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Jimmy Pink

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The name or term "Jimmy" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see James (disambiguation).
Jimmy Pink is a human from the 2005 IDW portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
"...One from the vaults."

Jimmy Pink tries to be the normal one. Stuck among giant alien robots, nerds, and hyperactive thieves, he tries to be the calm voice of reason and uses his mechanical skills to help out his Autobot friends. Still, he is willing to become involved in a larger conflict if it means helping his friends.

There I was, one day of idle mechanical malfeasance blurring into the next, and you pop up with a bona fide vehicle of extraterrestrial origin.

—Jimmy to Verity Carlo, Infiltration #2



2005 IDW continuity

He's the son Sparkplug wished he had!

Jimmy Pink grew up fixing cars and by the age of seventeen owned and operated his own garage in Riverside, California. He made acquaintance with runaway Verity Carlo online and the two would regularly exchange correspondence. One day, Jimmy received an urgent e-mail from Verity and soon she arrived at his garage with Hunter O'Nion and a damaged ambulance in tow. After meeting Verity face-to-face for the first time, she requested his aid in repairing the ambulance and Jimmy was happy to take a look. As he examined the damage and made acquaintance with Ratchet's holomatter avatar, Jimmy noted that the vehicle's inner workings were unlike anything he had ever seen before. Hunter confronted Verity over the palmtop computer she had stolen and Ratchet confirmed it was the reason they had been targeted. The Battlechargers soon arrived and tore open Jimmy's garage, demanding the computer. Infiltration #1

Jimmy was forced to flee aboard Ratchet with Hunter and Verity, lamenting the destruction of his place of business. Verity had a panic attack and made Ratchet stop alongside the road after they eluded their Decepticon pursuers. Jimmy talked her down and related their similar outside perspective on "normal" life but they soon had to board Ratchet and flee again from Thundercracker. They were rescued by Prowl, Ironhide, and Sunstreaker Infiltration #2 and brought back to Ark-19 under Lake Michigan. Placed in a holding cell, Jimmy and the others anxiously waited until Ratchet's holomatter avatar came to retrieve the palmtop computer from Verity. He examined its contents and found evidence of an abandoned bunker in Nebraska, explaining why the humans had been targeted. After having the imminent danger to Earth explained to them, Jimmy and the others insisted on helping Ratchet investigate the Nebraska bunker, which he reluctantly agreed to. Infiltration #3

Naruto music intensifies

Joined by Bumblebee, Jimmy and the others drove to Nebraska and prepared to explore the seemingly abandoned bunker. With Ratchet and Bumblebee watching them from above ground, the three humans rappelled down and began their investigation, but Blitzwing and Skywarp soon arrived to carpet bomb the entire area. Infiltration #4 Jimmy and Hunter managed to climb out, but Verity lagged behind, with the other two adamant about not abandoning her even under Decepticon attack. The bunker began collapsing in on itself just as Verity began climbing back out, with Hunter barely managing to grab her hand and haul her to safety. The humans got aboard Ratchet and vacated the area just as Megatron emerged from the bunker's wreckage. Infiltration #5 On their way back to Ark-19, Jimmy assured Verity that it was okay to be scared as the enormity of the day's events set in and once they had returned, met the recently-arrived Optimus Prime Infiltration #6

"And I know this is a bad time, but I just had two Big Gulps..."

Optimus ordered Jimmy, Verity, and Hunter returned to their homes, but during the trip the Machination ambushed and seemingly killed Hunter and Sunstreaker. Escalation #1 After, Jimmy tried to console Verity when she became visibly distraught, despite her "tough girl" personality. Escalation #2 After Hunter and Sunstreaker's deaths turned out to have possibly been faked, Jimmy and Verity were compelled to investigate, despite Optimus Prime's orders to not get involved. Jimmy's mechanic skills and Verity's hacking skills pointed them to Idea & Design Works Custom Wheels shop in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Ratchet and Ironhide agreed to break orders and take them there to investigate in person. Escalation #3 Verity and Jimmy broke into the store and discovered a hidden underground Machination hideout. Unfortunately, after poking around a bit, they triggered security measures and were knocked out with gas. Escalation #4 Ironhide went in after them and found them unconscious, with a self-destruct sequence counting down on a timer. Escalation #5 Ironhide and Ratchet managed to save the duo, but the facility exploded, severely wounding Ironhide. Escalation #6

Recovered, Jimmy and Verity listened in on a call Ratchet had with Sideswipe, who was adamant on coming to Earth to locate Sunstreaker. They bitterly noted to Ratchet that everyone else currently on Earth seemed too preoccupied with other matters to continue looking for Sunstreaker or Hunter. Spotlight: Galvatron

The palmtop which Verity stole was examined by Nightbeat and contributed to the Autobots' decision to relocate the Ark-19. Devastation #1 Unfortunately, the vessel was shot down by Sixshot; Ratchet, Verity, and Jimmy ejected in an escape pod before the crash. Devastation #2 Sixshot located the Autobot and his human guests and gave chase. When escape seemed impossible, Ratchet dropped off his human friends for their own protection. Devastation #3

Good thing they don't know about Shane McCarthy.

As the other Autobots arrived and battled Sixshot, Verity overheard plans for an all-out human airstrike on the warring parties. She and Jimmy stole a motorboat and police megaphone, using them to warn Ratchet of the incoming strike. With seconds to spare, Ratchet took the two humans along with him as the Autobots escaped via orbital bounce to the orbiting Ark-32. But the process was too traumatic for the humans to endure, leaving them lifeless. Devastation #4 Ratchet did manage to restore Verity and Jimmy's vital signs, but only after a prolonged flatline whose final effects on the pair were unknown. Devastation #5 The Ark-32 then left orbit for Garrus-9, apparently with the two humans still aboard. Devastation #6

Verity and Jimmy apparently survived the ordeal just fine, even getting some new clothes to replace their very smelly Earth duds. They had a joyful reunion with Hunter after his rescue from the Machination. Maximum Dinobots #5 Verity later parted ways with them without saying goodbye, instead leaving Hunter a farewell letter. In Word and Deed

If only Thundercracker saw him before hearing about Chuckles...

Angry over the death of Hunter in the Decepticon invasion of Earth, Jimmy fell in with the rogue soldier Spike Witwicky's mission to keep Cybertronians and their technology off Earth. Aware of mega-corporation Onyx's use of Cybertronian tech, they hunted down a Mini-Constructicon in Japan and used it to hack an Onyx conference and reveal their crimes to the world. Signals, Calls, and Marches After meeting their informant in Tokyo and getting a lead on their next target, the Enigma of Combination held by Onyx in Wanmu, the two were attacked by Prowl and the Constructicons. Attempting to flee on two conveniently placed motorbikes, they were instead brought straight to Galvatron, the bikes having been Rumble and Frenzy in disguise. As the two factions clashed and Spike was kidnapped by Prowl, Jimmy ended up under the protection of Arcee. Vs.

Old Man Jimmy — Still rockin' his style (and clothes) from 2005.

Captured by Buzzsaw during the battle between Arcee and Galvatron, Jimmy staved off his impending death by trying to teach the bored Decepticons Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon to little success. Fortunately Arcee and Galvatron agreed to forge an alliance against Prowl, leading to him being spared. ONoffON Arriving in Wanmu, they bore witness to Prowl's Devastator tearing into the Onyx facility in search of the Enigma, confusing Jimmy whose experiences with Prowl had never been that bad. When Devastator began to focus on killing Spike instead, Jimmy drove in on Frenzy and saved him from being smashed, and once the battle was over both of them were taken into custody by Earth Defense Command. The Obliterati

Jimmy and Spike were both pardoned by the President of the United States after it turned out they'd been right to mistrust Onyx. New Worlds Order Jimmy returned to his garage, where, some months later, he was interviewed about Earth's induction into the Council of Worlds after Baron Ironblood's attack. Jimmy, after years of dangerous adventures involving the aliens, opined that the government had greatly underestimated the threat that Transformers posed and that Earth was best off alone. Primeless, Part 1


Auditioning for a role in the DreamWorks logo.
  • Jimmy Pink was going to be a key character in a Punch/Counterpunch miniseries known as Legacy of Rust.[1] While it was stated that Stuart Moore wrote all four issues,[2] it was never published.
  • The children's storybook "I Am Optimus Prime" features a human ally to the Autobots based on Jimmy. Likewise, the two other human allies in the story are based on Hunter O'Nion and Verity Carlo.


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