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Kup (G1)/toys

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"Death stalks you at every turn!"
"Well it does."

None of Kup's toys are as old as him.



The Transformers

"I always get the blame around here! Who threw a cane at the TV? Who fell into the china hutch? Who got their dentures stuck on the toilet?"
  • Kup (Autobot Car, 1986)
Released in the third year of the original The Transformers toyline (second year in European and Japanese markets), Kup transforms into a Cybertronic pickup truck (though how he is able to carry goods safely with no tailgate is a mystery). The entire front of the vehicle (including the windshield) is made out of die-cast metal. In robot mode, Kup has full shoulder rotation, though the way his elbows are set up means he cannot make full use of their joints. He (somewhat) makes up for it with swivel wrists. His legs feature no articulation whatsoever. Maybe Hot Rod left a piece out. He is armed with a blue laser rifle.
Early releases of Kup had metal rear wheels, while later releases replaced them with black plastic.
Amusingly, one of the details on the figure's chest sticker depicts a pair of 5 1/4-inch floppy disk drives. Whether that is supposed to indicate that he can store up to two extra Transformers' brains is up to anyone's guess.

"You're a gutsy daredevil with a give-'em-hell attitude and a fourth grade education. You coulda made Sergeant!"
  • Kup (Targetmaster, 1987)
  • Takara ID number: C-113
  • Accessories: "Recoil" Targetmaster partner
Kup was re-released in the fourth year of The Transformers (this time with plastic rear wheels rather than die-cast), but this time as a Targetmaster. This entails slight retooling to give him wider, 5 mm post-compatible fist-holes and a mounting point on his vehicle mode back-end.
His original "musket laser" pistol has been replaced with his Nebulan partner Recoil, who also turns into a musket laser, just a different-looking version.
This version of Kup was not released in the original Takara toyline.

The Transformers Collection

"He used to be as smart as a monkey, but now... he's as dumb as a chimp."
  • Future Cybertron (Multi-pack, 2005)
  • ID number: 20
  • Accessories: "Musket Laser", "Recoil" Targetmaster partner
The penultimate release in Takara's The Transformers Collection line of reissues, the Targetmaster version of Kup was finally released in Japan after nearly twenty years. Like the Collection reissue of Hot Rod, he came with his original metal parts restored, as well as both his partner Recoil and his original gun, which was slightly retooled to fit the larger weapon-mounting points.
This set also came with a slightly-redecoed reissue of Wheelie.
This iteration of the mold was used to make Orion Pax.


"Three wars back we called Sauerkraut 'liberty cabbage' and we called liberty cabbage 'super slaw' and back then a suitcase was known as a 'Swedish lunchbox'. Of course, nobody knew that but me. Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling..."
  • Wings of Honor (Multi-pack, 2009)
  • Accessories: Clamp attachment, hammer attachment, Earth Cyber Key
The Timelines version of Kup is a convention-exclusive new-head retooling of Cybertron Deluxe Class Red Alert, transforming into an unlicensed Dodge Magnum emergency vehicle. Plugging a Cyber Key into the back of his car mode causes two rear side-panels to pop out and reveal two spring-forward non-firing blasters. This gimmick is retained in robot mode, where they become over-shoulder blasters. He features an unusual transformation sequence where both the front and rear halves of the vehicle mode come together to form his legs. His hood halves open to reveal storage space for extra tools (a hammer-head and an opening claw) that can be attached onto his left arm blaster.
Kup comes in a box set with fellow Autobots Flak, Thunderclash, and Landshark, and rival Decepticon Scourge. This set was also available in bagged form for those who already purchased a boxed set.
The Kup tooling was also the basis of the non-toy Shattered Glass incarnation of Kup. The original version of this mold was also used to make Cybertron Cannonball, and the 2007 movie toyline Crankcase.


"So you see, old people aren't so useless after all. Ironhide's old, and he outsmarted the lot of you. And I'm even older and I outsmarted him! Ah ha ha ha!"
"Shut up."
"I've had my moment."
  • Sergeant Kup (Deluxe Class, 2011)
Part of the sixth wave of Generations, "Sergeant Kup" sticks to the character's roots, transforming into an old-school (or, alternatively, "retro"-styled) Earth pickup truck. The design closely resembles a Honda Ridgeline. He comes with his signature laser musket weapon, which looks like an actual musket this go-round. Like his contemporaries, Kup is covered in 3 mm rungs that are compatible with C joint clip-on weapons. There are two rungs on his backpack, plus two rungs each on his forearm kibble, and two on his lower back (these two are shown in the United version's instructions). The musket can either plug into the underside of the truck, forming a second exhaust pipe, or clip onto the roof of the truck via a C joint. Kup noticeably has a peculiar elbow setup; the top hinge moves vertically, while the bottom hinge moves horizontally. Interestingly, due to his transformation, Kup's truck mode features a working tailgate.
Despite appearances, his musket does not have a proper 5 mm peg, being slightly smaller. This makes it impossible for Kup to hold 5 mm accessories without stretching and potentially damaging his hands. Coincidentally, it's about the same size as the smaller peg on Classics Grimlock's spring loaded launcher, meaning they can swap weapons. The extra, proper 5 mm ring on Grimlock's weapon makes it a loose fit on Kup's open hands, though.
He was later retooled/redecoed into Swerve, whose head was depicted in Kup's instructions before the retool was officially announced, and was separately retooled into BotCon 2013 Hoist and Autobot Electrons.
Generations mold: Kup
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications
  • TakaraTomy:
  • e-HOBBY:

  • Autobot Warriors (Multi-pack, 2014)
  • Accessories: "Laser musket" rifle/exhaust pipe
Generations Sergeant Kup was re-released in a three-pack with Universe Ratchet and Reveal the Shield Perceptor, available from Hasbro Asia and TakaraTomy Mall. All three Autobots feature new metallic paint decoes.
This release of Kup simply calls him "Kup", without any additional trademark prefixes.
Generations mold: Kup
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications
  • TakaraTomy:
  • e-HOBBY:


"Yeah, well, I may not have a fancy black bath robe and a hammer like snooty, but I do have slippers and an oatmeal spoon! Look!"
  • Autobot Kup (Deluxe, 2011)
  • ID number: UN-17
  • Release date: February 26, 2012
  • Accessories: "Musket gun"/tailpipe
Released in the third wave of TakaraTomy's United line, "Autobot Kup" is a redeco of Generations Sergeant Kup, now with his vehicle mode panels decorated in metallic paint. Other changes include silver paint on his stomach, painted rims, and a smaller Autobot symbol with a silver border.
Surprisingly, Kup is presented with his cy-gar attached to his mouth on the back of his package.
Generations mold: Kup
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications
  • TakaraTomy:
  • e-HOBBY:

"Full speed ahead! Dam the torpedos!"
"What did he say? Put on our tuxedos?"
"I want some taquitos."
  • Autobot Set (Multi-pack, 2011)
  • Accessories: Rifle/tailpipe
Dubbed "Autobot Kup Damage Version", this redeco of the 2010 Kup mold (see above) is cast in brighter teals, with silver "scrape" paint marks (as well as other additional paint applications), giving him a more weathered look (despite his more saturated color palette). Official photography depicted this Kup as bright blue, but that was a case of photography having trouble with his shade of teal.
This toy was only available in an e-HOBBY exclusive three-pack with a clear-blue Hot Rod and Scrapheap. Preorders for the set were opened on December 13 2010, closed on January 11, 2011, with the set shipping in April.
This set also contained a Hot Rod pin and the Macrocosmic Seekers booklet when bought directly from e-HOBBY. The set was also released in Asian countries outside of Japan, but without said pin and booklet.
Generations mold: Kup
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications
  • TakaraTomy:
  • e-HOBBY:

Bot Shots

"Kids love that water."
  • Scourge / Sergeant Kup / Blitzwing (Multi-pack, 2013)
  • Series: 2
  • Number: BP006
    • Fist strength: 762
    • Blaster strength: 598
    • Sword strength: 260
Part of the second wave of Bot Shots Series 2 three-packs, "Sergeant Kup" is a redeco of Spin Shot Ironhide in cyan, turning into a pickup truck with a massive spoiler. As a Spin Shot toy, an impact to his front bumper will cause him to autotransform while his top half spins around.
He was only available in a three-pack with Blitzwing and Scourge.
The second wave of Series 2 three-packs didn't reach mass retail in the United States, only showing up in discount stores like Ross.


"Here you go, ya ingrate. Think of ME when you're having the best sex of your life!"
  • Autobot Kup (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2014)
  • Bag number: 33501 39
  • Accessories: Stand-brick, small pistol
  • Known designers: Ed Masiello (Hasbro)
Part of the fourth full series of blind-packed Kreon Micro-Changers, Kup can be rebuilt from a robot to a pickup truck. His deco is based on his Generation 1 namesake, although his grey plastic is lighter than usual.
Later releases of Series 4 lightly retooled the cuff portions of the arms, flattening them into a sharper-edged socket that works better as a post to plug into bricks. Even later releases omitted the identification codes from the back of the bag, forcing you to feel for parts through the bag or buy blind.

Platinum Edition

Old Man Yells at Cloud
  • Autobot Heroes (Multi-pack, 2016)
  • Accessories: "Laser musket" rifle/exhaust pipe
Part of Hasbro's Platinum Edition offerings for 2016 intended to commemorate the 30th anniversary of The Transformers: The Movie, this release of Sergeant Kup is a more "screen-accurate" redeco of his Generations Deluxe Class toy, with his primary plastic color being cast in a lighter shade of teal, the metallic gray plastic parts and paint operations replaced with cyan, and featuring additional new paint operations (including painted rims).
Most copies of this figure appear to suffer from the same assembly error as Transformers Timelines Electrons and Hoist, whereby the central chest assembly doesn't fully rotate up into place. Luckily, this can be easily fixed by removing the three screws holding the chest together and turning the spring-loaded panel inside 180 degrees around, taking care of the spring when reinserting it into its slot.
Sergeant Kup was released as part of five-pack with Ultra Magnus (including Minimus Ambus), Autobot Springer, Arcee and Blurr. The set also included a recreation of the theatrical poster for the 1986 movie. In the United States, this set was officially a Target exclusive, but was only available via the company's website, never sold in stores. It was also released in Singapore, although it's currently unknown whether it was exclusive to any particular stores there or not. In Canada, it was available via the Canadian Walmart website but never found in stores, whereas in the United Kingdom, it was available via the UK Toys"R"Us website but was sold in some stores. In Spain, it was available via the Spanish subsidiaries of both Amazon and Carrefour, as well as the department store chain El Corte Inglés, supposedly also only available online. In Germany, it was available via retailer Real and specialty store Rappelkiste Ahlen, also only available online.
Generations mold: Kup
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications
  • TakaraTomy:
  • e-HOBBY:

Titans Return

"So how do you know so much about American history?"
"I pieced it together, mostly from sugar packets."
  • Flintlock & Sergeant Kup (Deluxe Class, 2017)
  • Accessories: Left & right guns, "Flintlock" Titan Master
  • Known designers: John Warden (Hasbro), Yūya Ōnishi (TakaraTomy)
Part of the fourth wave of Titans Return Deluxe Class toys, "Sergeant Kup" transforms from a robot based on the character's Guido Guidi-designed All Hail Megatron design into a futuristic pickup truck based on his alt mode in The Transformers: The Movie, with colors based on his original toy. Kup's head is formed by Titan Master Flintlock, who can also transform into a robot and pilot Kup's vehicle mode, although the wideness of the cockpit combined with an ineffective tab recess often results in him falling out of position inside.
Kup's two 5 mm guns can combine into a larger weapon incorporating a Titan Master seat, or can be mounted separately on his truck bed, where there are also three pairs of pegs to attach Titan Masters. The guns can also be combined and mounted onto his back in robot mode.
All copies of Kup (including his redecoes/retools) are misassembled; his leg panels' central lines between the two sculpted square details do not line up with the line extending beyond it. If you want to fix this, you have two options:
1. You can use a small handsaw to carefully cut off the parts that connect the pieces to his wheels and swap the pieces before gluing them back.
2. The other option involves using a soldering iron to heat the head of the pins and then pushing the wheels and the panels off, then reattaching them to the correct sides. This can be difficult and risks causing damage to the toy. If attempting this method, USE EXTREME CAUTION to avoid injury.
This mold was retooled with a new face into Tribute Orion Pax.


"Oh, Kup, can't you go five seconds without humiliating yourself?"
"How long was that?"
  • Targetmaster Cher (Targetmaster Kup)[1] (Deluxe, 2017)
  • ID Number: LG46
  • Release date: September 30, 2017
  • Accessories: Headmaster unit, "Recoil" Targetmaster partner
Part of the twenty-first wave of TakaraTomy's Legends toyline, "Targetmaster Cher" is a redeco and retool of Titans Return Deluxe Class Sergeant Kup, featuring new arms, a new face on the Headmaster unit, and a very desaturated color scheme based on his appearance in the original animated series. Although Kup's robot mode matches his original design better thanks to his new arms, this unfortunately creates noticeable gaps in his truck mode, as well as making the robot mode fists more visually obvious.
Instead of the two guns the original version had, he comes with Recoil, a completely new-mold Targetmaster who transforms from robot to gun.
Early stock photography of Legends Kup showed him in a color scheme so desaturated that he was entirely grey, but later images reflected his cartoon-accurate dark-green-grey colors. The figure is unfortunately plagued by the leg panel misassembly from the original Titans Return release.

Studio Series

"Movies! What a rip-off! I don't have to sit here and listen to th-zzzzzz!"
  • Kup (Deluxe Class, 2020)
Released in the first 2021 wave of Studio Series Deluxes (eleventh wave overall) to commemorate the 35th anniversary of The Transformers: The Movie, this new version of Kup is based directly on his appearance in the Generation 1 cartoon (see this page for an explanation of his color scheme). His limbs are attached on 5 mm posts, and can be removed to recreate the scene of his repair by Hot Rod. Oddly, this feature is not documented in his instructions, but you'll probably end up finding out anyway because the connections are not always the most secure and may slide off while moving the joint or especially during transformation. He comes with an Energon goodie dispenser and a musket laser based on his original toy's gun accessory, both of which can be mounted on his vehicle mode. Thanks to his 5 mm compatible hands, Kup can hold either Targetmaster version of Recoil in robot mode; however, there is no way to mount the Targetmaster onto his vehicle mode.
Care should be taken when rolling Kup along any surface in vehicle mode; the painted robot mode crotch area that is part of the vehicle mode undercarriage does not fold up far enough to prevent dragging and paint damage.
Like all Studio Series figures, the interior of the package forms a diorama display for the figure. In this case, it is Kup and Hot Rod's fight against the giant squid on Quintessa.
Due to being reissued sometime between late 2021- early 2022, he and his wave mate Blurr could be found shelfwarming en masse almost four years after being initially released.
This figure was retooled into Legacy "A Hero Is Born" Orion Pax, and the "War Dawn 2-Pack" Dion.

Buzzworthy Bumblebee

"I first met Bumblebee in 1927, in a bar in Brooklyn. Little did I know he would soon become Mrs. Joe DiMaggio and..."
  • Kup (Deluxe Class, 2022)
Part of the second assortment of Studio Series Deluxes in the Target exclusive Buzzworthy Bumblebee line, his release of Kup is a minor redeco of the above Studio Series Kup, now sporting an opaque windshield instead of a clear one, tampographed scuffs and damage, gray wheels, and a Generation 1-style Autobot insignia instead of the live-action film Autobot insignia. Also, notably, the vehicle mode roof is now a more accurate green instead of the turquoise the above Studio Series figure sports. This release replaces his original backdrop with a "Battle of Autobot City" one. His eyes are also painted a brighter shade of blue, resolving the dead-eyed look of the original release.
The problem with the vehicle mode undercarriage dragging on the original release of this mold was fixed on this version.
Like much of the Buzzworthy Bumblebee line-up, Kup was found at retail in Taiwan in early December 2021 with no prior announcement. Like parts of the Generations-type figures in the line, Kup was also sold as a Farmers exclusive in New Zealand.

War for Cybertron Trilogy

Arcee: Come on, Hot Rod. You can make it!
Kup: Oh, of course he'll make it, it's TV.
  • Behold, Galvatron! Unicron Companion Pack (Leader Class, 2022)
The only Kup released in the War for Cybertron Trilogy, this iteration is a non-transforming and immobile micro-figure, barely 10mm tall, scaled to interact with the immense War for Cybertron Trilogy Unicron figure and its clear display base.
his was one of a set of fourteen minifigures in the "Unicron Companion Pack" that was included with the "reformatting" version of Galvatron. The set was exclusive to Hasbro Pulse.


  • Autobot Kup Triple "T" (2024)
  • Crossover with: G.I. Joe
  • Accessories: 2 blasters, 2 rockets
  • Known designers: Mario Carreiro (packaging)[5]
Collaborative Kup transforms, as his name suggests, into a Triple "T" ("Tag Team Terminator") tank, nearly identical to the one Kup's pack-in partner Sgt. Slaughter piloted in the 1986 G.I. Joe toyline. His vehicle mode blasters can be used as handheld pistols in robot mode or stored on the back via 5mm holes. Likewise, the rockets can store either on Kup's legs or back. The black rear "grill plate" can fold down to reveal a hidden computer console as well as allow Kup to carry two G.I. Joe figures in vehicle mode or on his back in robot mode.
As a G.I. Joe crossover figure, he comes with two retro-styled G.I. Joe figures, those being the aforementioned Sgt. Slaughter and Leatherneck. While either figure can pilot the Triple-"T" mode, you know Sarge won't be happy if anyone but him does. For bonus tag team points, Leatherneck, Slaughter, and Kup are all sergeants. Slaughter's baton and Leatherneck's rifle can store on slots on the rear of the tank.
Signaling a change in design considerations from the preceding three G.I. Joe Collaborative figures, Kup does not appear to reuse altered CAD from any previous Transformers figure and his deco sticks to the colors of the Triple "T" instead of strictly using colors from Kup's normal G1 deco on his robot mode parts. Following on that change of course, Kup has articulation up to par with contemporary mainline Transformers including a waist swivel, wrist swivels, ankle tilts, as well as wider use of ratcheted joints as opposed to friction joints. The articulation overhaul makes Kup very stable in most poses even while carrying G. I. Joe figures. Kup also conspicuously lacks the obvious hollow spaces in the limbs that characterized the prior three G.I. Joe Collaborative designs.
Kup was revealed at San-Diego Comic Con on July 25, 2024 and started shipping from online outlets in late September of that year.


Transformers Trading Card Game

"Let's see... hmm... I'm an elk... a mason... a communist... I'm the president of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance for some reason..."
  • Sergeant Kup, Veteran Sergeant (2018)
    • Wave 1
    • Rarity: CT
    • Card Number: T34/T40
    • Stars: 7
Sergeant Kup, Veteran Sergeant is one of forty double-sided character cards available in Wave 1 of the Transformers Trading Card Game.
The artwork on the card is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile game, and is based on the Transformers: Generations Sergeant Kup toy.

"Bah! This is just another Hallmark holiday cooked up to sell cards."
  • Sergeant Kup, Wrecker Leader (2020)
    • Wave 5: Titan Masters Attack
    • Rarity: RT
    • Card Number: T35/T46
    • Stars: 7
This card's set was originally set for an April 2020 release, however due to the global COVID-19 pandemic the release was pushed back to May 29, 2020.



  1. The Japanese text on the packaging is チャー / "Cher", but the English subtitle says "Kup".
  2. Transformers Panel at Hasbro Pulse Con 2024 with Ben MacCrae, Evan Brooks, Mark Maher, Marcelo Matere, and Nate Purswell.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Evan Brooks's Instagram post
  4. Transformers Panel at Hasbro Pulse Con 2024 with Ben MacCrae, Evan Brooks, Mark Maher, Marcelo Matere, and Nate Purswell.
  5. The Hasbro Transformers Panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2024 with Mario Carreiro, John Warden, Evan Brooks and Nate Purswell, recorded at the "Memo's Collection" YouTube channel.
  6. BotCon 2014 attendee report
  7. "W/ Titans Return characters on shelves, here are some *old* concepts I worked on for Fun Pub. More at https://t.co/APVd2rAJUx in June? https://t.co/GQ9L0Sx3OY"—Jesse Wittenrich, Twitter, 2017/03/20
  8. https://www.facebook.com/PetesRoboCon/posts/569672986709925
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