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Autobot Alert!

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Find Your Fate Junior #7
Autobot Alert!cover.jpg
Maybe Arcee will like me better if I give her this giant pearl?
"Autobot Alert!"
Publisher Ballantine Books
Imprint Find Your Fate Junior
First published 1986
Writer Judith Bauer Stamper
Illustrator William Schmidt (interior pencils and cover painting)
ISBN ISBN 0-345-33388-8
ISBN 9780345333889
Page count 73 pp

Two emergencies arise at once: the Decepticons are planning to take over all of Earth's communication satellites, and at the same time may have discovered the secret of an ancient power booster. Can Ultra Magnus and his Autobots defeat the Decepticons, or will this double attack lead to a Decepticon victory?

The answers to these questions... are up to you!




(PAGE_1) Within the city of Metroplex, Hot Rod, teenage Autobot, is hurrying back from his karate lessons. Briefly stopping for an Energon snack, he soon comes upon the grandfatherly Kup and begins to pester the old Autobot. Kup is surprised to hear that Hot Rod has learned of a secret mission on which Beachcomber, Springer and Blurr have been sent out on. (PAGE_8) Kup is annoyed that Hot Rod has come upon this information, but before he can scold the young Autobot, Ultra Magnus enters the room. Kup attempts to address his commander, but is interrupted once more, this time by an AUTOBOT ALERT! Cosmos appears on a monitor with an important message from Earth orbit. (PAGE_11) Cosmos reports that he has detected Decepticon activity in nearby space. Cosmos elaborates that the enemy is approaching him quickly before his transmission is cut short. Moments later, Bumblebee enters the room, and explains that he was watching a baseball game on television, when the image was replaced by the Decepticon faction symbol! The Autobots come to the conclusion that this is what Cosmos tried to warn them about; not only have the Decepticons sabotaged the space-bound Autobot, but they have also taken over Earth’s communication satellites! Kup tells his comrades that more troubles lurk ahead, as he points down a long hallway. (PAGE_26) Blurr streaks into view, and reports that his secret mission has ended in disaster. Springer is out of commission, Beachcomber has been abducted, and have stolen a coded message containing the "ancient Autobot secret!" The Autobots cannot afford to allow this secret to be decoded by the Decepticons! (PAGE_27) Hot Rod is quick to point out that the Decepticon’s hostile takeover of Earth’s communications is just as dire a situation, as it is the first step in the Decepticons taking control of the planet. (PAGE_22) The Autobots begin to argue over which mission should be prioritized. Should the Autobots...

Take on the Decepticons in space? (>>PAGE_12>>)

Retrieve the secret to an ancient Autobot formula? (>>PAGE_35>>)

(<<From_PAGE_22<<) The Autobots decide to prioritize the Decepticons’ attack on Earth’s satellites. (>>PAGE_12>>) Ultra Magnus that an ancient formula will do them little good if they are all already enslaved by the Decepticons. He then orders Bumblebee to retrieve his television set, while he triangulates Cosmos’s last known position. Bumblebee bursts back to the room, pointing to the image on the screen of his portable TV; Galvatron is addressing the Earth populace! The Decepticon leader proclaims that the people of Earth have nothing to fear so long as they follow his orders. (PAGE_25) Ultra Magnus contacts Ratchet in Metroplex’s garage. Ultra Magnus instructs the Autobot medic to prepare a space shuttle for take-off, and make sure that it’s firepower capabilities are optimized. Ultra Magnus then picks out five Autobots to accompany him on this mission: Jazz, Mirage, Swoop, Powerglide and Prowl. Ratchet reports that there is a malfunction in the shuttle’s engine, so Ultra Magnus must wait on standby as it is attended to. Meanwhile, Hot Rod stands aside, frustrated that he was not picked to go along on the mission. (PAGE_58) Bumblebee notices Hot Rod’s sour disposition, and tries to cheer up the young Autobot. Hot Rod cannot hide his eagerness to fight the Decepticon forces, so Bumblebee informs him that he saw Astrotrain skulking nearby the previous night. Though at the time, Bumblebee thought that it was nothing more than a usual Decepticon transport, he now wonders if it didn’t have more to do with the Decepticon’s current plot. Hot Rod becomes excited at the news; if Astrotrain is still stationed nearby, Hot Rod can have his shot at being a hero! (PAGE_52) Hot Rod asks Bumblebee to join him in tracking down Astrotrain. Not only could they potentially foil the Decepticons’ ploy, but it would also serve as an opportunity to test Perceptor’s latest invention: laser-ignited explosives! Bumblebee grins in agreement. Ratchet then reports that the shuttle is ready for take off. Which group of Autobots would you wish to follow?
Tag along with Hot Rod and Bumblebee? (>>PAGE_45>>)
Take off with Ultra Magnus and his crew? (>>PAGE_18>>)
(<<From_PAGE_52<<) You follow Hot Rod and Bumblebee on their clandestine mission. (>>PAGE_45>>) The two Autobots sneak out of Metroplex. They are carrying in silver backpacks the new laser weapons recently developed by Perceptor. Soon they are where Bumblebee last saw Astrotrain, a deserted valley south of the Autobot city. Sure enough, the duo quickly find Astrotrain, surrounded by numerous other Decepticons. (PAGE_14) Hot Rod concludes that the Constructicons must have been working overtime, as a complex of new buildings have been recently erected near Astrotrain’s location. Bumblebee, having the best vision amongst the Autobots, has already checked out the Decepticons’ security systems, and carefully leads Hot Rod towards the control centre for the Decepticons’ space plot. (PAGE_23) Darting between trees to remain unseen, the two Autobots make their way into the heart of the Decepticons’ stronghold. They come across Astrotrain’s launch sight, and overhear the Decepticons Frenzy and Ravage discussing that the takeoff time will be in ten minutes. (PAGE_34) Upon learning this, Hot Rod is determined to stow away inside Astrotrain to stop the Decepticons’ plan. Bumblebee argues that it would be wiser to infiltrate the control centre on Earth. Which plan should the Autobots choose?
Go along with Hot Rod’s plan? (>>PAGE_36>>)
Go along with Bumblebee’s plan? (>>PAGE_64>>)
(<<From_PAGE_34<<) The two Autobots decide to stowaway inside of Astrotrain. (>>PAGE_36>>) Hot Rod grabs Bumblebee, and the two sneak onto a trailer pulled by a Constructicon and hide amongst the bombs within. Once the trailer is brought into Astrotrain’s munitions hold, the Decepticon shuttle takes off. From their hiding place, Hot Rod spots four Decepticons wearing silver suits and gas masks exiting a room marked "SPACE GEAR." Figuring that these outfits would make for perfect disguises, the two Autobots move to procure some for themselves once the coast is clear. (PAGE_50) Though the outfit is ill-fitting in Bumblebee’s case, the two Autobots are soon in gear. No sooner do they exit the space gear room that their disguises are put to the test, as Starscream and Thrust round a corner and walk towards the duo. (PAGE_70) Thankfully the Decepticons do not see through the disguises and continue on their way. Inspecting Astrotrain’s interior, Bumblebee happens to spot Cyclonus through one of the shuttle’s windows. Alerting Hot Rod to come take a look, the later also spots the Autobot space shuttle heading in their direction. Ultra Magnus and the others are heading into a Decepticon trap! (PAGE_19) Hot Rod mulls over his options. He could attempt to commandeer Astrotrain’s military command post to contact his friends, but the room will undoubtedly be heavily guarded. He could also attempt to find a hiding spot, and use the laser weapons he brought along on Cyclonus. The ensuing explosion would warn the Autobots of trouble. What to do?
Attempt to infiltrate Astrotrain’s military control room? (>>PAGE_68>>)
Attempt to fire upon Cyclonus from a hiding place? (>>PAGE_33>>)
(<<From_PAGE_19<<) Hot Rod decides to head for Astrotrain’s military control room. (>>PAGE_68>>) Bumblebee trails nervously behind the young Autobot, as the two of them walk past the guards. Hot Rod finds a control panel that will enable him to deactivate Cyclonus. But Bumblebee turns around to see Scourge! The Decepticon scanner is well known for his abilities to uncover hiding Autobots, no matter where they are! Bumblebee urges Hot Rod to disable Cyclonus immediately! (PAGE_17) Scourge grabs a hold of Hot Rod just as the Autobot has finishes punching a series of buttons on a keyboard. A series of missiles shoot out from Astrotrain, and collide with Cyclonus! The Autobot shuttle changes its trajectory towards a path safely outside the Decepticons’ range. But victory is short lived for Bumblebee and Hot Rod, as Scourge grabs the two of them, and throws them out into the emptiness of space. The two Autobots can do nothing but float silently, waiting for a rescue that may never come!
(<<From_PAGE_19<<) Hot Rod decides to attack Cyclonus from a hiding place. (>>PAGE_33>>) Both him and Bumblebee hide in a room marked "DIRTY TRICKS DEPARTMENT" just as Laserbeak passes by. Though they are alone in the room, they hear Laserbeak coming ever closer. (PAGE_40) Just as Laserbeak is about to enter the dirty tricks department room, he is called away to the control room, to Bumblebee’s relief. Hot Rod finds a hatch leading to the space shuttle’s outside, and opens his case of laser weapons. Selecting a rapid-fire, high-intensity rifle cannon, he advises Bumblebee to plug his ears. Taking aim at Cyclonus, Hot Rod pulls the trigger, and a massive blast is emitted by the weapon! (PAGE_48) The two Autobots pick themselves off the floor after being knocked down by the rifle’s recoil. Looking out into space, they spot Cyclonus floating helplessly with a hole ripped through his side. The Autobot shuttle hovers cautiously away from Cyclonus’s mangled remains. The Decepticons are screeching in panic, and Hot Rod declares his mission accomplished. The two Autobots decide to wait out the remainder of Astrotrain’s voyage in hiding, and make their escape once he docks. Bumblebee and Hot Rod conceal themselves inside Laserbeak’s box of dirty tricks — plastic spiders, rubber mice, and vampire fangs.
(<<From_PAGE_34<<) The two Autobots decide to infiltrate the Decepticons’ control centre. (>>PAGE_64>>) Waiting until Astrotrain takes off, Bumblebee and Hot Rod make their move. Concealing themselves in the fray clouds of exhaust left behind by the shuttle, the duo creep deeper into the Decepticon’s complex and hide behind a bank of computers. Around them, they can hear the Decepticons cheering as they watch Astrotrain disappear beyond Earth’s atmosphere. Then, Glavatron’s smirking face appears across the monitor screens in the room. The Decepticon commander declares that all should bow before their TV sets in his honour! (PAGE_66) While the Decepticons are busy bowing, the two Autobots slip into a room lined with hardware and monitors. Now at the very centre of the Decepticons’ operation, Bumblebee is struggling to remember a code he learned in Advanced Espionage. Said code can scramble any Decepticon computer program. Unfortunately, Bumblebee cannot remember the last digit he needs to input for the code to work. While Bumblebee attempts to remember, Hot Rod spots a small red button marked "TOP SECURITY/DESTRUCT SYSTEM." (PAGE_51) Figuring the button spells an easy solution to their problem, Hot Rod suggests they press it. But Bumblebee suggests they instead go ahead and use his code, as he believes he's just remembered the last number needed to complete it. Which course of action to take?
Input Bumblebee’s code? (>>PAGE_56>>)
Press the red button? (>>PAGE_44>>)
(<<From_PAGE_51<<) Bumblebee insists that all the homework he’s done in Advanced Espionage isn’t going to go to waste, and is adamant in inputing the code. (>>PAGE_56>>) After entering the ten-digit code and pressing "enter," the two Autobots inspect the monitors to see the code’s effect on the Decepticons. Astrotrain begins to spin wildly out of control while Cyclonus, Galvatron’s personal ship, is helplessly immobilized. Being broadcast around the world is Galvatron’s enraged face, until it fades out to static. The sabotage job done, Hot Rod and Bumblebee quickly make their escape and head for home. In the distance, they can see the valley’s sky being lit up by the Decepticons’ computers exploding.
(<<From_PAGE_51<<) Hot Rod insists on taking the simplest course of action presented before the Autobots, and presses the red button. (>>PAGE_44>>) Unfortunately, the button does nothing but sound an alarm! Though Hot Rod and Bumblebee attempt to run, they are barred in the control room. Galvatron’s face on the monitors around them focus on the two prisoners. Glavatron gloats that they are now his hostages, and with their lives on the line, he can now manipulate Ultra Magnus towards certain doom. Rodimus covers his face in shame and realizes that it is…
(<<From_PAGE_52<<) You follow Ultra Magnus and company on their space-bound mission. (>>PAGE_18>>) Ultra Magnus and his crew don special space gear for solar protection, then enter their space shuttle. The shuttle takes off, and the Autobots soon find themselves in orbit around the Earth. They soon spot Cosmos, but Ultra Magnus orders the shuttle to come to a halt when he sees Cyclonus, Galavatron’s personal ship, off in the distance. (PAGE_59) Jazz quickly maneuvers the shuttle towards Cosmos, who is retrieve by Powerglide and Mirage. Once safely inside the shuttle, Mirage informs the crew that Cosmos is still alive, but will need Ratchet’s expertise to get the Autobot flying saucer back in working order. Ultra Magnus’s voice then booms over the intercom, ordering all personnel to report to the control deck. The Autobots leave Cosmos are rejoin their commander. (PAGE_20) Ultra Magnus has used the shuttle’s high-powered censors on Cyclonus, and has detected a complex grid of transmitters attached to the Decepticon. Cyclonus himself is the Decepticons’ jamming device! And the Autobots must move quickly lest he begins jamming their communications as well. (PAGE_4) Their options limited, Ultra Magnus decides to launch an all-out attack on Cyclonus, hoping Galvatron isn’t on board to help him defend himself. But Powerglide is wary of this strategy, and confides in Swoop that he believes a more sneaky approach would better benefit the Autobots. Which strategy should the Autobots choose at this juncture?
An all-out attack, as Ultra Magnus orders? (>>PAGE_24>>)
A sneak attack, as Powerglide suggests? (>>PAGE_46>>)
(<<From_PAGE_4<<) The Autobots follow Ultra Magnus’s orders, and decide to launch an all-out attack against Cyclonus. (>>PAGE_24>>) Prowl programs the shuttle’s thrusters to propel them directly towards the giant Decepticon. When they near their enemy, Jazz begins firing the shuttle’s laser cannons and rips a hole in Cyclonus’s side. But as soon as Cyclonus realizes he is under attack, Galvatron’s voice booms out from within the air warrior, declaring that the Autobots are fools for daring to attack him. Galvatron emerges from Cyclonus, along with a fleet of Decepticon multiwing jet fighters! (PAGE_32) The Autobots immediately realize what horrible predicament they find themselves in, hopelessly outmatched by the Decepticons. Mirage is the first to fall, reduced to a heap by a blast courtesy of Galvatron. Ultra Magnus attempts a retreat, but the shuttle is torn asunder by a bomb. The Autobots are left helpless as their shuttle breaks apart, and become adrift in the gulf of space as the Decepticons laugh triumphantly. The earthling will know the Decepticons as their future masters, and television broadcasts will be worse than ever before!
(<<From_PAGE_4<<) While Ultra Magnus busies himself giving orders, Powerglide and Swoop sneak off to implement their own plan of attack. (>>PAGE_46>>) Powerglide instructs Swoop that the Dinobot will be in charge of firepower, while he will take care of the fancy maneuvers himself. When the pair are halfway between Cyclonus and the Autobot shuttle, they split up. Powerglide heads in front of Cyclonus, while Swoop sneaks up behind the Decepticon. Once Cyclonus spots Powerglide, he unleashes all his firepower onto the Autobot, who expertly dodges the barrage of firepower. (PAGE_53) While Cyclonus is distracted, Swoop destroys the Decepticons’ transmission module, ending their broadcasts. Cyclonus is left dazed and confused from Swoop’s sneak attack, and the two Autobots retreat back to the shuttle. Earth is saved from the Decepticons’ latest plot, and Bumblebee’s television starts working correctly again, just in time for his favourite show!
(<<From_PAGE_22<<) The Autobots decide to prioritize the Decepticons’ theft of the coded message. (>>PAGE_35>>) Blurr in particular is anxious to retrieve the stolen information. Ultra Magnus decides to take Ratchet, Kup, Hot Rod, and a number of other Autobots on this mission. The Autobot leader then instructs Kup to divulge the nature of the ancient secret unto the younger Autobots. Always eager to spin a yarn, Kup begins to narrate before his captive audience. (PAGE_61) Kup explains that during the time when the Autobots’ and Decepticons’ war was consigned to the planet Cybertron, the Autobots possessed the formula for a power booster that could increase a warrior’s strength tenfold. Said formula was encased in a protective sphere of cybertite— a rare mineral. The formula, protective sphere and all, was thought long lost when it was projected into space by an enormous explosion. (PAGE_6) A month ago, Beachcomber discovered fragments of cybertite within a meteor crater in a nearby desert. Blurr and Springer were sent to help the Autobot geologist to scour the area for the formula. But the group's latest update about the search for the formula was intercepted by the Decepticons! Once Kup finishes his exposition, Ultra Magnus leads his squadron out of Metroplex, and towards the desert. (PAGE_16) The Autobots arrive shortly at their desert research centre. Ultra Magnus orders Ratchet inside the bullet-ridden building, instructing him to get Springer back in working order. Although the task is challenging, Ratchet succeeds in reviving Springer. Immediately upon regaining consciousness, Springer asks if the Autobots received his message. Kup explains that the Decepticons interrupted their flow of information, and so Springer reveals what their findings have led the desert team to conclude; the meteor has not been in the crater for a long time. During the sixteenth century, Spanish explorers from the ship Seville discovered the curious object. Thanks to a diary left behind by one of the Spanish sailors, Springer learned not only this, but also that the humans planned to carry the sphere back to Spain. (PAGE_57) However, further research revealed that the ship never reached its destination, and sank off the coast of California. The Decepticons know that the formula is here on Earth, but whether or not they have fully decoded the message is unclear to the Autobots. Blurr says that he saw the Decepticons heading for the crater after they intercepted the coded message. If they still do not know the full story, then they will still be in the crater, digging futilely. But if the Decepticons are up-to-date, then they would have already left for California, and have a good head start on the Autobots. Ultra Magnus must decide to which location he should lead his Autobots next;
Should Ultra Magnus decide to head for the meteor crater, and attempt to destroy the coded message in Decepticon possession before they decrypt it? (>>PAGE_65>>)
Should Ultra Magnus assume that the Decepticons have already cracked the Autobots’ code, and not waste any time in heading to California? (>>PAGE_38>>)
(<<From_PAGE_57<<) Ultra Magnus decides to head for the nearby meteor crater, hoping to stop the Decepticons before they fully decipher the Autobots’ message. (>>PAGE_65>>) Hot Rod is first to speed off towards the crater, eager to impress his commander.But to Hot Rod's chagrin, Blurr easily outpaces the teenage Autobot, and reaches the crater ten minutes before him. Once at the crater however, both Autobots find it empty, the Decepticons having already left. (PAGE_49) Hearing a faint groan coming from a nearby rock, Hot Rod and Blurr investigate and find Beachcomber, tied to a explosive device! The two of them are able to free their fellow Autobot, who informs them that the Decepticons indeed did decipher the message. Now, the Decepticons have a good two-hour head start on the Autobots, and will have access to the ancient formula before the Autobots can catch up to them! That means Decepticons with ten-times the power they possessed before! It also means that for the Autobots, this is…
(<<From_PAGE_57<<) Ultra Magnus decides to assume the Decepticons are already headed for the formula’s true location, and wastes no time in ordering his troops to head there as well. (>>PAGE_38>>) Each Autobot is assigned a specific task. Powerglide is to fly ahead and search the waters off the coast of California for sunken ships. Blurr is to investigate the meteor crater to learn what the Decepticons know, as well as what they have done to Beachcomber. Hound will scout out the best road towards the coast. The rest of the Autobots are also given specialized assignments. Ultra Magnus reminds the other Autobots once more of the importance of retrieving the formula before dispatching them. (PAGE_28) The Autobots follow Hound to a deserted area of the California coast. Over the waters of the Pacific Ocean, Powerglide’s search is successful, and he begins to signal to the other Autobots that he has located the sunken remains of the Seville. Before Ultra Magnus has time to address his troops, Blurr speeds onto the scene, announcing that he has spotted Decepticons nearing their location. (PAGE_31) Ultra Magnus seeks council with his best advisors, and together they formulate two possible plans. The first would be to raise the ship and retrieve the sphere themselves. Alternatively, they could go into hiding and wait for the Decepticons to raise the ship, so they could steal the sphere from them after they’ve done all the dirty work. Ultra Magnus asks you to make the decision for him.
Should the Autobots raise the ship themselves? (>>PAGE_2>>)
Should the Autobots hide and let the Decepticons do all the work for them? (>>PAGE_13>>)
(<<From_PAGE_31<<) It is decided that the Autobots should raise the ship themselves. (>>PAGE_2>>) Blurr calculates that the Decepticons should be arriving in precisely 28 minutes and 14 seconds. Ultra Magnus devises three possible plans. The first strategy would rely on the strength of the Dinobot Sludge. The mighty Autobot would use cables to tie up the ship, and drag it onto dry land. Once this is done, Hot Rod would be sent in to locate the sphere. (PAGE_3) Alternatively, Ultra Magnus could entrust Seaspray with finding the sphere. His mission would be to search the Seville while it is still underwater. The third strategy would rely on the teamwork of Grapple, Bumblebee and Hot Rod. Bumblebee will be entrusted with hooking Grapple’s crane to the Seville, who in turn will be charged with lifting the ship, and Hot Rod will search for the sphere. Which plan should Ultra Magnus select?
Should Sludge be charge with raising the ship? (>>PAGE_5>>)
Should Seaspray search the ship underwater? (>>PAGE_62>>)
Should Grapple, Bumblebee and Hot Rod work together to retrieve the sphere? (>>PAGE_67>>)
(<<From_PAGE_3<<) Ultra Magnus entrusts Sludge with raising the Seville from the watery depths. (>>PAGE_5>>) The dimwitted dinosaur appears to grasp the overall gist of the plan, and is handed a cable by Hot Rod. With the cable in his saurian maw, Sludge makes his way to the water, and begins to wade out to sea. Once he nears the ship’s location however, Sludge hesitates and calls back to Ultra Magnus for instructions, inadvertently dropping the cable into the water. Ultra Magnus questions whether or not he made the correct decision. (PAGE_71) Ultra Magnus reminds Sludge of what he is tasked with, and murmurs some unflattering things about Dinobots under his breath. His mission clarified, Sludge dives underwater, and soon reemerges with the cable between his teeth, trailing the Seville behind him. After Sludge hoists the wreckage up the cliff where the rest of the Autobots stand at the ready, Hot Rod enters the vessel. He rummages through the entire ship until he uncovers the cybertite sphere! When Hot Rod re-emerges from the Seville with the glowing sphere above his head, the Autobots erupt in cheers. Ultra Magnus interrupts his troops’ celebration with an Autobot alert! Decepticon planes are advancing in the eastern sky! (PAGE_10) The sphere is given to Blurr, who transforms and takes off at top speed to store it within Metroplex. Ultra Magnus then orders his troops to hide and lie in wait to ambush their enemies. The Decepticons are caught off guard, and picked off one by one as they fly over the waters. Both waves of Decepticon planes are shot out of the skies by the Autobots, who claim victory this day!
(<<From_PAGE_3<<) Ultra Magnus orders Seaspray to seek out the sphere underwater. (>>PAGE_62>>) Though Seaspray is nervous with being entrusted with such an important task, he accepts the mission and dives down towards the Seville’s remains. Seaspray comes to find the Cybertite sphere in the Seville’s captain’s quarters. Grabbing the glowing green ball, he begins to ascend back to the surface, but is met by a shark when he exits the ship’s wreckage! (PAGE_9) Though the shark doesn’t pose much of a threat to him, Seaspray does not want to lose the sphere in a struggle. The shark lunges at Seaspray, who manages to stun it with his underwater laser gun moments before it is upon him. Seaspray then hastily returns to dry land, and is greeted by the cheers of his fellow Autobots. The Autobots carry the sphere safely back to headquarter before the Decepticons even show up. The evil robots will be searching the waters in vain while the Autobots relearn the ancient formula’s secrets.
(<<From_PAGE_3<<) Grapple, Bumblebee and Hot Rod are tasked with retrieving the Cybertite sphere. (>>PAGE_67>>) Grapple transforms to his vehicle mode, and instructs Bumblebee to jump onto the grappling hook at the end of his crane. Grapplen then swings his crane out over the ocean. Once Bumblebee spots the sunken ship below the surface, he ask Grapple to lower his boom. Bumblebee thus descends towards the wreckage. Once the hook comes to rest on the Seville, he secures the line around the ship’s mast, and tugs three time on the steel cable, signalling Grapple to hoist the ship up. But nothing happens… Bumblebee signals Grapple to hoist the ship up again, and still no response. (PAGE_60) Back on dry land, Grapple calls for Ratchet; his crane arm has had a breakdown! Ratchet manages to restore Grapple’s crane to working order, but precious minutes have been lost. Grapple pulls the Seville up to the surface. As Hot Rod prepares to slide down the cable to search the breaching ship, the Autobots hear an ominous sound drawing nearer… (PAGE_39) A formation of Decepticon fighter planes are heading directly towards the Autobots! Before the Autobots can set up a defence, Galvatron bears down upon them, followed by Ramjet, Blitzwing, Dirge, Thrust and Frenzy. The Decepticons obliterate the Seville dangling from Grapples hook with a barrage of bombs and missiles. The ship, the sphere within, and the ancient Autobot formula are completely destroyed. The Autobots are helpless against the Decepticons’ superior might!
(<<From_PAGE_31<<) It is decided that the Autobots should lie in wait while the Decepticons raise the ship. (>>PAGE_13>>) From their hiding places, the Autobots soon hear the approaching Decepticon horde. Galvatron’s booming voice orders his troops to raise the ship from its resting place, and promises them strength beyond their wildest dreams! (PAGE_54) The Constructicons dive down in the water, and re-emerge as Devastator, lifting up the Seville. Springer, Seaspray and Topspin watch the entire operation in silence. Springer devises a plan where the two "sea-assault" robots will distract the Decepticons while Springer rescues the sphere. Meanwhile, another group of Autobots hiding in a separate spot concoct their own plan to retrieve the sphere. Brawn, Ironhide and Grapple. the "old heavies" of the Autobots, plan to use heavy artillery to defend the Seville while a "lightweight" Autobot searches the vessel for the sphere.
To follow Springer’s team: (>>PAGE_30>>)
To follow Brawn, Ironhide and Grapple: (>>PAGE_41>>)
(<<From_PAGE_54<<) Springer instructs the other two Autobots on what to do. (>>PAGE_30>>) He tells Seaspray and Topspin to sneak down the coast about a mile away, and come back on the water. When he sees them coming, he will make his move for the sphere. The seafaring robots take off, and Springer waits tensely. The Decepticons begin to climb aboard the Seville. Then, a battle cry is heard as Topspin and Seaspray speed towards the Constructicons, lasers blasting away. Springer poises himself on the edge of a cliff as the Decepticons scramble out of the Seville and jumps! (PAGE_42) Thanks to his powerful jumping abilities, Springer makes it into the hold of the Seville. He immediately begins his search for the cybertite sphere. While Seaspray and Topspin busy themselves outmaneuvering the Decepticond, Springer finds the cybertite sphere in an old leather chest. (PAGE_72) Grabbing the glowing green sphere securely, Springer climbs up onto the deck of the Seville, and with another tremendous leap, returns to the cliffside he took off from. The other Autobots in hiding cheer at their comrade’s success. The sea-faring Autobots spot the sphere in Springer’s possession, and speed away from the Decepticons. While Springer hurries back to Autobot headquarters, the rest of the Autobots provide him with cover fire. When the Autobots are once more within Metroplex, Perceptor mixes up a batch of the power booster. The tide of war is about to change in the Autobots’ favour, thanks to their recovery of the ancient Autobot secret!
(<<From_PAGE_54<<) Grapple spins out his grappling hook towards the ship at Brawn and Ironhide’s insistence. (>>PAGE_41>>) Latching the hook on the ship below them, the Autobots plan to bring the ship towards them to better defend it. But they are spotted by Galvatron, who orders his troops to open fire on the trio! Caught in the cross-fire, the Seville is blown to smithereens, and the ancient Autobot secret within is lost forever. Which is unfortunate, as the Autobots are in need of a power booster as they are desperately outmatched by their enemies.

Featured characters


  • Autobot Alert! represents the setting from after the movie, but with quite significant changes. For instance, Ultra Magnus is the leader of the Autobots, Hot Rod is still Hot Rod, and several characters who should be dead, aren't.
  • While sneaking aboard a Decepticon spaceship in one thread, Hot Rod and Bumblebee disguise themselves by putting on spacesuits. It's a mystery why a ship crewed by robots would have spacesuits in the first place. Not only this, but if one is to trust the illustrations, the space suit make for some paper-thin disguises. (Not that this means it doesn't fool the Decepticons).
  • Both Astrotrain and Cyclonus are portrayed as positively HUGE in this story (at least in their vehicle modes). Although there is some precedent for Astrotrain to be very large, Cyclonus's portrayal is unusual, being big enough to house not only Galvatron, but a whole fleet of Decepticons within himself!
  • Although none of the individual Constructicons are named, and the only illustration depicting one is too obstructed to positively identify which member is shown, all six members must be present in at least one path, seeing as they combine to form Devastator.
  • It is unclear if you are meant to be an Autobot or a human in this story. In the rare instances where other Autobots address you directly, they certainly seem to treat you as though you were just another Autobot.
  • Springer's rarely mentioned jumping abilities are put into action in one path. Transforming to helicopter mode never comes up as an option, maybe due to Springer carrying the cybertite sphere.
  • Autobot Alert's book cover art is misleading in several ways:
    • Though the cover art depicts the cybertite sphere as having a pink hue, it is consistently described as glowing green within the story.
    • Pipes is never mentioned to be present throughout the entire book, despite appearing in the far background of the cover illustration.
    • The scene depicted on the cover never actually takes place in the story. It is a rough amalgamation of several different storypaths.
  • Oddly, whichever path is chosen at the very beginning of the book, the neglected mission bears no impact on the story in any of the endings. Do the Decepticons simply get bored and stop bothering to take over the airwaves/steal the ancient Autobot formula?

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