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Divebomb (G1)

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Specifics: fictional apppearances
The name or term "Divebomb" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Divebomb (disambiguation).
Divebomb is a Decepticon Predacon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
He's the happiest, most homicidal bird you'll ever meet.

In the air, with targets arrayed below him like manna strewn from heaven, you won't find a robot happier than Divebomb. He's a cheery sort in general, almost always in a good mood, but nothing makes him as downright giddy as a child on Christmas morning as having so many targets to pick and choose from that he doesn't know where to start destroying. Just about the only thing that ever puts him in a bad mood is having to give up his independence and combine with his teammates, whom he tolerates at best, to form Predaking. In his free time, Divebomb likes to use available scrap to build himself "mechanest" fortresses at the top of the highest available point. These plush private apartments are something of a point of pride for him. "I like to live comfortably," he explains with a smile.

I could've shown that pilot some really fancy flyin'!

—Divebomb, "Nightmare Planet"



Marvel The Transformers comics

Proof that birds are not descendants of dinosaurs!
Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.

Millions of years ago on Cybertron, the Decepticon now known as Divebomb was an aerial ace who thrilled in engaging Autobots from the Elite Flying Corps in mid-air duels to the death. He found a particularly enjoyable opponent in the Autobot named Divebomb and, after defeating him in combat, "stole" the bombardier's name and began calling himself Divebomb. The Autobot attempted to reclaim his honor and name in a second battle, but was once again defeated by the new Divebomb, and only survived because Optimus Prime intervened on his behalf. Comfortable with his new identity, the Predacon Divebomb continued in his aerial "adventures". What's in a Name?

Divebomb prime prey.jpg

In 1986, Divebomb and the Predacons were given a twin assignment by the Decepticon leaders on Earth. Megatron hired them to come help him hunt down his nemesis, Optimus Prime, and soften him up for the kill. Shockwave, in turn, had hired them to lead Megatron to his death on the same mission. After a delightful romp through the woods at Prime's heels, Prey! the Predacons turned on Megatron, with Divebomb stealing his fusion cannon and leaving him at Prime's mercy. Things didn't work out as planned, and both Optimus and Megatron survived, although a brain-blasting incident with the Cybertronian Decepticon leader Straxus left Megatron with short-term amnesia, unable to remember the Predacons' role in the incident. ...The Harder They Die!


Shockwave hired Divebomb and the Predacons again, a few months later to assassinate Megatron. He had the Predacons install themselves with rotating insignias, in order to disguise themselves as Autobot assassins. While Megatron was able to defeat the Predacons, even in their combined form as Predaking, he ended up eliminating himself by blowing up the space bridge while standing on it. (It just goes to show that paranoid, schizophrenic, psychopathic mechanoids with heavy artillery are their own worst enemies.) The Predacons then "moved in" with Shockwave and his warriors on Earth. Gone but Not Forgotten!

Divebomb swoop grudge match.jpg

Divebomb, however, quickly grew bored with life on Earth. While he had enjoyed the thrilling hunts against worthy targets like Optimus Prime and Megatron, the simple day-to-day activity of stealing energy and scaring humans wasn't enough to keep his interest. Divebomb was weighing his personal interests against his duty to remain with his fellow Predacons when he ran into his old sparring partner, the Autobot Divebomb now known as Swoop. Divebomb was overjoyed at the reunion, and even though their fellow Predacons and Dinobots interrupted the fight, Divebomb's spirit was fully renewed: his playmate was back! Grudge Match!

Divebomb and the other Predacons remained active on Earth under Shockwave and Ratbat's command. They were tasked with stealing liquid oxygen fuel from a chemical plant and when Triple-I threatened to execute their robot captives in the event of further raids, the Predacons ensured the Autobots' execution by promptly launching another attack. Afterwards, they stormed Triple-I's headquarters to make sure that the Autobots were truly dead... only to find that their brain modules had been removed from their bodies prior to their destruction. Tracking the "fuel scent" of the brain modules to a nearby mall where the Throttlebots were being transported inside toy cars, Divebomb and the others attempted to capture them but were outmanoeuvred at every turn by their miniature opponents. Toy Soldiers! Still, Ratbat successfully captured Buster Witwicky, and so ordered the Predacons to withdraw. The Desert Island of Space! Divebomb remained working under Ratbat at the Decepticons' desert island base and participated in the Decepticon Civil War that broke out when its crew came into contact with Scorponok's forces in the Arctic. Cold War! Subsequently, both factions of Decepticons joined forces with the Autobots to battle Starscream, who had absorbed the power of the legendary Underbase. Divebomb and the Predacons were deactivated by Starscream along with several dozen other warriors he was confronted with in Tokyo. Dark Star


Divebomb bad guys ball.jpg
These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details.

Divebomb was part of Shockwave's forces on Earth, working at odds with the Autobots and Megatron's own Decepticons. At the Enclave, Divebomb was hanging out near the buffet table when his fellow moocher, Headstrong, mysteriously disappeared. Not long after that, the entire party broke out into a furious melee. The Bad Guy's Ball! He was later seen hanging out at Shockwave's hidden base Bugged! and then joined the fight when Soundwave led the Decepticons into a massive strike on the Autobot Earthbase. Their goal was to kill some Autobots, while also distracting them as Starscream looted a human oil tanker in the Gulf of Mexico. Both goals proved fruitless, and the Decepticons were driven off. Divide and Conquer!

Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Laurie Faso (English), Kenyū Horiuchi (Japanese), Christoph Lindert (German, "Chaos"), Thomas Rau (German, "Fight or Flee"), Ulrich Bernsdorff (German, "Nightmare Planet"), Ulf Jürgen Söhmisch (German, "The Quintesson Journal"), Niko Macoulis (German, Generation 2 "Fight or Flee"), Albert Augier (European French), Nelson Batista (Portuguese), Jomeri Pozzoli (Portuguese, "Fight or Flee")
Divebomb, dropping his load.

Divebomb and the other Predacons were first seen in 2006, during a short-lived alliance between Galvatron and the Quintessons. They were dispatched to Jupiter's moon Io to stop the Autobots from getting Metroplex's new transformation cog to him. The Predacons didn't fare so well despite their lackluster opposition; they did better combined as Predaking, but Sky Lynx defeated the giant and the Autobots escaped. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5

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When the Decepticons hostilely occupied the lost colony world of Paradron, the Predacons came along for mission. One Autobot named Sandstorm was not as easily beaten down as the rest of the planet's pacifistic population, and had to be jailed. When he escaped, Divebomb performed aerial patrols until he spotted the Paradronian working on an old ship to escape. After radioing in to Galvatron for permission to terminate, Divebomb took the time to enjoy his kill. He swooped up in a wide arc, and then began screaming back down to the surface at terminal velocity, hoping to race his missiles towards the target. While the Predacon was doing all this, however, Sandstorm finished refueling his rocket and took off, narrowly missing the explosion when Divebomb finally fired at him. Poor Divebomb—his showmanship cost him the kill. Fight or Flee

He's filling in for Laserbeak

On what was supposed to be a routine assault on the Autobots, Divebomb and the Predacons got swept up in a Quintesson plot to destroy the Transformers, using a special machine to bring the nightmares of Daniel Witwicky to life. When a dream dragon carried off Springer and their leader Razorclaw, the Predacons entered into an uneasy truce with Rodimus Prime and Ultra Magnus to find their comrades in the ever-shifting mist-filled landscape. Divebomb was easily the least recalcitrant of the Predacons, and seemed to have no problem working alongside the Autobots, and even taking suggestions from Rodimus Prime during the occasional fights along the way. In fact, he seemed more concerned with defending his status as "ace of the air" against a fantasy bi-plane than anything else during the conflict. Which really begs the question of how he fell into a void when the Transformers went into an Earth funhouse. Nightmare Planet

When Starscream's ghost possessed Trypticon and stole him out from under Galvatron's feet (literally), Divebomb was among the Decepticon warriors who engaged in pursuit of the thief. A full-scale battle took place in the air over Cybertron when Starscream-as-Trypticon stood against the Decepticons while protecting his bargaining partner, Unicron. Divebomb was blown to smithereens in the melee, but seemed okay a few seconds later. Ghost in the Machine

Divebomb was also among the Primitives who were summoned to fight Tornedron by the former assistant of Primacron. However, other than taking part in a brawl with the Dinobots and forming Predaking in a last stand attempt, Divebomb proceeded to do nothing of importance during the adventure. Dude looked cool, though. Call of the Primitives

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The Quintesson Journal The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2

Japanese cartoon continuity

The Headmasters cartoon
MysteryPlanetMaster Hot Rod stops Predaking combination.jpg

Divebomb and the Predacons were part of Galvatron's strike force on Cybertron in 2011, seeking to wrest control of Vector Sigma from the Autobots. Along with the Headmasters and Stunticons, the Predacons outmaneuvered the Dinobots and Throttlebots into the bottom of a canyon, and began firing down upon them. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky Later, the Predacons traveled to Earth in order to stymie Hot Rod's attempt to locate the Matrix of Leadership. Divebomb's unit found the former Autobot leader in the Arctic, but were held off by Blaster, his Mini-Cassettes, and Superion. The Mystery of Planet Master Divebomb and the Predacons were among the Decepticons Galvatron brought with him to the planet Beast, although they were absent during the Autobot attack that drove the Decepticons off. Rebellion on Planet Beast

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When the Autobots created a new kind of metal on Cybertron called Cybertonuron, Galvatron wanted to claim it for himself. He sent Divebomb and the Predacons to Cybertron as an advance guard to pave the way for his forces. They mowed down Cybertron's standing guardians and began to wreak havoc on the planet. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1 Once the Autobots arrived from Earth, the Predacons were confronted by Shouki and the Trainbots. Their attempts to intimidate the Light-Speed Commander failed utterly, and a fight broke out. Divebomb was left seeing little mecha-birdies after Shōki decked him with a mighty fist. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2 Divebomb and the Predacons assembled as Predaking to help Scourge and Cyclonus steal the Sol 1 satellite, but they were driven off by Raiden and the Headmasters. The Shadow Emperor, Scorponok Next, Divebomb and the Predacons helped Scorponok stage a crisis to keep the Autobots distracted, by setting off a volcano in Peru. On-scene to keep the Autobots from rescuing innocent villagers, Divebomb's group first clashed with the Trainbots before joining forces as Predaking and once again fighting Raiden and the Headmasters. The Dormant Volcano Mysteriously Erupts

As Scorponok began his plan to capture the plasma energy of Mars by blowing it up, Divebomb and the Predacons stood guard on Mars as the Terrorcons began planting the necessary bombs. When the Trainbots stumbled across the plot, the Predacons started up a firefight to dispose of the meddling Autobots. With Daniel Witwicky and Wheelie missing, the Trainbots tagged out with the Autobot Headmasters to go looking for them. Razorclaw gave the order and Predaking was formed. Unfortunately, even Predaking was no match for Transtector power, and he was felled by a quadruple jump kick by the Headmasters. Explosion on Mars!! Maximus Is in Danger

Divebomb and the Predacons attended Scorponok's ceremony on the moon. They were scattered by the Autobot attack, but rallied around Galvatron's late arrival and drove off their heroic opponents. Return of the Immortal Emperor

As Scorponok abandoned Earth in favor of conquering Master, Divebomb was one of his many troops seen attacking the planet's fortifications. Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 2) He also helped retrofit the Zarak Shield out of indestructible G-Metal so that it could stand up to the Master Sword. The Zarak Shield Turns the Tide

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Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2
Zone cartoon, manga, and story pages

Seeking to create a Decepticon Zone to counter the Autobot Zone, Decepticon Emperor Violengiguar gathered together the Nine Great Demon Generals, upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. Divebomb was among the selected, but only as a part of Predaking. Zone Part 1 Transformers: Zone Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!

Generations Selects Special Comic

Decades after Predaking was destroyed fighting Dai Atlas, the Quintessons used their Recreator to bring the Predacons back to life. Predaking fought the Dinobots on Dinobot Island, but was outmatched when Grimlock used an Energon Matrix to combine the Dinobots as Volcanicus. Divebomb and the Predacons were broken down into individuals after a blow from the Magma Blade, and fled the battle. Volcanicus comic 1

The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers

Divebomb participated in an all-out assault on the planet Feminia. He merged with his Predacon cohorts into Predaking, but they were toppled by the Omnibots. The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers #5

Toy pack-in material

Divebomb participated in a tumultuous battle on a moon base, wherein he fought side by side with Galvatron against the likes of Springer, Blurr, and Metroplex. Decipher the Decepticon

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Divebomb and the Predacons were warlords on Cybertron at an undisclosed point in the past, before being exiled from their homeworld. Millions of years later, Megatron tracked them down on the planet Beest and reprogrammed the Predacons to serve him, giving them an Awesome and Terrifying (TM) combined mode as Predaking. Welcome to the Jungle Divebomb and his partners helped Megatron reassert his dominion over Shockwave and his troops on Cybertron, Lost and Found and then over Starscream and the crew of the Nemesis on Earth. The Route of All Evil

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

Divebomb was among Shockwave's troops as they waited patiently for Ultra Magnus's force field around Teletran 3 to dissipate. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #2

Shockwave was defeated, however, and the Predacons were driven back to Cybertron's Gladiator Zone. When Nautilator trespassed on their territory, Divebomb and the others attacked him, an attack which soon led to a battle between Predaking and Piranacon. The Predacons had just come out on top when both groups were suddenly approached by Serpent O.R., who claimed to be the son of Megatron. The Art of War #2

Divebomb headstrong art of war 3.jpg

Along with the Stunticons and Seacons, the Predacons joined Serpent O.R.'s new Decepticon army and helped capture some Autobots and Joes that had followed their leader to Cybertron. During a meeting to recruit more fighters to Serpent O.R.'s cause, Divebomb tried to convince Hun-Grrr to join them, only for the Terrorcon to call him and his Predacon comrades "obsolete tech". Divebomb responded by goading Tantrum into attacking Hun-Grrr, but the fight was broken up with the arrival of Serpent O.R. The Predacons later participated in an attack on an Autobot peace ceremony. The Art of War #3

After returning to the Decepticon headquarters, Divebomb had a conversation with Rampage about how the Decepticons' chances were really looking up with Serpent O.R. in command. Unfortunately, the two didn't notice that the Autobots and humans they had captured earlier had escaped, and they were quickly beaten down. The Art of War #4

The Beast Within

When the Dinobots combined into The Beast during a violent conflict between the Autobots and the Decepticons, Divebomb joined his fellow Predacons in forming Predaking. The Beast Within

2005 IDW continuity

Before the war began, Kup helped train the Predacons, refining them into an effective team of shock troopers. The Iron Klaw The team responded to Megatron's open casting call for gladiatorial combatants. Divebomb remarked that many heard Megatron's call and came, to which Rampage expressed contempt at some of the amateurs. The Predacons appeared to change their minds after seeing Grimlock and the Dynobots, however. Megatron Origin #3 Divebomb had the privilege of being right next to Megatron while his plot to assassinate the Senate unfurled. Megatron Origin #4

After Scorponok overthrew Megatron, Divebomb and the Predacons left the Decepticon army. Deserting, they ravaged a trail of worlds until they ended up on Canis Tor, killing all animals on the planet. Starving and facing permanent shutdown, Divebomb, Headstrong, and Tantrum were content to watch Razorclaw and Rampage fight until Divebomb passed out, weakened from lack of energon. As his teammates prepared to consume him, he was saved by the arrival of Starscream, who informed them of Megatron's return. Primacy issue 2 Rejoining the main Decepticon force, Divebomb and the other Predacons participated in the attack on Iacon, where he proceeded to kill the traitorous Slinger with the help of with the other Predacons, and subsequently attack the Dynobots with the rest of his unit. Primacy issue 4

Hovering, like a....

During the war that followed the Decepticon rebellion, the Predacons hunted down Jazz and attempted to kill him and an injured Tracks. After the other three were defeated, Divebomb tracked down the Autobots together with Razorclaw, but was rammed into a wall in a last ditch attack by Tracks. Spotlight: Jazz He also participated in the Decepticons' big push against the weakened Autobot positions shortly after the end of the first Thunderwing cataclysm. Spotlight: Blaster

"It's time for kicking butt and taking names!"

In the modern era, Divebomb and his fellow Predacons commanded the Decepticon battle cruiser Thanatos. Under orders from Megatron, they traveled to Cybertron to ensure Thunderwing never again threatened Decepticon interests. While preparing a planetary carpet-bombing, Razorclaw also dispatched his warriors to provide assistance to Optimus Prime and the Wreckers, in the hopes of defeating the crazed giant without destroying their homeworld. Divebomb personally led a squadron of flyers into battle, including Blast Off, Triggerhappy, Spinister, and Windsweeper. Divebomb didn't have a lot of targets, which is a bummer, but he did get his rematch with Thunderwing, so it all worked out in the end. Stormbringer #4

Several years later, the Predacons ended up stranded on Earth, including Divebomb. Hawk Among the Sparrows Around this time, the team briefly experimented with combiner technology, but the effort was ultimately abandoned. The Iron Klaw In order to survive all of the Predacons save Razorclaw became hired guns for China, protecting their borders in exchange for energon. Led by Rampage, they intervened when a battle between the Autobots (allied with Skywatch) and the Combaticons (allied with North Korea) got too close for comfort. Hawk Among the Sparrows

All My Sins remembered Divebomb Beast Mode.jpg

The Predacons were willing to leave without a fight, but then Onslaught shot Rampage in the back and things got ugly real fast. Divebomb had a dogfight with Thundercracker, who was temporarily siding with the Autobots, but the battle was interrupted by the news of an incoming Russian nuclear strike. The Predacons fled back to China, but later stopped serving the humans anyway after Thundercracker destroyed the nation's energon factories. All My Sins Remembered

Once the war ended, Divebomb ended up in Autobot captivity on Cybertron. The Autonomy Lesson Later, Divebomb was among a Cybertronian crowd recruited by Starscream to pressure Prowl into revealing one of his secret discoveries below ground on Cybertron. Later underground, they witnessed a Titan declare that Starscream was the Cybertronian destined to unite their whole race. He and the other Cybertronians celebrated afterwards with Starscream. All Good Things


When Galvatron resurfaced and took control of the Decepticons, Divebomb was one of the loyalists who joined him in his plan to invade Earth. Galvatron's crusade went wrong and Divebomb and the other Predacons were once again marooned on Earth. One way or another, fell into the path of the villainous Count von "Iron Klaw" Rani, who forcibly brainwashed the Predacons into becoming mindless servants while improving on their botched combiner tech. When Baron Ironblood visited him to check on the progress of their plans, von Rani took the opportunity to show off his new creations. When Kup, Action Man, Snake-Eyes, and G.B. Blackrock stormed the base, von Rani took the opportunity to deploy the team's new "Predaking" form. Though powerful, the combiner was undone after Snake-Eyes smashed the console responsible for keeping the Cybertronian combined and brainwashed; Divebomb was knocked unconscious by the separation. The Iron Klaw

Later, Divebomb and the other Predacons formed Predaking to defend Venice from Unicron's Maximal legions. Ceremony

Beast Wars cartoon continuity

Dawn of Future's Past

DawnofFuturesPast Divebomb.jpg

After the end of the Great War, the Predacons (or those of them surviving) founded the new Predacon faction. Divebomb, long thought destroyed, contacted Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, and Ravage in secret and arranged for them to be rebuilt and join the faction. Though Ravage later left to serve the Tripredacus Council, Laserbeak and Buzzsaw remained loyal to Divebomb. BotCon 2006 Laserbeak profile card Years later, now in a reformatted technorganic body, Divebomb was seen in communication with his old comrade Razorclaw. Dawn of Future's Past

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

Screw the sword! I'll just impale guys with my beak.

On Cybertron, a group of five symbols appeared on the walls of a room containing a transwarp shunt device. The five symbols seemed to represent a lion, a bird, a bull, a rhinoceros, and a tiger. The Gathering #2

Kre-O comic

Kre-O JP comic 08 - Divebomb.jpg

Divebomb and the Predacons were so cuddly and adorwable in beast mode, the Autobots could not bring themselves to fight back. The Predacons went from adorable to abominal when they formed Predaking, though, and the Autobots had a renewed fighting spirit...at least until the Predacons split into beasts again. Behemoth Combination! But They're Cute? The Predacon Unit

Commercial appearances


The Transformers (PS2)

Divebomb is a non-playable character. He appears among the legion of Decepticon duplicates in the Autobot campaign.

The Transformers

Transformers Legends

Following a mishap in which Hun-gurr and his crew escaped, Shockwave sent out Razorclaw and Divebomb to retrieve them. The pair successfully recaptured the escapees. Unleash the Beasts Following a battle in which the Autobots and Decepticons fought side by side, the Predacons turned on their allies. Divebomb rained destruction down on the Autobots until he was stopped by a team led by Bumblebee. Call of the Primitives

Transformers: Earth Wars

Since when did eagles have beaks that were articulated?

Often, Divebomb doesn't know where to begin. Such an array of helpless targets on the ground, he's like a mecha-kid in a candy store. He gets almost giddy with pleasure as he rains destruction down on them. The only thing that ruffles his carbon-steel feathers is having to combine with his fellow Predacons, who he doesn't much care for. He'd rather build a nest out of scrap metal and keep a lone vigil for his next victim. Divebomb bio

Divebomb is one of the more elite warriors in Megatron's army. He arrived on Earth at roughly the time the battle for the Codex key was taking place. Transformers: Earth Wars

  • Class: Special
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 star (was 3 star)
  • Weapons: He fires a few shots from his rifle before using his sword to attack buildings and Autobots.
  • Ability: Quick Strike - Fires 6 rockets at the target, then lands nearby an empty space and engages!
    • Cost: 5 ability points + 2 for reuses.

Divebomb at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Divebomb was a member of the Predacons. Decepticon Directive


The Transformers

G1Divebomb toy.jpg
Divebomb transforms into a robotic eagle. His two "particle-beam rifles" can plug into holes in his wings. He can form either arm to Predaking, though his nominal placement is as the left arm. His wing-pack detaches to form Predaking's backpack, though it doesn't really attach to Razorclaw's back and will fall off with movement.
Early releases of the Predacons had die-cast metal parts; Divebomb's was his hips. Later releases replaced these with plastic. In the US, some releases of the Predacons also came with one of four parts to a The Transformers: The Movie poster with glow-in-the-dark elements.

  • Predaking (Gift set, 1986/2004)
    • ID number: D-78
All five Predacons were also available in Japan as a large box set. They were identical to their individual releases. This set was reissued by Takara in 2005, using the metal parts construction.

Welcome to Transformers 2010

  • Predaking (Gift set, 2010)
    • Accessories: 2 particle-beam rifles, laser-guided sword
As a part of the Welcome to Transformers 2010 line, the original Predacon molds were reissued. Divebomb features significant differences from the prior versions; is yellow plastic is replaced with gold plastic painted over with gold paint. His red, black, and orange plastic is also altered to a metal fleck equivalent color. Some of his label stickers were redesigned, and he now features a cartoon accurate golden face instead of red. Also included are optional labels for Divebomb's eyes to make them red in both modes.
This version of Divebomb features diecast metal parts.


KreO-Toy Divebomb.jpg
  • Predaking (Micro-Changer Combiner, 2013)
    • Set number: A2227
    • Pieces: 79
Kre-O Divebomb comes as part of the Predaking Micro-Changer combiner set, and can be rebuilt from his robot mode into an eagle. He can also contribute his bricks to form Predaking.

Platinum Edition

  • Predaking (Gift set, 2014)
    • 10 OF 30
    • Accessories: 2 particle-beam rifles, laser-guided sword
Platinum Edition Divebomb, part of the Predaking five-pack, is similar to the 2010 release by Takara, complete with die-cast metal parts. New to this release is a gold redeco of the Star Saber of Beast Hunters Voyager Class Optimus Prime. In addition to several pre-applied stickers, five sheets of labels from the 2010 release are also included. Finally, he has a designated number as part of the Thrilling 30 celebration.

Power of the Primes

  • Predaking (Titan Class, 2018)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: PP-31
    • TakaraTomy release date: September 29, 2018
Power of the Primes Divebomb is a Voyager-sized figure that turns from bird to robot and back, with twin blasters that form Predaking's shoulder cannons. Due to combination needs, Divebomb's backpack has to detach to form Predaking's lower body and waist, while Divebomb himself forms an arm. Divebomb was only available as part of the Titan Class Predaking five-pack.


Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Divebomb, Aerial Assault (2019)
    • Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners
    • Rarity: UT
    • Card Number: T23/T46
    • Stars: 5
Divebomb, Aerial Assault was released as part of the Transformers Trading Card Game Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners. Like all other members of combiner teams released in the set, Divebomb, Aerial Assault is a folding card, with the Bot and Alt modes being depicted when the card is folded in half, and a holofoil portion of the the combined mode depicted when unfolded. The reverse of Divebomb, Aerial Assault depicts Predaking's right arm, which is formed by Divebomb in the artwork.
The artwork for Bot and Alt Mode is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile game.
Divebomb, Aerial Assault can be used to form Predaking, Ferocious Hunter with the use of the Action card Predacon Enigma while he and the other Wave 2 Predacons are in Bot mode on the battlefield or KO area.


  • The name-rivalry between Swoop and Divebomb in the Marvel Generation 1 comic has a basis in behind-the-scenes fact, as evidenced by the Generation 1 cartoon series bible. In it, a description of the Dinobot was typed with the name "Divebomb", then crossed out by hand and rewritten "Swoop". This was dated 1984, two years before the Predacons would appear.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Dimebomb (ダイムボム Daimubomu), Divebomb (ダイブボム Daibubomu)
  • French: Gerfo (Canada)
  • Italian: Falcon
  • Hungarian: Lecsapó ("Strikes")
  • Mandarin: Dà Pèng (China, 大鹏, "Big Roc")
  • Russian: Pereval (Перевал, "Mountain Pass")
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