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Bumblebee (Cyberverse)

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The name or term "Bumblebee" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Bumblebee (disambiguation).
Bumblebee is an Autobot from the Cyberverse continuity family.
"Hey, kid, what's your name?"
"I can't remember."
"Where you from?"
"I can't remember."
"Can't you remember anything?"
"I remember the Alamo."

Bumblebee is totally the bravest, coolest, most epic scout in the Autobot ranks... or, at least, he thinks he is. Problem is, his memory chip was damaged on Earth, and now he can't remember his critical mission, or how he got to the planet in the first place. It's a good thing that he has the help of his best friend Windblade and his leader Optimus Prime to rely on, because with Megatron and the Decepticons hot on his tail, getting his memories back isn't going to be easy.

With his memories intact, 'Bee is easygoing and friendly. Always up for some fun, he often finds himself playing off against his friends' temperaments. When spending time with the thrill-seeking Hot Rod, he is comparatively cautious, but also encourages more reserved bots like Cheetor or Windblade to try new things and enjoy themselves. That said, he's a dedicated Autobot, and any Decepticon who underestimates him will find themselves on the business end of his high voltage stinger.



Cyberverse cartoon

Voice actor: Jeremy Levy (English), Ryōhei Kimura (Japanese), Alessandro Bevilacqua (French), Steven Merting (German), Alessandro Capra (Italian), Luis Miguel Cajal (Castilian Spanish), Alberto Bernal (Latin-American Spanish), Péter Szokol (Hungarian), Renan Alonso (Brazilian Portuguese)

In the era prior to the Great War, Bumblebee was close friends with Grimlock and Maccadam (though he heavily doubted the barkeep was one of the Thirteen). Maccadam's Like many bots of the time, Bumblebee was drawn to the rhetoric of the charismatic gladiator Megatron. Megatron Is My Hero

A fan of Cube, Bumblebee tried to sneak into the Cube World Championship, even briefly posing as the mascot, where he befriended the Camien Windblade before security tossed him out. When Windblade called him back in via cityspeaking, the two found Starscream trying to sabotage the match and tried to thwart him, an adventure that ended in Bumblebee himself being on the Cube court and becoming the star of the show. Cube Bumblebee took his new friend to Maccadam's Old Oil House where he introduced her to his many friends and the barkeep himself who pegged that the duo were hiding in a cave. Maccadam's At one point afterwards, Bumblebee played a round of Cube with Windblade, but lost despite his best efforts. Jovially, the two friends then had a rematch. Siloed

Alongside his friend Hot Rod, Bumblebee took a vacation to Velocitron where he introduced his friend to Blurr. As his friends clashed egos, Bumblebee tried to offer aid to a stumbling fellow only to be rebuked. A three way between the trio ended in disaster when the Plague of Rust struck Velocitron destroying the cities and infrastructure in mere hours. With the planet utterly lost, the trio made a mad dash for the space bridge with Blurr, infected by the Plague, stayed behind to destroy the portal and prevent the spread of the disease to other Cybertronian worlds. Terminal Velocity

With Megatron's Decepticon movement gaining unprecedented popularity, the gladiator's personality took on darker shades with open war soon becoming a real possibility. Bumblebee accompanied Optimus to a last peace talk where he bore witness to Megatron declaring the Great War. Megatron Is My Hero When Megatron had slew the High Council, Bumblebee brought Optimus to speak with Alpha Trion, the sole survivor of the attack. With the last vestiges of his power, Trion bestowed the Matrix of Leadership onto his protege turning him into Optimus Prime. In one battle of the war, Bumblebee and Wheeljack were separated from Prowl. Though Bumblebee wanted to go back for their friend, Optimus soon arrived, carrying the wounded tactician over his shoulders. Matrix of Leadership

Bumblebee undertook a mission to rescue Optimus from the notorious assassin Shadow Striker. Bumblebee managed to quickly dispatch the Seeker guards and free the Prime, blasting an energon crate to cover their escape, the explosion consuming Shadow Striker. Shadowstriker When the Decepticon Deadlock tried to defect, Bumblebee brought him to the safe refuge of Maccadam's before Megatron arrived and threatened to start a brawl. Maccadam then barged in and transformed into his monstrous alternate mode, claiming that there would be no fighting in his bar and cowing Megatron enough for him to retreat. Bumblebee congrulated the accomplishment only for Maccadam to shrug it off considering Bumblebee had just driven off a shuttle and blasted a ship with a triple-barrel ion shoulder cannon in mid-air. Confused, Bumblebee advised that the barkeep not drink so much. Maccadam's

Bumblebee's past would soon return to haunt him as when he attempted to prevent an energon shipment from crashing into Iacon City. As Bumblebee scrambled to steer the tanker away from a crash landing, Shadow Striker returned, knocking him out and sending the craft plunging into the ice of Cybertron's poles. As the two duked it out, they found themselves pinned under a beam where Shadow Striker recounted the tale behind her survival and reconstruction. When the shifting of the craft allowed Bumblebee to free himself, he showed Shadow Striker mercy only for her to make another attempt to kill him, his life being saved by the timely arrival of Grimlock. Though the Dinobot wanted to pursue the assassin, Bumblebee convinced his friend to let her go. Shadowstriker

As the war wound down, the Decepticons captured Vector Sigma with Bumblebee being sent to scout the area and determine the Decepticons' plans for the computer only for one of Shockwave's drones to sight him. Though managing to shake off Starscream and Shadow Striker, Bumblebee was defeated by Soundwave and brought to Megatron who revealed his master plan was to use Vector Sigma to reprogram the AllSpark and have it birth a generation of loyal Decepticons. Information he was only telling Bumblebee because he made sure that the scout would never tell Optimus, a statement he backed up by ripping out the scout's voice box. Megatron Is My Hero


Despite his disability, Bumblebee managed to inform Optimus of Megatron's plan prompting the Prime to launch the AllSpark off-world. Tasked with transporting the artifact, Bumblebee was caught off-guard by the AllSpark speaking to him before Starscream struck, destroying the depot Bumblebee was to hide it in. With no recourse, Bumblebee made his way to the space bridge in Iacon where, despite a heavy Decepticon presence, Optimus managed to launch the AllSpark off Cybertron. AllSpark

Without the AllSpark however, Cybertron's deterioration sped up. In a later mission, Bumblebee and Optimus fought off the Seekers in the ruins of the Grand Imperium. Once they'd been chased off, Optimus used the sorry state of the once magnificent structure to emphasize the great damage the war had done to Cybertron and the mistake he'd made in launching the AllSpark, declaring that they had to retrieve it and restore their world. Matrix of Leadership The new Vanguard-class vessel, the Ark, was soon completed and ready to launch, Bumblebee among its crew. Unable to convince Windblade to join him, the two took a last trip to Maccadam's, now totally ruined, where the old barkeep offered them some energon from his private supply. Maccadam informed the two he would be staying behind but reassured them that, though they would go their separate ways for a while, they'd see each other again and their friendship would endure. As the two shared a toast to their friendship, Maccadam told them to find "the king of the dinosaurs" before Grimlock called them to the launchpad. Maccadam's On the launchpad, Bumblebee said a heartfelt goodbye to Windblade before Optimus called him aboard. Memory

The Ark's journey was not a glamorous one and soon its energon supply began to dwindle. Once a rich bounty of energon had been detected on a frozen moon, Bumblebee joined Optimus and Grimlock to find the source only for the trio to be attacked by native insects. Though the three Autobots fought valiantly, their weapons had no effect on the aliens with Optimus ordering a retreat. Back on the Ark, Optimus had Teletraan-1 confirm his hypothesis that the aliens had evolved to feed off the energon. With Optimus deeming the aliens' extinction too high a moral price to pay, he ordered everyone into the stasis pods and the ship to be placed under Teletraan's control. Seconds before the cryo-gas overtook Bumblebee, Teletraan detected the AllSpark only for the scout to fall into stasis before he could abort the hibernation sequence. The Journey

As the Ark arrived over Earth, it suffered an engine malfunction prompting Teletraan-1 to reactivate Grimlock so he could deal with the problem only for a hull breach to open in the hibernation bay. Thrown around by the change in pressure, Grimlock shook loose the restraints on several stasis pods, causing them to fly out of the ship. Grimlock desperately clung onto the last of the pods, Bumblebee's, only to loose his grip and send his friend hurtling down to the primitive planet. King of the Dinosaurs

Bumblebee crashed in the Himalayas and eventually reawoke, though suffering from heavy amnesia. Confused, he befriended a tribe of local goats and lived amongst them for a while before he went off exploring, leaving behind his stasis pod and blaster. Whiteout

Wait hold on, where did you come from?

While joyriding through a desert, Bumblebee was found by Windblade only for amnesia to prevent him from recognizing her and mistaking Thundercracker for a friend Windblade had brought. Enough of Bumblebee's memories remained for him to access his stinger and momentarily paralyzed the Seeker after he'd shown his hostile intentions. After Thundercracker was taken care of, Windblade attempted to use a cortical psychic patch to connect with Bumblebee's mind and jog his memories only for the device to cause both Autobots to fall into stasis lock. Fractured


When the two rebooted, they soon came under attack from Thundercracker and Nova Storm. While Bumblebee tried his best to hold Thundercracker off, his stinger malfunctioned and Windblade ordered him to retreat to a nearby mineshaft instead. He did as instructed, allowing Windblade to bury both Decepticons under a pile of rubble. The two then found the Decepticon scout ship with Windblade using its additional computing power to successfully use the cortical psychic patch and access Bumblebee's mind only to find he could not recall the location of the AllSpark but Bumblebee did find a memory of the Ark which convinced him of his and Windblade's friendship. The happy moment was cut short when Starscream contacted the ship to know how his scouts were doing. Bumblebee, not remembering that Starscream was an enemy, cheerily answered the call and promptly blew their cover. Memory

After an erratic chase, Bumblebee set the ship down at a radio tower, exploiting the radio transmissions as cover, Windblade helped Bumblebee remember the AllSpark which roused the scout's memories of the Ark and Optimus Prime which served as a catalyst for Bumblebee's memories to begin self-repairing. Allspark Further use of the patch helped Bumblebee remember going into stasis and the AllSpark being detected but he could not say where the Ark had wound up. The Journey When Windblade extracted the location of Bumblebee's stasis pod, she went off to investigate leaving her friend to watch human television, presenting him with his old blaster when she returned. Whiteout

As Bumblebee started to remember his early encounters with Megatron, he began to idolize the gladiator once again much to Windblade's alarm. With the cityspeaker's prodding, Bumblebee remember more of the atrocities the warlord had committed, culminating in reliving his voice box being torn out by the tyrant. Megatron Is My Hero Poking around the shuttle some more, Bumblebee found a Cube, reawakening his memories of his and Windblade's first meeting. Cube An attempt to use the patch without Windblade brought back Bumblebee's memories of Velocitron's demise, Terminal Velocity and a sparring match brought back his memories of Shadow Striker and a hard lesson in picking battles. Shadowstriker

While evading a second Decepticon shuttle near Earth's space bridge, Bumblebee remembered Maccadam's on his own. Once he'd used a triple-barrel ion shoulder cannon to deter the Decepticons, the two set down in cave that looked like Bumblebee's head where they used the patch to remember more about Maccadam. In the session the two realized Maccadam's habit of rambling had in fact been prophecies relating to their current adventure and the barkeep's way of helping them, setting them on the search for "the king of the dinosaurs", Maccadam's a task made harder by the duo's ignorance on what dinosaurs were. Instead, Windblade directed Bumblebee to a new memory regarding the Ark, hoping to find the ship's location. Within the memory Bumblebee found he was a deep cover Decepticon who'd sabotaged the Ark and led Megatron right to it. After being tried, Bumblebee broke free and was found by Optimus, a fellow deep cover agent. Realizing such events would never occur, Bumblebee shattered the memory revealing Windblade had been replaced by Shockwave who demanded to know where the Ark was in exchange for Windblade's safety. Disconnecting himself, Bumblebee set the shuttle on a collision course with the hangar the Seekers were using as a base once he'd primed the ship's self-destruct. When the two Autobots fled, Bumblebee assured his friend that their being alive was victory enough. Sabotage

As the two sought shelter at an airfield, Bumblebee picked up an Autobot distress signal. The beacon led them to a missile silo where they found Teletraan-X, an auxiliary data drone from the Ark. Unfortunately, the drone was the bait in a trap laid by the Seekers. As Bumblebee was the only one Teletraan would answer to, Slipstream took Windblade hostage to force the scout's compliance only for Bumblebee to soon be on the receiving end of the torture, rousing the drone's security protocols into action. Using Teletraan's map of the complex, the trio made their escape only to be cornered at the exit. With great regret, Bumblebee was forced to leave Windblade behind as he got Teletraan to safety. Teletraan-X After listening to Teletraan recount the entirety of human history (which took 4.5 hours), Bumblebee outright asked where the Ark was... something Teletraan didn't know. Noticing that Bumblebee had retained the cortical psychic patch, Teletraan helped the scout remember more about Optimus Prime and to understand that everyone, even the greatest of heroes, was fallible. Inspired, Bumblebee raced back to the missile silo to free his friend, Matrix of Leadership only to find she'd freed herself and found the location of a new Autobot. Siloed

Windblade led the group to a human construction site where Teletraan-X excavated the Autobot whom he then identified as Grimlock, along with a video clip of how Bumblebee and he had been separated. Using the human power grid, the Autobots reactivated Grimlock only to find his beast mode instincts were dominating his mind. Having found Grimlock's crown, an elaborate homing beacon, Bumblebee had Teletraan crown Grimlock which sent the Dinobot running away. Following the three found Grimlock's base where his video logs managed to trigger his transformation back to robot mode. King of the Dinosaurs

As Grimlock recounted his adventures, his systems picked up Shockwave arriving with two magnetic disruptors which the scientist intended to use to shut down Earth's magnetic field. The Autobots made their way to the North Pole, on a commandeered cargo plane, where Bumblebee acted as the distraction by doing a jaunty dance. His boogying brought out a vengeful Shadow Striker. When the disruptor was destroyed, Bumblebee raced back aboard the cargo plane, escaping only thanks to Shadow Striker's glitchy limbs. The Extinction Event

Back at Grimlock's base, the Dinobot revealed a map of Pangaea which Teletraan used to place the Ark at Mount St. Hilary. When the quartet arrived, they were instantly shot down by the Seekers and Bumblebee found himself used as ammunition in a Fastball Special against Nova Storm. When the group recovered, Teletraan-X revealed that the Decepticon fleet was approaching Earth. Their resolve strengthened, the Autobots breached the volcano where they found the Ark. Awaken Sleeping Giants

Their joy was short-lived as the Decepticons returned, now revealed to have been tracking them via Shockwave's drones. After initially clashing with Shadow Striker, Bumblebee entered the Ark with Teletraan and made his way to the hibernation bay. There they found that Teletraan-1 was dead and Teletraan-X quickly began to upload himself into the ship's mainframe only for Shadow Striker to arrive and destroy the drone. Bumblebee attacked his arch foe only to be defeated and once again being saved by Grimlock. As Bumblebee mourned over Teletraan-X, the second magnetic disruptor struck the volcano... only for Teletraan-X to reveal he'd downloaded himself into the ship's mainframe. After Teletraan had used the ship's guns to take care of the Decepticons, he raised the shields in time to protect them all from the eruption. With everyone safe, Teletraan awoke the rest of the crew, Bumblebee hugging Optimus, before the Decepticon fleet arrived, right above the Ark's resting place. Eruption

The Cybertronians eventually became known to humankind. While outside the Ark, Bumblebee was caught on camera doing a dance, eventually ending in a fall and winning the dubious honor of #2 on TOP3WEEKLY's "TOP ROBOT FAILS!!" video. At some point, Bumblebee's voice box was repaired.

Cyberverse Bad Moon Rising Bumblebee.jpg

When the Decepticons constructed a Planet Smasher on Earth's moon, the Autobots travelled to the satellite, Bumblebee using the low gravity to dance around the aerial Decepticons before their enemies retreated behind a force field. After breaching the field and shutting down the Planet Smasher, the Autobots followed into an underground bunker. Sea of Tranquility While unable to catch up with the Decepticons, the Autobots were able to disable the planetary engines with which the Decepticons intended to destroy Earth. As Optimus made a statement to the human race, Bumblebee noticed an animal watching them only for it to disappear when he tried to show it to Hot Rod. Bad Moon Rising

Asking around the Ark, Bumblebee learnt from Arcee that the creature he'd seen was a cheetah. Heading to Wheeljack's lab to see if the inventor had any useful inventions, Bumblebee bore witness to Grimlock gorging himself on Hyper-Fuel, Bumblebee racing after his overcharged friend only to constantly bested by his kinetic energy. Cornering the primary airlock with Wheeljack, Bumblebee accidentally created a black hole that threatened to devour Hot Rod before Optimus casually saved the day with Wheeljack's force shield blaster. Hot Rod then sighted the moon cheetah outside the Ark, the two scouts racing after it. Left in the dust by Hot Rod and the cheetah's speed, Bumblebee failed to make it to the GroundBridge before it closed. Sulking off, Bumblebee griped that no one would believe him. The Visitor

After the GroundBridge network was discovered, the Autobots used it to triangulate the AllSpark's location. While the Autobots managed to force open a portal to the artefact's location, it was found that only Optimus could pass through. Optimus eventually returned, explaining that Starscream had seized the AllSpark but introduced the cheetah as "Cheetor", newest member of the Autobots. Trials

Once Cheetor had explained his backstory, the Autobots invaded the Nemesis for the AllSpark and Vector Sigma. While Optimus led the main attack force, Bumblebee and Hot Rod backed up Cheetor as he searched the ship for the AllSpark. When Cheetor tried to sense the artefact however, he discovered that it was not aboard the Nemesis, revealing this to everyone and ending the battle. When Megatron revealed that Starscream had gone rogue, it set the stage for the next round of Autobot/Decepticon peace talks. Dark Birth Confident that these peace talks would fail, Bumblebee lounged around with Hot Rod and Cheetor before Slipstream was killed by Bludgeon, sparking a free for all. With no alliance to be had, Optimus declared that the Autobots would have to stop Starscream on their own. Parley

Acting on Slipstream's intelligence, Bumblebee returned to the missile silo only for Cheetor to discover that the AllSpark was no longer present. Upon returning to the Ark, a distress came in from the Nemesis, under siege from Starscream. Arriving, the strike team found the Decepticons to have been paralyzed by a scraplet swarm. After being separated from Optimus and Windblade, Bumblebee told Cheetor to press on and find the AllSpark even as the scraplets swarmed him. While Cheetor failed to retrieve the AllSpark, he did manage to have it send out a wave of energy that healed the Nemesis and everyone aboard. Starscream's Children

As Cheetor attempted to find his place in the Autobot chain of command, Bumblebee decided to train him as a scout. The two were eventually captured by Starscream, who sought to assimilate Cheetor's AllSpark powers into himself, only for Cheetor to use liquid energon to briefly turn the scraplets' feral hunger against the Seekers. Having managed to capture one of the critters, the two scouts brought it to Wheeljack for study. Spotted When Wheeljack tried to use the creature to locate Starscream, he ran across Shockwave, having had the same idea, who used a hologram of a captured Bumblebee to ensure the Autobot's cooperation. Secret Science

When the Ark came under attack, the Autobots thought it Starscream only to discover, to their dismay, that it was Sky-Byte. After they told the shark that Jetfire was dead, he flew off in a huff, leaving the Autobots to reminisce about how much they hated him. It was then that the still alive Jetfire turned up, requesting aid in his vendetta, only for Optimus to turn him down, prioritizing the search for the AllSpark. Infinite Vendetta

Jetfire eventually led the Autobots to the AllSpark's hiding place only for the Decepticons to arrive followed by an AllSpark empowered Starscream. Through his new powers, Starscream nearly extracted the sparks of all those present only for Optimus to channel the power of the Matrix to blast the AllSpark out the Seeker. As Bumblebee tended to his leader, the Decepticons seized the AllSpark before the now feral scraplets turned on everyone. Protecting Optimus, Bumblebee remained on the sidelines throughout the battle before the cavern began collapsing. After both Optimus and the AllSpark had been taken through a GroundBridge to the Ark, Bumblebee made a point to retrieve Starscream's body, reasoning that Optimus would want the Seeker to face justice. I Am The Allspark

As part of a scheme to get the AllSpark off of Earth, Bumblebee and Cheetor remotely piloted one of a quintet of shuttles the Autobots intended to use as decoys. The Nemesis pursued and destroyed the shuttles, and while the Decepticons were distracted, the Ark lifted off and made a beeline for the space bridge in Earth's orbit. However, Sky-Byte, not fooled by the Autobot ploy, attacked the Ark and broke onto the bridge, Grimlock knocking the attacker back out into space. However, Sky-Byte's gambit had bought the Nemesis the time it needed to intercept the Ark, nearly destroying it with a turbolaser barrage, before Cheetor used the AllSpark to repair the Autobot ship, allowing it to slip past the Nemesis. As the Ark reached the space bridge however, the portal violently exploded. Though, like the others, Bumblebee was initially disheartened, his fighting spirit was restored when Optimus returned to the bridge and ordered a course set for home. Escape From Earth

As the Ark sailed through space, Grimlock set up a celebratory party, Bumblebee faking a "C-class emergency" to bring Optimus to the hangar bay. After the Prime made an incredibly awkward speech, celebrations began in full swing, He was later a victim of Wheeljack's malfunctioning AllSpark Energy Emitter Badges, driving him to attack everything in a maddened rage. Optimus eventually managed to shut down the chips, and later made the ultimate sacrifice, dancing, to get the victory celebration back on track. Party Down

When passing through a dense asteroid field, Bumblebee, Cheetor and Hot Rod broke out the solar-wave boards and went surfing solar flares before they discovered unusual formations in the rocks. When another solar flare struck, the three were separated with Bumblebee being found by the Tails, a faction of the Sharkticon race. Brought with them to the Park, Bumblebee reunited with his friends, both of whom had fallen in with the other two Sharkticon factions, with the Autobots convincing the species to reunify, albeit against the Autobots. Retreating back to the Ark, Cheetor used the AllSpark to reconstitute the Sharkticon homeworld, securing peace for the aliens. Wiped Out

While discussing Cheetor's longing for Earth, Bumblebee and Cheetor found that Windblade had stolen the AllSpark, her will overridden by an entity from a red planet. Joined by Optimus and Hot Rod, the two scouts followed the cityspeaker to the planet's surface and found an abandoned city which Windblade tried to reach the centre of. Constantly delayed by the city's automatic defences, the group could not stop Windblade from unleashing the AllSpark at the city's heart only to find that the possessing entity was one of the legendary Titans. Introducing himself as Croaton, the Titan told them his story, apologizing for any trouble he'd caused before he set off to find the colonists that had been abducted from him. Ghost Town

After forty cycles in space, the Autobots soon became bored. An EMP storm soon struck the vessel, locking Bumblebee, and everyone else, in position before Grimlock and Arcee managed to restore power to the ship and their crewmates. Unaware of what had just transpired, Bumblebee and Hot Rod stole a shuttle, eager for an adventure. Perfect Storm

When a distress call from Chromia came in, the Autobots repaired an old space bridge to try and quickly return home. The repairs were only a partial success as the Ark soon wound up trapped in unspace, the void between universes. Meeting up with other versions of themselves, the nine groups of Autobots used all their AllSparks to punch open a portal back to their universes. Arriving in orbit of Cybertron, the Autobots had a hearty cheer that their struggles were finally over. The Crossroads

Cyberverse EOTU II Bumblebee OtherDimension.jpg

Failing to raise Chromia, Optimus suspected a trap, entrusting the AllSpark to Cheetor as he ordered everyone to abandon ship, leaving the Ark to be blown up by a laser snare. Along with Hot Rod, Bumblebee was assigned to guard Cheetor, the three remaining on the outskirts of the battle under orders to not enter the Threshold of the Well until a direct path had been cleared. Battle For Cybertron I Battle For Cybertron II

After Chromia informed Windblade of a backdoor to the Well of the AllSpark, "Team Hot Rod" began making their way underground. When the three stopped at a toxic energon swamp to regain their bearings, Drift caught up with them. Though the three welcomed Drift's aid, the swordsmech lunged at the three, revealing himself to having been a deep-cover Decepticon agent. As Hot Rod delayed the traitor, Bumblebee and Cheetor pressed further underground, coming to rest in a jungle. As Cheetor theorized about the environment, Bumblebee was captured by Repugnus and his tribe of Monsterbots. Battle For Cybertron III

Strung up, Bumblebee was nearly devoured by the Monsterbots before Cheetor found him, using the AllSpark to quell the diminutive Cybertronians' hunger and win their friendship. The Monsterbots guided the duo to the Well where they found Shockwave waiting for them. After the scientist knocked Cheetor out, Bumblebee used his fallen friend's spear to disable Shockwave, allowing the two to return the AllSpark to its resting point and return life to Cybertron. As they basked in their victory, Shockwave awoke and extracted his spark, using its malignant energies to try and corrupt the AllSpark.

Realizing what he had to do, Cheetor bid a fond goodbye to Bumblebee and sacrificed his own spark to purify the AllSpark and ensure the future of the Cybertronian race. As Cybertron began to heal itself, Cheetor's voice spoke out to Bumblebee one last time, assuring his friend that he would always be with him in spirit. Battle For Cybertron IV

The peace would not last long however. The Quintessons soon invaded Cybertron, locking the populace in a virtual reality that celebrated the Parade of Metals. Within the Loop, Bumblebee chatted up with several of his friends only to be barred from reaching Windblade by the parade floats. During his early attempts to free the Cybertronians from the Loop, Hot Rod tried to free Bumblebee to no avail. The Loop The Sleeper Along with the others, Bumblebee was freed when Perceptor hacked into the Loop and introduced a flock of Air Hammers into the simulation, the beasts shocking everyone into transforming whereupon they awoke and retreated to Iaconus. The Scientist

As part of a team-building exercise, Bumblebee was placed in a team with Arcee, Shadow Striker, and Lockdown, taking on swarms of drones. The Alliance When it was determined that the only way to destroy the Quintesson flagship was to draw out the Judge and its army, Bumblebee was part of Optimus and Megatron's strike team that infiltrated the ship. When the group reached the multiverse drive, they were confronted by the Scientist. While Megatron promptly shot the Quintesson dead, he deployed an army of backup bodies, Bumblebee and Optimus holding them off as Wheeljack, backed up by Megatron and Dead End, disabled the drive only for the Decepticons to betray Wheeljack as they fled to another universe. The Judge

Soon afterwards, the Judge, damaged beyond repair by Hot Rod's group, crashed into the ship, its out of control weapons collapsing it. With no recourse, the three Autobots used the drive and jumped into another universe only to be confounded by its shifting architecture. The End Of The Universe I The shifts eventually put Bumblebee next to the portal home. Optimus ordered Bumblebee to hold his position, The End Of The Universe II before Wheeljack simply used his grappling gun to reunite the trio. Passing back through the portal, the Autobots found themselves in the Scientist's laboratory, facing off against his endless supply of bodies before Wheeljack tracked the Scientist's command signal to his true body, a diminutive organic creature, and squashed him. With the alien dead, the three moved outside to deal with the brainwashed Croaton. The End Of The Universe III Arriving outside, the Autobots joined the fight against the Prosecutors before they were confronted by the new Judge, Starscream, and Megatron arrived aboard Astrotrain. With both leaders in one place, Starscream began using unspace to destroy the universe before both used their Matrices of Leadership to defeat the Judge, saving the universe. In the aftermath, the Transformers formed a truce. The End Of The Universe IV

During the course of the invasion, Windblade had overexerted herself freeing the brainwashed Croaton. With the Titan's city mode now serving as the Decepticon capital, Hot Rod sent Bumblebee was to scout their territory. Making his way to the cityspeaker chamber, Bumblebee was found by Shadow Striker who took him to Windblade's braindead body in the infirmary. Though Shadow Striker allowed Bumblebee to leave in peace, he was soon discovered, forcing him to call for reinforcements, Whirl carrying Windblade away. Though the two nearly made it back to Autobot territory, they were intercepted by Megatron, who was ready to execute them, before Optimus arrived, citing that Megatron holding an Autobot was a treaty violation. Though Megatron let the Autobots go, he warned them to never return. In Iaconus' medbay, Ratchet explained Windblade's state before Chromia entered with a potential solution. Enemy Line

Using a psychic tracker from Caminus, Chromia led Bumblebee across Cybertron to Windblade's various psychic shards. The first of these led the two friends to Crystal City where they befriended Thunderhowl and aided him in defeating the Crystalline King. Thunderhowl When another shard was detected on Luna 3, Chromia directed Bumblebee to Meteorfire for aid in breaching the moon's force field. Though the former star brought Bumblebee to the moon, his obsession with the macabre led to the two exploring the abandoned communications hub where Bumblebee was haunted by ghosts of fallen warriors. The two eventually discovered that the cause of the ghosts was an obicular-class parasitic entity. Channeling his multiverse energy, Bumblebee shattered the entity, not only retrieving Windblade's shard but freeing Cosmos, who'd been held captive by the alien. Alien Hunt! With Meteorfire And Cosmos

Along with Grimlock, Bumblebee ventured deep underground to the valley of the Monsterbots for the next shard before an energon river separated them. Awakening to the sight of a massive city, Bumblebee discovered that the Monsterbot society had been taken over by the decadent Energon Masters, run by Affluous. After earning the ire of Affluous, Bumblebee attempted to roll out only to be affected by "the shocks" and imprisoned him. While in jail, Bumblebee met Teknicus who explained that he'd built a tower for Affluous that cause the shocks. After channeling his multiverse energy for a jailbreak, Bumblebee destroyed the tower, just as Grimlock led Repugnus' group into the city, collecting the shard of Windblade. Journey To The Valley Of Repugnus

When Ratchet prepared to upload what they had of Windblade's mind, a shark broke in and stole her body. Along with Chromia, Bumblebee followed in a shuttle to the Argon Sea, diving in after it. After the two had dealt with some energy sucking fauna, the shark returned, Bumblebee subduing it with his stinger. In the process however, he was knocked loose and plunged into the depths of the sea. On the sea floor, Bumblebee found a service hatch just as Chromia caught up with him. Waving her after him, Bumblebee entered only to fall under the thrall of the Dweller being forced to attack Chromia before she used his own stinger to free him. Once they'd all escaped the rogue Titan, Bumblebee and Chromia took Windblade back to Iaconus, bidding farewell to Hammerbyte. Dweller In The Depths

Cyberverse TheOtherOne Bumblebee.jpg

After Optimus Prime had received instructions from the Thirteen to destroy the alternate version of the Matrix of Leadership that Megatron had brought into their reality, Bumblebee joined the infiltration team into Croaton, during which Chromia saved him from an attack by Shadow Striker. After the Autobots had made it to the control room, they and the Decepticons were suddenly surrounded by towering hostiles. Silent Strike

The hostiles were quickly identified as Decepticon supersoldiers created by an alternate version of Megatron who had won the Great War and the owner of the alternate Matrix. Along with the other Autobots, Bumblebee battled several supersoldiers and received a power boost of multiverse energy from Optimus Prime. When the alternate Megatron arrived, he disabled his counterpart before reclaiming his Matrix. Before he could merge it with once again, Bumblebee stole it and flew off.

Dodging several supersoldiers, Bumblebee made for the border only to be knocked down by Megatron X before he could find a way through the shield. Before the invader could slay Bumblebee, Optimus engaged him in a duel of Matrices long enough for Windblade, the last of her shards within the alternate Matrix, to disable the talisman, allowing Optimus to triumph, Bumblebee collecting the last piece of his friend from the tyrant's broken body. After Astrotrain had taken Megatron X away, Ratchet presented the recovered Windblade to the Autobots, Bumblebee hugging his friend. The Other One

Bumblebee was present at the signing of the Treaty of the Wall, but, along with all the other Autobots and Decepticons, was frozen by Mercenaries' time blaster. He would later be unfrozen by Wheeljack's machine and could be seen celebrating the reunification of Cybertron with his fellow Cybertronians.The Immobilizers

Bumblebee participated in the ceremony at the grand opening of Trypticon Plaza. When Astrotrain arrived and crash landed, Bumblebee sent for Ratchet. He participated in the council meeting to discuss Astrotrain’s warning of an impending threat, and when Tarn arrived, under attack by two Decepticon supersoldiers, Bumblebee and Optimus restrained one of them. After Tarn explained the conflict between the supersoldiers, Wheeljack supplied the Autobots, including Bumblebee, with gadgets to restrain the supersoldiers and end their conflict. The gadgets were effective, but the supersoldiers merely teleported away and continued their conflict. When Tarn spoke of his need for the Cortex Helm, Bumblebee suggested asking Thunderhowl. He accompanied Optimus and the others to find Thunderhowl, who led them to the Isle of Onyx Prime, where after being faced by living statues of Alpha Trion and nearly plummeting to their doom in a collapsing passageway, Tarn claimed the Cortex Helm for himself, bringing the Decepticon supersoldiers under his control. Supersoldiers teleported in and restrained everyone, as Tarn declared himself the true leader of the Deceptions, and his intentions to annihilate the Autobots. Tarn ordered Shadow Striker to execute Bumblebee and Thunderhowl, but she allowed them to escape. Bumblebee joined Hot Rod and the other Autobot forces in the Valley of Repugnus, where they formed a plan to retake Cybertron. The Autobots teleported to the Cube arena, and Bumblebee rushed to Optimus’ side. He fought the supersoldiers with his stinger, and was aided by Repugnus and another Monsterbot, who drained his attacker of Energon, to Bumblebee’s horror. Tarn summoned reinforcements, and Bumblebee was pinned down and his teleportation device was destroyed. When Soundwave reprogrammed the supersoldiers, they stopped fighting, and Bumblebee questioned what had happened, realizing in horror that Soundwave had sacrificed himself to destroy Tarn. Bumblebee later attended Soundwave’s memorial, and followed Optimus outside to talk. He remarked that he didn’t know what he would do, now that the fighting was truly over. He was surprised when Optimus announced his intention to retire. The Autobots and Shadow Striker shared a group hug, which the Dinobots also joined, quite uninvited. The Perfect Decepticon

Alternate universes

A series of multiversal Bumblebees were among those who found themselves trapped in unspace after attempting to use the improperly repaired space bridge. Though a few lost their lives to the matter between universes, most were able to escape using the combined power of their AllSparks. The Crossroads

In a different universe, when Optimus confronted Megatron following his attack on the High Council, Megatron realized that he and Optimus would oppose each other forevermore and slew his once friend with a point blank fusion cannon blast before he seized the Matrix from him. Though Bumblebee tried to aid his leader, he was restrained by Starscream and Shadow Striker, eventually being slain. When Megatron X crossed over into the primary timeline, he referenced Bumblebee to his counterpart, noting that he had died as a simple scout. The Other One

Play-Doh Videos

Bumblebee was doing construction work, along with Grimlock and the Purple Play-Doh. During their break time, Bumblebee and Grimlock got into a fight that caused the Purple Play-Doh to get injured several times in the process.[1]

Transformers Stop Motion Series

While Bumblebee and Hot Rod were racing, they were attacked by Megatron, Clobber and Starscream. Optimus Prime eventually intervened to help them defeat the Decepticons.[2] When the Decepticons were in pursuit of Bumblebee again, Optimus stopped the violence with a dance party in which both the Autobots and Decepticons participated in.[3] After Starscream and Soundwave obtained the AllSpark, Bumblebee and Arcee fought them to retrieve it.[4]

My Nezha and Transformers cartoon

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See Help:Coming soon for policy on the matter, and do not add further information unless the relevant material has been officially released.

To the person who added this tag: Please give a "fair game" date with |when=


Transformers: Battlegrounds

Voice actor: Jeremy Levy (English), Martial Le Minoux (French), Steven Merting (German), Alessandro Capra (Italian), Eloy Pérez (Spanish)

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Transformers: Battlegrounds



Tiny Turbo Changers

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  • Bumblebee (Tiny Turbo Changer, 2019)
    • Series: 1, 2, 3, 5
    • Bag Code: A
Released in the first Series of Cyberverse Tiny Turbo Changers, Bumblebee changes from sports car to robot and back in a few simple steps. Like many toys in the line, Bumblebee has a molded "attack" weapon; in his case he has a blue "stinger" molded in place of his left hand. Many copies of this figure come with the waist assembled backwards, but this is easily remedied by popping his legs off and flipping his waist part around.
Bumblebee was also released without changes in Series 2, 3 and 5.

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  • Stealth Force Bumblebee (Tiny Turbo Changer, 2020)
    • Series: 4
    • Bag Code: J
A semi-translucent black redeco of the Tiny Turbo Changer figure above was later released as part of Series 4.

Scout Class

Finally, a toy where you can't tell if the stock photos are mistransformed!
  • Bumblebee (Scout Class, 2018)
    • Action Attack: "Sting Shot"
Cyberverse Scout Class Bumblebee is a Legends-sized toy that transforms from a robot to a robot sitting down a "transformational" mode in six easy steps. His "Sting Shot" Action Attack gimmick causes a blade to pop out of his right arm when triggered.[5]

  • Bumblebee (Scout Class, 2019, 2021)
    • Action Attack: "Hive Swarm"
This new Bumblebee is an all new sculpt despite superficial similarities to the first scout toy. His attack gimmick causes rocket packs to flip from under his arms. Unlike the first toy, both of his arms have 5mm compatible fists.
This Bumblebee figure was originally slated to be released as the sole new figure in the second wave of Scout Class figures branded under the Power of the Spark subline imprint. However, that wave was ultimately never released anywhere in the world, and instead, the figure was eventually released as part of the second wave of Scout Class figures branded under the Bumblebee: Cyberverse Adventures subline imprint. Bumblebee was later released again in late 2021 in the line's final Dinobots Unite packaging refresh.

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  • Stealth Force Bumblebee (Scout Class, 2020)
    • Action Attack: "Shadow Shot"
This Bumblebee is a redeco of the Scout Class figure above, featuring a stealth-ish grey paint job.
This figure apparently saw very limited distribution, with the only confirmed releases in Australia and Germany.

1-Step Changers

That's not my son! That's a single dad!
  • Bumblebee (1-Step Changer, 2018)
Cyberverse 1-Step Changer Bumblebee is a redeco of Robots in Disguise "Patrol Mode" Bumblebee, painted to disguise the fact that he's a completely different design, and transforms from robot to vehicle in a single step. He lacks the scannable roof insignia from the Robots in Disguise toy.

Looks like Bumblebee, sounds like Wreck-Gar.
  • Bumblebee (1-Step Changer, 2019-2021)
    • Japanese Name: Turbo Change Bumblebee
    • Japanese Release Date: July 2019
    • Japanese ID Number: TCV-01
    • Action Attack: "Sting Shot"
This Bumblebee is an all-new mold, sharing the same transformation scheme with Turbo Changers Drift from the Last Knight toyline. His left arm also features a spinning Stinger gimmick.
This version of Bumblebee has seen four releases: First in early 2019 in the original Cyberverse packaging design, then in late 2019 in the Power of the Spark subline imprint packaging refresh, then again in late 2019/early 2020 in the Battle for Cybertron subline imprint packaging refresh, and then again in 2021 in line's final Dinobots Unite subline imprint packaging refresh.

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  • Stealth Force Bumblebee (1-Step Changer, 2020)
    • Action Attack: "Shadow Shot"
This Bumblebee is a redeco of the second 1-Step Changer figure above and is yet another stealth rendition of the character.

Warrior Class

  • Bumblebee (Warrior Class, 2018)
    • Action Attack: "Sting Shot"
Cyberverse Warrior Class Bumblebee transforms from robot to car. His "Sting Shot" Action Attack gimmick is activated when his left arm is clicked in place, pushing the chest up. Pushing his chest down causes his arm to spring up and the stinger on his hand to spin and spin. Due to this, he lacks articulation in his left arm entirely, save for this gimmick. The right arm contains a forward swivel in the shoulder and a hinge at the elbow, and the hips are ball jointed.
The knees are seemingly meant to have joints, but due to their design have a tendency to just pop off - the lower leg is a single piece that simply snaps over the end of the thigh and the small rounded pegs that are meant to hold it together are very small. Additionally, a thick ridge on the rounded bottom end of the thigh forces the two sections apart when the knee is rotated; removing this ridge or swapping the thighs seems to restore this functionality.
The stock photography (to the right) shows the figure with yellow joints sticking out of the hood, which is grey and black and the final version. The same stock photo also strangely has the right arm lower down the body than the actual figure, despite the toy not being able to do that. Meanwhile: the switch that activates his spinning stinger is yellow in the stock photo instead of the final product's unpaintable black plastic.
This toy was released in Nezha: Transformers packaging in Chinese markets.

  • Bumblebee (Warrior Class, 2019)
    • Action Attack: "Hive Swarm"
This Bumblebee is a retool of the Warrior Class figure above, featuring a new head and forearms with missile-based weaponry. His "Sting Shot" Action Attack is replaced with "Hive Swarm", which consists of his spinning missile hand. The black striping on his forehead and center vehicle kibble are omitted.

  • Bumblebee ("Cybertronian Mode" Warrior Class, 2019, 2021)
    • Action Attack: "Sting Shot"
Yet another retool of the Warrior Class toy, this Bumblebee features Cybertronian parts and a newly-molded head. He retains the Sting Shot gimmick from the first figure and fixes the knee issue that the original Earth-mode version had.
As with numerous other Transformers toys, this figure was first found at Toys"R"Us sotrs in Hong Kong before Hasbro officially announced it.
This version of Bumblebee was released twice: First in 2019 under the Bumblebee: Cyberverse Adventures subline imprint, and then again in 2021 in the line's final Dinobots Unite subline imprint packaging refresh.

Ultra Class

  • Bumblebee (Ultra Class, 2018-2019)
    • Action Attack: "Hive Swarm"
Cyberverse Ultra Class Bumblebee is a Voyager-sized toy that transforms from robot to car in seven steps. His "Hive Swarm" Action Attack gimmick flips his windows down and springs a cannon on each side.[5]
Once again, this version of Bumblebee was released twice: First in 2018 in the original Cyberverse packaging design, and then again in 2019 in the Power of the Spark subline imprint packaging refresh. He was also available as a Nezha: Transformers product in China.

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  • Bumblebee (Ultra Class, 2019, 2021)
    • Accessories: 2 swords
This Ultra Class Bumblebee is a different mold with an Energon Armor gimmick instead of an Action Attack. He also comes with 2 swords.
Along with a few Cyberverse figures, this Bumblebee was meant to be released for the Japanese markets by TakaraTomy, under the name "TCV-35 Weapon Trigger Bumblebee" with an April 2020 release date. Unfortunately, unlike the Deluxe Class figures, the toy's release is canceled due to either poor sales or the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, or both.
Like the previous Ultra Class figure, this version of Bumblebee was also released twice: First in late 2019 under the Battle for Cybertron subline imprint, and then again in 2021 in the line's final Dinobots Unite subline imprint packaging refresh.

Ultimate Class

  • Bumblebee (Ultimate Class, 2018)
    • Japanese Name: Stinger Sword Bumblebee
    • Japanese Release Date: July 2019
    • Japanese ID Number: TCV-05
    • Action Attack: "Sting Shot"
Released as part of the second wave of Ultimate Class, this Leader-sized Bumblebee transforms into a very show-accurate robot unlike most of his previous toys, but his left arm possesses 2/3 of the vehicle hood chunk (with a sculpted fist), which features a spring-loaded flip-out stinger as his Action Attack gimmick. This gimmick can be activated in both robot and vehicle mode.
Exercise caution while rolling his vehicle mode as Bumblebee's painted knees are very close to the ground.
Like the Warrior Class and the first Ultra Class toys above, this toy was released under the Nezha: Transformers branding in China.

Elite Class

"Bang Bang Simulations!"
  • Bumblebee (Elite Class, 2019)
    • Japanese Name: Battleship Power Bumblebee
    • Japanese Release Date: September 2019
    • Japanese ID Number: TCV-15
    • Spark Armor: Ocean Storm
Cyberverse Elite Class Bumblebee is a Warrior Class-sized mold that transforms from robot to car. He features better articulation and a more screen-accurate design due to a different conversion scheme and lack of built-in gimmick. He also comes with the "Ocean Storm" Spark Armor accessory that is evocative of the Yamato cruiser from Space Battleship Yamato, which can form his battle armor in robot mode. The armor automatically transforms in place if folded down when combined with Bumblebee.
Like all Cyberverse Elite-class armor, The Ocean Storm features a unique built-in helmet. Its armor mode has limited articulation, with elbow and bicep swivel joints, but does not have any shoulder articulation to speak of due to the way it automatically transforms when attached. As a result, it cannot assume the slightly splayed stance that it is shown in on the back of the package. It also has a flip-out anchor weapon which snaps into place in ship mode and unlocks by changing to armor mode. In addition, the armor features multiple 5 mm post holes, including the hands, shoulders, elbows, and one on the left forearm. The bridge and conning tower are only held in by friction, and as such may pop out during play. The clip that locks into Bumblebee's waist can be rather tight, but can be disconnected by lifting the plate up rather than trying to pull it forward.
The CG stock renders also depict his unpaintable joints as black before it was replaced into light gray.
The Ocean Storm was redecoed with a new helmet into Cheetor's Sea Fury armor.

Deluxe Class

Is he an Action Master? Short answer: No. Long answer: No way.
  • Bumblebee (Deluxe Class, 2019, 2021)
    • Build-a-Figure part: Maccadam's waist (2019 release only)
    • Japanese Name: Action Master Bumblebee
    • Japanese Release Date: October 2020
    • Japanese ID Number: Action Master 04
    • Accessories: Blaster, Stinger, Stinger effect part
    • Action Attack: "Sting Shot"
Released as part of the Cyberverse Deluxe Class lineup, this Bumblebee is a show-accurate mold that is more poseable than most of his previous releases. He comes with a handheld blaster, a removable Stinger that can be wielded by his 5 mm hands, and an effect part. While the effect part is meant for the Stinger, its horizontal gaps allow it to fit loosely on the blaster. Bumblebee features 3 mm posts on his chest and right leg, compatible with the Fire Blasts included in the Battle Master toys. In robot mode, his blaster can be stored inside either of his door wings and his Stinger can be stored either on his back 3 mm stand port or on a special port on either of his lower legs. In vehicle mode, his blaster can be stored under his hood and his Stinger can also be attached to the aforementioned leg ports.
In Japan, Bumblebee was released as a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive. The catalog reveals that he was originally intended to be sold for the regular market (hence the "TCV-32" ID Number) with a March 2020 release date. Like the rest of his wave, he was released in a windowless, monochrome packaging.
Similar to various other figures of Cyberverse Bumblebee, Deluxe Class Bumblebee was also released twice: First in late 2019 under the Bumblebee: Cyberverse Adventures subline imprint, and then again in 2021 in the line's final Dinobots Unite subline imprint packaging refresh. The second release omitted the Maccadam Build-a-Figure part.

Battle Call

Autobots Unite!
  • Bumblebee (Officer Class, 2020)
    • Accessories: Shield/Two-piece Armblade
Released as part of the Cyberverse's Battle Call subline, the Officer Class Bumblebee is a roughly Leader-sized mold that converts from robot to car and back. Like his sub-line brethren, Bumblebee features a "Battle Call" voice-activated gimmick, which automatically deploys his armor and activates his battle sounds if "Power Up" is spoken. His shield can be separated into two blades to mount onto his forearms.

I thought I said, Autobots Unite!
  • Bumblebee (Trooper Class, 2020)
    • Accessories: Sword, Shoulder armors
This Deluxe-sized Bumblebee is released as part of the Trooper Class lineup, coming with a different weapon, and additional shoulder armors.

Roll & Combine

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  • Bumblebee / Dinobot Swoop (Roll & Combine, 2021)
Cyberverse Roll & Combine Bumblebee transforms from robot mode to car mode and forms the lower half of Bumbleswoop when combined with Swoop.

Roll N' Change

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  • Bumblebee (Roll N' Change, 2021)
    • Accessories: Sword, Armor
A large-scale figure of Bumblebee transforms automatically when rolled along a smooth surface. He features Energon Armor parts, a sword and electronic lights.
This toy received a nomination for Best Toy Vehicle in the 2021 Toy of the Year Awards.

Buzzworthy Bumblebee

Recycle The Night!
  • Bumblebee (Elite Class, 2021)
    • Series: Cyberverse
    • Spark Armor: Trash Crash
Part of the cross-Generations Buzzworthy Bumblebee subline, this Spark Armor Bumblebee is an unchanged release of the figure above, with his Ocean Storm partner replaced with a redecoed Trash Crash originally included with Spark Armor Grimlock.

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  • Optimus Prime / Bumblebee / Megatron / Starscream (Warrior Class 4-pack, 2021)
    • Series: Cyberverse
The first Warrior Class Bumblebee was re-released without any changes for this 4-pack along with Optimus Prime, Cybertronian Megatron and Starscream.

  • Bumblebee / Optimus Prime / Cheetor (Deluxe Class 3-pack, 2022)
    • Series: Cyberverse
    • Accessories: Blaster, Stinger, Stinger effect part
The Deluxe Class Bumblebee toy was re-released without any changes for this 3-pack along with Optimus Prime and Cheetor. This release does not come with a Maccadam build-a-figure piece.
This 3-pack first saw release in Asian countries such as Singapore, Taiwan, and Malaysia.

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  • Bumblebee (1-Step Changer, 2022)
    • Series: Cyberverse
The second 1-Step Changer Bumblebee (the first to be based on his actual Cyberverse design) was re-released without any changes in rebranded Buzzworthy Bumblebee packaging.

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  • Bumblebee / Dinobot Swoop (Roll & Combine, 2023)
    • Accessories: Tail and hind legs/whip
The Bumbleswoop two-pack was also later rereleased with no noticeable changes in a Buzzworthy Bumblebee packaging.


Burger King

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  • Bumblebee (Burger King Toy, 2019)
    • Accessories: Projectile
Burger King's take on Bumblebee is a non-transforming figure that also looks rather reminiscent to his Elite Class toy with the inclusion of grey battleship parts sculpted on his body as armor. His right arm and hips are articulated, whereas his left arm has a spring-loaded projective launcher molded into it.


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  • Bumblebee (Happy Meal Toy, 2019)
    • Accessories: Ship armor
As a second Happy Meal promotion for Cyberverse, Bumblebee is a 4-inch-tall non-transforming figure with articulation at the hips and arms. As an Action Masters-esque play feature, he includes a small ship (reminiscent of his Elite Class toy) that can be separated in half and reattached into various pins around his body as weapons or pieces of armor. Oddly this promotion was released just one month after the aforementioned Burger King toy.

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  • Bumblebee (Happy Meal Toy, 2021)
Released only in Singapore in January 2021, Bumblebee is a non-transforming figure with limited articulation. The chest of the figure has a panel with a lenticular image sticker on it which changes angle when the left arm is moved. Moving the panel causes the image on his chest to change.

Nezha: Transformers

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  • Bumblebee (Building brick set, 2019)
    • Set number: QL1676
    • Pieces: 392
Released by Xiaomi as part of the Chinese-centric Nezha: Transformers toyline, this Bumblebee is a Lego-style building kit that can be assembled into either an approximately 10-inch-tall poseable robot mode or a car mode. Similar to how most Kre-O figures work, Bumblebee must be disassembled and reassembled in order to change from one mode to the next.

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  • Bumblebee (Onebot set, 2020)
    • Set number: OBDHF02HZB
    • Pieces: 770+
Onebot Bumblebee is a similar building kit to the one above and can also be assembled into either robot or car mode, except it's now much larger and is based on the "Lego Technic" style of more complex pieces and builds. It was released as part of the MITU brand of building sets also made by Xiaomi. Building instructions are available on the official app for mobile devices and Windows. Robot mode requires 726 parts assembled over 655 steps, car mode takes 496 parts and 534 steps.

  • Bumblebee (Blind-box building doll, 2021)
    • Set number: ???
    • Pieces: ???
This "blind box building doll" Bumblebee uses the same style of construction as the Onebot set above, but is a much smaller kit resulting in a super-deformed robot mode that lacks a rebuildable vehicle mode.


  • As with some of the Cyberverse cast, Bumblebee's design is based on the evergreen design also used for his Generation 1 counterpart, with some minor stylistic tweaks.
  • Bumblebee's loss of his voice is a borrowed trait from his movieverse and "Aligned" counterparts; his use of bleeps to communicate before leaving Cybertron is derived from the latter, while using radio clips to speak on Earth comes from the former.
  • For most scenes throughout the show, Bumblebee uses an incorrect model where his Autobot insignia is missing the white shape inside the top section. This error repeats itself quite frequently in many other appearances of the insignia as well.
  • Jeremy Levy says that Bumblebee and Windblade's relationship was pitched to him as a brother and sister relationship, sorry shippers.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Bumblebee (バンブルビー Banburubī)
  • Mandarin: Dàhuángfēng (China, 大黄蜂, "Hornet")

See also

You look familiar...

Versions of Bumblebee have appeared in other continuity families, including:

For more information, see Bumblebee (disambiguation).


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