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Guyhawk is a Decepticon Breastforce warrior from the Generation 1 continuity family.
"Hawk, Guyhawk."

Guyhawk (ガイホーク Gaihōku, aka Gaihawk) is one of the founding members of Deathsaurus's Breastforce. Cold and somber, Guyhawk hates those who claim to have "character" and perfect principles, and as such, he really loathes Autobots of all shapes and sizes. In particular, Greatshot really ruffles his feathers; Guyhawk used to work with him on the mercenary circuit, and for him to see his old partner in crime turn to the side of the angels is nothing short of sickening. Guyhawk doesn't practise what he preaches, though; despite his hatred of the pretence of perfection in others, he always tries to make himself come off as perfect. He boasts about his skills, he's always the first into battle and the last to leave, he hates it when he is defeated, and he will always pass the buck if he gets blamed for something.

In jet mode, Guyhawk's speed exceeds even that of his commanding officer, Leozack. He is capable of unleashing a hellish storm of laser fire from above, rendering even the toughest of enemies to piles of smoldering ash. In robot mode he wields the power of the "Ice Needle", an attack which allows him to fire an onslaught of daggers forged from super-cooled plasma from his hands, capable of tearing through even the toughest of metals. His chest plate, Hawkbreast, can detach and transform into a hawk-like attack partner or the handheld "Hawk Cannon" blaster. Like his fellow Breastforcers, Guyhawk is also armed with an Electromagnetic Nunchaku.

Guyhawk can combine with his Breastforce teammates to form Liokaiser, forming the right arm of the super robot.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Victory cartoon

Voice actor: Yoshitada Ōtsuka (Japanese), Rik Thomas (English, Omni Productions dub)
"Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?"

Some time before Star Saber assumed command of the Autobot forces, the Autobot hero apprehended Guyhawk and had him sentenced to imprisonment on the Planet Micro Satellite Penitentiary. Separated from his Hawkbreast, Guyhawk was put to work with other prisoners, gathering energy from the moon's rivers of magma. Guyhawk made no friends or alliances within the ranks of prisoners, caring nothing for any of them; once, when one hapless convict fell into a lava river and was able to grab onto Guyhawk's leg as he was swept past him, Guyhawk ignored his pleas to be pulled to safety, and kicked him off, sending him spiraling off to his molten doom.


In 2025, Guyhawk's old Breastforce comrades came to planet Micro with the intention of liberating him, so that they could once again merge into the giant robot, Liokaiser, and defeat Star Saber. When the Breastforce attacked the penitentiary, the prison staff, realizing their objective, attempted to transfer Guyhawk to a safer location. Unfortunately for the guards transferring him, the sneaky Decepticon had concealed a blade, and slashed his way through their ranks to freedom. Making his way through the prison corridors, he soon came upon fellow Breastforcer Hellbat, who was in the process of searching for him. Hellbat cheerfully greeted him, but Guyhawk threw him aside and demanded he take him to the prison's energy room. Using the stockpiled energy, Guyhawk recharged himself to full power and freed his Hawkbreast from the cage in which it had been kept. Seconds later, Guyhawk was confronted by Greatshot, who had been ordered into the prison by Star Saber, but Guyhawk was unaware that his old friend had joined the Autobots, and reacted with disgust when Hellbat informed him of this fact. Old friend or not, Guyhawk had no compunctions about engaging in a firefight with Greatshot, which culminated in a face-off on the walkway above the prison's magma vat. Impaling Greatshot with his Ice Needle attack. Guyhawk sent his foe tumbling towards the lava, but could not stick around to see the job finished as the prison began exploding around them. Rescue! Guyhawk

Wanna make out?

Leozack soon called a meeting to formally welcome Guyhawk back into the ranks of the Breastforce, during which Guyhawk was warmly received by all the assembled members. When a surprised Guyhawk asked why Hellbat was absent, Leozack explained that he was completely untrustworthy, and that he had already arranged to replace Hellbat with another old comrade, Deathcobra. Soon, however, Hellbat arrived with the news that the Autobots had killed Deathcobra. In actuality, Hellbat had accidentally killed Deathcobra himself when he had attempted to persuade him to leave so that he could keep his place on the team, but he blamed the death on the Autobot Holi, and led the other unaware Breastforcers in a "retaliatory" attack. During the fight, Guyhawk got the chance to deliver the killing shot to Holi, but his Hawkbreast was suddenly blasted from his hand by the dramatic arrival of Star Saber. Relishing the chance for revenge against the Autobot who had imprisoned him, Guyhawk combined with the rest of the Breastforce combined into Liokaiser for the first time in years, and together, they were actually able to defeat Star Saber in combat. Unite! Liokaiser The team then returned to Earth, where Deathsaurus heaped praise upon Guyhawk, frustrating Leozack to no end. Battle Up of Wrath!!

Must resist urge... to... take... out of... context.

Guyhawk joined the Breastforce in numerous subsequently missions, raiding energy from America's Schaeffer Energy plant Battle Up of Wrath!! and Antarctica's subterranean oil wells, Fight to the Death!! Antarctic Battle and ambushing the Autobot Brainmasters in the desert. During the latter mission, Guyhawk distinguished himself by using the power of his Ice Needle to damage the combiner Road Caesar so badly that he was forced to disengage, but he lost his composure when Greatshot appeared on the scene, and he immediately took to the air in pursuit of revenge against his traitorous old friend. The arrival of Star Saber forced the villains to retreat, much to Guyhawk's chagrin. Crisis! Ambush in the Desert

Eager to hunt Greatshot down, Guyhawk assembled the Breastforce to aid him in the search, and clashed with Leozack, who was furious that his subordinate has superseded his authority for so trivial a goal. Fortunately, before the two could come to blows, Deathsaurus gave the Breastforce a new mission: join him in ambushing Star Saber in Asia. A Deadly Battle While Star Saber survived the ambush, God Ginrai was fatally wounded, and the Decepticons capitalized upon the Autobots' reduced manpower by increasing the frequency of their attacks. Guyhawk joined the Breastforce in pillaging energy from a solar power station Ginrai Dies!! then later helped attack the Mount Asama geothermal power plant, only to be shot out of the sky by Victory Leo, the reborn form of God Ginrai. Awaken! Victory Leo

Finally some sky he's camouflaged against!

When Deathsaurus used the threat of orbital missile bombardment to keep the Autobots at bay, Guyhawk, Jallguar and Killbison were able to freely steal energy, pausing only in their evil deeds to mock the helpless Autobots who were watching. Deathsaurus's plan was foiled when Star Saber fused for the first time with Victory Leo into Victory Saber and bested him in combat. The Tide Is Turned! The Ultimate Weapon, the Victory Unification Guyhawk and the Breastforce later went up against Victory Saber as Liokaiser, but were likewise defeated. A Mystery?! The Deception of the Base Bombs

Soon after, Guyhawk helped unleash the metal-eating Doriya insects upon the Autobots, The Death-Bringing Space Insects!! then went on to participate in the Decepticons' theft of energy from the ancient continent of Atlantis. The Terror of the Giant Tidal Waves With this Atlantean energy in their clutches, the Breastforce and Deathsaurus headed into space about the Thunder Arrow, planning to use the stolen energy to recharge Deathsaurus's Planet-Destroying Fortress. The Autobots pursued the villains, but were unable to stop them from bringing the fortress back online. The Wrath of the Resurrected Giant Fortress! To keep the Autobots busy while the fortress's main cannon charged, Deathsaurus dispatched the Breastforce—combined as Liokaiser—to battle them. In the course of the clash, Victory Leo was able to blast Liokaiser into the fortress's cannon barrel, which drained his energy dry. With his consciousness fading and his body unable to move, Liokaiser could only utter a fading scream for help as he drifted off into the depths of space. Showdown! The Fortress vs the Victory Unification

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Crisis! Ambush in the Desert Jan - Defend the Campus!!

Legends comic

During his time in prison, Guyhawk spotted Sixshot being brought in for imprisonment. Bonus Edition Vol. 50

Zone catalog

As part of Liokaiser, Guyhawk was revived from death by some means. Lead by the reborn Dark Emperor Deathsaurus, Liokaiser joined several other powerful Decepticons in an assault on planet Zone. Attempting to steal their Energon Z, the Decepticons proved no match for the Micromasters and were driven away. Zone Project Story

Victory comic

Gaihawk manga.jpg

Guyhawk debuted at the feet of Deathsaurus, as he knelt to inform his emperor that Leozack had gone off on a solo mission, foolishly believing that he could conquer Earth on his own. Leozack's Rampage! After Leozack was defeated by Star Saber, Guyhawk and the rest of the Breastforce took the Autobot leader on, only to be taken out by a single slash of his Saber Blade. Star Saber, Warrior of Love!

Later, Guyhawk and the other Breastforcers combined into Liokaiser to battle Star Saber on Energy Planet X. When the combiner warrior managed to seize Star Saber, his individual components began arguing over who would get right to destroy the Autobot leader; "the Great Guyhawk" believed he had earned the right to do the deed. Star Saber exploited the opening to turn the battle around, and Liokaiser was defeated and escaped. Star of Friendship, Jan and Star Saber! In their next battle with Star Saber, the Breastforce almost had him defeated thanks to the aid of Deathsaurus and Dinoking, but the tables were turned when Star Saber merged with new arrival Victory Leo, to form Victory Saber. The Strongest Pair, the Combination of Victory!

In their next battle, Liokaiser and Deathsaurus were defeated by the Autobots' "Five Stars of Victory" attack technique, and Liokaiser split back into Guyhawk and the rest of the Breastforce to flee back to Deathsaurus's "Space Stronghold". Shine, Five Stars of Victory From the stronghold, the Decepticons began a final attack on Earth, bombarding the planet with meteors, but the Autobots succeeded in thwarting their scheme, despite a bit of attempted treachery courtesy of Leozack. At the battle's end, Deathsaurus revealed that the fortress was home to the Decepticon civilians, and that they had been fighting to keep them safe. Struck by this revelation, Star Saber decided that it was time for the Autobots and Decepticons to lay down their arms, and live in peace—the truest victory of all! The Grand Victory War

Wings Universe

Guyhawk is stunned by Hellbat's inexplicable Edward G. Robinson impersonation.

Millions of years ago, Guyhawk, using a newly-developed "Skyraider" style body, was part of Skyquake's crew sent to recover a mysterious item from the crashed Autobot ship Van De Graaff on Beta-Nine. He and Hellbat were able to corner one of the Autobots also looking for the cargo... up until Hellbat got turned into a snack by a local lake monster, that is. Their captive was able to escape, and Guyhawk and Banzai-Tron chased after him.

They eventually caught up with him, only to get tossed aside when their captive's commander came barreling through. Guyhawk then managed to recover from that... only to get blown out of commission when Banzai-Tron was tricked into accepting a rigged container from the Autobots. Guyhawk and the others then surrendered and were taken prisoner. Wings of Honor

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: More than Meets the Eye #39

Guyhawk was part of Deathsaurus's contingent of Decepticons stationed in their Warworld. In agreement with Tarn, Deathsaurus and his forces joined with the Decepticon Justice Division to continue the Decepticon dream and eliminate Megatron. The Permanent Revolution When Megatron was tracked down to Censere's planet, Guyhawk was part of the attack force that went after him. How Bright Their Frail Deeds Guyhawk was part of the gang that attacked Ten on sight but got whumped in the guts for his trouble. The Sun in Flight

Following this battle, Deathsaurus ceded control of his army to Nickel. The rogue contingent of Decepticons retreated to the barren world of Frayus, where Guyhawk and his teammates displayed the ability to form Liokaiser during a shootout between the Galactic Council and the Black Block Consortia. Journey's End


Transformers: Earth Wars

  • Class: Aerial
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 star


Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

When most people "flip the bird", it doesn't turn into a gun.
  • Guyhawk (Breastforce, 1989)
Released in the Victory portion of Takara's Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers toyline, Guyhawk transforms into a magenta and white MiG-29 fighter jet. He came packaged with his Breast Animal partner, the Hawkbreast, which transforms from a hawk-like robot to either breastplate armor for Guyhawk, or the hand-held "Hawk Cannon" blaster.
Guyhawk combines with his fellow Breastforce warriors (sold separately, nominally) to form the super robot Liokaiser; he forms the right arm of the super robot. Unlike most original-series combiners, the relevant combiner "kibble" is actually fully integrated into Guyhawk himself rather than a separate piece; Liokaiser's right fist retracts fully into Guyhawk's boot when not in use.

  • Liocaesar [sic] (Gift set, 1989)
  • ID number: D-335
  • Accessories: "Hawkbreast" Breast Animal
Guyhawk was also available in a complete six-piece box set of the entire Breastforce team. Each toy in the set is identical to their individual releases.
This release does not have bio/Tech Spec cards for the individuals, only the combined form.

Combiner Wars

"Just like on M.A.S.H." "Right." "Hawkguy."
  • Liokaiser (Platinum Edition Collection Pack, 2016)
  • Accessories: Double-barreled gun (white), hand/foot/gun
Combiner Wars Guyhawk is a redeco and new-head retooling of Deluxe Class Air Raid, transforming into an F-14 Tomcat fighter jet with repositionable swing-wings. As a Combiner Wars Deluxe limb, he can combine with any Combiner Wars-style Voyager torso, but is of course intended to be combined with his pack-in Destrons and "Dezarus" to form Liokaiser. His nominal placement is as the right arm.
Guyhawk was only available as part of a boxed Liokaiser giftset, the only Combiner Wars "Collection Pack" co-branded as part of the Platinum Edition range. In the United States, this set was officially exclusive to online retailer Entertainment Earth, but was also stocked by competitor BigBadToyStore, which obtained its stock through Asian vendors. In Hasbro's Asian markets such as Hong Kong and Singapore, it was available at general retail. Additionally, it was also sold at Ripley stores in Chile and at Myer stores in Australia, whereas in Canada, it was available via the Canadian Walmart website, but never sold in stores.
Combiner Wars mold: Skydive

Version 1:

Version 2:

Other versions:

  • HasbroCombiner Wars Strafe
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyPower of the Primes Dreadwind
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyPower of the Primes Blackwing


Transformers Gum

  • Guyhawk · Hellbat · Drillhorn (Candy toy kit, 1989)
Released in the Victory portion of Kabaya's Transformers Gum candy toy line, this Guyhawk is a tiny little version of his original toy, unassembled and unpainted, cast in red and black plastic, with add-on stickers for detailing. He even comes with a little Hawkbreast that doubles as a handgun (it doesn't actually transform, just can be held as a gun). And he keeps the combiner functionality as well.
Guyhawk was only available in a box packed in with Hellbat, Drillhorn, and a plank of gum which by no means should you put in your mouth if you acquire it.


  • Guyhawk's body in Wings continuity is a "virtual redeco" of the Energon Deluxe-sized Starscream mold.

Foreign names

  • Mandarin: Guàiyīng (Taiwan, 怪鷹, "Strange Hawk"), Tūjiù (秃鹫, "Vulture"), Tūyīng (秃鹰, "Bald Eagle")
  • Russian: Jastreb (Ястреб, "Hawk")
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