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Frenzy (Movie)

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The name or term "Frenzy" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Frenzy (disambiguation).
Frenzy is a Decepticon-allied Mini-Con from the Transformers portion of the movie continuity family.
"They are all laser-guided and I get CRAZY if you touch them!"

Frenzy is small, sneaky, skittering, and single-minded. His hyper-active twitching and lightning-speed gibbering in his own tongue belie incredible espionage and sabotage skills, but it is in causing chaos and carnage that Frenzy truly excels. This creepy little abomination is the best there is at what he does and approaches his tasks with a level of sinister glee that makes it hard to deter him from a course of action once he has settled upon it.

Frenzy's ability to access secret information stored by Earth's humans provides the Decepticons with a distinct edge. In the event he is killed in battle, the information stored in his memory core could make him just as valuable as the AllSpark itself.[1] However, Frenzy is exceptionally hard to kill because he possesses a decentralized, modular nervous system. In essence, it means that even if he suffers critical injuries such as decapitation (which seems to be a not-infrequent problem for him), he can continue to function.

Frenzy is also equipped with a hyper-reactive trans-scanning and reformatting system that allows him to totally reconfigure his alternate mode with ridiculous speed, meaning that he can be something one minute, and something completely different the next. Although this is something which he does regularly anyway, it also works regardless of what state of disrepair he may be in, making it quite the challenge to keep track of him.[2]

Frenzy is partnered with the Decepticon spy Barricade and can reconfigure into the car stereo of the larger Cybertronian's Saleen S281 Mustang alternate mode.[3]




The six movies are the primary component of the live-action movie continuity family. Their events should be taken as canon for all other pieces of fiction listed below, unless otherwise specified.

Transformers film

Voice actor: Reno Wilson (English), Zhang Yaohan (Chinese)
This is the only newspaper in the country that is not afraid to tell the truth: that everything is just fine.

A skittering little weirdo, Frenzy smuggled himself aboard Air Force One disguised as a CD player boom-box. He made his way to the lower decks, carried by an unsuspecting flight attendant who was on a vital mission to the storage area to "wrangle up some Ding Dongs" for the President. Once left alone, he got into the server area and began to work his magic, simultaneously hacking the national database and uploading a virus, re-attempting the hack that Blackout had tried at the SOCCENT Base in Qatar earlier. This attempt was discovered by government agent Maggie Madsen, and the defense network was shut down in order to halt the hack. Frenzy was so pissed he slammed his head into the screen, but he'd managed to finish uploading the virus, which would later shut down global communications, and got a little bit of info on what he was looking for.

Not someone you'd want to meet in a dark alley...or a well-lit one, for that matter.

He was discovered by Secret Service agents, whom he quickly dispatched with his disc-blade launcher before hiding away in boom-box form again. When Air Force One landed, he escaped through the landing gear, slipping into the awaiting Decepticon Barricade. (Real good job keeping an eye out, Secret Service.) After flipping the military the bird and bitching about how the "stupid insects" shot at him, he informed Barricade of his new discovery: the Witwicky man who had suspiciously displayed knowledge of Cybertronian writing. After a quick Yahoo web search using Barricade's on-board police department laptop, Frenzy determined their next target...a human called "LadiesMan217" who was in possession of the Witwicky man's glasses, which in turn could lead them to the Precious AllSpark.

When Barricade was forced to go to robot mode in order to handle Bumblebee, he released Frenzy to chase the humans the Autobot was guarding. Frenzy tackled his primary target and even managed to get his pants off (Kinky!), but the female human attacked him with a reciprocating saw she'd found and cut off his head. To add insult to injury, LadiesMan217 punted the Decepticon's head away. It was actually to Frenzy's benefit, however, as he landed not too far from the female's purse, which had spilled when Bumblebee had dumped them out earlier. Still alive and ambulatory despite losing most of his body mass, he speared and scanned the female's cell phone, changed his form to match it, and hid out in her purse.

"What is it, Frenzy?"
*Starscream terminates the link*

Frenzy stayed hidden, watching the activities of the humans, including their meeting with Optimus Prime and the Autobots. Taken to LadiesMan217's house, Frenzy poked his head out to better observe, but was frightened by some aquatic lifeforms LadiesMan217 had. Frenzy poked one of his optics out when the glasses were discovered, but remained hidden during the subsequent encounter with Sector Seven. Arriving at Hoover Dam, Frenzy slipped away...and fell off the side of the dam, landing painfully at the bottom. This allowed him to sneak into the secret Sector Seven operations hangar deep within the dam, where both the AllSpark and Megatron had been kept for nearly a hundred years. Tapping into the AllSpark's power, he restored his body, then sent a message to Starscream, telling him that their prizes were here. As Starscream mobilized all the Decepticons on Earth, Frenzy set about the task of releasing his master. He went and killed a few technicians, letting him screw with the cryo-stasis machines that kept Megatron entombed, while Starscream destroyed the power lines outside, allowing the Decepticon leader to escape.

im in ur Sector 7, thawin ur N.B.E.-01

As Megatron and Starscream went to assist the rest of the Decepticons in securing the AllSpark, Frenzy remained at the dam to tie up any loose ends. When Agent Simmons, Secretary Keller, Maggie and Glen Whitmann ran to an ancient storage room to try and get a Morse Code message to the Air Force via shortwave radio, Frenzy followed. While Glen jury-rigged outdated machinery to send the messages, Simmons and Keller tried to shoot the diminutive Decepticon. Frenzy made it into the room via the air ducts and fought the humans with his machine guns and flying blades. One blade, however, ricocheted madly across the room, and took out most of Frenzy's head. With a muttered "oh shit," Frenzy collapsed. Transformers (film)

Frenzy's involvement in the preceding events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the novels "Transformers," "Transformers: The Junior Novel" and "The Quest for the AllSpark"; the "Transformers: Movie Adaptation" and "Movie Trilogy" comics; the activity book "Look and Find Transformers"; and the storybooks "Bumblebee Rumble," "Optimus Prime Versus Megatron," "Meet the Decepticons," and "Transformers: The Movie Storybook."

Revenge of the Fallen film

Frenzy's attempts to become a Headmaster have gone horribly wrong.

Seymour Simmons kept Frenzy's head with his secret stash of stolen Sector Seven material in the basement below his mother's deli. Leo Spitz reached out to touch it, but Simmons shooed him away, saying it was still radioactive. Revenge of the Fallen


Ghosts of Yesterday

Frenzy was a member of the Nemesis' crew in 1969, when it encountered the human space ship Ghost 1. He suggested that the ship's obvious Cybertronian influences might be a clue to Megatron's whereabouts, though Starscream was skeptical. Frenzy joined Blackout in an attack on the Autobot Ark when they found it, against Starscream's wishes. His attempt at a sneak attack from behind on Optimus Prime was met with a sturdy punch, and then he had Blackout thrown at him. Blackout subsequently called a retreat. After Optimus left the Ark on a mission, the Decepticons tried their luck again, and during the space-borne battle, Frenzy and Blackout double-teamed Jazz.

When Starscream returned to the Decepticons, but was evasive about what had happened and whether the Ghost 1 crew knew where Megatron was, Frenzy and Bonecrusher were spectators as he fought with Blackout over the matter. Following Blackout's loss, Frenzy reaffirmed his loyalty to Starscream. They engaged the Autobots in combat again afterwards, and Jazz made swift work of putting Frenzy out of commission, despite the Autobot still being weakened from the earlier fight. Frenzy was presumably retrieved during the later Decepticon retreat. Ghosts of Yesterday

The Veiled Threat

The events of The Veiled Threat take place during IDW Publishing's Alliance comic.

Simmons rigged Frenzy's head up to some wires in the hopes of tapping his brain for clues on how to deal with the Transformers. Of course, Frenzy did not appreciate either Simmons's probing or his helplessness, though he remained confident that one of his fellow Decepticons would free him at some point. When he finally started talking, Simmons tried to get him lucid enough to answer questions, but instead Frenzy attempted to reach a nearby electrical transformer and caused a power surge in the apartment building's wiring. Simmons unplugged Frenzy, but the disaster resulted in him having to move his work to the basement of his mother's deli. There Simmons managed to get more information out of Frenzy, but nothing useful. The Veiled Threat

Toy bios

Frenzy is a fast-talking data hound, an all-around sneaky spy, and a smuggler of intelligence for Megatron (what a resume). Despite his small size, low durability, and weak strength, he focuses more on hiding and striking the Autobots when they least expect it. Disk Blast Frenzy

Frenzy was built for silence and cruelty. His elaborate optical sensors are so sensitive they can make out microscopic bacteria that swarm on a human's skin. The antennae-like interceptors on his head can resolve human brainwaves into coherent data, giving him limited mind-reading capability. The bladed joints on Frenzy's extraordinarily agile hands serve as both weapons and tools. Though he only speaks when communicating with the likes of Megatron or Barricade, he can also emit a hypersonic code-breaking shriek. Robot Replicas Decepticons Frenzy

Frenzy has worked together with Barricade for centuries, their perfect partnership designed for one purpose: to hunt down and destroy whatever target Megatron assigns to them. Frenzy would use his hyperactive hunger for information to guide the relentless pursuit at which Barricade specializes. Human Alliance Barricade with Frenzy

When the AllSpark-created Jolt sought to join the Decepticons, Frenzy slashed the younger bot's tires as part of his training. Transformers Deluxe Jolt

IDW movie comics


Millennia ago on Cybertron, while Optimus and his team were being led away, Frenzy spied upon and relayed their coordinates to Starscream, who intended to ambush the group and kill all bar Optimus, as Lord Megatron intended to deal with the traitor personally. Defiance #3


After Megatron was killed and the AllSpark destroyed, Starscream returned to the freeway to seek out Barricade, perhaps the only other surviving Decepticon on Earth. When informed that Frenzy had stolen all of Sector Seven's files on their race and most importantly, the AllSpark, Starscream realised that he must secure Frenzy's remains if he were to save all of Cybertron. The Reign of Starscream #1

During Starscream's second attack on Hoover Dam, Sector Seven scientists were moving Frenzy's remains from the alien archives room in which he had been deactivated. Suddenly, Starscream smashed his way in, demanding the humans turn over his compatriot to him, with which they complied. Later, after Starscream returned to Mars, he ordered Thundercracker hook Frenzy up to their ship's computer. The retrieved data revealed the source of a lot of Sector Seven's knowledge regarding Transformers as coming from the resurrected Wreckage. The Reign of Starscream #2 With the knowledge contained within Frenzy, Starscream was able to build a new AllSpark, though it didn't pan out exactly as he had planned. The Reign of Starscream #3 A month later, when Starscream returned to get his revenge, Wreckage tore at the Decepticon, and Frenzy's body fell out. Alliance #2 Seymour Simmons secretly took the head for himself. Alliance #3

Titan movie comics

His sales pitch sucks.

In a divergent timeline, the Decepticons succeeded at Mission City and conquered the United States. Frenzy's head injuries failed to kill him and he remained on guard at the former Sector Seven base. He also learnt English.

When Mikaela Banes and Bumblebee tried to free Optimus from the former Sector Seven base, Frenzy began stalking the human. Twilight's Last Gleaming, Part: 2 His attempt to shoot her in the back failed, and she declared she'd take him out for good this time. Twilight's Last Gleaming, Part: 3 She wasn't able to land a blow on him but she had the mental advantage, tricking him into shattering a liquid nitrogen tank and freezing himself to death. Whoops! Twilight's Last Gleaming, Part: 4

Transformers Mix & Match book

Due to the malleable storytelling format of the Mix & Match book, listed here is Frenzy's story role if all the segments visually featuring him are lined-up. For all the possible iterations of his role in the story, see the Transformers Mix & Match page.

Frenzy attacked the Autobot Drone. The drone, eluded Frenzy's projectiles, however, in an attempt to buy time for Maggie and Glen to call in reinforcements. Transformers Mix & Match

Cyber Missions

Because no one will notice a psychotic robot driving a cop car.
Voice actor: Bronco D. Jackson (English), Moisés Ivan Mora (Latin American-Spanish), Sérgio Stern (Brazilian Portuguese)

After being pursued by Sideswipe, Barricade and Frenzy broke into a secure facility to steal NEST access codes. Frenzy hacked into the computer, only to be grabbed by Sideswipe, balled up and rolled along the floor to Barricade, who picked him up. Frenzy tried to loudly warn his partner of the Autobot's presence. Barricade threw Frenzy at Sideswipe, who batted the tiny Decepticon back. Kicked around the floor during the subsequent struggle, Frenzy continued jabbering, and gave Barricade the suggestion which allowed him to defeat Sideswipe. The access codes obtained, Barricade carried Frenzy away. Cyber Missions 6


Transformers The Game

On Cybertron, Frenzy was seen digging through the mangled and twitching chassis of a dead Autobot. It's unlikely he was digging through it to find the AllSpark. Megatron nearly crushed him under his foot. It is entirely possible that he was annoyed with Frenzy.

Frenzy arrived in Tranquility to meet up with Barricade, possessing information that Starscream said was vital. When Barricade attempted to link up with him, he discovered that Frenzy had been captured by some armed humans. Frenzy was held captive in a small SUV (which seemed virtually indestructible) but Barricade eventually rescued him. Barricade later relayed to Starscream that Frenzy had discovered a lead on the AllSpark and Megatron...an artifact in the possession of a human named Sam.

Later, he served as Starscream's intelligence liaison when the Decepticon's Acting-Commander was searching for Brawl and Bonecrusher, jabbering away in his own language. (A translation is NOT subtitled directly, with Frenzy being the only character to NOT speak English in the game. He just wants to be different...or annoying.) Transformers The Game

Transformers: Autobots/Decepticons

Frenzy was seen digging through the remains of another Transformer. Megatron nearly stepped on him, but he scurried away. Transformers Autobots/Decepticons

Transformers (Playstation Portable)

In Frenzy's first mission on Earth, he and Scorponok searched for the glasses. They attacked the Autobots, but got a massive whupping by Ratchet. Then, he assaulted Sam Witwicky, Mikaela Banes and Bumblebee. Later he participated in Starscream's attack on the Hoover Dam. Finally, he and Brawl took on Jazz but were defeated. Whether Jazz killed him as he did Brawl remains unknown. Transformers The Game

Transformers: Battle for the Matrix

Battle for the Matrix is a simplified retelling of the events of Revenge of the Fallen. It can be played from the perspective of either Bumblebee or Optimus Prime. Frenzy is worked into the warehouse sequence with Scalpel.
Frenzy battleformatrix.jpg

Frenzy's back, and he's bigger than ever! Transformers: Battle for the Matrix


Transformers (2007)

Deluxe Class Barricade companions

Yeah, I'm really this size. Seriously.
  • Barricade (Deluxe Class, 2007)
  • Japanese ID number: MD-02
Included with the larger Deluxe Barricade, Frenzy is a roughly Legends Class-sized figure that folds up into a storage mode to become Barricade's grill in both vehicle and robot mode. He only features articulation at his shoulders and his small footprint makes him prone to falling over.

  • Bumblebee vs. Barricade: First Encounter (Wal*Mart exclusive two-pack, 2007)
This Wal*Mart exclusive deluxe package comes with an unaltered Bumblebee, Barricade and, by extension, Frenzy.

Here we go again.
  • Recon Barricade (Deluxe Class, 2007)
  • Known designers: Joe Kyde (deco artist)
This Frenzy is blue! Coming with the Barricade redeco, Frenzy similarly gets a new color scheme, that is possibly based on G1 Frenzy or G1 Rumble. Oddly he's the only one with blue eyes like in the movie, but then again the whole toy is blue.

  • Barricade (Target exclusive "AllSpark Power" Deluxe Class, 2008)
  • Known designers: Joe Kyde (deco artist)
This Frenzy is... red!

  • Barricade ("Premium Series" Deluxe Class, 2008)
This release of Frenzy is the same as the standard figure.

Fast Action Battlers

Stupid insects made me look fat.
  • Disc Blast Decepticon Frenzy (Fast Action Battler, 2007)
  • Accessories: Launching disc
  • Known designers: Kōjin Ōno (TakaraTomy)
Released in the third wave of Fast Action Battlers toys, "Disc Blast" Frenzy transforms into a two-speaker stereo CD/cassette/radio, with "Frenzy 97.7"[4] on the small painted screen and two Decepticon insignias on his radio mode, with one being sideways due to being used for robot mode. His posable antenna is made of soft plastic and is mounted via ball joint and socket, although the angle that the antenna is molded at prevents it from straightening up in radio mode. In both modes, he can launch a disk (sculpted to resemble his bladed shuriken-things) from his chest/stereo-mode CD slot via pressure-launch when a button on his back is pressed; in robot mode, this button is pressed by pushing in a large chunk of radio which then pushes the normal button.
Despite Fast Action Battlers being a simpler toyline for younger children, Frenzy is fairly complicated to transform, with his limbs needing to fold up and stack in a certain order to allow clearance for half his mass to flip around into the intended mode.
Frenzy is obviously fairly inaccurate to the CGI model due to actually having to turn into something specific (which the CGI model was not actually designed to do), having massive amounts of bulky kibble. It is also completely off-model to the movie radio, which is probably due to the figure having been designed before the character's final alt mode was determined.

Robot Replicas

STOP, in the name of love. Or I'll shoot you!
  • Decepticon Frenzy (Robot Replicas, 2007)
  • Accessories: Disc blade, alternate weapon arm
  • Known designers: Bill Rawley (Hasbro)
The Robot Replicas non-Transforming action figure of Frenzy is considerably closer to the movie's CGI model, even having blue optics rather than the red of most of his other toys. His left forearm can be replaced with an alternate forearm in its machinegun configuration.
Frenzy is unique among the Robot Replicas in a couple of ways. First, he is the only one that does not use the Revoltech-style joints, owing likely to the thinness of his limbs. Secondly, he is the only one with an "action feature" gimmick of sorts; he comes with a CD-blade accessory that stores in his chest, and pushing a button on his back pops it out. The disc does not shoot very far though, unless you really give the button a firm, swift whack, and even then, you're not gonna get much airtime on it.

Non-transforming Screen Battles figures

I just want some PANTS. A DECENT PAIR OF PANTS!...and maybe your blood, but mostly the PANTS!
  • First Encounter (Screen Battles, 2007)
This Screen Battles pack features a largely unchanged Deluxe class Barricade figure. The only real difference is the Frenzy mini-figure, which is now cast entirely in black plastic, sports no paint applications and is supposed to be stuck permanently inside Barricade's chest thanks to a new, additional piece of plastic (as a matter of fact, the Frenzy figure is also neither advertised on the packaging nor depicted in the instructions). The only way to free him is to remove all four screws from Barricade's undercarriage, then pry the halves of the car apart and slip Frenzy (and his plastic blockade) out quickly.
The pack also comes with unposeable figurines of Sam Witwicky in a running pose, a semi-in-scale Frenzy, and Mikaela holding the reciprocating saw she uses to attack him. The set is packaged in a special window box with a diorama depicting the battle between Barricade and Bumblebee. So even though this pack technically contains two Frenzy figures, Hasbro put a lot of effort into neutering one of them as good as they could.
This only applies to the Hasbro version. However, TakaraTomy's Japanese release of the pack features a Barricade that is identical to the single pack version, including an easily removable Frenzy figurine cast in grey plastic with painted red eyes.

Fast food kids meal toys

Even more awesome than it looks!
  • Frenzy (Red Rooster, 2007)
  • Accessories: 2 discs
Frenzy transforms from a stereo to a stereo with legs! He comes with two discs, which he can launch. He can launch them mightilly! No, seriously. That little bugger sure can shoot. Which is good, because it's basically all he does.
(Yeah, there's the transformation... but... well... just look at the picture.)
(Yup, it's too awesome for words, we know. But it's still pretty simplistic.)

Revenge of The Fallen

Human Alliance
  • Barricade and Decepticon Frenzy (2009)
Aren't I supposed to be dead?
This figure was first revealed during Hasbro's panel at BotCon 2009 and comes with Barricade. Frenzy is the same size as the other Human Alliance 'assist' figures, but being 4-4½ft tall, is much closer to being on scale with his partner. He has articulation in the neck, shoulders, waist, hips and knees, but the more common red eyes instead of the movie-accurate blue. Frenzy can sit in either of Barricade's seats in vehicle mode (the right of which can become a gun mount on his shoulder), he can stand behind Barricade's head, and can fold up to be stored inside a cavity in Barricade's chest in either mode.

Asia Premium Series

  • Barricade & Soundwave (Human Alliance 2-pack, 2015)
  • Asia ID number:: APS-03
  • Accessories: Decepticon Frenzy figure, Laserbeak figure, Mr. Gould figure, Soundwave's missile
Asia Premium Series Frenzy is a rerelease of the Revenge of the Fallen Human Alliance figure above and retains all of the features of the original. He is packed with a redeco of his partner Barricade, an unchanged Dark of the Moon Human Alliance Soundwave and, by extension, Laserbeak and Mr. Gould.
Buying this pack from certain retailers will include a die-cast Frenzy in his boombox mode.


  • Bumblebee Cassette Pack (Target exclusive 4-pack, 2018)
  • Accessories: Rifle/tank cannon
Released as part of the Target-exclusive Bumblebee Cassette Pack, Frenzy is a redeco of Titans Return Rumble in traditional Frenzy colors (as far as standards go), transforming from spy-tablet to tank to robot. In spy-tablet mode he can be stored in Soundwave's chest, and features a 1:1 scale audio port that you can connect a pair of headphones to.
Frenzy is bundled with Bumblebee, Buzzsaw, and Howlback.
The original version of this mold was used to make Titans Return Rewind.

Studio Series

Screw Soundwave and his obsolete alt-mode! I wanna partner with a real robot in disguise...
  • Concept Art Decepticon Frenzy (Core Class, 2024)
  • Movie: Bumblebee
  • Accessories: 2 Blasters
  • Known designers:
Studio Series "Concept Art Decepticon Frenzy" is (unsurprisingly) a redeco of Rumble from the same line. He turns into a Cybertronian cassette/unidentifiable lump in 11 steps. He has a pair of piledrivers molded into his arms, at the cost of hands and shoulder joints.
He also includes two blasters, which can be stored on his back in robot mode and clipped between his legs in alt mode. Though it goes undocumented in the instructions, like Rumble, Frenzy's blasters can combine into a single small rifle with a 5mm handle, presumably meant to be held by the previously released Studio Series Bumblebee Soundwave. Speaking of Frenzy's alt mode, he can be stored in the chest of said Soundwave -- he fits best with his (exposed) head on top and his piledrivers on Soundwave's left side. His packaging is decorated with art from the first version of the "Cybertron Falls" backdrop.


Transformers (2007)

Transformers Movie Screen Cleaners

Movie Frenzy screencleaner.jpg
  • Decepticon Frenzy (2008)
Released by Tomy Yujin on January 2008, this dangler is a faction logo-shaped screen cleaner for your cell phone, with a stock image of Frenzy printed on the other side.

Robot Heroes

"I'll teach you to be happy!" "I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs!"
  • Autobot Jazz & Decepticon Frenzy (Two-pack, 2007)
Released with Robot Heroes Jazz, this version of Frenzy is the most adorably goofy razor blade death robot you ever saw. For some reason he is colored a dark tan, perhaps to offer some color contrast to his pack-in partner. Like the other first wave movie Decepticons, his design was tweaked to be much more human and less monstrous. He only has two (red) eyes, and he has a wide toothy grin in the middle of his mandibles. His articulation is limited to the shoulders, however his head DOES have limited wiggle room on its own joint.

  • Decepticon Frenzy (Single-pack, 2008)
In some countries outside of North America, Frenzy was released individually in a blindpack with no notable changes.


  • An early version of the script featured Barricade and Frenzy as one and the same character, named "Soundwave". He would have infiltrated the CIA headquarters (rather than Air Force One) in the form of a "portable stereo" and then transformed (and size-shifted) into a Humvee for his escape.[5]
  • Frenzy had three working names; Boombot was first, Soundwave was second, and Soundbyte was third.
  • Frenzy is the only Decepticon in the movie with blue optic lighting, though most of his released toys have them painted red. It's possible this was a late-ish change, as even the mobile game has him sporting red optics.
  • Frenzy is the only Decepticon in the movie whose whole robot mode was created as a real physical puppet for filming, used in certain shots aboard Air Force One (they did make the lower half of frozen Megatron as a set piece, plus Scorponok's head and tail, but that's not quite the same thing). He and Bumblebee are the only Transformers in the film to have full-body robot mode props.
  • Extra pieces of the Frenzy puppet, specifically some fingers, were used to make the charred prop of the "dead" Nokia-bot.
  • Frenzy (or at very least, a robot who looked just like him) was most certainly not in a cage in the back of the Sector Seven Mobile Command Unit. You were seeing things! It was swamp gas! No, wait—a weather balloon! But definitely not a robot alien from outer space!
According to user reviews, Frenzy is terrible for XM.
  • Frenzy's robot mode was designed without an exact alternate mode in mind. It was known he was going to be a boom-box, but the designers had to produce a robot mode before the make/model was finalized.
  • Frenzy transforms into a real on-the-market GPX portable stereo boombox... in the movie, at least. You know you want one. (His Fast Action Battlers toy, and various storybooks, depict him as made-up stereo models.)
  • Frenzy's dialogue includes some actual English: "Witwicky", "ladiesman217", "Go, go, go!", "Surprise!", "Where is it?!(X2), "Yes(X5), Megatron(X3)!", "Oh! Megatron melting." and the ever-famous "Oh shit." The rest is all Cybertronian.
Doesn't look like a CD. Maybe it's one of those new-fangled Blu-ray disks?
  • Frenzy's blades, before unfolding, are disguised as CDs. Granted, most CDs don't have hinge points near their center.
  • According to his profile card, Frenzy weighs 110 kilograms (242.5 pounds). How much of that mass would be discernible to a human lifting his stereo mode remains unclear. However, a human did indeed carry his stereo mode without much effort in the movie.
  • A picture of Frenzy appears on the screen of Photon T-34. Judging from his pose and the readouts on the screen, Photon did something to slag him off.
  • In 2011, Frenzy was revealed to be a Minicon on Hasbro's website.[6]
  • Although the Hungarian dubbing of the movie, at least according to cast lists revealed on-line prior to the dub's release, had a voice actor attached to Frenzy, he never spoke in this language in the dub. His few intelligible lines were either left in English, or outright omitted. The Czech version also neglected to dub his lines. This is strange, since in the movie's subtitled theatrical run, these bits actually were translated, yet the dubs (which were produced for the later DVD release), somehow missed them.
  • Hints of Frenzy's presence at the N.E.S.T. base attack in Transformers: The Ride – 3D are seen in the form of his razor discs scattered throughout the walls and ceiling at the end of the ride.
  • Kellen Goff has the privilege of owning one of his shurikens from an auction.[7]

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Frenzy (フレンジー Furenjī)
  • Mandarin: Jí Fēng (Taiwan, 疾瘋, "Frenzy"), Míluàn (Mainland China, 迷乱, "Frenzy")
  • Hungarian: Tomboló ("Ravager")


  1. The Reign of Starscream trade paperback bonus material
  2. Frenzy's profile in Transformers Comic issue 7, which was re-worked from his entry in Transformers: The Movie Guide. Unsurprisingly, it dropped that book's bizarre claim that Frenzy was "quiet" and "not very talkative".
  3. "Meet the Decepticons"
  4. It is entirely possible that "Frenzy 97.7" is meant to reference the Real Gear Robots toys which feature code-like numbers in their names and turn into smaller tech items like cellphones and cameras.
  5. Details from an early script draft summed up here, confirmed as authentic by Roberto Orci here.
  6. Frenzy's profile in the Vector Sigma Data Tracks
  7. Kellen Goff's Twitter: "In other news, I won my first ever auction today!!! I'm the proud owner of one of Frenzy's shuriken from Transformers (2007), the real ones used on set. Giddy is an understatement."
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