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NameSetra S315 HD
Manufacturer NameSetra
BodySetra S3xx HD
Design of doors1-1-0
No. of axles2
No. of modules1
List Of Vehicles
No. Name VIN Built Scrapped Year Of Buy Withdrawn Registration Numbers Vehicle Numbers

Setra S315 HDWKK31500001030158 199220052006RKL W707 (2005-2006)
WWL 09L4 (2006-2014)
АА 2273 МТ (2014-2015)
ВЕ 8630 АА (2015-2019)
АА 2542 ХН (2019-2021)
AX 3040 KA (2021-)
Show Photos and History Of Vehicle (1/0)

Setra S315 HDWKK31500001030311 199420062006CC 672 NX (1994-2006)
OKR 44CX (2006-2008)
LJA 75AE (2006-2006)
RMI 06111 (2008-2009)
PP-315CC (2009-2013)
KE-882IV (2013-)
Show Photos and History Of Vehicle (0/0)




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