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King Pig

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King Pig is a Deceptihog from the Angry Birds Transformers continuity.
Pigs through tyranny!

Though he's dim as a burnt-out bulb, King Pig "ruled" Piggy Island, commanding his countless followers in a never-ending drive to steal eggs for tasty meals, only to be beaten time and again by members of the Flock. And then the AllSpark hit the island, granting King Pig the powers of tank-mode Decepticons like Bludgeon, Brawl, Shockwave, and even the mighty (Dark) Megatron! Sure, he's not exactly sure-footed on those treads (he didn't use to even have feet, after all!), but when one of his new limbs is a powerful cannon? Look out, birds!

Unfortunately, the moment he gained these new abilities was also the exact moment he lost control of virtually all of his Minion Pig army, who joined forces with the Eggbots. Thus he's been forced to team up with his former enemies—now calling themselves the Autobirds—to free his fellow loyal Pigs and prevent Piggie Island from being turned into nothing but cold steel.



Angry Birds comic

ABTF1 KingPig eatinpeace.jpg
ABTF1 NolongermereKingPig.jpg

King Pig was readying himself for an egg dinner when Chuck burst into Moustache Pig's latest building. Frustrated that yet another one of his meals had been interrupted, King Pig ordered the Bad Piggies to flee. As they ran, King Pig remarked that the Birds had only managed to forestall his next meal, which was of little consequence since he wasn't even hungry yet. One of the Minion Pigs interjected that King Pig had said the he was starving just a few moments beforehand. King Pig told him to shut up. The Pigs then stumbled upon the EggSpark. Thinking that the artifact might be used as an "egg-cooker," King Pig ordered Chef Pig to figure out how to use it. The cook passed the task on to one of the Minion Pigs hauling King Pig's throne, and shoved him into the EggSpark. Upon making contact, the Minion became "Starscream Pig." King Pig was thoroughly disgusted by his crony's new form, especially the way he walked and had... arms. Nonetheless, the power that Starscream Pig displayed was alluring. The rest of the pigs touched the artifact, and King Pig became Megatron Pig! He still thought that arms and legs were gross though. The pigs were soon joined by a couple of birds who were similarly upgraded upon touching the EggSpark. Though Bumblebee Bird attempted to talk Megatron Pig out of a confrontation, the Deceptihog leader pointed out that if he wasn't the type to pick fights, he would transform into something other than a tank. The pigs nevertheless fled after Grimlock Bird made a show of power. Angry Birds Transformers #1

ABTF2 MegatronPig gets cooking.jpg

Starscream Pig began to question Megatron Pig's authority, prompting Megatron Pig to exclaim that he would crush anyone who would attempt to usurp him. His declaration was cut short by a Terror Tower sprouting up from the ground beneath the Deceptihogs. Megatron Pig and his troops became trapped within it thanks to Galvatron Pig's recklessness. Before they group could fully recover their bearings, they were once more attacked by Grimlock Bird. Megatron Pig failed to stop the Autobird once more, leaving Lockdown Pig to complete the task for him. No sooner was Grimlock Bird taken out that the rest of the Autobirds arrived. The two factions scuffled, with Megatron Pig teaming up with Soundwave Pig to take on Jazz Bird. The fight came to an abrupt end when the Flock's eggs suddenly sprouted mechanical limbs, multiplied, and proved themselves to be hostile. Starscream Pig then called his leader to inform him that Piggy Island's transformation was now fully underway. Age of Eggstinction!

ABTF3 MegatronPig learn or eat.jpg

The Autobirds and Deceptihogs joined forces to combat the newly arisen threat, though Megatron Pig never intended to allow the truce to outlast his need for it. When Starscream Pig was ensnared by the metal tentacles that erupted from a nearby Terror Tower, Megatron Pig chuckled to himself that it served the Minion right. Optimus Prime Bird scolded King Pig, telling him that no bird or pig should be left behind. The Autobird leader then accused Megatron Pig of destroying civilizations for millions of years. Megatron Pig replied that all he wanted to do is eat some eggs. The two faction leaders were ready to go at one another's throats before they were talked down by Soundwave Pig and Arcee Bird. Megatron Pig then ordered Soundwave Pig, Galvatron Pig, Heatwave Bird and Jazz Bird to accompany his remaining Minion Pigs to retrieve an Eggbot for eating study. They eventually returned, their task accomplished. Revenge of the Fowlin'!

ABTF4 KingPig no more walking.jpg

The island's transformation then began to spiral out of control. Though Megatron Pig was willing to let the transformation run its course, the others protested, stating that it would surely mean the death of the land itself. Despite Megatron Pig's gripping, the Autobirds and Deceptihogs agreed on a new plan of action: separate the EggSpark from the land to stop the metamorphosis. As they neared their goal, Galvatron Pig went berserk, and began to beat down everyone that stood in his way, regardless of faction. Megatron Pig sardonically commented that at least his underling was effective. Things got even more complicated when Starscream Pig grabbed to EggSpark, intending on using its power for his own selfish goals. In the end, Bumblebee Bird managed to launch the EggSpark off-planet, and everything returned to normalcy. As the Bad Piggies went their own way, King Pig threw a temper tantrum over the fact that he still hadn't gotten any eggs to eat. Nonetheless, he was grateful that he wouldn't need to walk anywhere anymore. Hard Boiled

Angry Birds storybooks


Dark Megatron Pig agreed to help Optimus Prime Bird in rescuing the EggBots in order to prevent them from destroying Piggy Island. After Dark Megatron Pig betrayed Optimus Prime Bird, the two of them battled in their vehicle modes. Megatron Pig lost the duel, and drove away, throwing a fit as he went. Robot Birds in Disguise

Though Dark Megatron Pig believes himself to be top hog, he and his minions lost a great big clash against the Autobirds in the middle of a desert. He probably went off to cry like a baby after he lost the battle. Deceptihogs Versus Autobirds

Commercial appearances


King Pig was turned into Megatron Pig by the power of the EggSpark. Initially clashing with Optimus Prime Bird, the pair were interrupted by the Eggbots, who were cyberforming everything around them, creating big guns that shot at both Autobirds and Deceptihogs. He joined up with Optimus Prime Bird to combat this newly arisen threat. Angry Birds Transformers: Cinematic Trailer

When a Walking Mortar Tower proved too tough of an opponent for the Optimus Prime Bird to handle on his own, he called upon Megatron Pig to help him out. The two of them together brought down their foe. Optimus Prime Bird then tried to shake Megatron Pig's hand, but he was "too slow," and Megatron Pig laughed at him. Angry Birds Transformers Comic-Con trailer

Megatron Pig and Optimus Prime Bird exchanged a friendly fist-bump as they drove to the EggSpark. Megatron Pig reached it first... and instead of helping Optimus Prime Bird up next to him, laughed in his face and kicked him down as the EggSpark upgraded him into Dark Megatron Pig! He then drove back to the Deceptihogs' headquarters... And used the EggSpark as a dancelight for a crazy dance party. It was all very silly. Deceptihogs' Revenge

Megatron Pig tried to lift some weights at the gym. Unfortunately, his spotter, Galvatron Pig got distracted by Arcee Bird as she walked by, leaving Megatron Pig pinned down. He got out of it somehow, and began working on the punching bag. He then met with Arcee Bird, Airachnid Bird, and Optimus Prime Bird once they had all completed their workouts. The four of them jumped up in a cheer. Freezeframe. Arcee and Airachnid join the team!


Angry Birds Transformers

Voice actor: Antti Pääkkönen (Finnish)

As Bludgeon

  • Squad: Leaders
  • Mission Type: Firepower
  • Unlock Type: New Area (300 pigs), TelePod

As Bludgeon, he's a master at martial arts, like his G1 counterpart. He's known for his deadly "Snout fu" and "Hog chi" and notably deadly in backstory puns.

Bludgeon Pig fires two rapid blasts of three purple projectiles in a spread. While they're not the strongest blasts, they do explode on impact, which is excellent if they miss their intended mark, like say, a TNT crate. Speed-wise, he's not the slowest character in the game, but he's pretty low on the rankings.

Bludgeon makes for an excellent "gunner" character in the Jenga mini-game, especially with Accessories that up his weapon's explosive force.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Santa Hat Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Defense Holiday Event exclusive
Fez Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20%-32% Fire Rate
Halloween Hat (top hat, mouth hat) Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Halloween Event exclusive
Woolly Hat Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive, free in Dec 2015
Cowboy Hat Head Rare 1000 Tokens +40% Defense Angry Birds Movie exclusive
Noble Hat Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +16% Defense Chinese New Year exclusive
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10%-14% Transform Recharge
Reflector Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20%-50% Damage
Shield Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Defense Based on Abominus's chestplate
Turret Arms Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +10% Damage
Sentinel Back Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20-40% Explosive Force Actually sits on Bludgeon's shoulder

As Brawl

  • Squad: Pure Warriors
  • Mission Type: Firepower
  • Unlock Type: New Area (1000 pigs), TelePod

Similar to Bludgeon, Brawl fires two fairly quick moving projectiles in rapid succession, with a very short "reload" time between volleys. Though he loses the fan-out fire advantage, his projectiles do more damage per hit. Like Bludgeon he is also a slowish character, but decent armor means he can take more hits to compensate.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Fez Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate
Halloween Hat (mouth hat, wizard hat) Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Halloween Event exclusive
Santa Hat Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Defense Holiday Event exclusive
Landlord Cap Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +16% Defense Chinese New Year exclusive
Cowboy Hat Head Rare 1000 Tokens +40% Defense Angry Birds Movie Event exclusive
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Cannon Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage
Launchers Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Explosive Force

As Ultimate Megatron

  • Squad: Variant Versions
  • Mission Type: Firepower
  • Unlock Type: New Area (2500 2600 pigs), TelePod

Slow as dirt but heavily armored, Ultimate Megatron slowly trundles into battle, but rarely leaves anything standing. His cannon fires a pair of micro black holes in semi-quick succession that explode into larger vortexes on contact with anything. Anything caught in the (short-range) gravity well is pulled in, meaning towers topple easily. The initial blast is also fairly powerful, and a good series of direct hits can crumble even a Walking Mortar Tower. However, his reload time is considerable, so it's a good thing he's heavily armored to take some real hits!

As a Variant Version character, he gets double coins if he completes an event, but gets nothing if he fails, even for a tough-armored pig.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Armada Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +30% Gravity Force Based on Armada Megatron's horns
Crown Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Defense
Fez Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate
Halloween Hat (top hat, mouth hat) Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Halloween Event exclusive
Santa Hat Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Defense Holiday Event exclusive, free in Dec 2014
Woolly Hat Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins Holiday Event exclusive
Pudding Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Noble Hat Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +16% Defense Chinese New Year exclusive
Landlord Cap Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +16% Defense Chinese New Year exclusive
Cowboy Hat Head Rare 1000 Tokens +40% Defense Angry Birds Movie Event exclusive
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Medallion Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +40% Faster Reload
Dark Star Saber Arm Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +50% Damage
Flail Arms Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins Acid Rounds

As Dark Megatron

The real one.
  • Squad: Leaders
  • Mission Type: Firepower
  • Unlock Type: New Area (3000 pigs), TelePod

The last of the normal "map" unlock characters, this "standard" version of Megatron Pig is called Dark Megatron Pig for some reason. He is slow, and only fires a single black-hole bomb that packs less punch than Ultimate Megatron's blasts. However, the gravity well it creates is significantly wider and stronger, pulling on towers from much further, and sending flying Pigs and balloon Pigs off-balance and plummeting to their pop. Any blocks close to the singularity are slammed together very quickly, usually crushing them. Once a tower is down, there's not really a lot he can do to the blocks except toss them around, but he is left free to casually stroll through a rubble-strewn, Pig-free area.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Armada Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +30% Gravity Force Based on Armada Megatron's horns
Crown Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins Acid Rounds
Fez Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate
Halloween Hat (top hat, mouth hat) Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Halloween Event exclusive
Pilgrim Hat Head ??? ??? +20% Damage Thanksgiving Event exclusive
Santa Hat Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Defense Holiday Event exclusive, free in Dec 2014
Woolly Hat Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Pudding Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Landlord Cap Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +16% Defense Chinese New Year exclusive
Cowboy Hat Head Rare 1000 Tokens +40% Defense Angry Birds Movie Event exclusive
Top Hat Head 100 N/A N/A Removed from game
Sunglasses (visor) Face Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Sunglasses (tacky) Face Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +20% Vehicle Time
Medallion Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +40% Faster Reload
Dark Star Saber Arms Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +50% Damage

As Shockwave

Joining me with a royal fool because of body-type is illogical.
  • Squad: The Cybertronians
  • Mission Type: Firepower
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event Prize

So how does the impulsive, short-sighted King Pig mesh with the calm, logical methodology of Shockwave? Not very well at all. Not helping is Shockwave Pig's nagging sensation that he should overthrow Megatron Pig... but King Pig is Megatron Pig and Shockwave Pig... look, things are a tad confusing on the island right now, okay?

His laser weapon is similar to Galvatron Pig's weapon, but it is comparatively thin, with massive degrees of penetration capable of piercing through anything. This is extremely useful for shooting obscured TNT and Cyberformed structures or a row of Balloon Pigs, but its usefulness is ultimately niche. His gun will overheat if fired too often. This combination of factors makes him one of the worst characters in the game.

Shockwave Pig could only be unlocked through special competitions; his first appearance was in the "Holiday Challenges!" December 2015 event, and then in many more events. Codes to unlock Shockwave were also distributed by developer Exient at the TF Nation 2016 fan convention.

On a side note, Shockwave also runs used to run Shockwave's Spire, even though you have to compete in special events to unlock him. Odd.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Fez Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +10% Weapon Cooldown
Santa Hat Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Defense Holiday Event exclusive
Festive Deely Bopper Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Cowboy Hat Head Rare 1000 Tokens +40% Defense Angry Birds Movie Event exclusive
Medallion Chest Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins Acid Rounds Based on Energon Shockblast's chestplate
Sentinel Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20 Explosive Force
Wings Back Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +20% Weapon Cooldown

As Energon Shockwave

  • Squad: Energized
  • Mission Type: Firepower
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event Prize (10000 tokens)

The energon-powered version of Shockwave packs a lot more punch to each blast, but takes more damage with every hit. Like all "Energon" variants, he can restore a half-heart of lost health with every energon cube prized from a piece of de-cyberformed scenery.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Fez Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +10% Weapon Cooldown
Ravage Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage
Medallion Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +10% Weapon Cooldown Based on Energon Shockblast's chestplate
Sentinel Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Explosive Force
Wings Back Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +20% Weapon Cooldown

As Energon Megatron

This goofball managed to create the Stunticons, by the way
  • Squad: Energized
  • Mission Type: Firepower
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event Prize

Yeah, so it turns out the Dark Megatron version of Megatron (which is mainly white, oddly) is the real one, because this energized version is based on that version. The black hole from this version is strong enough to reliably destroy blocks and pigs. Also, like all other energon characters, it can restore health from de-cyberformed scenery, but it takes more damage in return.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Fez Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate
Armada Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +30% Gravity Force Based on Armada Megatron's horns
Crown Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Defense
Top Hat Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +5% Defense
Ravage Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage
Sunglasses (visor) Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Sunglasses (tacky Face Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +20% Vehicle Time
Reflector Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage
Medallion Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +40% Faster Reload
Dark Star Saber Arm Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +50% Damage
Flail Arms Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins Acid Rounds

As Lord Megatron

The scarred king on his throne
  • Squad: Command
  • Mission Type: Firepower
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 10)

War has broken out on Piggy Island! Megatron has decided that he no longer wants to cooperate with the Autobirds, for he knows that they only want to keep the eggs for themselves. So he and his fellow Deceptihogs separated from the alliance to go and fight the Eggbots on their own. But the Autobirds did not appreciate that, declaring war on the Deceptihogs. Unsurprisingly, Megatron was chosen as the rightful leader of the Deceptihogs, and now goes by the name of Lord Megatron!

His weapon is an arcing black hole bullet. This bullet is, strangely enough, blue; the vortex is still purple though. But wait! There's more! After a second or two all of the blocks and pigs in the area that would normally be affected by the pulling forces of the purple vortex will start teleporting to random spots in the air to plummet to their destruction or pop on the ground. This effect doesn't work on Mortar Towers, and it doesn't do much damage to them either.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Armada Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +50% Gravity Force Based on Armada Megatron's horns
Crown Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins Acid Rounds
Fez Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate
Sunglasses (visor) Face Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Sunglasses (tacky) Face Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +20% Vehicle Time
Medallion Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +40% Faster Reload
Dark Star Saber Arms Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +50% Damage

As Major Shockwave

Rust In Peace.
  • Squad: Command
  • Mission Type: Firepower
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 10)

The war continues! The Deceptihogs are fighting bravely, but those pesky Autobirds are still difficult opponents. Luckily, the Deceptihogs receive some aid from Major Shockwave! With the help of this strategic mastermind, this war will be over in a jiffy (foreshadowing)!

His weapon is brand new; it consists of three pink rotating laserbullets. After having hit the target, the bullets will find a new target in the vicinity and cause a lot of destruction.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Fez Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +10% Weapon Cooldown
Medallion Chest Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins Acid Rounds Based on Energon Shockblast's chestplate
Sentinel Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20 Explosive Force
Wings Back Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +20% Weapon Cooldown

As Scout Brawl

  • Squad: Hardboiled Warriors
  • Mission Type: Firepower
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 40)

After General Scorponok's facile victory over his avian opponent, the Deceptihogs send in even more destructive member Scout Brawl to continue the streak. Unfortunately, the Autobirds have a destructive member of their own; the ever so eager Private Cliffjumper charges horns first onto the battlefield...

Scout Brawl's weapon functions just like his original. Thrilling.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Fez Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Cannon Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage
Launchers Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Explosive Force

As Lord Megatron Neon

  • Squad: Raging Squad
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 40)

A new era dawns on the battleground. General Optimus Prime has returned bearing a mysterious new Energon-based power source and is rapidly blasting through the Deceptihog defenses. As hope seems to dissipate more and more for the robopigs, thier legendary leader Lord Megatron suddenly graces them with his presence once more. He too brings with him the new powersource known as Neon, and with renewed armor and villainous intents, the Deceptihogs are ready to fight back.

Lord Megatron Neon, like his Energon counterpart, receives higher damage from attacks but can juice his health right back up by collecting Energon cubes in levels.

As Neon Shockwave

"Where my hug at?"
  • Squad: Weekend Warriors
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 10)

Now that Neon Starscream has gained the Deceptihogs ever so slightly more of an upper hand again, the Autobirds pull out more of their big guns. Ultra Magnus has returned to battle, fueled by both the power of Neon and an indomitable duty to protect his soldiers. The Deceptihogs have no choice but to turn back to the strategic genius that is Shockwave. Energizing himself with crimson light, Neon Shockwave shakes off his rust and emotions and gets to work.

The power of Neon has granted Neon Shockwave more pain in battle as well. But as is of course custom, he can heal himself with Energon.

As Neon Bludgeon

  • Squad: The Hotshots
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 10)

The Autobirds have sent out Neon Hound in hopes to defeat the Deceptihogs, but Neon Bludgeon joins the war and poses a formidable threat. Suprisingly Neon Bludgeon actually has a different weapon to his originals, he uses the same weapon as Lord Megatron, odd.

As with all the neons, Neon Bludgeon takes more damage but can heal with Energon cubes


Angry Birds Transformers

  • Megatron Pig (Telepods Racer, 2014)
    • Accessories: Telepods base
Part of the Toys"R"Us Angry Birds Transformers toyline, Megatron Pig transforms from robot to Cybertronian tank, his pig head visible in both modes. He includes a Telepods base which, when placed over a phone or tablet's camera, allows the toy to be 'scanned into' the Angry Birds Transformers app.
This toy was redecoed as Bludgeon Pig, Brawl pig and Ultimate Megatron pig.

  • Optimus Prime Bird Raceway (Telepods track set, 2014)
    • Accessories: Telepods base
This set includes Ultimate Megatron Pig, redecoed from his single-packed Racer toy.

  • Bumblebee Battle Game (Jenga Game, 2014)
The Bumblebee Battle Game includes a large statue of Megatron Pig, which breaks into pieces when the Deceptihog insignia on its chest is pressed. The game challenges the player to hit the insignia using the included Bumblebee vehicle and launcher in as few turns as possible.

  • Sentinel Prime Bird vs. Deceptihog Bludgeon (Telepods Racer 2-pack, 2014)
    • Accessories: Telepods base
A TelePod 2-pack that included Sentinel Prime Bird, a redeco of Heatwave Bird and Bludgeon Pig, though without the face paint and like all TelePod packs it included the base to scan the characters in the game.

  • Autobird Jazz vs. Deceptihog Brawl (Telepods Racer 2-pack, 2014)
    • Accessories: Telepods base
A TelePod 2-pack that included Autobird Jazz.

Cancelling this toy is logical.
  • Shockwave Pig (Telepods racer, 2015)
    • Accessories: Telepods base
A redeco and retool of Megatron Pig, Shockwave Pig was part of the "Turbo Energon" subline temporarily listed on the Hasbro website, but was never released.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


  • King Pig's new robo-body is based loosely on live-action film series Megatron from Revenge of the Fallen.
  • The final game model differs from the original artwork developed for the character (seen in-game only on the loading screen). The original design for "Megatron Pig" has a much more claw-like cannon arm, a different design for the head crest, and a much more skeletal abdomen.
  • For some reason, the "regular" version of Megatron is referred to as Dark Megatron. This is most likely to make the character feel more special, as he is the last you unlock on the map (not counting Nautica or Devastator) and also because Ultimate Megatron is unlocked before him.
  • Ultimate Megatron's barracks profile was changed in the Deceptihogs Revenge update, coloring his face darker as opposed to the original's more grey face. This was likely done to make him look more similar to his in-game appearance.
  • Devastator has an accessory based on Megatron's gun mode from G1, even though he’s already a playable character. A similar thing happened with Blaster.
  • Hiroshi Iwasaki voiced the King Pig in the Japanese dubs of both The Angry Birds Movie and its sequel.
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