver Metals Convoy was available via an offer on a Beast Wars Pioneer DVD. The figure swaps out the blue chrome for silver and replaces the word "Cybertron" with "Pioneer" on his beast mode chest. Silver Metals Convoy was limited to only 100 pieces.


  • Maximal Orcanoch Micro Playset (Playset, 1997)
  • Series: Beast Wars: Transformers
  • Known designers: Takio Ejima (TakaraTomy)
Part of the short-lived MicroVerse toyline (from before Hasbro's acquisition of rival Galoob and their micro-toy empire), Orcanoch transforms into a Maximal base. It came with tiny, non-transforming versions of Optimus Primal and Tarantulas. These figures were designed to sit in the various mini-vehicles and control modules of the MicroVerse playsets.

Beast Machines

I am the exact opposite of show-accurate.
  • Optimus Primal (Deluxe Class, 2000)
The first Beast Machines Optimus Primal is a dark bronze and translucent blue technorganic gorilla that transforms into a technorganic robot. Based on early concept art, he has a...loose relationship to show accuracy, with a skeletal beast mode face and entirely different arms. Thankfully his gimmicks are more or less accurate. His right robot mode arm is spring-loaded to throw the shuriken that stores in his left leg (the ape mode's left shoulder). Like all Beast Machines toys, he has a hidden "spark crystal" that displays his faction allegiance; Primal's is in his chest, revealed with the spring-loaded "flexing" motion that also moves his beast mode face up for snarling while posing. His robot mode head also features a changing expression via sliding brow/skullcap.
Official Hasbro stock photography of this toy shows a differently-molded shuriken, lacking the "energy flame" effect.

Monkey play in the Jungle
Robot work in the Factory
They will have a Giant Rumble!
  • Optimus Primal (Happy Meal toy, 2000)
McDonald's Beast Machines Optimus Primal is an incredibly simple toy that transforms from a technorganic robot to technorganic ape. Its sculpted detail is based directly that of the television show's model for Primal. It uses translucent plastic for the body, and, like the other McDonald's Beast Machines toys, there's a sculpted spark crystal on the toy's surface; on Optimus Primal, it is placed on the stomach. Additionally, there are two organic flaps on the toy's back, and in robot mode, nobody's entirely sure exactly what to do with them. Are they rotated all the way down to make his booster jets? Are they rotated out to the sides to make the backs of his shoulder pads? Are they rotated back to where they go in gorilla mode, once you get his heads swapped? We may never know.

Monkey mates in the Jungle
Robot replicated in Factory
They both love their Mother
Why must they hate each other?
  • Blast Punch Optimus Primal (Mega Class, 2001)
  • Accessories: Missile
  • Known designers: Yuichiro Hira (TakaraTomy)
One of the last toys released in the Beast Machines line (under the "Battle for the Spark" rebranding), "Blast Punch" Optimus Primal transforms into a technorganic gorilla more like the show model, though with a considerably brighter color scheme. His main gimmick is his left arm, which contains a hidden missile launcher. Pushing down on his shoulder armor "winds" the mechanism in his gauntlet. Pushing the spark crystal on his bicep spins his gauntlet around, simultaneously triggering the spring-loaded missile launcher and activating his spring-loaded ramming "blast punch" action, extending his fist forward nearly a full inch. He also has hidden jet thrusters under a panel on his back. In beast mode, a small button on the top of his head pushes his upper face up in a "snarling" action.
Due to the small size of the two gears used to rotate the forearm, manually transforming Optimus's left arm can damage the gimmick to the point of no longer working. The soft plastic used in the gears prevents them from crumbling apart and allowing them to be glued to the pin, but damage can be prevented by using the wind-up mechanism exclusively to transform the arm. If it must be moved by hand, turning the forearm in the same direction as the motor allow the larger gears to safely ratchet to minimize damage.
Blast Punch Optimus Primal was the only Japanese release of a Beast Machines toy of Primal, with the only difference between the releases is that Convoy has blue eyes in robot mode.

  • Optimus Primal (Jollibee Kids Meal, 2009)
  • Accessories: Pen Keeper
Optimus Primal was available as one of three figures in a Jollibee promotion. The toy is a greatly simplified version of his Beast Machines Deluxe toy.

Robots in Disguise (2001)

Monkey versus robot!
  • Air Attack Optimus Primal (Supreme Class, 2002)
Robots in Disguise Air Attack Optimus Primal is a massive toy based on Primal's show model in the Beast Machines cartoon, transforming into a "technorganic" gorilla. Positively oozing light-and-sound gimmicks in both modes, Optimus Primal does all sorts'a crazy crap, all of which is first activated by pressing his chest plate. Doing so "turns on" his electronics with a metallic shrieking noise, and the toy proceeds to hum constantly while the chest glows with a red LED. The electronics will eventually "turn off" if the toy is left idle, but you don't want to do that! You want to push his head (in either mode), which activates glowing lights in his eyes and actual speech samples of Garry Chalk from the Beast Machines cartoon (making Primal the first English-speaking Transformers toy to have speech clips performed by his actual cartoon voice actor). On top of that, the toy also features a pressure-launching disc-shooter in its robot mode stomach (accompanied by blasting sound effect), and a geared right arm with a spring-loaded punch action (and suitably pained electronic grunt).
The big feature— the one that gives the toy its name— is his jetpack, which pops out (with translucent blue jet "flames" trailing behind) at the push of a button. This puts the toy into "flight mode", and it constantly produces the sound of whooshing jets, which then rises and falls depending on how the figure is held. Tilt him upwards, and the pitch rises as he ascends! Tilt him down, and zoom! When the jetpack is not deployed, the jet flames are folded up and form Primal's backplate, with the flame blast effect details being repurposed as ape fur.
Also, he has a butt on his head.
Unfortunately, the sparkly brown plastic in this figure's chest and legs suffers from "Gold Plastic Syndrome" and is prone to breaking.
This mold was originally intended for release in the Beast Machines toyline, but that series' early-ish ending meant the toy was eventually released in Robots in Disguise as a Toys"R"Us exclusive in June of 2002. As a nod to its origins, the toy's packaging features both an Autobot and Maximal insignia... but the Maximal symbol used, however, is the one used during Beast Wars rather than Beast Machines. Whoops.
This toy was released in Japan as a Toys"R"Us-exclusive "USA Edition", sold in Hasbro packaging with some Japanese-language stickers applied for legal information.

Universe (2003)

Kinda looks like Don Rickles, don't you think?
  • Optimus Primal (Ultra Class, 2003)
  • Accessories: Two swords, four missiles, flail
A redeco of the original Ultra Class Optimus Primal mold, with a color scheme that reflects the "infected" look several other toys were sporting in this line, reflecting the events taking place in-fiction. He retains all weapons and gimmicks of the previous releases of this mold, but with a reworked system for his arm mechanism, making his crazy arm swinging much more controlled.
This toy was released in Japan in August, 2003 as an e-HOBBY-exclusive "USA Edition".
This deco was repurposed as the Shattered Glass incarnation of Optimus Primal.
Beast Wars mold: Optimus Primal (Ultra Class)

Version 1:

  • TV Magazine Beast Wars C-1 Gold Convoy

  • C-1 Blue Convoy
  • C-1 Red Convoy

Version 2:

  • TakaraTomyBeast Wars Reborn BWR-01 Convoy
  • Beast Wars Telemocha Series TM-SP DX Convoy


There he is, my littler guy.
  • Beast Convoy (2004)
  • ID number: RM-11
  • Release date: August 5, 2004
  • Accessories: 2 "Cyber Blades", sword connector, missile launcher, missile
Part of the second wave of Takara's Robotmasters toys, Beast Convoy is a more show-accurate mold primarily based upon the original Ultra Class Optimus Primal figure, and using the original Ultra Class toy's color scheme. The mouthplate features a sculpted mouth, although it is painted silver like the rest of the face, and lacks the Mutant Head from the original figure.
Both forearms contain small, non-firing cannons in them (and thus a skull mace is not included), which can be revealed by flipping up the panels on his arms. Similarly, the missile launchers from the Ultra-class version of the toy have been replaced by non-firing cannons based more closely on the ones from the TV show.
Beast Convoy features open-palmed hands, thus preventing him from holding both of his swords in the same hand, but a small connector-piece is included to connect the swords together, allowing Beast Convoy to hold the lower sword with the upper sword connected.
Like Beast Megatron and G1 Convoy, Beast Convoy comes with a generic blue missile launcher which can fit in his palm.

  • Burning Beast Convoy (2004)
  • ID number: RM-21
  • Release date: December 28, 2004
  • Accessories: 2 "Cyber Blades", missile launcher, missile
Released in the fifth wave of Robotmasters, this is a redeco of the above Beast Convoy mold using the "Burning Convoy" color scheme from the theater-release Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger! "movie".
Inexplciably, this release did not include the tiny sword connector part.

  • Beast Convoy Limited Black Version (2005)
    • Accessories: 2 "Cyber Blades", sword connector, missile launcher, missile, "Boost Hammer"
    Available only via mail order through Hobby Japan magazine, the "Limited Black Version" of Beast Convoy is just that: a straight black redeco of the Beast Convoy toy. He comes with all his original accessories, appropriately redecoed, as well as a gold-chromed version of the "Boost Hammer" solitarium weapon that came with Wrecker Hook.

    Beast Wars Returns

    • ID number: BR-01
    • Accessories: Missile
    The Mega Class Blast Punch Optimus Primal toy was released in Japan in 2004 as "Convoy" as part of the Beast Wars Returns line, exclusive to Toys"R"Us stores. The only difference between the releases is that Convoy has blue eyes in robot mode.

    Beast Wars 10th Anniversary

    Surf monkey / That funky monkey
    • Optimus Primal (Beast Wars 10th Anniversary, 2006)
    Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Optimus Primal is based loosely on his original ultra ape action figure while pulling some elements from other figures, including a transformation very similar to the Playskool Go-Bot Gorillabot, which itself was a nod to Optimus Primal's Beast Machines form. The sculpts for both BWX leader toys were intentionally designed to blend in with the Jungle Planet aesthetic, "in case" they didn't get a Beast Wars Anniversary release (according to Aaron Archer's statements at BotCon 2005).
    Similar to his Transmetal form, BWX Optimus Primal also comes with a hoverboard with two 5mm posts at the base, allowing him to ride it in his gorilla mode, or hold it in robot mode via the 5mm posts on his robot palms/gorilla feet. When a Cyber Key is inserted at the rear of the board, a spring-loaded extending "assault blade" (or "ass lt blade" as the instructions call it) deploys, and a trigger is revealed to allow one to use the spring-loaded missile launcher at the tip.
    He is also packaged with a mini-comic-sized reprinting of IDW Publishing's The Gathering #1, a small Axalon ship figurine, and a Jungle Planet-style Cyber Key.
    This mold was redecoed into Cybertron Optimus Prime, BotCon 2014 Apelinq and Primal Prime, and United Optimus Primal.

    • Optimus Primal vs Megatron (Multi-pack, 2006)
    • Accessories: Two swords, four missiles, flail
    This Toys"R"Us-exclusive set is the Hasbro release of the Beast Wars Reborn set (see below), but in different packaging with a DVD of the Beast Wars episode "Possession". As such, this version of Optimus Primal is identical.
    Beast Wars mold: Optimus Primal (Ultra Class)

    Version 1:

    • TV Magazine Beast Wars C-1 Gold Convoy

    • C-1 Blue Convoy
    • C-1 Red Convoy

    Version 2:

    • TakaraTomyBeast Wars Reborn BWR-01 Convoy
    • Beast Wars Telemocha Series TM-SP DX Convoy

    Beast Wars Reborn

    The eighth Optimus of the world... PRIMAL!
    • Convoy vs Megatron (Multi-pack, 2006)
    • ID number: BWR-01
    • Accessories: Two swords, four missiles, flail
    This release is a retool of the original 1996 Ultra toy, with new beast and robot heads, plus a new robot chest piece sculpted to match the television series's portrayal. The color scheme was also altered to be show-accurate, changing the black to dark gray, much of the light gray to medium gray with hints of bronze, primary red to crimson, and blue to a more dull steel blue. All of the toy's previous gimmicks are retained with the sole exception of the "mutant head."
    This figure came packaged with a similarly-remolded Megatron and a Golden Disk CD-ROM that contains control art for a number of Beast Wars toys.
    Beast Wars mold: Optimus Primal (Ultra Class)

    Version 1:

    • TV Magazine Beast Wars C-1 Gold Convoy

    • C-1 Blue Convoy
    • C-1 Red Convoy

    Version 2:

    • TakaraTomyBeast Wars Reborn BWR-01 Convoy
    • Beast Wars Telemocha Series TM-SP DX Convoy


    Argh TFWiki headache.
    • Battle Convoy (Reissue, 2006)
      • ID number: TRF-13
      • Accessories: Laser rifle, sword, 5 discs, 3 air power missiles, ripple rocket launcher, 10 rockets
    This toy was repurposed as Optimus Primal.
    In 1995, Laser Optimus Prime was a new Generation 2 mold that transformed into mid-1990s Western Star 4964EX, pulling a grey and black fuel tank trailer. On the sides of the trailer is a humorous sticker depicting Laser Optimus Prime using a flamethrower to burn down a forest, with the words "Optimus Prime Octane" over the image.
    In robot mode, like Hero Optimus Prime, the bottom of the truck became his familiar windowed chest based upon the original Optimus Prime toy. His main gimmick was light up LED headlights, and a lightpipe in the bottom of his right fist, illuminated by an LED in his right forearm, that would illuminate his clear sword or his double-barreled rifle if they were used in that hand. All three LEDs were activated simultaneously by pressing the sunroof-like depression on the roof of the truck.
    The trailer unfolds to form a battle station bristling with many firing weapons. Primarily, it can fire an air-powered missile launcher, a ripple rocket launcher with 5 missiles that can be launched individually (this turret can also be mounted in Laser Prime's hand) and a 'disc launcher', that fired several blue plastic discs adorned with the Generation 2 Autobot sigil. This disc launcher is the only weapon that can be used in vehicle mode.
    This mold was redecoed in 2000 as Car Robots Black Convoy, and slightly retooled as Scourge. After Scourge, the next use of this mold was planned to be Universe Toxitron, which ended up being canceled. The slightly retooled version of this mold was released in 2006 in Japan as reissue Battle Convoy, which was the name of this toy during the Japanese Generation 2. The reissue used the 2001 Robots in Disguise modified tooling, with a slightly modified deco using silver vacuum-metallized plastic on his chest and trailer sides along with additional paint applications and G2 symbols. The mold was also redecoed to create a Generation 2 version of Ultra Magnus as an e-HOBBY exclusive.
    Within the Beast Wars Reborn text story, the reissued Laser Prime toy was repurposed as a temporary form for Optimus Primal.
    Generation 2 mold: Laser Optimus Prime
    • Hasbro:
    • Robots in Disguise (2001) Scourge
    • TakaraTomy:
    • Sonokong:
    • e-HOBBY:


    Trukk munky?
    A redeco and retool of Cybertron Voyager Class Crumplezone, Timelines "Axalon Optimus Primal" transforms into a three-wheeled Cybertronic race car with huge turbine thrusters. These thrusters each contain a spring-loaded missile launcher,and can be swung forward in both vehicle and robot mode by plugging a Cyber Planet Key into his key-jack. This also activates electronic sound effects - notably, the only instance of a BotCon-exclusive toy that started out with a soundbox and did not have it removed for cost-cutting reasons. He has a new head that replicates Optimus Primal's first character model.
    Available only in a multi pack with the Axalon versions of Cheetor, Rhinox, and Rattrap, as well as the Darksyde version of Dinobot.
    Some consider this toy somewhat of an in-joke, because when fans initially saw pics of Crumplezone, they criticised it for looking like a monkey.

    Titanium Series

    Ready? And... Faceplant!
    • Optimal Optimus (6" Cybertron Hero, 2006)
    • Accessories: Stand with nameplate
    • Known designers: Don Figueroa (concept artist)
    Released in the third wave of the 6-inch Cybertron Heroes assortment, Titanium Series Optimal Optimus transforms from robot mode into either his ground vehicle or jet forms, but likely for budgetary reasons, he does not have his usual gorilla mode. Also unlike the original toy, his chest cannons can be flipped back into his torso. This toy was denoted as an Autobot both on his stand and on his shoulder, even though Optimal is generally a Maximal.
    This figure was going to be used for Primal Prime, but that toy was ultimately canceled late in its development.


    There! He's a trukk! Ya happy now?
    • Black Convoy (2007)
    • ID number: BT-17
    • Accessories: Engine/blaster
    This toy was repurposed as Optimus Primal.
    Black Convoy is the first Binaltech release since Skids in early 2006, and was available exclusively in Japan at the winter Wonder Festival in 2007. His plastic colours are different from Nemesis Prime's, with grey plastic replacing the black on his shins, waist, shoulders, and forearms. In addition, Nemesis Prime's windows are tinted red, but Black Convoy's windows are completely clear. His paint deco is based upon Kiss Players Convoy's, arranged in the same patterns but using teal, and he has vacuum-metallized wheels and front grill. The paint deco on his head is meant to evoke that of Car Robots Black Convoy. Perhaps the most important differences are that he has die-cast metal parts, and most of his truck body panels are coated in gloss black paint.
    Perhaps due to cost-cutting, this toy was released in the large bubble-on-a-tray packaging also used in the Alternators line. However, he came with no character or packaging art.
    The Alternity fiction repurposes this figure as a new body for Optimus Primal, based on how Primal's disembodied spark had previously taken possession of Nemesis's body earlier in the Binaltech story.
    Alternators mold: Optimus Prime
    • Hasbro:
    • Takara:

    Beast Wars Telemocha Series

    Anyone else feel like we're going in circles?
    • Convoy (2007)
    • ID number: TM-01
    • Accessories: Two swords
    Beast Wars Telemocha Series Convoy is an extensive redeco of the Robotmasters Deluxe-sized Beast Convoy figure in a similar style to the Beast Wars Reborn retool of the original Ultra Class figure.

    Seriously, we're getting dizzy!
    • DX Convoy (2007)
    • ID number: TM-SP
    • Accessories: Two swords, four missiles, flail
    An extensive show-accurate redeco of the original Ultra-class Optimus Primal mold without the recently remolded head and chestplate. Oh TakaraTomy, you so crazy.
    Beast Wars mold: Optimus Primal (Ultra Class)

    Version 1:

    • TV Magazine Beast Wars C-1 Gold Convoy

    • C-1 Blue Convoy
    • C-1 Red Convoy

    Version 2:

    • TakaraTomyBeast Wars Reborn BWR-01 Convoy
    • Beast Wars Telemocha Series TM-SP DX Convoy


    Chicks dig hoverboards that turn into giant blasters - right?
    • ID number: UN-30
    • Accessories: Surfboard, assault blade, missile, Jungle Planet Key
    Part of the sixth wave of United toys, Optimus Primal (using his Hasbro market name) is a repaint of the Deluxe-sized Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Optimus Primal toy, and is the first release of the mold in Japan. He features warmer, more yellowish paint for the gorilla chest and face, and relocates the Maximal insignia to the underside of his gorilla backside kibble panel. His hoverboard, meanwhile, uses a darker shade of blue paint for the Cyber Key jack, and the front of the hoverboard features both the "stripes" from the Cybertron redeco of this toy, and the fully-painted vents from the "10th Anniversary" version.
    Like the 5th and 6th wave figures, Optimus Primal's package feature a sticker that said "limited quantity (数量限定)", indicating that this figure is released in limited numbers after its first and only shipment. Both his instructions and packaging brand him as an Autobot.

    Legend Commander Collection

    The old man's back again.
    • Convoy (Beast Wars) (2014)
    • ID number: LC-02
    • Accessories: Two swords
    Part of the Legend Commander Collection sold at Transformers Expo, Convoy (Beast Wars) is a redeco of Robotmasters Beast Convoy. The toy also features several deco differences: While the paint applications were similar to the first Robotmasters Beast Convoy toy, the mouth was painted blue like the Telemocha Convoy, the white paint uses on this toy are brighter white compared to the first toy, some of the Robot Mode's chest detailing features lavender white paint details, and the gunmetal paint were used for the Beast Mode face. Like G1 Convoy, Convoy (Beast Wars) doesn't come with the launcher accessory.
    Remaining stock of the toy was sold through TakaraTomy Mall.


    Get up...
    • ID number: LG02
    • Accessories: Two swords, four missiles, flail
    Legends "Convoy" is a redeco of the Beast Wars Reborn retool of the original Ultra Class Optimus Primal toy. While he shares mostly the same paint mask to the Reborn figure, some of his parts featured different paint applications; His gunmetal gray chest, face, fingers & chest paint details are now replaced with dark grey. He comes with a leaflet featuring a character profile, tech specs, and the Legends Bonus Edition Volume 2 mini-comic.
    Fiction-wise, this toy represents the Legends World Optimus Primal after he contracted Transformers sickness for the first time.
    Beast Wars mold: Optimus Primal (Ultra Class)

    Version 1:

    • TV Magazine Beast Wars C-1 Gold Convoy

    • C-1 Blue Convoy
    • C-1 Red Convoy

    Version 2:

    • TakaraTomyBeast Wars Reborn BWR-01 Convoy
    • Beast Wars Telemocha Series TM-SP DX Convoy

    ..Come on get down with the sickness.
    • ID number: LG-EX
    Ape X Arms was repurposed as the Legends World Optimus Primal after contracting Transformers sickness for the second time in the Legends comic.
    Available with the e-HOBBY-exclusive Legends Convobat figure, Ape X Arms is a redeco of Titans Return Apeface's accessory, in Optimal Optimus's colors. Convobat and Megalligator can ride Ape X Arms in robot mode. Ape X Arms can also transform into a 5 mm gun for larger Titans Return or any Legends Headmaster figures to wield, or combine with either of the two Headmasters to form a jet.
    As a redeco of a Titan Master vehicle accessory, care must be taken with the gun mode's handle: the handle fits tightly in many 5 mm-compatible closed hands, and combined with the handle's lack of metal pin running through the joint, removing it by force causes the handle to pop out of the joint.
    Titans Return mold: Apeface

    Titan Master:

    • TakaraTomyLegends LG38 Apeface


    • Hasbro: Titans Return Apeface's partner drone
    • TakaraTomyLegends LG30 Rarigo

    Platinum Edition

    Probably not as fun as a barrel of munkies.
    • Optimus Primal (Year of the Monkey exclusive, 2016)
    Sold at the rather expensive price of $140.00 (but often discounted), Platinum Edition "Year of the Monkey" Optimus Primal is a redeco of Robots in Disguise Air Attack Optimus Primal, with his coloration inspired by an amalgamation of Optimus Primes and/or Primal Prime. He retains all the electronic gimmicks from the previous toy, with an exception of the voice clips (unfortunately, only the lines "Optimus Primal" (said twice) and "Transformers" are played) and sound effects/music, which was newly recorded. He also sometimes yells "transform!" when pushing his chest, and now growls if you shoot the disc in beast mode or push his monkey head. The chest no longer hums after turning it on.
    His stock photos are mistransformed: both his robot and beast mode's chests are inverted, and his beast mode's thumbs are not rotated.


    Best munky ever.
    • ID number: MP-32
    • Hasbro release name: Beast Convoy (Optimus Primal)[5]
    • Hasbro release date: June 1, 2022
    • Accessories: Three ape faces, four robot faces, two Cyber Blades, skull flail (Asia exclusive)
    • Known designers: Yuki Ohshima (concept artist)
    Released to celebrate Beast Wars's 20th anniversary, Masterpiece Convoy is a faithful recreation of the character as he appeared in the Mainframe animated series.
    It's a lost art of weaponry.
    Matching his original figure, Convoy has two "cyber blade" swords, which can now be stored on his back in robot mode. Each wrist has cartoon-accurate flip-out "plasma cannons", while his "mega blaster" shoulder cannons have also been recreated. In robot mode, a panel can rotate in his posterior to reveal his "convoy jet".
    Convoy has the new gimmick of light-up eyes. These are powered by two computer batteries stored in the beast mode head and activated by pressing down the robot mode head. They stay lit for about ten seconds. Convoy comes with three different gorilla faces: neutral; smiling and angry, and four different robot mode faces: open-mouthed; close-mouthed; smirking and original style mouthless faceplate.
    Masterpiece Convoy is an inch or two smaller than his original Ultra Class toy, comparable to Beast Wars Neo Big Convoy. Not shown in the instructions is a peghole in the waist, designed to allow Convoy to be mounted on a flying stand. Another undocumented feature is a peg on his back, that allows Generations Rattrap to ride on his back by plugging the aforementioned peg in the hole that is normally used for weapon storage in beast mode.
    If bought in Asian countries outside of Japan, he also comes with a die-cast skull flail based on the one that came with the original toy. It comes packaged in a cardboard box designed to look like a crate of bananas.
    Convoy was a candidate in TakaraTomy's Masterpiece Fan's Choice poll in 2013, which asked fans to determine which Autobot/Maximal leader from the franchise's then-30 year history should receive a new Masterpiece toy. He only placed sixth, with 4.6% of the vote. Good things come to those who wait, we guess.
    In 2021, Hasbro Pulse revealed that they would be carrying Takara-Tomy's concurrent reissue of Beast Convoy exclusively through their website for a 2022 release date, with other online retailers following a couple of months thereafter. This release is identical to the original 2016 figure, except for two minor differences. First, the "Beast Wars 20th Anniversary" logo on the box front is changed to the standard Masterpiece "Long Life Design" stamp as the 20th anniversary no longer applied. Second, the figure's shoulderpads can now close fully around upper arms for ape mode, a minor error on the original run, and the previously delicate matte paint is now far more durable, no longer scratching off during normal transformation.

    • ID number: MP-34
    Preorders of Masterpiece Cheetus supplied by Hasbro Asia come with a die-cast Optimus Primal minifigure, as opposed to the collector coin typically accompanying Masterpiece releases from Hasbro Asia.[6]

    Best-er Munkey
    • Convoy (Beast Wars) Legendary Leader Ver. (June 24, 2017)
    • ID number: MP-38
    • Accessories: Ape face, masked robot faces, two Cyber Blades, Double Blade, weapon rack, hammer, Beast Mask, backpack, bananas (Asia exclusive)
    This Optimus Primal is a redeco of the first Masterpiece figure above, with the deco greatly resembling his original toy colors and his appearance in the Beast Wars Special "Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger!" He also comes with a combined sword (representing putting both swords in the hand of the original toy), a "weapon rack" to mount said combined sword, an additional skull flail (a new mold from the Asia exclusive accessory that came from the first release), a new mask which is based on his original toy's mutant head, and a new backpack piece that mounts on the back peg to mount the combined swords, the skull mace and the mutant head mask on Primal's back.
    If bought in Asian countries outside of Japan, he also comes with a bunch of bananas in a cardboard crate. Each banana is a separate piece that can be removed from the stalk piece.

    Super Simian
    • ID number: MP-38+
    • Accessories: Ape faces, masked robot faces, two Cyber Blades
    Released to accompany MP-48 Lio Convoy, Burning Convoy is yet another redeco of the first Masterpiece figure, this time resembling his Burning Convoy appearance from "Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger!" He also has a reduced inventory, with only two of the gorilla and robot faces each.
    Due to shipment issues, Hasbro Pulse's release of Burning Convoy was delayed to April 2020.
    Burning Convoy was released as an EB Games exclusive in Canada and Australia.

    Titans Return

    • Optimus Primal (Titan Master, 2017)
    For Titans Return, Hasbro apparently intended to release a Titan Master version of Optimus Primal, which would have been a redeco of Apeface with alternate head[7] and would have been included in wave 5 alongside Ramhorn and Toraizer. A listing was first found in Toys"R"Us's systems.[8] Almost a year later, a listing was also found on Amazon's German website;[9] but ultimately, Ramhorn was the only new Titan Master figure included in wave 5, and it's currently unclear how far the Toraizer and Optimus Primal even made it in the planning stage. A Walmart listing under the UPC barcode assigned to Optimus Primal now reads as "discontinued by vendor".[10]
    Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

    Proceed on your way to oblivion.
    This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

    Power of the Primes

    If you don't want Beast Wars to win, don't put it on the ballot!
    • Evolution Optimal Optimus (Leader Class, 2018)
    In accordance with his victory in a poll to choose the next Prime, Optimus Primal received a toy in Power of the Primes. Like all Power of the Primes Leader Class figures, Optimus is a small Deluxe-sized robot who combines with the armor to form a larger figure based on the "Optimal Optimus" toy from the original Beast Wars toyline. His smaller robot form transforms into a futuristic cargo ship; according to Hasbro at Toy Fair 2018, the inner robot is meant to represent his Cybertronian form.
    He includes a Matrix of Leadership accessory with a removable center crystal, allowing any Prime Master to take its place. The Matrix can store in the cockpit, in reference to the Beast Wars episode "Optimal Situation", as well as two cannons which can be held as clubs or as guns in robot mode, and they can store in the legs of the Evolution Armor in ape mode. The Evolution Armor transforms into Optimal Optimus's gorilla mode, minus his backpack. The gorilla can ride Optimus Primal's ship mode as a surfboard, as a callback to Primal's Transmetal body and Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Deluxe figure. Optimus Primal can transform into a backpack for the gorilla, or combine with the armor to form a jet; the toy does not turn into the wheeled "ground cruiser" mode of the original OpOp. His two cannons can be placed next to his head, or on his chest after moving the cockpit downwards. They can also be left off and combined into a larger rifle or stored on his legs. In combined robot or ape mode, the weapons (individually or as a rifle) can be pegged into a 5mm post hole on either thumb, through there is no real way to do this that isn't awkward due to the placement.

    Optimus Prime's belief that "thrones are for Decepticons" isn't shared by Optimus Primal.
    • Throne of the Primes (2018)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: PP-43
    • TakaraTomy release date: January 26, 2019
    • Accessories: Evolution Armor, two cannons/clubs, Matrix of Leadership frame, Matrix of Leadership core, 2 blast shields, crown, Scepter of Sparks, Throne of the Primes, 4 Prime Master figures
    • Known designers: Marcelo Matere (throne designer, packaging artist)
    Power of the Primes "Throne of the Primes" Optimal Optimus is a San Diego Comic-Con 2018-exclusive redeco of Evolution Optimal Optimus. The biggest change in his deco is to the Evolution Armor itself, which features the same colors as the core figure. The waist and backpack of the core figure, along with the blast shields, are cast in same dark gray as his shoulders, chest, and calves. The outer shell of the Matrix core figure is recolored reddish-orange, and the cannons feature additional paint applications.
    The additional accessories tie in to Primal's winning of the 2017 fan vote for the next Prime. The Scepter of Sparks, modelled after the Transmetal figure's club, which doubles as a mace, can hold up to four Prime Masters, such as the four included in this set. The crown is a new mold, featuring the Maximal logo on the front. Finally, the Throne of the Primes, while a cardboard insert, features artwork of the faces of the eight other competitors in the survey—Arcee, Ultra Magnus, Hound, Shockwave, Megatron, Star Saber, Thunderwing, and Unknown Evil. The Prime Masters can also be stored in the Halo of Primus, a circular rotating plastic tray included on the back of the throne.
    The four Primes he comes with are Amalgamous, Nexus, Prima and the Thirteenth.
    For some odd reason, HasbroToyShop stock photography showed the figure with a Megatronus Inferno card, despite the figure coming with his own special card.
    Debuting at SDCC 2018, this set was later made available via Hasbro Toy Shop, but sold out in about 20 minutes. The toy was later released at general retail in Taiwan and Japan.


    Ha, screw you scale!
      • Accessories: Disc
    Encore Returns Convoy is a redeco of Beast Machines Supreme Class Air Attack Optimus Primal, featuring a show-accurate deco on the majority of the figure (which had the pleasant side effect of curing the toy of Gold Plastic Syndrome). As a Japanese re-release, Returns Convoy's voice lines are provided by Takehito Koyasu, including one referencing the infamous "Yvonco Pettanko" joke from the Beast Wars Returns episode "The Cost of Victory".

    War for Cybertron: Kingdom

    New slogan of the year: TRUKK AND MUNKY!
    • Optimus Primal (Voyager Class, 2020)
    Released to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Beast Wars, War for Cybertron: Kingdom Optimus Primal transforms from a robot accurate to his appearance in the first season of the Beast Wars cartoon into a realistic gorilla in 22 steps, as well as a cartoon-accurate King Kong style bipedal gorilla third mode. The figure makes up for its size with above-average articulation, including butterfly shoulder joints, double-jointed knees, opening hands, rotating shins for a foot point, and toe articulation in both modes. Optimus Primal also has fold-out shoulder cannons, two Cyber Blades that store on his back in either mode and pop-out jointed forearm blasters. A rarity for the War for Cybertron Trilogy, Optimus Primal has no 5 mm ports barring his hands, making him largely incompatible with the C.O.M.B.A.T. System. However, he still features 3 mm posts at the end of his blaster tips, as well as his buttflap; helping to replicate his "Primejets" from the Beast Wars cartoon. His hands also feature articulated fingers along with a thumb molded to approximate the 5 mm peghole, although due to this he cannot hold both Cyber Blades in one hand as the original figure could.
    Stock renders cast his robot-mode feet in a more show-accurate grey. Hasbro stock photography (right) is mistransformed, with the robot mode's shoulder cannons still extended on the gorilla's shoulders. Some pictures also pose his gorilla legs in a way that makes the flap of thigh-covering kibble appear like a loincloth, when it can plug into his flight stand port to sit flush with the legs for a natural appearance. Optimus Primal also comes packaged with his shoulder cannons deployed, although they can be folded away in robot mode. Some specimens have silver paint on the Cyber Blades, others are off-white. It is not known which variant is more common.
    Due to insufficient clearance in his waist area, it is very easy to scrape off the white paint on top of his inner thigh by simply manipulating the figure. The most permanent solution would be to disassemble the waist and shave down the contacting surfaces.[12] Otherwise, exercise lots of caution when moving his hips.
    Like all Kingdom Voyager figures, Optimus Primal comes with a Golden Disk card that "reveals a possible destiny of a key character", with each character having three possible destiny variants.
    Kingdom mold: Optimus Primal
    • Hasbro/TakaraTomy:
    • TakaraTomy:
    • Beast Wars Again BWVS-01 Convoy

    • Burning Optimus Primal (Voyager Class, 2023)
    • ID number: KD-EX
    • Release date: January 4, 2024
    • Accessories: Two "Cyber Blades"
    Released to promote Rise of the Beasts, this Optimus Primal is a redeco of the Kingdom Voyager Class figure in his "Burning Convoy" form. He reuses the packaging from the regular release with Japanese text stickers, but does not come with a Golden Disk card.
    Burning Optimus Primal was available as a Lawson Ticket exclusive item, where the customers had to buy a special ticket for the film along with the figure. He was also sold individually, unlike the concurrently released Nemesis Prime.
    Orders for Burning Optimus Primal began shipping out in January 2024.

    War for Cybertron Trilogy

    Reject 1984; Return to Munky
    • Optimus Primal (Battle 2-pack, 2021)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: WFC-19
    • TakaraTomy release date: December 29, 2021
    • Accessories: Two "Cyber Blades"
    War for Cybertron Trilogy Optimus Primal is a minor redeco of the Kingdom figure, with the only major differences being show accurate grey feet, lighter eyes in beast mode, and all-around darker colours. Gunmetal replaces all light silver on the figure and light silver replaces the metallic blue on the inner chest section. Primal is packaged with a similarly redecoed Rattrap figure.
    In addition to same the paint-scraping hips as before, his hands are now almost completely covered in black paint, and paint in the 5mm palms can wear off over time.
    Kingdom mold: Optimus Primal
    • Hasbro/TakaraTomy:
    • TakaraTomy:
    • Beast Wars Again BWVS-01 Convoy

    Vintage Beast Wars

    You have seen this toy so many times on this page.
    • Optimus Primal (Reissue, 2021)
    • Accessories: Two swords, four missiles, flail
    In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Beast Wars, the original 1996 Ultra Class Optimus Primal was reissued under the Vintage Beast Wars lineup. Optimus Primal features all the same accessories and functionality as the latest mold use of the original toy but differs slightly in deco, having a slate blue instead of regular blue for the missiles, swords, and mace handle. The front and back of the head are now cast in gray plastic, painted dark metallic blue and the faceplate is then painted flat gray over that—as opposed to the original, where the back was cast in red plastic and the front was flat gray plastic with the helmet painted blue. The lack of bare red plastic on the back of the head affects the look of the mutant face in its intended configuration, where it's rotated to form the forehead. The robot mode chest is also lacking any inner red paint applications from the original.
    Much like Vintage G1, Optimus Primal is packaged in a box styled after the original Beast Wars toy packaging, package art and all. Also similar to Vintage G1, the time disparity since the original release has the toy reasonably set at over double the price of the toy's 1996 release, $52.99 USD versus $20, and is exclusive to Walmart in the United States and Canada. Due to accommodating multiple languages, the bio card was also drastically changed, displaying fewer attributes as well as the numerical stats of the original Beast Wars cards being replaced with the stat icons used on Titans Return tech spec cards. The cross-sell for Cheetor and Rattrap label them both inaccurately as Mega Class figures, instead of Deluxe Class and Basic Class, respectively (though both are priced the same).
    Beast Wars mold: Optimus Primal (Ultra Class)

    Version 1:

    • TV Magazine Beast Wars C-1 Gold Convoy

    • C-1 Blue Convoy
    • C-1 Red Convoy

    Version 2:

    • TakaraTomyBeast Wars Reborn BWR-01 Convoy
    • Beast Wars Telemocha Series TM-SP DX Convoy

    Classic Heroes Team

    Classic Heroes Team Rescan Optimus Primal toy.jpg
    • Optimus Primal (All Star Rescan, 2022)
    Classic Heroes Team Optimus Primal is a Rescue Bots-style Rescan figure, featuring a simple conversion from gorilla to robot mode. He features a pair of (non-firing) missile launchers on his back in both modes.
    Somewhat of a rarity among Transformers toys, both the toy itself and its packaging lack insignias or any kind of mention to what faction the character belongs to.

    • Optimus Primal (All Star Rescan, 2024)
    A redeco of the figure above in a darker color scheme and with more blue accents than red. The color shades are closer to those of the Authentics figure below.
    The packaging art has not been recolored to reflect the changes in the toy itself.


    King Kong Adventure Phock.
    • Optimus Primal (Titan Changer, 2022)
    Authentics Titan Changer Optimus Primal is a 28 cm figure with a very simple conversion from robot to gorilla.
    The toy was first listed at thetoyshop.com, without any fanfare.

    • Optimus Primal (Bravo, 2023)
    • Accessories: 2 Blasters
    Released in the sixth wave of Authentics "Bravo" figures, Optimus Primal is a smaller version (about the size of a Scout Class figure) of the character. He comes with two (rubbery) blasters that he can hold, mount on his robot-mode shoulders, or mount on his back in gorilla mode. Unlike most of the "Bravo" figures, Primal features fairly decent articulation, though the elbows are rather limited due to the forearm's single-direction socket joint. Like the Titan Changer, this Optimus Primal is not designed to have a bipedal gorilla form, though it still can be approximated by standing his gorilla mode up, though it leaves visible gaps on each leg and the head looking up due to being hindered by the chest panel.
    The figure was first sighted in Taiwan.

    Beast Wars Again

    Bugs Bunny: "Take one more step on that rope and I'll cut it!"
    Primal: *pulls the entire continent over to him*
    Released as part of the Beast Wars Again line, the "Eternal Beast Showdown" (恒久ビーストの対決) set contains Convoy and Megatron. Convoy is a redeco of Kingdom Optimus Primal in a slavishly cartoon-accurate deco based on his appearance in the first season of the Beast Wars cartoon. Unlike the previous two uses of the mold, this version of Primal solves the paint-scraping hip issue by molding the thighs themselves in white plastic, instead painting the gorilla fur details on the outsides of the thighs black.
    Kingdom mold: Optimus Primal
    • Hasbro/TakaraTomy:
    • TakaraTomy:
    • Beast Wars Again BWVS-01 Convoy


    Beast Wars Transformers Slide Puzzle

    • Beast Wars Transformers Slide Puzzle (1996)
    Released to advertise Beast Wars' airing in Japan, a small, hand-held slide-puzzle depicting Optimus Primal in robot mode, brandishing a sword, one arm cannon deployed, and looking very dynamic.

    Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game

    • Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game (1997)
    Optimus Primal was one of the 24 beast warriors to receive a battle card representation for the Beast Wars card game.

    Beast Wars Transformers Sneakers

    • Beast Wars Transformers Sneakers (1997)
    A pair of red, black and white sneakers, with the Beast Wars logo printed on the sole, a photo of Primal's beast mode head on the toe, and the name "OPTIMUS PRIMAL" repeated around the shoe's lateral.


    Grape ape.
    • Convoy vs Megatron (candy toy, 1997)
    • ID number: 1
    Part of Kabaya's Beast Wars Choco line of candy toys, this small soft-rubber figurine of Optimus Primal—known in Japan as a keshigomu—came in a set with a similar figure of Megatron, along with a bio card and candy-covered chocolates. The figures were available in either translucent purple or smoky grey rubber.

    Little Apetimus Prime
    • Convoy (candy toy, 1997)
      • ID number: 1
      • Accessories: Mace, two swords
    A snap together model kit of Optimus Primal was available as part of Kabaya's Beast Wars Gum line of candy toys. Based on his original Ultra-class gorilla toy, the kit was sculpted from purple and black plastic with some sparse stickers for details, and could transform from robot to beast mode by being broken down into its component parts, then rebuilt into a new mode. It came with a stick of gum.

    • Convoy (1997)
    A nontransformable figurine of bat-body Primal, sculpted in a sword-wielding action pose across a blue base. Figure is painted.
    • Convoy (candy toy, 1997)
    A tiny plastic Convoy figurine in his gorilla body and molded onto an irregularly-shaped stand was released by Kabaya. Labeled toy 1 of 6, the other characters in his wave were Dinobot, Rattrap, Megatron, Cheetor, and Rhinox. As always, terrible candy is included.
    • Transmetal Convoy (1999, Standard Kit)
    Another small transformable figure was based on his first Transmetal body. It was multicolored and also came with gum.
    • Transmetal Convoy (1999, Standard Kit)
    A second, but non-transformable figure of Transmetal Optimus Primal was made in clear plastic, blue, and gray. Gum!

    1999 Summer Toei Anime Fair

    There's two and they're blue, with a back-view showing details just for you!
    • Metals Convoy Clear-Type Figure (Toei Anime Fair present, 1999)
    Released along with Arthur from the Tiny Giant Microman anime, this Metals Convoy figurine is a small, rubbery, transparent light-blue figurine based on his Transmetal form.
    Each figurine was packed in a semi-translucent-gray baggie, sealed with a single piece of tape. Included inside the baggie was also a sheet of paper with warnings and choking hazards on it.
    He and Arthur were available for the boy's section of the pre-screening purchase of the 1999 Summer Toei Anime Fair. Metals Convoy was limited to 100 pieces.

    Metal Monument

    Pelvic thrust: ON! Hungh!
    • Metal Monument Convoy (TAKARA, 1999)
    As the name suggests, the product is a die-cast statue of Optimus Primal. The head is convertible/removable in order to change the normal one with the battle mask/mutant head. The box art and the design of the product are both done by Hirofumi Ichikawa.

    Real Figure

    The Transmetal monkey says "blow it."
    • Real Figure Metals Convoy (TAKARA, 1999)
      • Accessories: 2 shoulder panels
    A pocket-sized version of Transmetal Optimus Primal was released in Japan by Takara in 1999. The tiny figure is fully transformable from gorilla to robot, though the shoulder panels need to be removed and placed on the gorilla mode sides. The figure is low on articulation, only having movable elbows and knees, though the latter is for his transformation. It lacks the "flying surfboard" mode of the larger toy.
    This Real Figure is the only one to be transformable, as subsequent releases were merely mini-figures with limited articulation.

    Titanium Series

    This Primal wasn't built—it was poured!
    • Optimus Primal (3" Robot Master figurine, 2006)
      • Accessories: Stand, swords
    This 3-inch die-cast and plastic figurine of Optimus Primal features him in his Beast Wars season 1 appearance, with swords drawn in an action pose. The swords can be removed from his hands if you feel like it. He came with an Autobot figure stand, weirdly enough.

    First 4 Figures

    This Primal wasn't built.
    • Optimus Primal (2006 unreleased)
    First revealed in 2006 at both the UK[13] and New York Toy Fairs,[14] this was to be an 8-inch tall resin bust of Optimus Primal released as part of a Beast Wars tenth anniversary series by model company First 4 Figures. Primal is depicted from the pelvis and upwards and mounted on a Maximal-themed base, and is sculpted in a style generally accurate to the Beast Wars cartoon series, though with the all-blue sword of the original Ultra Class toy (and a product listing that bizarrely noted an influence from Dreamwave Productions).[15]
    Mini busts in the planned Beast Wars line were designed to reflect the scale of the characters as seen in the cartoon, and each was set to be limited to 1,996 pieces, in a nod to the franchise's year of origin.[16] Primal was among the first intended to be released (likely the first, given both finalised stock images and a full product listing) in July 2006, though after a series of delays, he and the rest of the Beast Wars bust line were cancelled, with First 4 Figures citing a challenging marketplace and lack of retailer interest.
    Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

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    This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

    3D Battle-Card Game

    All your favorite 3D action!
    • Optimus Primal (2007)
    A 52-point "rare" character in the 3D Battle-Card Game's "Energon Wars" expansion, Optimus Primal "transforms" into a black ape. He uses the same parts layout as Cheetor, Ravage, and Rampage, although the figure's beast mode is assembled differently. Optimus Primal is nominally the leader of the Autobots in the set. The surface of the figure uses images of the original Ultra ape toy.

    Robot Heroes

    Primal mocks Tarantulas's inability to display jazz hands.
    • Optimus Primal & Predacon Tarantulas (Two-pack, 2008)
    Part of the second wave of Universe Robot Heroes, this PVC figurine of Optimus Primal's original gorilla body has articulation in the shoulders and neck. He was available only in a "Beast Wars Series" two-pack with Tarantulas (amusingly enough, the Predacon he also came with in the MicroVerse Orcanoch playset).

    The next Bio-Force Ape? Only time will tell.
    • Optimus Primal & Jetstorm (Two-pack, 2009)
    Optimus Primal would have come with Jetstorm in this "Beast Machines Series" set. Like the other later Robot Heroes waves, this toy was cancelled because retailers only wanted Revenge of the Fallen toys. Some managed to trickle out into the wild - the picture seen here comes from an eBay auction. He looks... Unhinged, to say the least.
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    This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

    Prime 1 Studio

    Premium Masterline

    Prime 1 Studio Premium Masterline Optimus Primal.jpg
    • Optimus Primal (2017)
      • ID Number: PMTFBW-01 / 01EX (exclusive)
      • Accessories: Base, alternate head, battle mask (exclusive)
    Prime 1 Studio Premium Masterline Optimus Primal is a highly detailed statue of Primal's robot mode posing over the bits of a destroyed Waspinator. He features LED lights on his eyes.
    The statue comes with an alternate head with an angry expression. The exclusive version also comes with another head with his face covered by his battle mask.
    The standard version was limited to 500 pieces, while the exclusive version was limited to 200 pieces.


    Cutie1 Optimus Primal Figure.jpg
    • Optimus Primal (2022)
      • ID Number: No:058
      • Accessories: Stand
    Cutie1 Optimus Primal is a soft vinyl figure stylized as a button-eyed doll with chibi proportions.

    Flame Toys

    Furai Action

    • Optimus Primal (June 2021)

    Child's Play Aron.jpg
    If you build it, they will play.

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    Furai Model

    • Optimus Primal (20??)
    Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

    This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

    R.E.D. [Robot Enhanced Design]

    • Optimus Primal (2021)
      • Accessories: 2 Cyber Blades, 2 alternate hands
    Released in the fourth wave of the Transformers R.E.D. line, Optimus Primal, 6-inch action figure akin to the ones from the Marvel Legends and Star Wars The Black Series lines. He features over 30 points of articulation and extensive paint operations in an attempt at show-accuracy.
    Optimus Primal includes two closed fists, and a pair of open hands to hold his two Cyber Blade accessories; the blades can connect end to end at the hilt to create a double-ended weapon. A blaster is hidden in each of his forearms, which are revealed by pushing underneath his wrists. Additionally, he features a pair of blasters that flip forward over his shoulders.
    As with all R.E.D. toys, Optimus Primal was a Walmart exclusive in Canada and the United States, and was later made available on Hasbro Pulse in limited quantities.

    Transformers Character Card

    Transformers Character Card Optimus Primal and Beast Megatron.jpg
    • Convoy (Beast Wars) and Megatron (Beast Wars) Set (April 14, 2022)
      • ID number: 15 & 16
    Released as part of the third wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of "Convoy" and Megatron along with character profiles and tech specs.

    Transformers Character Card Beast Wars Convobat and Megalligator.jpg
    • Convobat & Megaligator[sic] Set (November 1 2022)
      • ID number: 29 & 30
    Released as part of the fifth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of "Convobat" and "Megaligator" (distinct from the separate characters Convobat and Megalligator) in their Wave 1 Basic Class bodies along with character profiles and tech specs. Optimus Primal is specifically depicted in his "Bat Primal" body.

    Transformers Character Card Fallen and Throne of the Primes.jpg
    • Throne of the Primes & Fallen Set (June, 2024)
      • ID number: 89 & 90
    Released as part of the twelfth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Optimus Primal in his souped up "Throne of the Primes" form and the Fallen along with character profiles and tech specs.

    Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

    This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

    Jada Toys

    Nano Metalfigs

    • Transformers Series 2 18-pack (4cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2022)
    Released by Jada Toys, Nano Metalfigs Optimus Primal is an incredibly small die-cast figurine molded doing an action pose. He has a little base attached to his feet for balancing reasons.
    He is marketed as an Autobot instead of a Maximal and comes in an impressive multipack with seventeen other figurines.

    • Transformers Series 3 18-pack (4cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2023)
    Nano Metalfigs Optimus Primal was re-released with no noticeable changes in another impressive multipack with seventeen other figurines.


    • Optimus Prime / Bumblebee / Optimus Primal / Megatron (2 3/4" Die Cast Figure 4-pack, 2022)
    Metalfigs Optimus Primal is a static die-cast figurine of super deformed proportions. He is available in a 4-pack alongside Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Megatron.

    • Optimus Primal (2 3/4" Die Cast Figure, 2023)
    The same super deformed Optimus Primal from the 4-pack above is also available in individual packaging.


    • Optimus Primal (2023)
    • Accessories: 2 swords
    Released in the seventh wave of Super7's line of multi-property 3.75-inch "retro" action figures, ReAction Optimus Primal is a non-converting figure based on his original Mainframe character model, with five points of articulation (swivel neck, shoulders, hips). He even has his shoulder-launchers/jetpack-thrusters in back, but they are not articulated so don't even try. Oddly, his legs are molded with a slight lean-back to them at the ankle, meaning his torso has to lean forward a tiny bit for the figure to stay upright without the use of a stand.
    He includes his two curved swords, though the shape of the handles and the way his hands grip make them tricky to work into place; it's likely that repeated accesorizing/de-accessorizing may stress the plastic of his hands.
    Optimus Primal comes packaged on a small cardback that mixes the design of the original Beast Wars packaging with some nostalgic elements resembling Kenner's Star Wars action figures from the late 1970s to early '80s.

    Hypersteel holding spark.JPG
    • Optimus Primal Hyper Steel (2023)
    • Accessories: 2 swords, spark
    This redeco of ReAction Optimus Primal is cast in translucent black plastic, an odd choice for a "steel"-named deco. It also adds a new accessory, a floating spark which can be held via a slot and hole that correspond to the fingers and thumb on his right hand.
    This figure was a Target exclusive alongside the similar Megatron Hyper Steel, released at the same time as the regular Beast Wars ReAction wave.

    ReAct-toy OptimusPrimal BurningRed.jpg
    • Optimus Primal Burning Red (2023)
    • Accessories: 2 swords
    Yet another Target exclusive redeco of ReAction Optimus Primal, this one is based on the "Burning Convoy" redeco of the original Ultra-class toy, cast in transparent red plastic with metallic gunmetal and gold paint accents. Very specifically the toy deco, not the anime model that the Masterpiece toy used.
    This figure also cost an extra two dollars over the previous exclusive's price tag, despite coming with less stuff. Good ol' greedflation.


    • Optimus Primal (2023)
    Designed by Diamond Select, this "Milestone" statue of Optimus Primal was to represent his season 1 body. The statue stood 14 inches tall, posed to look as though it were suspended in midair by Primal's jet exhaust. Listing pages described a production run of 1,000 and an MSRP of $500, but it went unreleased.
    Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

    Proceed on your way to oblivion.
    This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

    Beyblade X

    An unfortunate side-effect of being based on the Shark Beyblade is that the Munky has to attack with fish-shaped blades.
    • Optimus Primal and Starscream Multipack Set (2024)
    Optimus Primal 3-60F consists of three pieces that can be interchanged with those of other Beyblade X tops; an attacking Blade primarily made of metal, a Ratchet that locks parts together and determines height, and a Bit that touches the ground and determines movement.
    The "Optimus Primal" Blade features a picture of Optimus Primal on its central Gear Chip and is largely a retool of the mainline Beyblade X Blade "Keel Shark”, sporting a largely similar metal section with Optimus Primal-themed details and an unaltered plastic underframe. The "3-60" Ratchet and "F" ("Flat") Bit of this Beyblade are recolored parts from other Beyblade X tops.


    Manta ray bw toy.jpg
    • Early in Beast Wars development, Hasbro conceived manta ray toys of "Optimus Prime" (before the cartoon made Primal a separate character) to go with "Megatron" as a sea turtle. The resulting McDonald's toy (at right) diverged in the final stage to become the separate character Manta Ray.
    • In addition to the bat and manta concepts, Hasbro also conceived of an "Optimus Prime" lion retool of "Prowl", the early form of Cheetor which spun off to become Panther. While the lion McDonald's toy did not come to fruition, the concept may have inspired Takara to create Lio Convoy.
    • The design of Optimus Primal's bat form is an homage to Batman, an action figure license also held at the time by Kenner.[17]
    • According to Bob Forward at a BotCon panel, the "Flight Mode" Primal has in the first season of the Beast Wars animation is a vestigial reference to the bat-form, the concept being that Primal and Megatron would each have had 4(!) modes, able to transform freely between them. This was ultimately considered too difficult to animate, and the concept was dropped, Primal's "Prime Jets" being a way to prevent re-writing the flight-related parts of the scripts.
    • Primal's gorilla mode, paired against Megatron's T. rex mode, was inspired by the showdown in the film King Kong.[18]
    • According to the control art of Optimus Primal's first gorilla toy, his chest originally seemed to be a kind of launcher instead of being an homage to the Matrix.[19]
    • The Basic class bat Optimus Primal toy, named "Convobat" in Japan, was homaged in the 2016 e-HOBBY-exclusive Convobat toy, which is characterized as a separate individual from Optimus Primal.


    1. "Beast Wars Toy Concept Designs" on TFRaw
    2. "ゴールドコンボイ シルバーメガトロン(各5名) 此方は単品箱版となっており他にもVS-40 宿命の対決セットで同仕様のモノが他雑誌でプレゼントされている(後々紹介予定)。セット版は秋葉原まんだらけやヤフオク等で長期に渡って販売されていたので見たことある方も多いのでは?"—Kongoriki, Twitter, 2017/08/24 (archive link)
    3. "Here's a closer look at the Optimus Primal photoshopped concept, alongside with the final version. This one stayed really close all the way through to production. Cybertron was my only real choice for obvious reasons. I have a test shot of this figure to.."—Joe Moore, Twitter, 2021/03/11
    4. LG02 Convoy's packaging has "Optimus Primal" as the accompanying English subtitle to "コンボイ".
    5. Used only on the Hasbro Pulse website listing.
    6. TFW2005 Forums discussion, 2 February 2018
    7. Allspark interview at SDCC 2018 (via the Internet Archive)
    8. Toys"R"Us listings for then upcoming Titans Return figures, including Titan Master "Optimus Prime".
    9. Amazon Germany listing for Titans Return Optimus Primal.
    10. Walmart listing for what would have been Titans Return Optimus Primal, now "discontinued by vendor".
    11. Transformers panel at Hasbro PulseCon 2020
    12. Kingdom Optimus Primal Anti-Paint Scraping Modification
    13. "First4Figures Beast Wars and Transformers VS. G.I. Joe Statues/Busts" at TFW2005.com
    14. "Toy Fair 2006 - First4Figures TF & GI Joe Statues& Busts" at tformers.com
    15. Optimus Primal product listing on First 4 Figures's website (archive)
    16. "First4Figures Limited Transformers Statues and Busts Info!" at ASMzine.com (archived)
    17. Page 78, Toy database section in Beast Wars Universe
    18. Botcon 2004 Interview with Vinnie D'Alleva, p2
    19. Page 50, Toy database section in Beast Wars Universe
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