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Transformer afterlife

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This article is about the afterlife. For the life giving object, see AllSpark. For a list of other meanings, see Allspark (disambiguation).
The Allspark. Yes, it does kind of look like a big sperm on purpose.

Whereas humankind has fought wars over the meaning behind life and death, the Transformer race is fortunate enough to possess a sense of security in knowing for certain that their lifeforce will persist in some form when they pass on from the material plane to the Transformer afterlife.

At the heart of an endless, cyclical process of birth, death and resurrection, the Cybertronian afterlife is an extradimensional realm that is the living essence of their creator Primus. It is the wellspring from which all Transformers' sparks are born, and the place to which they return when they die. When a Transformer is brought online, it is commonly through use of a sacred treasure which serves as a means of access to Primus's realm. Through this implement, a spark departs the afterlife and enters the new Transformer's body, granting it life. The Transformer then lives out their life, and upon the moment of their death, their spark will return whence it came, taking with it all the emotions, experiences, and knowledge that the Transformer has gained throughout their time online. All this information is suffused into the collective essence of the afterlife, gathering with that derived from all other sparks from throughout time, forming a collection of information known as the "Wisdom of the Ages".

There is little individuality in the great beyond; deceased Transformers lose all sense of self-awareness as their experiences become one with all the others in the afterlife and they effectively cease to exist as a singular entity. However, some Transformers do retain their individuality—typically, those who have had close contact with sacred treasures, such as the Autobots who have carried the Matrix of Leadership—and can serve as guides for any visitors to their realm.

The afterlife is known by many names in many different universal streams, often shared with the names of sacred treasures and locations that allow access to it; these include the Matrix, the Allspark, the Well of All Sparks, and the Afterspark. If considered the analog of "heaven" in the Transformers' belief system, its "underworld" counterpart is The Pit, but there is no evidence that realm actually exists.

Where...all are one.

Rhinox after travelling through the Allspark, "Coming of the Fuzors (Part 2)"


Conceptual history

Rodimus Prime ventures into the Matrix, guided by the spirit of an ancient robot.

The concept of the Transformers having an afterlife to which they go when they expire has existed since near the beginning of the line, and has evolved and coalesced over the last thirty years. The history of this development is covered here for clarity; for the specifics on the different interpretations in various continuities, see the "Fiction" section below.

The very beginnings can be found in the Generation 1 cartoon, which introduced the Autobot Matrix of Leadership in The Transformers: The Movie. The Matrix was a powerful, ancient talisman, revealed in the episode "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4" to be a vessel containing the "life forces" of its previous bearers, who stood sentinel over the accumulated "Wisdom of the Ages" within the Matrix and guided Rodimus Prime through its depths. Additionally, the deceased Autobot Alpha Trion was shown to exist within both the Matrix in "The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2" and the mega-computer Vector Sigma—source of Transformer life in this continuity—in "The Rebirth, Part 2"; this was a contradiction at the time, but would become hugely relevant years later.

While the Generation 1 Marvel comic had debuted its version of the Matrix, the Creation Matrix, before the cartoon under writer Bob Budiansky, it was not until after the cartoon introduced these concepts that writer Simon Furman expanded on the nature of the comic's Matrix. Under Budiansky, the Matrix had already been established to be the source of new Transformer life in the comic continuity, while Furman further revealed it to be a vessel containing the essence and power of the Transformers' creator and god Primus, in addition to explaining that all Transformer life-forces are fragments of Primus' own.

Beast Machines was responsible for clearly explaining most of the mechanics of the afterlife, which it depicted as a huge mass of sparks when seen from the "outside."

It was the Beast Wars cartoon that took understanding of Transformer life to the next level when it established the concept of sparks, a Transformer's "soul." Sparks, it was explained, came from somewhere or something called "the Matrix," and returned to this realm when they died. Additionally, the Transformers could often be heard swearing "by the Matrix," indicating its reverential place in their belief system. Behind the scenes, Beast Wars writers Bob Forward and Larry DiTillio did not have the specifics of this "Matrix" fleshed out; they envisioned it variously as a mysterious facility on Cybertron from which Maximal protoforms emerged, or as the nebula that was home to the cartoon's enigmatic aliens, the Vok, thus making those creatures responsible for Transformer life in the Beast Era. The latter idea was never used (and has since been pushed well out of the realm of possibility by subsequent fiction) while the former would later be officialized over a decade later in the Transformers Collectors' Club story "The Razor's Edge." Regardless, it was Beast Wars' own sequel series Beast Machines that was first to expand on what this "Matrix" truly was, forging it into the central concept of its own storyline. Beast Machines introduced an additional name for the Matrix, the "Allspark," and established it to be the realm from which all Transformer sparks "that ever lived, or ever will live" come from, cementing the vast majority of the details covered in the top section of this article.

This scene from "The Rebirth, Part 2", depicting Alpha Trion inside Vector Sigma, was contradicted by an earlier scene from "The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2" that showed him within the Matrix. The discontinuity was retroactively corrected when the details of the afterlife were further explored.

In Beast Machines, the Allspark was accessed by the Oracle supercomputer, at the core of which was Vector Sigma, tying back into the Generation 1 cartoon and indicating how the computer had been able to provide life in its version of events. The Robots in Disguise cartoon soon reiterated the connection, describing Vector Sigma as "the Allspark" in "Ultra Magnus: Forced Fusion!". A year or two later, Dreamwave Productions' More Than Meets The Eye guidebook did the same for the Matrix of Leadership, describing it as a conduit for the life-giving power of Primus (as in the Marvel comic), a container of great wisdom (as in the cartoon), and the source and destination of all sparks (as in the Beast cartoons). With all these links in place, the Alpha Trion contradiction mentioned above suddenly took on new meaning: he was not within either the Matrix or Vector Sigma, but within the afterlife realm, which was merely being accessed by these two items. As a final touch, in 2006, the bio of the e-Hobby exclusive "Laser" Ultra Magnus figure explained why the Autobot leaders from the Generation 1 cartoon had appeared as individuals within the afterlife when Beast Machines had established this should not be the case: those who had held the Matrix of Leadership were exempt from this rule, and retained their individuality.

Following Beast Machines, which favored the "Matrix" name in-show despite the secondary moniker it introduced, "Allspark" became the standard term used to refer to the afterlife, presumably to avoid confusion with the physical Matrix object. This held for several years, until 2007 when the live-action film series and Transformers Animated cartoon both used "AllSpark" (with a camelCase "S") as the name of the ancient object that was the source of Transformer life in these continuities (itself identified as a "sacred treasure" like the Matrix and Vector Sigma by Takara's World of the Transformers website). Faced with finding a new way to avoid confusion, Animated referred to the afterlife not as the "Allspark," but as the "Well of All Sparks," after a location introduced in Dreamwave's comics which was itself another means of accessing the realm, while the movies simply opted to avoid referring to the afterlife by any name altogether. The Transformers: Prime cartoon, however, did not replicate either solution, resulting in a somewhat confusing depiction of the Allspark/AllSpark in "Predacons Rising" that practically treated the physical object and the afterlife realm as if they were the same thing—not unlike the treatment of the Matrix in the Generation 1 cartoon, but with the weight of history against it. This would occur again in the Cyberverse cartoon wherein the physical AllSpark object would be depicted as both the source and final resting place of all Transformer life, with the sparks of deceased Transformers actually shown to physically enter the AllSpark object shortly after a Transformer's death, as though the afterlife actually resided within said object. Such conflation was probably inevitable given the afterlife had three different names, each one shared with an item or location connected to it; in 2011, IDW Publishing sought to sidestep such issues by providing a fourth, original name, the "Afterspark," introduced in The Death of Optimus Prime.


Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

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Injured in battle with the Decepticons in 2005, Rodimus Prime's lifeforce temporarily retreated into the Matrix of Leadership, where he was offered confusing glimpses of the Transformers' history that implied a connection with the Quintessons. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2 Desperate to learn more about the evil aliens and why they were targeting the Transformers, Rodimus voluntarily short-circuited himself so that he could travel into the Matrix once again. This time, he was greeted by the spirits of the deceased leaders who had come before him, who took him on a guided tour through twelve million years of Cybertronian history that revealed the full extent of their origins. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4

When Optimus Prime was returned to life in 2006, he entered the Matrix in the hope that amongst the wisdom it contained was a cure for the Hate Plague currently ravaging the galaxy. Welcomed back to the afterlife by the spirit of Alpha Trion, Optimus journeyed back through history to consult the earliest known entity within the Matrix, "It," who revealed that the unthinking rage brought on by the spores could be counteracted by the wisdom found within the Matrix itself. Prime emptied the Matrix to cure the plague, The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2 but subsequently used its empty shell to reactivate Vector Sigma so that he could commune with Alpha Trion once more, seeking answers about the Decepticon's theft of the key to the Plasma Energy Chamber. The Rebirth, Part 2

Japanese cartoon continuity

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Following Ultra Magnus's death in 2011, Ultra Magnus Dies!! his temporary custodianship of the Matrix saw him inducted into the ranks of past Autobot leaders who retained their individuality in the afterlife. Decades later, when Galvatron II arrived from another dimension, Magnus sensed the danger from within the Matrix. G-2 Laser Ultra Magnus bio Requiring help to battle Galvatron, Optimus Prime called upon Alpha Trion's spirit—now bonded to the Matrix after he had restored it from its emptied state Birth of the Fantastic Double Prime—to help him resurrect Magnus. Trion ventured into the afterlife and located Magnus's spirit, then used his Matrix-granted powers to bring both Magnus and himself back to life. Resurrection Chapter

The indestructible nature of the treacherous Decepticon Starscream's mutant spark meant that when he died, rather than go to the afterlife, he found himself in the twilight realm of Limbo, between life and death. From there, Starscream created a crystal that allowed him to return to the physical plane as a ghost. MP-3G Destron Air Commander / Starscream Ghost Ver.

After his death in the war against the Vehicons, The Cost of Victory Rhinox's spirit ended up in the Legends Universe. Bonus Edition Vol. EX As a ghost, Rhinox was able to fight and defeat fellow ghost Starscream. Afterwards, Rhinox had his soul placed into a fully-functional body built in the Legends Universe, and he returned to his home universe with his friends. Bonus Edition Vol. EX

Beast Era

Beast Wars cartoon

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The Beast Warriors' first reference to the Matrix came when Tigatron swore by it as an exclamation of shock. The Probe When Dinobot perished, Optimus Primal said a prayer for his spark to "join the Matrix, the greatest of Cybertron." Code of Hero Rampage was heard to invoke it as a threat; when firing what he thought was a killing shot at Silverbolt, he mockingly declared "Time to go back to the Matrix, hero!" Transmutate

When Optimus Primal perished in a transwarp explosion and his spark crossed over into "the other side of the Matrix," the nature of the explosion meant that it left a trans-ion trail behind, an ethereal pathway leading into the great beyond. Piggybacking on this trail, Rhinox was able to project his own consciousness into the afterlife, where he located Primal's spark, bringing it back to reality and implanting it into a blank protoform, restoring Primal to life. Coming of the Fuzors (Part 2)

Beast Machines cartoon

Voice actor: Miscellaneous overlapping voices (English)
We are all but fragments of the Matrix, which releases each of us in order to struggle, and grow, and evolve—so when we return to it, it may grow and evolve. Thus do we serve the Matrix, not just by battling, but also by acquiring knowledge, wisdom, and experiencing love.Optimus Primal, Endgame Pt. III: Seeds of the Future
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Upon their return to Cybertron, Optimus Primal and his Maximals were summoned to the planet's depths by the Oracle supercomputer. Thanks to his "receptive spark," Primal was able to interface with the Oracle, and via its Vector Sigma core, commune with the Matrix itself—referred to by the Oracle as "the Allspark that links everyone and everything that ever lived or ever will live." The Reformatting Through this link, Primal would often experience prophetic, metaphorical visions that steered him on a mission that he believed was the Matrix's purpose for him: to restore organic matter to Cybertron. Revelations Part II: Descent It was while he was in the middle of such a communion that Primal found himself unexpectedly joined on this higher plane of consciousness by Blackarachnia, whose spark had been separated from her body during a battle with Megatron's Vehicons. Blackarachnia was confused, but Primal explained that all Transformers were linked through the Matrix. Revelations Part III: Apocalypse

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It was also through communion with the Oracle and the Allspark that Primal discovered Rhinox's spark was trapped within the Vehicon general Tankor. As Tankor, Rhinox manipulated Optimus and Megatron into releasing the energies of the Plasma Energy Chamber and the Key to Vector Sigma, but the resultant clash between the two threatened to destroy the planet, with Tankor as one of its first victims. In the heart of the maelstrom, Primal found himself drifting into the Matrix once more, where Rhinox's spark appeared to impart a final message. Spurred on, Primal was able to take control of the forces ravaging Cybertron and directed them through the Oracle, into the Matrix itself. In doing so, however, Primal destroyed himself, and his own spark began to join the Matrix. Just before he merged with it, he had another vision that finally made clear what the Matrix's mission for him was: not to replace the planet's technology with organic matter, but to unite the two and create a technorganic Cybertron. Realizing his work was not yet done, Primal's spark refused to join the Matrix, and he returned to the physical world to continue leading his Maximals. Fallout

Botanica saw the Allspark when the Oracle granted her a vision of what had been happening to Cybertron. Sparkwar Pt. I: The Strike Soon after, when Optimus petitioned the Oracle for aid in fighting the final battle against Megatron's forces, the Allspark itself answered the call, super-charging the sparks of the Maximals with the energy of the innumerable sparks that made up its being. Endgame Pt. II: When Legends Fall Optimus subsequently perished defeating Megatron and his spark appeared one last time to Cheetor through his own newfound connection to the Oracle before departing to join the Matrix. Endgame Pt. III: Seeds of the Future

Singularity Ablyss

Main article: Tree of Life

During his ongoing battles with the Maximals for control of the sparks of Cybertron, Megatron's own spark became separated from his body. Against his own wishes, his spark began to drift into the next world, where it was greeted by the spark of the deceased Rhinox. The Maximal explained that he was to serve as Megatron's guide through the "Tree of Life" that linked the physical world to the Allspark, and that he would lead him through the eight "levels" on the tree, each one repsenting a different emotion or ethic that would educate Megatron's spark in preparation for his arrival at the "top" of the tree and his merging with the Allspark. Revulsed at the notion of losing his individuality, Megatron fought back, obliterating Rhinox's spark and returning to the material world to continue his plans. Singularity Ablyss

Unicron Trilogy cartoon continuity

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In this reality, sparks emerge from the Allspark via something called the "Iacon chamber." Rebellion Characters could be heard to swear by the Allspark, and Starscream once referred to death as being sent to "meet the Allspark." Trap

When Optimus Prime died defending Earth against the threat of the Hydra Cannon, the Mini-Cons were able to resurrect him by recovering his spark from the great beyond via the Matrix of Leadership. Miracle

After Vector Prime and Megatron met their ends during the quest for the Cyber Planet Keys, their spirits were shown duelling one another in the next world. Beginning

Mini-Cons have what is essentially their own version of the Allspark, called the Linkage. Linkage

Animated cartoon

Uniquely, the afterlife is referred to as the "Well of All Sparks" in this dimension, first referenced by the Autobot medic Ratchet when wryly commenting on the non-life-threatening severity of injuries received by Prowl: "Well, he's not quite ready to join the Well of All Sparks, if you know what I mean." Transform and Roll Out

In order to sufficiently reconstitute the shattered AllSpark crystal, Prowl added his own spark to the crystal mass. He died in the process, but his spark did not move on to the afterlife, instead persisting as a ghost. Endgame, Part II

Had Animated been renewed for a fourth season, a further episode would have explored Prowl's adventures as a ghost, possessing Transformers animated by AllSpark fragments.

Live-action film series


While carrying the knowledge of the AllSpark in his mind, Sam Witwicky was gravely wounded by a blast from Megatron. As his body lay apparently dead, his consciousness ascended into the Transformer afterlife, where he was met by the Dynasty of Primes. Congratulating Sam on his valiant efforts to resurrect the fallen Optimus Prime, the Primes revealed that by being willing to die in Optimus's name, Sam's had proven himself worthy of the power of the Matrix of Leadership. The Primes then returned him to the material world so he could complete his mission and use the Matrix to revive Optimus. Revenge of the Fallen

2005 IDW continuity

Optimus Prime initially mistook the blighted, primordial landscape of the transformed Cybertron for the Afterspark.

The afterlife is typically referred to as the "Afterspark," though when Nominus Prime was given a grand funeral, it was said to honor his "ascension to the Allspark". Patternism

According to legend, the Afterspark had been created by the Guiding Hand after the God War so that Cybertronians could live forever following their deaths. The God War One interpretation of the Afterspark was that it was an informational cloud with skies of program code and mountains of ancient data. Metastasis

After awakening from his "sacrifice" to cleanse Vector Sigma of the D-Void, Optimus Prime thought he was in the Afterspark. Subsequent exploration soon revealed his belief to be incorrect; the world was Cybertron itself in a period of rebirth. The Death of Optimus Prime The massive changes to the planet caused Hipotank to ask the Autobots "What in the Afterspark have you done?" The Autonomy Lesson

During a discussion on Primus, Ore told Swerve that he didn't believe in the Afterspark or any other afterlife for that matter. Once Ore suddenly vanished, the more religious Swerve assumed that Primus had intervened and sent the poor soul to the Afterspark. Primus: You, Me, and Other Revelations Tarn was similarly skeptical, but considered himself agnostic rather than atheist, because while he considered the existence of the Afterspark to be in doubt, he had no doubts that Hell was real—and that he had created it in Grindcore prison. Speak, Memory! (Part 2)

"Afterspark" was also utilized in insults. When Outback casually mentioned killing other bots, Jetfire denounced him "Afterspark-spawned". Feel Safe Without Regrets

"This is the Bad Place!"

Onyx Prime referred to infraspace as a limbo between the land of living and the afterlife. Ghost in the Machine

On Caminus, devout adherents of the Way of Flame believe in reincarnation: the Sparks of the departed return to the forge of Solus Prime, which burns beneath the Primal Wellspring, and are eventually reborn as new Cybertronians. The Life of Sideswipe

After an accident with the Warren, Team Rodimus found themselves on Mederi which presented itself to them as Cyclonus's interpretation of the Afterspark based on his powerful desire to reunite with the believed to be deceased Tailgate. You Are Here

Though all the myths and legends of Cybertron had been disproved, Soundwave managed to use the Enigma of Combination and the "Earth-Enigma" to tap into a metaphysical realm populated by the spirits of deceased Cybertronians, alongside fallen humans and Space Knights, though whether this realm truly was the Afterspark is unclear. Ceremony

Aligned continuity family

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In this world, the distinction between the afterlife and the sacred treasure used to access it is harder to define. At first, it seemed as if there was a physical AllSpark object through which the afterlife was accessed, kept within the Well of All Sparks, Exodus but later, it was explained the "physical" Allspark was actually nothing of the sort: it was ethereal energy, which was placed within a container built by Alpha Trion so that it could be launched into space and put beyond Megatron's reach. The language used to describe the energy was vague, but spoke of how it was "extracted from the ether" and was made up of "a multitude of sparks," suggesting that the energy might have actually been that of the Allspark realm itself, drawn into the material world. Predacons Rising

Don't go into the light, there's a whole season left yet!

As Optimus Prime lay dying, he had a vision of approaching the Allspark and speaking with Alpha Trion, who invited him to join it. Rebellion The power of the Forge of Solus Prime saved Optimus's life, and he returned to the material plane to resume his war with Megatron, which culminated in Megatron's death at Bumblebee's hands—but Megatron was soon to learn that his spark was unable to join the Allspark, as it was forever marked with the taint of Unicron's evil by Dark Energon. Predacons Rising

When Optimus recovered the reliquary containing the Allspark, he found it necessary to empty the container so it could be used as a prison for Unicron's dark spark. To keep safe the energy of the Allspark, he transferred it from the container into the Matrix of Leadership, bonded to his own spark. Gravely, Ratchet and Smokscreen realized that Optimus had quite literally enacted the metaphysical concept of becoming "one with the Allspark." Only by sacrificing his own life could Prime release the energy of the Allspark, returning it to the Well of All Sparks and restoring Cybertron's ability to generate new life. Predacons Rising However, before his own spark could join the Allspark, it was intercepted by the legendary Primes and transported to their realm, Decepticon Island (Part 1) from whence he was resurrected. Battlegrounds, Part 1

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

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After being slain by the god-emperor Megatron, Optimus Prime and Grimlock's sparks embarked on the journey to their eternal rest, travelling across a digital wireframe plane. Informed by the spirit of Alpha Trion that as they were not guaranteed a place in the pantheon of the Matrix, they had to prove their worth by facing the weird landscape's many perils, including Kremzeek, the "eater of souls", who threatened to consume their lifeforces before they could transcend to the next world. Grimlock struggled along the way, weighed down by the metaphorically representative burden of his sword, but Prime helped him, and together they climbed a winding mountain peak, where they were confronted by the Angel of Death, who told them that only those possessing the "Key to Vector Stigmata" could cross over into the Matrix. Prime realized that the wounds on his body were the key, but the angel would not permit him to bring Grimlock with him. Prime traded Grimlock the key for his sword, and allowed the Dinobot to take his place in the Matrix. From his new seat in the afterlife, Grimlock tormented the talisman's current holder, Megatron himself, mockingly telling him there was nowhere he could hide from him. Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12 Scarlett subsequently used Doctor Venom's Brainwave Scanner to induce a transcendental experience, allowing her to make contact with Optimus Prime's spirit and guide it back to his repaired body. The War Never Ends

Beast Wars: Uprising

After his death at the hands of the GoBot Vamp, the Maximal Overshoot was faced with a choice: he could either join the Allspark — and abandon his partner Stiletto — or remain in the material plane, forever forsaking his chance to transcend to the next life. He chose the latter option, remaining an incorporeal presence who could prod the thoughts of his ex-partner. Cultural Appropriation

Following the end of the Vehicon Apocalypse, Overshoot, his job in this life done, rejoined the Oracle, reaching transcendence of a sort. Derailment


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  • When Rodimus Prime gains his first glimpse of the afterlife in the Generation 1 cartoon episode "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2", he is shown travelling down a purple-walled corridor, and experiences a psychedlic vision of flying mathematical formulae which then explode (see collage, at right). The prose story "Singularity Ablyss" by Beast Machines story editor Bob Skir, also included these pieces of imagery during its description of Megatron's journey into the afterlife—but only as the result of an absolutely incredible coincidence, as Skir had never seen the G1 episode!
  • Unicron's Transformers: Armada 2003 Fleer/Skybox trading card—the first new modern retelling of the Unicron/Primus origin story—claimed that "the All Spark" was responsible for birthing both him and Primus. This doesn't make a heck of a lot of sense, and when the story was recounted in Transformers: The Ultimate Guide within the following year, the "All Spark" was replaced with The One.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Matrix Zone (マトリクスゾーン Matorikusu Zōn), Allspark (オールスパーク Ōrusupāku)
  • Mandarin: Huǒzhǒng Yuán (火种源, "Origin of Sparks")

See also

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