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Ah, so this is how we should tag freight buses/godsbuss (The bus of gods)
Well, you can always try to translate it to Polish, but I don`t know how that would be. When I worked on an article on English Wikipedia ( ) almost four years ago, I came across information that they actually had this type of bus in North America too, introduced in the 1940s and 50s, and that they were called "bruck", combining the words "bus" and "truck". So why not just use it, as it is a short, yet describing word. To use any of the Nordic languages for the tags wouldn`t work, since they are named totally different in the different languages. (The word "godsbuss" simply doens`t exist in Norwegian, except as an influence from Swedish in recent years. We only use "kombibuss" or the non-shortened "kombinertbuss".)
Good to know so it will get same "search tag" everywhere. Godsbussar are not very common in Sweden today, so only "godsbuss" would not be a good idea..