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Blitzwing (G1)

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The name or term "Blitzwing" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Blitzwing (disambiguation).
Blitzwing is a Decepticon Triple Changer from the Generation 1 continuity family.
"Blitzwing has no feet. Blitzwing needs no feet!"

The other Decepticons don't care much for Blitzwing. Oh, they can respect that he's an absolute terror on the battlefield, using his triple-changing ability to maximum effect. Few things are more destructive and demoralizing to an enemy force than a tank landing on your front line at Mach 2. Blitzwing changes forms rapidly in battle to keep his opponents off-balance at all times. And through it all, he's laughing like a madman, because frag it, it's just funny to him.

What makes him such a pain to his teammates is that Blitzwing's sense of humor rivals even Skywarp's for brainless thuggery. He's an unlikable, blustering, loudmouthed jerk to everyone. The Decepticons as a group may be an unpleasant bunch, but Blitzwing takes the cake, platter, and tablecloth, and has ground the table underfoot.

Tell me what's on your mind, or I'll splatter it on the wall and see for myself!

—Blitzwing, "Triple Takeover"



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Ed Gilbert (English), Keiichi Nanba (Japanese), Kenyū Horiuchi (Japanese, "Triple Takeover"), Yū Shimaka (Japanese, "Cosmic Rust", "Prime Target"), Masashi Ebara (Japanese, 2010, The Movie), Liu Qin (Chinese), Enrique Hernández (Spain-Spanish), Roberto Alexander (Latin American Spanish), Gerhard Acktun (German, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3"), Hans-Rainer Müller (German, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5"), Thomas Rauscher (German, The Movie TV Dub), Claus Brockmeyer (German, Generation 2, "The Golden Lagoon" and "Prime Target"), Kai Taschner (German, Generation 2, "Triple Takeover"), Albert Augier (European French, "The Golden Lagoon"), François Leccia (European French, "Triple Takeover"), Henry Djanik (European French, "Prime Target"), Unknown (European French, "Five Faces of Darkness" episodes), Marcos Miranda (Portuguese), Paulo Flores (Portuguese, "Prime Target"), Roberto Macedo (Portuguese, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3"), Nilton Valério (Portuguese, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5"), Newton Apollo (Portuguese, "The Movie" VHS dub)
Poor guy got crushed 49 times.

Blitzwing joined Megatron's forces on Earth in 1985, and was sent on a mission to steal energon from Dinobot Island. Dinobot Island, Part 1 The Autobots eventually arrived to halt their scheme, and Blitzwing got into a tank duel with Warpath. Dinobot Island, Part 2

Later adventures of Blitzwing included joining Megatron and Shawn Berger in an attempt to exile the Autobots from Earth via bad publicity (it failed). Megatron's Master Plan, Part 2 After that, he was seen suffering from cybertonium depletion just like everybody else, Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 1 then fighting Warpath again and coating himself in electrum. The Golden Lagoon

Blitzwing and a team of other Decepticons came searching for the robotic insecticide the Autobots had come up with, but when they came to the valley, they found it full of Morphobots. After the Autobots arrived to pick up Cosmos, Megatron ordered Dirge, Ramjet, and Blitzwing to attack. However, the Morphobots ended up incapacitating the Decepticons and slammed them on the ground. Quest for Survival

For someone as powerful as he is, Blitzwing did not have the best track record when it comes to decision-making. First, he and fellow Triple Changer Astrotrain decided to do away with both Megatron and Starscream and strike out on their own in search of fame, fortune, and energon. While this would normally be considered suicidal, the two Triple Changers somehow pulled it off and were free to finally do whatever it took to wipe out those pesky Autobots once and for all.


The way they chose to do this, however, did not do much to inspire confidence in their abilities. While his partner went off to play with some trains, Blitzwing's personal strategy for victory was to kidnap a football coach under the mistaken impression that the human was some kind of master strategist. Blitzwing brought the Constructicons in on his plan, and used them to build a maze surrounding the entry to his base/stadium. To Blitzwing's credit, a lot of the Autobots crashed into each other (and required more extensive repairs once he got to them), but soon, the Constructicons demanded a share of the leadership, and then Astrotrain arrived. All three were beaten so quickly by Megatron that it was almost embarrassing, and Blitzwing crept carefully back to the Decepticon ranks, hoping that nobody would remember what had happened. Triple Takeover

Getting captured by a human is probably the most humiliating experience these two had.

Not long afterwards, Megatron was impressed by Lord Chumley's Autobot-capturing skills, and sent Blitzwing and Astrotrain to negotiate a deal with the human. Shortly after arriving at Chumley's castle, Blitzwing got himself caught in a trap meant for Optimus Prime, and Chumley captured both Triple Changers for getting in the way of his Autobot hunting. After all of his traps failed, Chumley released Blitzwing and Astrotrain as a last ditch attempt to capture Prime, but they just tried to stomp him to death before flying back home. Prime Target

A strangely-enormous Blitzwing served as transport when the Stunticons captured Perceptor, who had created the cure for a disease Megatron had picked up. Although Blitzwing was stalked by the Aerialbots, a Lightning Bug attack from Dirge and Ramjet stalled them so Blitzwing could safely make it back to Decepticon headquarters. Cosmic Rust


Blitzwing was also present during the infamous assault on Autobot City in 2005, where he was at the head of the first attack. Together with Shrapnel, he battled Hot Rod and Kup at Lookout Mountain, a fight that did not go in his favour (Kup being surprisingly nimble for an old guy). Blitzwing is also shown participating in the general carnage at Autobot City a short time later, and is one of the several Decepticons who ran afoul of Optimus Prime. Unlike his less fortunate comrades, Blitzwing was able to avoid getting run over, and even managed to shoot back a little before Prime beat him, which is more than most Decepticons expect when facing Optimus Prime. In fact, Blitzwing made it through the entire battle more or less intact, which meant he got to ride all the way to Cybertron without anyone trying to kick him out the back door when he wasn't looking. This is exactly what happened to Megatron, however, and Blitzwing's old desire for leadership blossomed back up as he joined in on the scuffle for leadership that followed. Ultimately Starscream was the winner, and Blitzwing attended his coronation as the new Decepticon leader. The Transformers: The Movie

Blitzwing’s involvement in these events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the comic mini-series "Transformers: The Animated Movie."

When the Quintessons arrived on Chaar to bribe the Decepticon army with promises of energon and revenge, Blitzwing was the only one of his comrades to turn down their offers. He had met their kind before (or at least he thought they seemed familiar to him for some reason) and did not trust them, though he could not remember why. Upon the triumphant return of Galvatron, Blitzwing was the only Decepticon left to greet him. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3

It's the look of absolute shock on Galvatron's face that sells this.

Later, during an assault on Cybertron, it was Blitzwing who discovered that the Quintessons were lying to Galvatron and plotting to destroy all Transformers (instead of just the Autobots, which Blitzwing had no problems with). He tried to report this to Galvatron, but when he could not convince the Decepticon leader, he turned to Rodimus Prime for help. Together, Blitzwing and Rodimus were able to stop the Sharkticon commando team that had infiltrated Cybertron; Prime even offered Blitzwing a place among the Autobots, though the Triple-Changer politely declined. Unfortunately, Galvatron suspected that Blitzwing was trying to betray the Decepticons and steal the "Decepticon Matrix of Leadership" for himself and threw the Quintessons' nullifying switch, deactivating Transformers galaxy-wide until Spike Witwicky destroyed it. With the Quintessons' deception revealed, Galvatron attempted to renew hostilities with Rodimus, but Blitzwing drew his weapon and targeted Galvatron, stating that the battle was over for now. Seething, but seeing little alternative, Galvatron accepted and withdrew his forces from Cybertron, but banished Blitzwing from the Decepticon ranks forever. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5

Japanese cartoon continuity

Legends comic (1)

Blitzwing was originally an Overcharge, the personal attendant of a Quintesson who led an invasion of the Legends World. There, he met the future version of himself, who dubbed the Overcharge "Blitzwing" and told him to forge his own destiny after hearing his past self's laments that he didn't know what to do without orders from his master, who abandoned him. After returning to the G1 World, Blitzwing left the Quintessons and joined up with the Decepticons on Earth. Bonus Edition Vol. 59

The Battle of the Star Gate

Blitzwing was amongst the Decepticons who attacked the Trigger as it neared completion. They took it over easily, thanks in part to the human collaborator, Trov. One human, Makoto, had been overlooked by the Decepticons however, and managed to pin down Blitzwing and the rest of the group under Megatron's command in the Trigger's rail room with a powerful electromagnetic field. Blitzwing was almost sent hurdling to the farthest side of the galaxy by the Trigger, but a blast from Megatron's fusion cannon disabled the portal. Then the Autobots showed up, and the two factions began their battle aboard the space station. The Decepticons lost the fight and fled. First Contact

Blitzwing helped Megatron and Starscream fight off a squad of Autobots who had stumbled upon the Decepticons’ latest Energon-gathering scheme. He was ordered to provide Astrotrain with cover fire as the Decepticon shuttle retreated with the Decepticons’ newly acquired supply of Energon cubes. Activation

A duplicate of Starscream then showed up and swiped the entirety of the Energon cache, before disappearing with the other Starscream. Blitzwing was later amongst the Decepticons Megatron brought to the Trigger to confront the two Starscreams conspiring against the Decepticon leader. When Starscream combined himself with the Trigger to create a powerful new body for himself, Blitzwing had to contend with the volley of asteroids thrown towards both Autobots and Decepticons from Starscream's star gate. He was then almost sucked into a portal to a black hole when Starscream neared defeat, but was instead sent plummeting down to Earth when Optimus and Megatron worked together to defeat Starscream. The Battle of the Star Gate

The Headmasters cartoon
Voice actor: Ken Yamaguchi (Japanese), Roberto Alexander (Latin American)
If I blow up pretty boy here, then maybe Galvatron would forgive me. Or not...

By the year 2011, Blitzwing participated in an all-out Decepticon assault on Cybertron, and was seen chasing Sunstreaker around the planet until he took cover and the Triple-Changer crashed into a wall. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky He later helped Astrotrain, Octane, and the Combaticons fight the Aerialbots on Earth, but the Autobot team was really just distracting them so that Twincast could sneak into Trypticon. The Great Cassette Operation The three Triple Changers proceeded to help the Decepticon Headmasters steal the Sol 1 satellite The Shadow Emperor, Scorponok and watch Scorponok reveal his transtector. Explosion on Mars!! MegaZarak Appears

Blitzwing was set with patrolling Chaar's perimeter and guarding it from intruders. Chromedome and Hardhead sneaked past him easily, only for Blitzwing to return and reveal that it was a trap. He took Chromedome for a spin before throwing him to Scorponok, who punched both Autobots back into space. Return of the Immortal Emperor Blitzwing and Astrotrain were present in the climactic battle against the Autobots in the Arctic, and fled into space when it seemed like the Earth was going to be destroyed. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)

Legends comic (2)

Along with his comrades in the 2021 battle between Scorponok's Decepticons and Fortress Maximus's Autobots, Blitzwing's body became infected with blackballs and his head had to be converted into a Headmaster to survive. Integrating himself into the society of the Legends World like the other black ball victims, Blitzwing was walking out after a night with Astrotrain at Hardhead's when he remembered the Quintesson invasion of the Legends World that he was part of. Attacking the Quintesson overseer for once being a slave to their whims, the diminutive Headmaster was easily tossed aside by the nearby Overcharge. Lamenting that he didn't have the perfect strategist, he was soon met by Big Fight, who offered to think for the soldier in battle. (He wasn't all that cracked up to be, only advising Blitzwing to take control of his own destiny.) Managing to turn a downed Overcharge into a transtector, Blitzwing flew into battle and took down the Overcharge protecting the Quintesson. However, when the Quintesson escaped and the Overcharge panicked that he didn't know how to act on his own, Blitzwing realized it was him from the past and told him to forge his own path, giving him his name: "Blitzwing". After witnessing the invaders leave back to their home universe and saying his goodbyes to Big Fight, Blitzwing was back to boring Astrotrain with his stories at Hardhead's. Bonus Edition Vol. 59 To Fight with...

Blitzwing later witnessed the arrival of Majin Zarak and had his transtector stolen by Flywheels. Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part One

e-HOBBY comics

Blitzwing was in the midst of a battle against the Autobots when the dimensional intruder Grand Scourge dropped in through a rip in space-time and begun taking Menasor apart. Decepticon Dark Commander Grand Scourge

Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

Blitzwing was one of many spectators for the Speedia 500 race on Velocitron. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 2 He remained for the second week of the race. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3


In an offshoot timeline known as the 15-OGSS Spacetime, Thundercracker, Skywarp, and Blitzwing were observing humanity's construction of an orbital space bridge on Megatron's orders when they were suddenly attacked by the Starscream from Cloud World. Starscream took down Blitzwing and was delighted to get to kill him a second time, but his attempted murder was interrupted by Cloud World's Brawn. Compilation Comic

TV Magazine comic continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic

In Arizona, Blitzwing joined the rest of the Decepticons in an all-out assault on the Autobots. The attack was just a distraction, however, so that Soundwave could continue operations in Japan unopposed. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #2

Later, Blitzwing, Starscream, and Megatron attacked the Japanese city of Yokohama, causing destruction using Megatron's "Super Megatron Gun" form. Warpath stood against them, but Blitzwing simply charged onwards, crushing the Mini Vehicle under his tracks. The Decepticons were eventually vanquished when Tracks used his aerial manueverability to trick Blitzwing and Starscream to crash into their leader, followed by all three getting a "Prime-Magnus Double Cross Kick" to their backs. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #4

Super-God Masterforce manga

Blitzwing was among the "Legendary Decepticons" who appeared out of nowhere to challenge Ginrai and the Autobots on Earth. At the end of the day, "Blitzwing" was revealed to be nothing more than a hologram created by Turtler to confuse his foes. Burn, Chokon! New Commander Super Ginrai!

Ask Vector Prime

In an unstable amalgam universe, Blitzwing was one of the many Decepticons who assaulted Guardian City in the year 2005. He was shot down by Leader-1 when the Guardian leader arrived. Echoes and Fragments


Blitzwing was one of the many warriors who retreated from Autobot City after Optimus Prime turned the tide, and was shocked when Starscream revealed that Megatron hadn't made it out. On returning to Cybertron, he was present to witness Starscream's coronation, which was subsequently interrupted by the approach of Unicron. Deviations

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
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Blitzwing was one of the most feared and deadly killers on Cybertron, and a specific target in Operation: Volcano. He'd have been killed in a Wreckers ambush at the Imperial Amphitheatre if Megatron hadn't abruptly called most of the gang to Earth. Target: 2006

Some time later, Megatron was teleported to Cybertron alongside Optimus Prime. Straxus, Blitzwing's commanding officer, came to see Megatron as a liability and sought to take control of his more powerful body. Blitzwing witnessed the mind-swapping process, unaware that it had gone awry upon its completion, leaving both Megatron and Straxus trapped within the same frame. Resurrection!

Dern rickets!

Blitzwing, Astrotrain and Octane were commissioned by Ratbat to investigate the loss of his priceless cargo that had arrived on Earth via a low-cost freighter, but hadn't checked in as scheduled. Upon making contact with the crashed ship's pilot, Blitzwing and his companions were infected with Scraplets, and began to slowly waste away. The Autobots Blaster and Goldbug came upon the site as well, and the Decepticons reveled at the chance at some destructive fun before their demise. Though Goldbug escaped, Blitzwing, Astrotrain, and Octane cornered Blaster Crater Critters and took him prisoner. The trio then made contact with Ratbat, and urged him to send a cure to their affliction. Instead, Ratbat decided to cut his losses and sent over the Throttlebots, armed with canisters of acid, to put a permanent and immediate end to the infection. Upon seeing the Autobots approaching, Blitzwing tried to attack them, only to find he was already too weak to do anything more than sit tight and wait for the inevitable. This never came to pass though, as Blaster's friends returned with a strange and wondrous chemical that acted as a cure for the deadly disease: water. Though Blaster, who had himself gotten infected in the interim, refused to be saved if it meant also sparing the life of his captors, Goldbug's hand was forced against his fellow Autobot's wishes when thousands of Scraplets combined into a monster; the Decepticons were the only ones present with enough firepower to stop it. After being doused in water, the Decepticons made short work of the remaining Scraplets, then quickly took off hauling Ratbat's cargo. The Cure!

Don't be a weenie, Blitzwing. Astrotrain can carry all six of the Constructicons, plus their combined form.

After delivering the cargo to its intended destination, the Triple Changers linked up with Shockwave's Decepticons on Earth, Buster Witwicky and the Car Wash of Doom operating out of their tropical island starship. At that time, the Ark had left Earth, allowing the other Decepticons to launch increasingly brazen raids; Blitzwing helped the Constructicons swipe a stockpile of girders by having them load up Long Haul with as many as he could carry, then Blitzwing carried him off to their base. Toy Soldiers! On Shockwave's orders, he went up on a mission to London alongside Ramjet, Dirge, Thrust and Overbite to retrieve the remains of Megatron from the bottom of the River Thames. Salvage! He was later part of a major offensive against the Autobots on the moon, when the crews of the Ark and Steelhaven all gathered together as one big target. Blitzwing's fortunes changed, however, when he came sword-to-sword with Grimlock — it seems the energo-sword is mightier than the electron scimitar. Blitzwing was left in two pieces on the lunar landscape, and one can only assume his fellow Decepticons collected his pieces before fleeing. Totaled! He returned to the Decepticon island base as it was made over into a resort for human (shields). The Flames of Boltax!

Blitzwing doesn't take any bull.

Still smarting from his last fight, Blitzwing eagerly rushed into battle when an invasion alert sounded within the Decepticon base. This proved to be a false alarm, as the visitors were another group of Decepticons led by Scorponok. Blitzwing wound up fighting against them nonetheless, as Starscream manipulated the two Decepticon groups into fighting one another, culminating in a Decepticon Civil War between them. Turnabout is fair play, as this time it was Blitzwing who cut an opponent in two, slicing through Horri-Bull's midsection. Cold War! The infighting came to an end when the Decepticons learned that it had been orchestrated by Starscream in a bid to obtain the power of the legendary Underbase for himself. They returned to Ratbat's headquarters to tend to their wounds, though the reprieve turned out to be a short one; a large group of Autobots was detected inbound. This too turned out to be a distraction put together by Starscream, and both factions united in order to stop the treacherous Seeker. Despite the Autobot/Decepticon alliance's best efforts, Starscream was able to absorb enough power to make himself virtually unstoppable. Blitzwing was part of a squad stationed in Buenos Aires in an effort to stop Starscream's rampage across the globe. He was destroyed, along with the other Decepticon Triple Changers, by a blast of cosmic energy. Dark Star

These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details.
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At some point during the conflict on Earth, Blitzwing and Prowl battled on a highway, the Autobot dodging Blitzwing's mortar blasts as he drove away. Once upon a Time...

Blitzwing was loyal to Shockwave during the split in the Decepticon faction, a precursor to his later career moves. At the Enclave between Megatron and Shockwave's troops, Blitzwing was seen talking to a Stunticon, and was later present during the huge melee initiated by the Autobots. The Bad Guy's Ball! Later, having received insider information from a traitor in Megatron's camp, he joined Shockwave and the other Triple Changers in stealing an energon shipment right out from under Megatron himself, tossing the other Decepticon leader off a cliff in the process. Secrets He was present at Shockwave's base when the Insecticons tried to infiltrate it at Megatron's command. Bugged!

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After the Decepticon factions reunited, they staged a major strike on the Autobot Earthbase. Blitzwing joined Dirge, Thrust and Octane in an airstrike on the Autobot compound, but they were eventually driven off. Divide and Conquer! Later, he and Astrotrain received an SOS from their fellow Triple Changer, Octane, who had somehow driven himself into the middle of a military testing range. While fending off the live ammunition that threatened to set off their tanker truck comrade, Blitzwing demanded to know how this could have happened. Octane finally relented and told his fellow Decepticons that he had been "playing" again, attacking human vehicles for sport, when one of them led him on a merry chase right into his current predicament. Infuriated by the idiot's antics, Blitzwing and Astrotrain left him to his fate in the combat zone. Manoeuvres!

Marvel UK future timelines
The movie adaptation, originally published by Marvel US, is in italics
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In 2004, Blitzwing joined Astrotrain and Shockwave in an assault on Autobot City, but they were driven away when the rash and illogical Hot Rod confused Shockwave's plans. Aspects of Evil!

Blitzwing was present when Megatron returned as Galvatron and destroyed the usurper, Starscream. Judgment Day!

When Scourge and Cyclonus forced the Decepticons into an ill-advised assault on Autobase in 2008, Blitzwing was right there on the front lines, charging headlong into battle in his tank mode. He rushed towards Grapple, only to be met with heavy artillery in his advance. The Legacy of Unicron! Somehow he survived that terrifying encounter, and was present at the second major Decepticon offensive of 2008, acting as one of Soundwave's sub-commanders to ready his "team" for combat. Things turned ugly, however, when the Quintesson Trident Attack Crafts ambushed the Decepticon on their way to Autobase. Blitzwing and his fellow Decepticons only survived because Ultra Magnus and the Autobots came to their rescue against the Quintessons. Space Pirates!

Marvel Generation 2 comic

Upon hearing that the upstart Jhiaxus was conquering worlds under the Decepticon banner, Megatron declared war on him. He gathered up his troops for his announcement, and Blitzwing was seen shouting Decepticon battle slogans like "Rip!" and "Tear!" as they were whipped into a frenzy. The Cybertronians soon turned up and ripped and tore him a new one while soundly defeating Megatron's forces. New Dawn

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.
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By the year 2012, Megatron had forged an army of zombies from the lobotomised remains of Starscream's Decepticon victims, including Blitzwing. Using these "Ex-bots," Megatron managed to achieve near-total control over the Earth. Loose Ends, Part 3

Blitzwing and a sizeable portion of Megatron's legion were deployed in California to track down any survivors after Megatron had shot down the Wreckers' ship. Blitzwing got to ride on the back of Megatron's battle sled. Loose Ends, Part 2 After Kup was captured and infected with Scraplets, Megatron left the old 'bot in the open as bait. The Wreckers willingly walked into the trap to keep Megatron distracted from some of their allies making a play for the Ark, and Blitzwing entered a dogfight with Whirl upon his approach. Though Whirl managed to get a few good shots on Blitzwing, the latter couldn't feel pain in his undead state and kept coming, much to his opponent's frustration. Loose Ends, Part 4 Blitzwing and the other zombified Cybertronians were off-lined permanently once Circuit Smasher frizzle-fried the Ark's computer, Auntie. Loose Ends, Part 5 After Megatron's defeat, all of the deactivated zombies were piled into a large pit by the Autobots and obliterated from orbit. Natural Selection, Part One

Transformers '84

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Early in the war on Cybertron, Blitzwing was part of a Decepticon assault alongside Chop Shop, Barrage, Ransack, Octane, Runabout, Runamuck, Venom, and the Autobot double agent Counterpunch. Secrets & Lies #1

The Special Teams

Blitzwing was summoned by Megatron to raid a power plant of its energy, after it had been evacuated of its human occupants due to the danger of landslides in the area. The Special Teams

Sticker Adventures books

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Galvatron Attacks

Marvel coloring books

Blitzwing was one of the Decepticon troops Galvatron called upon during his battle against the Dinobots in Oil Valley. The Decepticons still lost the fight, as even more Autobot reinforcements arrived shortly after. Battle at Oil Valley

Big Looker storybooks

Blitzwing, our lord and savior.

During a Decepticon plot to steal an oil truck, Blitzwing short-circuited the truck's wiring so that it couldn't move. Sunstreaker countered his move, however, using electron pulses to restart the truck and get it back in action. Decepticon Hijack

Find Your Fate Junior

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Battle Drive

Their epic rivalry would later be immortalized in film.

Starscream and Blitzwing had been instructed by Megatron to wreak havoc and destroy the humans' wheat and corn farmland. They were meant to let the Autobots overhear that the Decepticons were planning to force the humans into starvation if they did not become Decepticon slaves, their true plan was a much more practical one. The two jets were to lure the Autobots into the open country, where they would have no cover against the flying Decepticons, and thus would be easy pickings.

In one possible sequence of events, Bumblebee happened upon the duo, and was able to take out Blitzwing with a sucker punch. This took Blitzwing out of commission for the time being, as he lay a smoldering wreck on the ground. Later, if events played out in a certain fashion, a patched-up Blitzwing would join the rest of the Decepticons in tracking down Sparkplug Witwicky to a cave in the mountains. The human had discovered a fatal flaw in the Decepticons' circuitry, and the bulk of the Decepticons' forces were tasked by Megatron into hunting him down. The Decepticons were then ambushed by Swoop, who then either took out Megatron by himself, leading Blitzwing and the rest of the Decepticons to be subsequently defeated by Autobot reinforcements, or flew away after his initial assault, leading most of the Decepticon jets, but not Blitzwing himself, on a chase all the way back to Autobot headquarters. In the later turn of events, a later possibility arose wherein Prowl attempted to make a mad dash back to Autobot headquarters with Sparkplug. In this scenario, Blitzwing and Laserbeak chased Prowl as he zig-zagged into a forest, evading Decepticon fire... only for it all to turn out nothing but one of your dreams.

In a completely different sequence of events, Bumblebee happened upon the duo, but hid amongst abandoned cars on the roadway instead of engaging Blitzwing and Starscream. Starscream and Blitzwing are not fooled, and transform before Bumblebee to discuss the Decepticons' "plan" between themselves, knowing Bumblebee would report back to Optimus. Before taking off, Blitzwing was sure to bang up the "abandonned car" out of spite. Once Optimus Prime had been lured out to the open farmland, Blitzwing was amongst the many flying Decepticons who planned to take him out. Whether or not the Decepticons succeeded depended on what decisions Optimus made.

In other possible sequences of events, Blitzwing is part of a larger Decepticon army that take out the Autobots without much fanfare. Battle Drive

Autobot Alert!

In one possible scenario, Blitzwing accompanied Galvatron on a campaign to retrieve an ancient sphere of cybertite that contained the secrets to an ancient Autobot power-booster. Learning that the sphere was located within a sunken ship off the California coast, Blitzwing and the others headed for its location.

If they found the Autobots in the middle of retrieving it, the Decepticons destroyed both the ship and the sphere, and proceeded to rain superior Decepticon firepower upon their foes.

If the Decepticons found the coast deserted, they retrieved the ship themselves, using the might of Devastator.

If Ironhide, Brawn and Grapple attempted to snatch the ship away from the Decepticons, Blitzwing and his comrades destroyed the ship and the sphere contained within to keep it out of Autobot hands. The Decepticons then proceeded to pin down the Autobots in their hiding spots, leaving the heroic robots at their mercy.

If Springer, Topspin and Seaspray executed their plan to retrieve the sphere from Decepticon clutches, they successfully distracted the evil robots for long enough to whisk the cybertite sphere back to Metroplex. Autobot Alert!

Milton Bradley mini-comic

Blitzwing was among the Decepticons under Megatron's command who ambushed the ark and was knocked offline when it crashed into Earth. He and the others were repaired four million years later when a volcanic eruption caused the ark's systems to spring into life. In the Transformers

Ladybird Books continuity

As part of a new surveillance system, Blitzwing was in command of Decepticon Space Station Argon. He and Soundwave coordinated the activation of the refraction shield, rendering it and the other two stations like it invisible to all sensors. Some time later, Blitzwing got another transmission ordering him to move the station to a specific set of coordinates. Unaware it was Hound imitating Soundwave's voice, Blitzwing had the station shifted, at which point it collided with the other two stations, destroying all three. Galvatron's Air Attack

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

This probably didn't happen.

Shortly after Optronix was upgraded into Optimus Prime, Megatron overlooked Blitzwing's activities in the field via a view-screen in his throne room. The War Within #2 Blitzwing later participated in Shockwave's assault on Iacon where he demonstrated triple-changing abilities. The War Within #3 He was at Shockwave's side when the latter ordered the final push on the Decagon, The War Within #4 and afterwards when Shockwave declared victory in Iacon with only a few Autobots left to mop up. The War Within #5 Blitzwing and the other Decepticons did not have long to savor their triumph - they were forced to retreat when Starscream wound up destroying the entire city-state by activating one of Cybertron's planetary engines. The War Within #6

This may have happened, but he probably didn't look like that.

After the disappearance of Optimus Prime and Megatron in a space bridge explosion, Blitzwing remained with Shockwave's Decepticon forces, but was captured and imprisoned by the Autobots as an experiment too dangerous to be set free. Due to some unique property of his spark, Blitzwing was abducted from Autobase by the Fallen as part of the Unbinding, Confrontation and presumably released back to the Decepticons after the temporary truce that resulted from the Fallen's defeat. Conflagration

This could have happened.

Following the departure of the Ark, Blitzwing served as Shockwave's lieutenant, overseeing the introduction of Micromasters into the Decepticon ranks. Blitzwing and Octane were standing guard at Decepticon HQ when one of the Decepticons' Micromaster patrols returned for a mission. One of them, the badly injured Greasepit, begged his larger counterparts to share some of their Energon, but Astrotrain and Blitzwing simply mocked him, and guzzled down their drinks. Destined for Nothing Shortly before the return of Skystalker and Skyhopper, Blitzwing appeared to be undergoing some sort of mutation which Shockwave did not fully understand, but which was also affecting Astrotrain. Shockwave wanted to analyze and concentrate this mutation but his plans were cut short by the arrival of the two Micromasters - Blitzwing was knocked offline by Skyhopper, while Skystalker turned Shockwave into a glove puppet. Recipe for Hate

This almost certainly didn't.

At some point Blitzwing was reactivated and made his way to Earth, where he was seen among the Decepticons captured and deactivated during Operation Liberation. Prime Directive #5

Did this happen?

Somehow he avoided becoming one of the Transformers recovered and controlled by Lazarus, returning instead to Cybertron where he fell once more under Shockwave's command. During this time, Shockwave had unified the Autobots and Decepticons, and Blitzwing now served alongside his former enemies as part of a combined force. Alongside his fellow Triple Changers, Blitzwing accompanied Shockwave to Earth to capture the renegade forces of Optimus Prime and Megatron and even managed to cause Megatron some damage before he was badly bent out of shape by Grimlock in the battle that ensued.

While Shockwave returned to Cybertron with the captive Nemesis crew, Blitzwing remained behind on Earth to assist Security Team Dion in apprehending the Autobots. New World Order Generation 1 #0 Despite his mutual antagonism with the team's commander, they managed to capture Prime's crew without incident, except when Blitzwing's goading of Optimus Prime caused him to smack the Triple Changer down. Blitzwing returned to Cybertron along with the prisoners aboard Sky Lynx. Brothers' Burden

Shockwave was ordering Blitzwing to bring him his prisoners when the conversation was interrupted by the Dinobots' attack on Shockwave's citadel. Cold War Blitzwing crossed swords once more with Grimlock and though it was Ultra Magnus who took the Dinobot commander down, it was Blitzwing who made sure he stayed down. Passive Aggression Later, during Optimus Prime's uprising of the Autobot resistance, Shockwave ordered Blitzwing to rally the troops and activate the defences. Countdown to Extinction Blitzwing subsequently joined Astrotrain on the front lines, and was about to take out that Autobrat Hot Rod when he was pummelled into the ground by a rejuvenated Grimlock and thrown at an approaching Omega Sentinel. Revelation

Eh, doesn't matter anymore.

Following the toppling of Shockwave's government, Shockwave, Blitzwing, Astrotrain and the Coneheads went to ground in the Cybertronian wastelands, operating out of a hidden base. When their perimeter alarm was tripped by a reanimated Air Warrior, Shockwave ordered Blitzwing and Astrotrain to investigate. The mindless drone was merely a distraction for a Predacon attack and though Astrotrain surrendered and agreed to serve Megatron, Blitzwing's loyalty to Shockwave proved too great - he resisted and the Predacons tore him to pieces. Lost and Found

His remains were then examined by Sixshot. The Route of All Evil

Blitzwing's history in Dreamwave's comics was rather convoluted and contradictory. His appearance among the captured Decepticons on Earth in Transformers: Generation 1 vol. 1: Prime Directive is at odds with his later appearances on Cybertron in Transformers: Generation 1 vol. 2: War and Peace and Micromasters. Furthermore, his earliest chronological appearance in The War Within depicts him as a Triple Changer, while in The Dark Ages he's an experiment that Shockwave had invested an "awful lot of time and resources in". More than Meets the Eye also states that Blitzwing's triple-changing was the result of one of Shockwave's experiments (though problematically it claims Springer was perfected first) while in Micromasters Blitzwing appears to be naturally evolving into a Triple Changer. The answers to these conundrums, and the identity of the being who examined his fallen form (though it was likely Sixshot) will remain forever unanswered, due to the bankruptcy and collapse of Dreamwave.

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

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When Teletran 3 sent a random selection of Transformers careening through the timeline, Blitzwing was one of the unfortunate victims. He was locked into the form of a private commuter jet in mid-1970s San Francisco until a number of Autobots and G.I. Joes located him and slapped a disruption unit on him. Having no idea what the slag was going on, Blitzwing's first reaction was to attack the Autobots, only to be transported back to present-day Cybertron. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #1 Upon arrival, he was overpowered and tied up by the Autobots. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #2 He was presumably saved when the Autobots were defeated and captured by Shockwave. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #4

After Serpent O.R. took control of the Decepticon army, Blitzwing joined Astrotrain, Sixshot and Buzzsaw in an attack on an Autobot peace ceremony. The Art of War #3

The Beast Within

Blitzwing participated in a savage all-out Decepticon offensive against the Autobots. With the Decepticons maintaining the advantage throughout the battle, Blitzwing was amongst those who approached a crippled Optimus Prime, ready to dispatch the Autobot leader. Before they could deliver the finishing blow, the Dinobots combined into The Beast, shifting the Decepticons’ priorities. He cheered on when Predaking clashed with The Beast, but it did little good in helping the Decepticon gestalt. The Beast Within

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: The Transformers: Infiltration #2
Hunt for Soundwave Blitzwing holds Bee.jpg

Blitzwing was forged. Before the war, he was a member of the Triorian Guard, the Senate's elite unit of Triple Changers. They were once charged with guarding the Primal Basilica and killing anyone suspicious. An Intimate Beheading

When Megatron wanted to have a peaceful chat with Orion Pax in the early days of the Decepticon revolt, Blitzwing and Astrotrain held Bumblebee hostage to make sure Orion didn't get any funny ideas. The Hunt for Soundwave This went well until Autobot reinforcements arrived, at which point Orion blasted Blitzwing's arm straight off. Cause and Effect Megatron and Orion Pax later formed an alliance to overthrow Zeta Prime, and Blitzwing participated in their combined attack on Prime's Citadel. Overthrown


With Zeta Prime dead, Megatron took control of Cybertron and had his Decepticons hunt down and arrest any Autobots who tried to resist. Blitzwing was part of a team who captured Bumblebee, Ultra Magnus, Ironhide and Hot Rod in Ultrix. Transformation Put in charge of an armored division, Blitzwing and his subordinates were ordered by Megatron to contain the Autobot forces until he unleashed his little "surprise": the vamparc annihilator. The plan failed and Blitzwing presumably retreated with the rest of the Decepticons after the battle. Endgame

Following Megatron's defeat, Scorponok took control of the Decepticons and led Blitzwing and several other fliers on an attack on the Toraxxis mega-refinery. Faces of Darkness He used his tank mode to blast his way into the building, allowing Scorponok to give chase to the Dynobots. Rage Shortly after the destruction of the refinery, Blitzwing witnessed Scorponok kill a fellow Decepticon for daring to compare him to Megatron. Fallout Scorponok later sent his Decepticons to attack Starsreach Spaceport, where Blitzwing was unfortunate enough to run into a raging Grimlock and get his arm ripped off. Massacre Unable to beat the monstrous berserker, the frightened Decepticons retreated aboard Astrotrain. Unleashed Megatron later returned and led the Decepticons, including Blitzwing, in an assault on Iacon. Primacy #4

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Some 500,000 years ago, Blitzwing served under Bludgeon as part of a team sent to find the lost Titan, Metroplex. On the two-hundred-and-thirty-eighth day of this grueling campaign, Blitzwing and his colleagues destroyed a Nibarian outpost because they believed it was between them and their quarry. A hunch from Thundercracker led them further to a planet inhabited by Urtuskians. As Blitzwing and the other Decepticons started obliterating the primitive outpost, believing Metroplex was underneath (and also because it was fun), their team was caught up to by a team of Autobots who had been trailing them. Blitzwing and the other the Decepticons retreated without accomplishing their goal and with Blitzwing less than happy with Thundercracker's performance as a Seeker. The Hunting Party


In the mid-19th century, Blitzwing and Astrotrain joined Starscream's unit when the treacherous Air Commander entered into an alliance with Vekktral, an ambitious Dire Wraith sorcerer to steal an energon synthesizer that belonged to the Cybertronian Space Knight Stardrive. Shining Armor #2 Using Astrotrain as a Trojan horse to smuggle a complement of Dire Wraiths aboard the Solstar space station Orchid Crossing, the Decepticons arrived in force after the Wraiths dropped their cover and went on the offensive. Shining Armor #1 The Decepticons were tailed by Ultra Magnus, Bumblebee, and Sky Blast; as the Autobots joined the fight, one of the Dire Wraiths attempted to merge with Sky Blast and created an insane, unpredictable monster who threatened to tear apart the installation. The Decepticons bailed out of the burning station as it entered the atmosphere of Xetaxxis, an icy and inhospitable world. Shining Armor #2

Blitzwing and the other Decepticons caught up with the Sky Blast-monster as it ravaged a Xetaxxian village and eventually burned itself to cinders; an excited Vekktral was eager to retry the experiment, but the Decepticons weren't so keen. Instead, the airborne Decepticons minus Astrotrain flew ahead to the wreckage of Orchid Crossing to recover the energon synthesizer, but wound up dogfighting with Stardrive, Rom, and Livia. Shining Armor #3 They retreated in time for Bumblebee and Sata to arrive, tailed by Ultra Magnus... who had been forcibly assimilated by Vekktral to create a more stable hybrid. Hoping to further advance the evolution of his race, the Wraith promptly backstabbed his Decepticon allies of convenience and began trying to infect them as well. Shining Armor #4 The Decepticons briefly accepted the assistance of the Autobots to help blast the alien parasites — with Blitzwing helping to rescue his friend and punching bag Astrotrain from the creatures. Ultimately, the Decepticons decided to abandon the planet and retreat, but not before Starscream detonated his erstwhile prize to keep the synthesizer out of Autobot hands. Shining Armor #5

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In the modern day, Blitzwing was part of a Decepticon infiltration unit that had operated covertly on Earth for at least four years, working to destabilize Earth's governing organizations and create global anarchy. He was assigned along with Skywarp to destroy all traces of the Nebraska operation, including Megatron. Infiltration #2 Infiltration #3 Thus he was guarding the abandoned bunker when Bumblebee, Ratchet, and their human companions came to investigate it. Ratchet attempted to down him, but Blitzwing fired a direct shot from his tank mode and then ran the doc right over. Infiltration #4 Unfortunately, he and Skywarp were interrupted in their bombing when Megatron, both obviously unhurt and seriously pissed, erupted from the rubble. Blitzwing, giving up on apologies, tried to actually fight "the Big Meg". This didn't end well. Infiltration #5

Apparently, Megatron forgave Blitzwing for the attempted coup (after nearly destroying him in Nebraska), as he helped Megatron in his plot in the country of Latveria. He was one of the many Decepticons to be supercharged with energy siphoned from Spider-Man as part of the Decepticons' "Mirror response mode." Man and Machine, Part Two He then helped defend Megatron's installation in Latveria from the combined forces of the Avengers and the Autobots, but was felled by Iron Man. Man and Machine, Part Three When Earth's heroes managed to destroy the "Psycho-prism" integral to Megatron's scheme, the Decepticon leader recognized that their mission no longer served its purpose. Megatron warped Blitzwing and his other troops away before retreating himself afterwards. Man and Machine, Part Four

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Later, he was seen working alongside the Decepticon leader in their Russian operation a few weeks after the failed coup, his tank form playing a key role in the plot. Escalation #1 He showed the power to cloak himself and had a chance to take out Optimus, Spotlight: Ramjet Escalation #3 but was blasted to bits by Optimus Prime's Roller drone. Escalation #4

He and the other Decepticons crapped themselves when Sixshot was called in and realized Megatron was losing it, but didn't dare tell him that — and so went with Astrotrain's plan to bring back Starscream to do it for them. Devastation #1 Devastation #2 When the Reapers attacked, Blitzwing gave Megatron a very lame report on what was going on and tried to cover for an absent Astrotrain, Devastation #4 Devastation #5 before joining the fight against the aliens. With Megatron now knowing they'd plotted behind his back, Blitzwing still optimistically tried to say "well, it all worked out, eh guys?" and might have been killed by Megatron if Starscream hadn't pointed out that Earth was now aware of them. Devastation #6

When the Decepticons defeated the Autobots on Earth and planned to feed them to the Swarm on Cybertron, Optimus Prime punched Blitzwing and stole his gun, which allowed him to seal the space bridge before the other Decepticons could follow. All Hail Megatron #7

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One year later, Blitzwing participated in the massive Decepticon attack on New York City, joining the other flying Decepticons in repelling an attack by human fighter jets. All Hail Megatron #1 They then blew up the Brooklyn Bridge to prevent any humans from escaping. All Hail Megatron #2 Blitzwing was one of many Decepticons to listen to Megatron's speech about conquest. All Hail Megatron #4 Blitzwing later approached Megatron in Israel, worried about his leader going off on his own without any Mini-Cassettes to disrupt human missiles. Megatron replied that he needed some time alone, and that human weaponry was of no concern to him. All Hail Megatron #6 As the Decepticons returned to New York, Blitzwing witnessed Starscream incite a minor rebellion against Megatron. All Hail Megatron #10 He then fought back against European jets and the Autobots who had returned from Cybertron onboard Omega Supreme. All Hail Megatron #11 The Decepticon forces were defeated, All Hail Megatron #12 and Blitzwing and the others fled into space on Astrotrain. Uneasy Lies the Head

It took three years, but Megatron was eventually repaired from the injuries he had sustained in New York, only to be very disappointed by the awful shape Blitzwing and the other Decepticons were in. Spotlight: Megatron Under his command, the Decepticons returned to Earth and attacked a Skywatch base in order to free their captured comrades. Blitzwing participated in the attack, and hauled Scrapper's body out of the wrecked base. The Demolished Man He was later among the Decepticons who were eager to watch another duel between Optimus Prime and Megatron, only to be caught in the blast when Prime dropped an entire satellite on his long-time enemy. Enemy Mine

Man, Random Blitzwing just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Megatron would later use space bridge technology built into in his new body to summon Blitzwing and the rest of the Decepticons on Earth to him on Cybertron. The Question At first they did battle with the Autobots, but were soon mind-controlled by Galvatron into combining with his Sweep army and forming a huge monster. Kings

After the beast was defeated, the weakened Decepticons were rounded up and imprisoned by the Autobots. They were briefly released to help the Autobots beat down a NAIL riot, though with I/D chips planted in their heads to keep them from being too brutal. Blitzwing was still pretty brutal. The Death of Optimus Prime

Blitzwing and Astrotrain supported Shockwave's attempts to restart the war with the Autobots, but their plan was nipped in the bud when Starscream and Prowl had Arcee defeat the rebellious Decepticons and kidnap their leaders. The End of the Beginning of the World However, Prowl turned out to be under the control of a returning Megatron, so instead of getting captured the Decepticons were upgraded and allowed to rejoin their old leader. Together with Astrotrain, Blitzwing went on to capture a group of Autobots sent to investigate Prowl's recent actions and bring them to the Black Room where Megatron was waiting. The Verge Before the Dawn He stood by Megatron's side as the Decepticons made their move to conquer Cybertron, but got a little panicky when their trump card, Devastator, fell. Plan for Everything After battle ended with a Decepticon defeat, Starscream took control of Iacon and banished all Autobots and Decepticons who wouldn't renounce their factions, including Blitzwing. Heavy Is the Head

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Shortly after being banished out into the Cybertronian wilderness, Blitzwing could only watch in horror as Ravage started succumbing to the effects of Chief Justice Tyrest's universal killswitch. Arm the Lonely He and his pal Astrotrain were all too eager to take their anger out on Starscream and all of Iacon. But when Soundwave nixed the idea and tried to take command, Blitzwing and Astrotrain tried beating him to pulp, even threatening to exile him to Junkion. But Needlenose broke up the fight before it got too serious. Shockpoint Later, Blitzwing was one of the Decepticons waiting for Soundwave to return from the Crystal City, demanding to know if Shockwave had been stopped. But he soon got an answer to his own question when he saw an ominous "sunrise" off in the direction Soundwave was coming from. He and the rest of Cons rallied behind Soundwave as he led them against Shockwave. Soundwaves

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By the time they arrived, the Autobots and a Necrotitan were already at the site waiting for them. Black Metal They engaged the Autobots in battle, but the fight was interrupted when the Titan unleashed a deadly energy wave that injured combatants on both sides, including, to Blitzwing's horror, Astrotrain. Winners & Losers Autobots and Decepticons subsequently joined forces with the Autobots against Shockwave, with Blitzwing teaming up with Arcee for the course of the battle. Finest Hour Blitzwing later participated in the futile attack by the combined Autobot/Decepticon forces on the Necrotitan. Burning Bright Finis Temporis After the Necrotitan was felled, Blitzwing witnessed the triumphant return of the Autobots alongside his wounded comrades, then hung out with a bunch of other dudes from various factions at Swerve's, singing to a tune, all enmities temporarily forgotten. The Becoming The peace was interrupted by an army of Ammonites invading Cybertron, and Blitzwing once again fought alongside the Autobots to defend the planet. Black Planet ...And the Damage Done

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Blitzwing was among the loyal Decepticons who fell under Galvatron's command and returned to Earth. Full Fathom Five Allying with Earth Defense Command, the group aided them in confronting Optimus Prime's team Hello Cruel World and was therefore involved in pursuing the Autobots to the town of Poverty Flat. Detonation Boulevard There Blitzwing led an ineffective air strike on Devastator, who was now on the Autobots' side, until the EDC deemed the mission a failure and had the 'cons teleported away. The Mind Bomb The Decepticons attacked the Autobots again at the EDC's Marshall Islands base, but were defeated when their ship was shot down, leaving Blitzwing to pull Astrotrain out of the wreckage. I Dream of Wires

Blitzwing was playing cards with Soundwave's cassettes on the Nemesis, repurposed as an underwater base, when Galvatron approached them with a new mission. Signals, Calls, and Marches The Decepticons traveled to Tokyo where they captured Spike Witwicky, Vs. causing them to come into a face-punching conflict with the Autobot-allied Constructicons. ONoffON After forming an alliance with Arcee, the Decepticons again took on Prowl-Devastator in an attempt to prevent him from getting his hands on the Enigma of Combination, but Blitzwing and the others failed to deal much damage to the giant. The Obliterati

As the Decepticons made plans to attack the Autobots' neutralized Ark-7 for its space bridge, Blitzwing was confused by Galvatron remarking that they had to seize it before the Autobots blew their own ship up, as he thought that their new leader was making headway on getting Arcee on their side and didn't think she'd commit suicide. However, things clicked together when Galvatron explained that the Autobots would likely set the ship to explode and escape from their imprisonment through the space bridge to get reinforcements. Aphelion

Soon after, Blitzwing and the Decepticon elite were summoned to Shanghai, China by Galvatron, as the Decepticon invasion of Earth was to begin. Perihelion He participated in the battle against Optimus Prime and his Autobots, who were intent on annexing Earth into the Cybertronian Council of Worlds, and was one of the few Decepticons who withstood the detonation of a debilitating mindbomb. Once Upon a Time on Earth

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When Optimus Prime and his team of Autobots led an attack on Galvatron's base of operations in the Indian Ocean, Blitzwing was one of the Decepticons who scrambled to defend the Nemesis from the Autobots, accompanied by three of Blackrock's combining Seeker clones. The Decepticons and Autobots were evenly matched... until Galvatron deployed his newest weapon: the energies of the Enigma of Combination, amplified through the Onyx code to create a planet-sized Enigma capable of forcing Transformers together into new combiners. Blitzwing found himself mashed together with several other Decepticons to form Galvatronus, who punched out Victorion and battled Superion beside Sky Reign. It's Beginning To And Back Again

This didn't last long, however, as Superion found a way to bypass the Enigma's source code and circumvent its energies. The two combiners were forced apart, and Blitzwing was left unconscious by the shock of involuntary de-combination. As Above...So Below

After being apprehended by the combined Autobot and Decepticon force in the wake of Galvatron's defeat, Blitzwing attempted to break free from his captors but was taken down by a stungun in the hands of Kup, knocking him out. White Light When the Earth Defense Command launched an attack on the Autobots, Blitzwing took advantage of the confusion to try and make another run for it. He only got so far before he was impaled by Talon's aircraft. Talon flew the wounded Decepticon to Governor's Island on the orders of Joe Colton. White Heat

A few months later, Joe Colton delivered the mangled Blitzwing to his old associate Miles Mayhem in response to a planetary crisis sparked by Ore-13. Hoping to use Blitzwing's biology to devise a weapon capable of disrupting the activities of the Autobots on Earth, Mayhem continued to vivisect the Triple-Changer, and integrated some of his discoveries into the experimental Mobile Armored Strike Kommand fleet. Secret Raiders The mutilated Decepticon was still imprisoned in the G.I. Joe facility as Mayhem discussed the M.A.S.K. project with Scarlett, his pleas for death ignored by all. The Divine Source of Liberty Blitzwing later found some strength to resist when he assumed Mayhem was interrogating him, but instead he demonstrated that the Talisman produced energy particularly virulent against Cybertronian life. First Strike #0

Spotlight: Mirage

Blitzwing accompanied Starscream's small strike team to the Pegasus Star Cluster, hunting down the last pockets of Autobot resistance. Blitzwing and Astrotrain both attacked Optimus Prime after the mercenary Mirage destroyed the Autobot bunker's security system, allowing the Decepticons in, but was swiftly defeated by Hound. He held Optimus Prime back when Mirage prepared to carry out Megatron's order to kill the Autobot prisoners.

But it was all Mirage's dream... or was it? Spotlight: Mirage

Hearts of Steel


Blitzwing was one of the many Decepticons under Starscream's command during Earth's industrial revolution. He acted as guard for the Decepticon's base of operations. Hearts of Steel #2

With his fellow Decepticons, Blitzwing fell under the thrall of an Elder God in 1888. As part of the Elder God's forces, Blitzwing, with the other Decepticons, defended Port Cenotaph from intruders. Infestation 2: The Transformers #1 He soon defended the town against an international fleet, but was shot down. Infestation 2: The Transformers #2

"Strange Visitors" established that events identical to those of Hearts of Steel and Infestation 2 occurred in the 2005 IDW continuity; however, they happened to Maximal explorers brainwashed by Shockwave into believing they were the Autobots and Decepticons of the Great War.

Mini Mayhem!

The Autoscout zoomed past Blitzwing on its way to deliver a love-letter to Blackarachnia. Mini Mayhem!

Robot Heroes

Blitzwing was one of the Decepticons who traveled to Earth with Megatron, and was all too eager to fight the Autobots. When the two groups met, Blitzwing decided to teach Bumblebee a lesson, only to be driven off alongside his comrades. I Am Optimus Prime

Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

Blitzwing was one of the many Decepticons who pursued the AllSpark to Earth. He participated in an enormous battle against the Autobots in a human settlement. The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

Generations toy bio

Generations boxart Blitzwing.jpg

Blitzwing's mind split into three personalities—an "ice cold" strategist supreme, an idiot hothead, and a random, bizarre personality who thought he was funny but was a danger to friend and foe alike. While a poor soldier, Megatron saw him as a useful tool. Generations Blitzwing toy bio

Kre-O online manga


Blitzwing was part of a massive Decepticon invasion force intended to ruin the Autobots' picnic. However, Optimus Prime plowed through them with his truck and left them scattered... and then left. Returning to the scene after.. ahem, taking care of some pressing business, Optimus gathered up the still-wiped-out Kreons, bound them up on a flatbed trailer, and took them to the picnic. Emergency! Hurry to the Base, Optimus!

Beast Wars: Uprising

Overshoot referred to the Overcharges as Blitzwing's "processor-fragged little brothers". Burning Bridges

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #15 (flashback); #25 (modern era)

Blitzwing had been a member of Cybertron's armed forces since the days of the Age of Expansion. During this prosperous era, he fought alongside Dai Atlas and others against the rogue combiner known as Abominus. Escape Part Three During the War of the Threefold Spark, Blitzwing served under Strika, and eventually became a member of her elite artillery unit. He confronted Exarchon himself once, outside the ruins of Yuss. The Change In Your Nature Part Three By the era of the Nominus Edict, Blitzwing was widely regarded as the greatest Triple Changer on Cybertron. Titans

At some point after Megatron rose to become leader of the Ascenticon party, Strika joined his increasingly militant party; once Megatron had overthrown the government and captured the Senate in Iacon, she brought with her a number of her supporters to become the backbone of the "New Heavies", alongside Heavywait, Clench, Snaptrap, and Apeface. During an Autobot raid on the buillding, Blitzwing and Apeface ambushed Ironhide's Senate Guard and wound up blowing Roulette to bits. Prime Strika's Heavies next assembled to attack the Autobots located at the Forge Pyramid. Blitzwing needled Apeface about his inferior triple-changing, and received a mild shot in the back during the operation for his insults. Titans Later, Blitzwing suffered Megatron's ire when he realized Optimus Prime and the Autobots had escaped from Iacon entirely. We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness


As Megatron tightened his grip on Cybertron, Blitzwing was part of a unit who fought the Autobots in Protihex. Test Flight I

Blitzwing and the other Heavies assembled for Strika to lead the invasion of the Autobot's stronghold at Crystal City. Blitzwing's unit broke through the outer fortifications to reach the city's inner defenses. Even the Heavies paused, however, when the Titan Lodestar made planetfall right on their position. A Dust of Crystals Strika was not intimidated after seeing the dilapidated state of the Titan, and the combiner Computron she released was a surmountable problem. At her command, Blitzwing spurred Apeface and the other Heavies into action. Computron did not go down easily, however, and much of the Decepticon army fled at first sight of Lodestar. With the tide of the battle turned, Strika and Blitzwing reluctantly agreed to talks with Optimus Prime. The Landscape of Fear

Peace did not last, and Blitzwing assembled with the full force of the Decepticon army to meet the Autobots at Darkmount. End of Time The battle was fierce, but Computron sacrificed itself to hold back the Decepticons long enough for Optimus Prime and the Autobots to escape Cybertron aboard the last Ark. Fate of Cybertron

Transformers/Back to the Future


After the Decepticons had conquered Hill Valley, Blitzwing oversaw the human slaves enter the transport that took them to manufacture energon cubes. Transformers/Back to the Future #1

Commercial appearances

Blitzwing and Astrotrain had the Autobots Powerglide and Warpath pinned down, until Broadside and Sandstorm arrived to turn the tide of battle. Though the Decepticon triple-changers attempted to flee, their Autobot counterparts were able to keep pace by rapidly shifting through all three of their modes. Sandstorm, Broadside, and Octane commercial


Transformers: Mystery of Convoy

  • Stages: 1, 2
  • Point value: 300 (tank mode) / 300 (robot mode)

Innumerable copies of Blitzwing are part of the Decepticon forces that menace Ultra Magnus on his journey.

They trundle forward slowly in tank mode, their low profiles making it hard for Magnus to hit them while in robot mode. Bizarrely, despite those big honking cannons they got, they don't fire at all. Magnus's vehicle-mode low arcing missile shot can nail tank-mode Blitzwings, forcing them into robot mode. A second shot from the missile is needed to finally destroy them in robot mode, as they are just short enough to slip under Magnus's robot-mode blaster.

Or they can just be jumped over easily because the effort isn't worth it and something else will likely kill you while you're dinking around with a Blitzwing.

They appear in the Wasteland Zone, as well as the Temple Ruins where they can actually climb up the walls in tank mode. Freaky! Transformers: Mystery of Convoy

Blitzwings use the same robot-mode sprites as the Jetron enemies.

The Transformers (PS2)

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It's triplechanging Blitzwing! With the ability to transform into a tank or a fighter jet, Blitzwing brings a special brand of Decepticon to every battle he joins!

—The narrator, "The Transformers (G1 PS2)"

Voice actor: Alex Easley

In the Autobot story, Blitzwing appears to have been placed in charge of the Jaad wind power plant. When Optiumus Prime's squad team made it to the main station of the power plant, Blitzwing approached them in his tank form, expressing mock surprise that the Autobots managed to make it. He transformed to robot form, commenting how worthless his troops were, letting the Autobots reach the main station so easily. Blitzwing then announced that it didn't matter, because he was going to burn up the Autobots. However, Blitzwing failed to live up to his threat and was defeated by the Autobot squad team. Expressing disbelief that he was defeated, he decided to high-tail it out of there, transforming to jet mode and flying away. The Autobots faced Blitzwing once again inside the Monogan Hydroelectric Power Station and yet again at the Karzite mine. They managed to defeat the triple changer along with his troops on both occasions.

During the Decepticon storyline, Blitzwing was a member of a team that Megatron sent to investigate a mysterious UFO that was spotted in the area of Zel Samine. Something caused the team to lose contact with the main Decepticon forces, and they found out that they could not leave the planet, as Zel's sun, Paradius, emitted electromagnetic rays that was harmful to them. Unable to contact Megatron and with no way to leave the planet safely, Blitzwing and the others scattered across Zel.

The Decepticon forces went to Zel in order to investigate, and Blitzwing found them just when they were leaving the geothermal power plant. Expressing relief on how the Decepticons finally arrived, Blitzwing drove up to them in tank mode and transformed to robot mode. He complained about how late the Decepticons were and voiced his thoughts on how they were going to leave him behind to clean up all the pieces of the Autobots the Decepticons had defeated. Megatron briefly thought that he would have to bolt Blitzwing's mouth shut, but ultimately decided that he could use the triple changer and let him join his forces. What was Blitzwing's response? "Yes sir, Lord Megatron!" The Transformers

3D Battle-Card Game

Blitzwing served under Megatron as one of his Decepticon soldiers, battling Optimus Primal's many Autobot allies in what might possibly have been an inter-universe battle. 3D Battle-Card Game

Construct-Bots Builder

The components necessary for building "Construct-Bot" Blitzwing were accessible within the Cybertron construction zone. Despite it being against protocol, you could mix his parts with those of Autobots! (gasp!) Construct-Bots Builder

Transformers Legends

Blitzwing, Ruckus, and Straxus were on a mission to retrieve the MacGuffin Generator from a human military base when their destructive raid wave interrupted by a group of Autobots. The fight came to a stalemate at first, then the Decepticons managed to acquire the generator. Though Blitzwing and his allies were at first supercharged by the device, the MacgGuffin generator poroved to be more volatile than they expected. It exploded, sending the Decepticons flying off into the distance. Raiding Party When he discovered the Quintessons were planning to betray the Decepticons, Blitzwing was forced to switch sides in an attempt to thwart the Quintesson plan. After the plan failed, Blitzwing prevented Galvatron from attacking Rodimus Prime. Five Faces of Darkness: Part 3

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Blitzwing participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Super Rare character who could be recruited after collecting 250 units of Cybermetal, 75 units of Transmetal, 50 hunter cores, and 5 cores of this character. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Devastation

Voice actor: Dave Boat

Blitzwing appeared when the Autobots tried crossing Liberty Bridge to reach the island where the Plasma Core landed, attacking them as they crossed the bridge. At first, the Autobots fended him off while he alternated between tank and jet modes, and they themselves remained in their vehicle modes. Once defeated on the bridge, Blitzwing attacked again on the island itself, this time using his robot mode more often. He appeared once more later, stalling the Autobots while Megatron and the Constructicons worked on patching the Core. Blitzwing possessed control over both fire and ice elemental abilities during his battles with the Autobots. Transformers: Devastation

Blitzwing is the only Decepticon who appears as a Chapter final boss who doesn't have an unlockable character-specific weapon, as Starscream's Null Rays are unlocked on that chapter instead.

Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers: Earth Wars

You're the military strategist? Well we're already screwed!
  • Class: Triple Changer
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 star
  • Abilities: As a triple changer, Blitzwing has two abilities available to him.
    • Flamestrike: Set the target on fire dealing 109 damage over 8 seconds. Follow with Plasma Shroud: re-ignite the target dealing 169 damage over 6 seconds.
    • Plasma Shroud: Ionized plasma lowers enemy damage by 50% for 7 seconds. Follow with Flamestrike: trigger a plasma burst dealing 121 damage in a big area.

Blitzwing at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive


Blitzwing is commander of the twenty-third Decepticon base besieged by Autobots. He will attempt to stop the Autobot invaders but is eventually defeated. Players encounter Blitzwing once they reach 468,000,000 points. Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive

Transformers: Heavy Metal

Blitzwing was one of the Decepticons under Starscream's command during an invasion of Earth. He could be found defending the Decepticons' mining efforts. Transformers: Heavy Metal

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Blitzwing was a brutal triple-changer. Despite his skills on the battlefield, he was so unpleasant to be around that even his fellow Decepticons were reluctant to come to his aid. Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook

Following Megatron's disappearance, Blitzwing invited any surviving Decepticons to a ceremony on a small colony on the outer rim of the galaxy where they would memorialize their leader. However, Unicron's attack on Cybertron and his subsequent destruction meant that many Decepticons fled to this planet; over time, it grew to become New Kaon, a new Decepticon homeworld modelled after the slums of old Cybertron. Decepticon Directive


Main article: Blitzwing (G1)/toys



The War Without?
  • The earliest Diaclone catalog artwork to show the "Jet Fighter Type" Triplechanger depicted it with a less humanoid-looking face; this art took its cues from an unused, pre-production design for the toy's head. Images of both were featured in the booklet included with Japan's "Megatron LaserDisc" set in 1995.
  • Blitzwing's Tech Spec bio has a probable typographical error on it which gives him the function of "Ground and Air Commander" at a rank of six. The actual function, which appears in other merchandise (such as the Action Cards) is "Ground and Air Commando".
  • Like the majority of new season 2 characters, Blitzwing's character model was designed with only a front-facing image of his toy for reference, requiring the designers to invent a rear-view design from virtually whole cloth. Blitzwing's rear-view model misinterprets how many details visible from the front are supposed to work: instead of the tank turret that is supposed to rest on his back, he instead has a sort of "jetpack" which incorporates both his jet-mode engines (which are actually supposed to be his feet) and his wings (which are supposed to be part of his shoulders). His tank barrel does not even protrude from this backpack, but is instead shifted to emerge from the back of his head.
    • Additionally, the character model for his tank mode was evidently based on a mis-transformed toy, as it orients the entire body of the tank backwards, with his jet cockpit being at the front, visible below the tank's barrel, instead of at the back. The character model for his jet mode was also evidently based on a mis-transformed toy, as its missing the horizontal stabilizers—granted, most people seem to not know that the toy has these as most unofficial toy photography images that come up in a quick Google Images search don't have them flipped out either.
  • In the episode "Cosmic Rust" several of the Stunticons fit inside of Blitzwing in his jet mode in a similar way to how Decepticons usually go inside of Astrotrain in his shuttle mode. It would seem as though Blitzwing can mass shift to make his flying alternate mode large enough to fit other Decepticons the way that fellow Triple Changer Astrotrain often does.
  • In the original script for Five Faces of Darkness, after Blitzwing's banishment, Rodimus extended his offer to Blitzwing a second time, and in this instance, he did not accept, but did not refuse either, saying that he would think about it. The later episode, "Starscream's Ghost" was originally written to feature Blitzwing, but was later re-written to be about the newest Decepticon Triple Changer, Octane, although there is no explanation offered for why Octane is friendly with the Autobots. It would seem that this would have originally been Blitzwing following up on Rodimus's offer. Blitzwing would reappear briefly in several crowd scenes, such as "Fight or Flee" and "The Ultimate Weapon", likely as the result of carelessness in production.
  • A Cybertronian battle scene from TV Magazine (reprinted in Transformers Generations) appears to depict (one of?) Blitzwing's original alt mode(s) as a double-barreled tank—a good decade and a half before he received a Cybertronian makeover in The War Within.
  • The season 3 title sequence features a large row of tanks that look suspiciously identical to Blitzwing. Any significance to this is unknown (though none likely exists, owing to generic model reuse), but the oddity was later rationalized with the drone model Overcharge. Legends Bonus Edition Vol. 59 would ultimately explain Blitzwing's connection to the Overcharges.
  • Blitzwing was a character whom John Barber and James Roberts both wanted at the outset of their books.[1]
  • According to Hasbro Heroes Sourcebook #1, Blitzwing is 30 feet tall and weighs 12 tons.[2]

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Blitzwing (ブリッツウイング Burittsuuingu)
  • French: Le Blitz (Canada, "The Blitz")
  • Hungarian: Villámszárny ("Lightning Wing")
  • Italian: Triplex Due ("Triplex Two")
  • Mandarin: Shǎndiànyì (Taiwan, 閃電翼, "Blitz Wing" or "Lightning Wing"), Shǎndìan (China, 闪电, "Blitz" or "Lightning")
  • Russian: Razryad (Разряд, "Discharge")
  • Polish: Niszczyciel (TM Semic Comic, "Destroyer")


  1. Tweet by James Roberts (@jroberts332), 15 April 2018
  2. For reference, this equals 9.1 metres and 10.9 metric tonnes.
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